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Messages - The Doc

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Nintendo Gaming / the most disheartening crap i have read.....ever
« on: May 12, 2003, 06:35:09 PM »
I agree that what Capcom is saying does not make any sense at all and in fact, they contridicted themselves on the matter. I do not understand for the life of me why Capcom would cut back support for the console that is bringing them the most money. By the way, Dead Phoenix will not be canceled as was stated before and I am sure that more details on the "Capcom 5" will be addressed at E3.

The Doc

TalkBack / Nintendo: The Problems, The Plans and The Future
« on: May 12, 2003, 10:14:22 AM »
Do not be an idiot! First of all, Nintendo is not a "kiddy" console; they are simply sticking to their strengths and their strengths lay in their first party characters. Second, Nintendo has been working hard with third party's to bring more games to the GameCube. The deal is most third party's like the GameCube, however the fact of the matter is that most of the time those games do not sell well on the GameCube, due to a lack of advertising. Third party support is much better when it is when the console first lanched so things are starting to turn around. Third and lastly, Nintendo is starting to do more advertising and a little advertising can go a long way. Nintendo has the resources to do battle with Sony and Microsoft for many years to come. If you are just going to complain about the console then go to another forum and do it and if you do not like Nintendo or its software library then go buy a PS2 or an Xbox and stop your crying!

The Doc

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo To Make Big Announcements?
« on: May 11, 2003, 04:35:35 PM »
True. True.

The Doc

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo To Make Big Announcements?
« on: May 11, 2003, 04:01:02 PM »
I agree with you mike and Microsoft has to learn that they can not just buy any company they want. I highly doubt that Nintendo would let itself be bought out a company such as Microsoft. Nintendo will be around for a long time to come.

The Doc  

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo To Make Big Announcements?
« on: May 11, 2003, 03:45:53 PM »
Typical Microsoft! Lets just say for a minute that the rumor is true; Microsoft is not able to best Nintendo so Micosoft would do what it does best and buy up rivals so they can get what they want! The guy that posted that information ran his mouth off in the wrong place and what he said is going to anger a lot of Nintendo fans including myself. I wouldn't doubt that MS is thinking about it and it just hope and pray that it never happens. What do you guys think about that?

The Doc  

Nintendo Gaming / I got the Cube
« on: May 11, 2003, 09:24:25 AM »
Hey, congrats on picking up a GameCube. If you like fighting games then Godzilla: Destory All Monsters Melee is fun as a single player, as well as a mulitplayer game. I also highly suggest Enternal Darkness and Resident Evil as they are great mature titles for the GameCube. All in all, it comes down to your taste in games; be sure to read up on any games you might want before you buy them and enjoy your new GameCube!

The Doc

P.S. You should have waited until next week becuase the GCN may be $100 after E3 is over.

General Gaming / Why do nintendo fans hate Xbox so much?
« on: May 06, 2003, 06:27:10 AM »
Hey everyone. First of all, let me start out by saying that I am a Nintendo fan who also wanted to own another console in addition to my GCN. I choose Xbox over PS2 due to the Xbox's having more powerful hardware then Sony's console and it had what appeared to be  some exciting games that I was not able to find for the PS2 or GCN. After a few months I began to tire of my Xbox and now the console sits at my gf's house while it waits for a new home. I think I began to tire of the console becuase I am not finding enough games I want or the games for the Xbox I do want are either not out yet or are for the PC. The Xbox is a fine console it just depends wether it will fit your needs or not. Nