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Messages - thedefalcos

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TalkBack / Re: Wii U Logo for E3 2012 Confirms the Name Is Final
« on: May 28, 2012, 11:53:41 PM »
@insano:  I forgot about Microsoft's Nexus.

@blacknmild:  Holy shnikes!  Somebody actually made that connection before?  Actually, it does show that people think it's a cool name.

TalkBack / Re: Wii U Logo for E3 2012 Confirms the Name Is Final
« on: May 28, 2012, 05:55:23 PM »
My pick for a name would be: Nexus.  It means "connection" so it has that meta connection that they want us to make, but sounds so much better! Nintendo Nexus rolls off the tongue nicely.

I predict that Nintendo will not win over the hardcore in the first two years, maybe not ever. Those people do NOT want to be associated with Nintendo any more. Hell, I would have been that way if I had not had kids when I did. All of a sudden, I cared about having a family-friendly console. So, appeasing those kinds of gamers is pointless.

TalkBack / Re: Wii U Logo for E3 2012 Confirms the Name Is Final
« on: May 28, 2012, 05:50:36 PM »
On the other hand, historically, the consoles with the best names were poorest selling (except Genesis). Think Jaguar, Saturn, Dreamcast, Game Gear, Lynx, Odessey.  They may have done decent business, but they were crushed by their poor-sounding console name competition. The 2600? What they hell does that mean? The Nintendo Entertainment System? That's a mouthful. Xbox was a cool name, but didn't sell as well as the others. But the XBOX 360? That's a stupid name. It does not roll off the tongue smoothly no matter how you say it.

So, it will have to come down to the quality of the console, NOT a marketable name. I'm getting it because I only have a Wii and since it plays all the Wii stuff and is compatible with the old controllers. It also has the awesome idea of playing a console game where ever you want in the house, so I no longer have to unhook the console and tote into another room. I can be in the same room as my family and still choose my medium of entertainment!  That alone sold the WiiU for me.

TalkBack / Re: Wii U Logo for E3 2012 Confirms the Name Is Final
« on: May 28, 2012, 05:37:36 PM »
For some reason the name reminds of the scene in Bowfinger when Eddie Murphy reads the last line of the latest screenplay pitched to him. The line is, "Have a nice fall, Cliff." and he's supposed to push the bad guy off a cliff. And his name is "Cliff". Get it? Murphy's response, "Cliff? Arnold gets "Asta la vista, baby" and I get Cliff? That means the audience has to think. It's too cerebral! We're trying to make a movie here, not a film!"
That's how I feel with the Wii U name. They want people to think that it's a system for parties and single players. But, it's too meta.  Honestly, the Wii was passable as a name because in English "Wii and We" have the same meaning. It was still meta, but phonetically, it still work. Someone else mentioned the Wii name must have been horrible for the French. Probably, but probably not. It's probably just as passable as a name.
But Wii U? That doesn't mean anything in English. It sounds like an ambulance siren. All the other game consoles had names that were based on, you know, the English language. This is why I think EVERYONE universally agrees that this is a BAD name.

TalkBack / Re: Metroid: Other M Review
« on: May 24, 2012, 12:30:43 PM »
"When i completed the game i didnt bother doing the second ending. The difficulty then reached the point that standing still while they bounce around and hack'n'slash at you freely made me eject the disc and never touch it again."
I almost did that, too. Until I realized that you didn't have to shoot them! You had to shoot something behind them. A door I believe. It's too bad you didn't figure that out because the second ending boss is actually a lot of fun. Reminded me of my experience playing Dead Space: Extraction' last boss.

TalkBack / Re: Ubisoft Has Seven Wii U Games in the Works
« on: May 16, 2012, 09:55:32 PM »
TJ:  Yep, that's being nitpicky. Who calls it "Tom Clancy's"?  All Clancy does anymore is say, "Okay, put my name on it. Now give me my money!" I noticed that you didn't call him out on "Just Dance" actually being "Just Dance 4".
Maybe you're just doing it out of respect for an awesome franchise. For that, I can say I definitely understand.

TalkBack / Re: Reggie Fils-Aime Responds to Declining Wii Sales
« on: January 17, 2012, 04:50:13 PM »
Was anyone butt-hurt when SEGA stopped making consoles? No.

Actually, yes.
*raises hand*

I'd rather have a head-to-head duel between Nintendo and Sega ANYDAY over this mess of a three-console war that's been going on for the last 10-12 years. I wanted so badly for the Dreamcast to succeed, but it just didn't happen. I think more creativity and innovation was sparked when it was just Nintendo and Sega, too. Maybe it was just all of the crazy IPs that came out, but whatever. The 16 to 64-bit era of games was absolutely incredible. I'll never forget all of the memories I had with Nintendo/Sega... or even Nintendo/Sony during the 64-bit wars.

I wish we could go back to that, though. Sure would be nice to have a head-to-head battle again -- I'm sure this is what most "dude-bro" gamers think is occurring now anyway. Nintendo doesn't really matter in their minds, as it's mainly Sony vs. Microsoft for them.

But anyway, yes, I was hurt when Sega decided to stop making consoles. Dreamcast was awesome... and Microsoft is NOT a good replacement for them.

So, did you buy a Sega CD?  A Saturn? the 32X?  That's what needed to happen for the Dreamcast to survive. Sega had no money and were in debt when the DC came out. That and some bad management missteps caused them to pull the plug on it too soon. But, if you didn't buy those other ones, you shouldn't feel so bad when Sega stopped making systems. And, if you didn't buy them, it would also prove my point. That your loyalty to a brand goes only so far as the last good product they produced. 

I loved the Genesis, but I am no fanboy. Those other systems stunk it up in my opinion. So I went the PS1 and later, the XBOX route. N64 was awesome but I was a broke bloke and couldn't afford it and the Gamecube had almost nothing on it that I wanted to play that wasn't already on the xbox, which had exclusives I DID want to play. I didn't get all bent out of shape about it, though. I just didn't buy it.

TalkBack / Re: Reggie Fils-Aime Responds to Declining Wii Sales
« on: January 17, 2012, 04:26:09 PM »

Don't forget they could also just play the unopened Wii games on their backlog.  Or the Wii gems they skipped because it came out at the same time as God of Assassins' Duty: World at Warcraft.

You know what really bugs me about that?  I am a middle and high school teacher and I hear waaaay too often that the Wii sucks because it doesn't have those games you mentioned.  I even heard one of them say, with agreement from others, "If it doesn't put a gun in my hand, I don't want to play it." Urgh! I even had one student sell his copy of Skyward Sword he got for Christmas (before he even opened it) for a pair a freakin' sunglasses. Didn't even care to know if the game was fun or not. And they're a bunch of hypocrites, too. Most of the time they will play Wii sports up at the school all the while loudly proclaiming that they never play the Wii. It's an image thing or something.

Unfortunately, most of the people who read this forum have already played the Wii backlog and everyone else wouldn't dare be caught reading something with Nintendo on it.  Remember when it was COOL to play a variety of games on a system no matter what genre it was? The same guys I hung out with as a kid would play Contra and Double Dragon with me one day and then the next day could sit for a spell and take turns playing Tecmo Bowl, Castlevania, or Dragon Warrior. It was all the same to us because it was ALL FUN.

TalkBack / Re: Reggie Fils-Aime Responds to Declining Wii Sales
« on: January 17, 2012, 04:15:57 PM »

Don't forget they could also just play the unopened Wii games on their backlog.  Or the Wii gems they skipped because it came out at the same time as God of Assassins' Duty: World at Warcraft.

EDIT: I hate this forum's programming bugs with a burning passion. I had to copy and paste the following paragraphs into 3 separate programs before I could get them to display even close to correctly here (the forums kept wanting to bold everything).

I suppose I would probably fall under your B category, thedefalcos.  When I begged my parents to get me a Wii for my birthday in April 2007, I truly believed in the dream of the Wii and the possibilities afforded by the Wii Remote.  I played Zack & Wiki, and I was astounded by the many different purposes you could put the Wii Remote to.  I praised this to my coworkers at work at the time, who were considering getting a Wii.

Then the years rolled on, and nothing further was really done to push the innovative uses of motion control in games, probably partially because the technology largely didn't work until Motion+.  I was frequently unsatisfied with the software library on the Wii.  With notable exceptions, I've found Nintendo's 1st party Wii releases lacking.  I won't go into the whole "core" and casual" nonsense.  I've moved on from that state of mind.  I just find the quality and quantity of their software largely lacking, as well as being notably shorter or overly-simplistic than I'd like.  Each year, fewer games that appeal to my sensibilities were released on Wii.  I got a PS3 and 360 to help me fill in those gaps, and I haven't regretted that decision since.

And that's a totally acceptable response. You bought the system early on and it failed to deliver. I agree with you to som extent. For example, I also think that it's full potential has yet to be reached. Real Time Strategies would AWESOME on the Wii, yet we haven't really seen any.  Rail shooters should have been a blast, but instead we got the two Resident Evil games and DS: Extraction which are great games, but that's it? Those and a bunch of old arcade ports? Goldeneye, Prime 3, and The Conduit showed that motion controls can bring freshness to a stale genre and what did Nintendo try to do with it? Outside of those games and the COD/MOH ports, nothing.  Red Steel 2 and Conduit 2 fell short. So, see, I am not without my complaints. But, all the great games that ARE there have kept me pretty happy.

And you bought a PS3 and have been happy with it since.  So, that leads me to think you also fall under category one.  You still have faith in Nintendo to do what? Provide all the genres and franchises you want? That's impossible to do any more. Even in the SEGA/Nintendo rivalry days you had to buy TWO consoles to get all the great franchises. You're only two options should be either buy more than one console like you did or stick with just one and not complain about getting every single game you want which is what I did.

TalkBack / Re: Reggie Fils-Aime Responds to Declining Wii Sales
« on: January 17, 2012, 04:02:59 PM »
I think of Sega, and then I turn to Nintendo and say, "please, for the love of god, stay profitable."

For the foreseeable future, you got nothing to worry about.

Yeah, I agree. It took Atari and Sega both 3 failed consoles in a row before they gave up.  Don't think Nintendo is going anywhere.

TalkBack / Re: Reggie Fils-Aime Responds to Declining Wii Sales
« on: January 16, 2012, 10:12:56 PM »
I wonder if most of the people here that are critical of Nintendo are critical of them because the Wii is the only console they own. If so, then I can see why they would complain. Heck, my only console is the Wii. So, I totally understand when there is only ONE game that is worth looking forward to for all of 2012.
However, I have a feeling that most, if not all of you, own more than one console or are into PC games. So, I am not sure why it is so important to most of you to feel like Nintendo is not doing enough.  You have PLENTY of games to play. It's either because:
a) You are an old-school gamer and can remember the days when a Nintendo was all you needed for all genres and major franchises. We'll never go back to that, so good luck wishing for it.
b) You're expectations were probably a little too high when you first bought a Wii and are now feeling buyer's remorse. This is the most understandable. However, if you bought a Wii anytime from 2008 onward then that's on you. You should have known better.
c) You are a fan of Nintendo and want to see them succeed no matter what. I find these sorts of comments a little weird. Maybe it's based on nostalgia, but other than that- it's not like they are a football team. They're a company! Was anyone butt-hurt when SEGA stopped making consoles? No. Because two of the three last consoles they produced (SEGA CD, SATURN, and to some extent DC) sucked. We showed our loyalty (or lack of) with our wallets.
d) You are an armchair business consultant and see Nintendo's decisions in the past two years as poor. Okay, fine. Maybe they were. But, hindsight is 20/20. Why don't you go back and complain that Nintendo should have went to CD based technology in the 90s? Or made the Gamecube a multimedia hub? Or even as recent as 6 years ago when the Wii should have went HD. Sony has had two HOT consoles and one semi-dud console. MS hasn't been around enough to judge.  Atari had one. Sega had one. Ninty has had THREE (arguably five) great consoles! They will make mistakes, but they are doing just fine in comparison.
It's already been said in this thread that the Rainfall games wouldn't make a dent. It is too late!  You want those games? That's understandable. You and about 500,000 people in a country of 300,000,000 want those games. Be happy you're getting one of them.
I think people need to get off of Reggie's back, go play Xenoblade when it comes out, and play the gazillion other games on the other consoles, or do like me and save up to buy the WiiU on day one!

TalkBack / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Review
« on: November 11, 2011, 08:46:22 PM »
Undoubtedly the 1up review of A for Uncharted 3 is justified though.

To me, a 10 is the goal that every game strives towards, but very few are worthy of receiving and it should be an event when it does.  I personally would probably only have ever awarded one to Chrono Trigger.  I'm not taking any specific issues with Neal's review and I'm not insinuating this is something he did, but I think in general our industry is way too eager to hand out 10s just because they want the acclaim or infamy of giving a certain game a perfect score.

This concerns me as well. I was really excited earlier today, seeing how many 10s SS was getting until I did a quick Google search for Twilight Princess and saw it got just as many. Honestly, I hated TP. I remember the reveal trailer back when it first came out and I thought the graphics were rough to say the least. It didn't keep me from buying it, but what I didn't enjoy about that game were the tacked-on motion controls (at the time people were saying how GREAT they were), the wolf segments (all of them), the big EMPTY world to (not) explore, the annoying Midna, and the linear gameplay. The only thing I liked about it were the dungeons.
I would have given it a 7 at best. And it got the SAME praise as S.S. is getting now? I am glad that you guys at NWR have thought about what a 10 for this game would mean in 5 years, if you would regret giving it or not, because it really shows you've thought this through. Plus, after actually reading through many of those reviews, my fears were somewhat calmed by WHAT they were actually praising:
1. The graphics. Unlike TP, which I feel like some people pretended they were better than they were because it was a realistic Zelda game, S.S. is truly impressive, even on a 15'' youtube 360p screen.
2. TRUE motion-controls. Now people know what Wii motion controls can do and more importantly, what they can't do, they are saying what we've all been thinking, that its full potential is finally being reached with this game.
3. A story that matters.
4. Worlds chalk-full of stuff to do.
I think this will go down in history as a true 10/10 game.  People who bash the Wii, will now have to put an asterisk next to their bashing to make room for Skyward Sword, because they know this is a great game not just regardless of the Wii, but BECAUSE of the Wii.

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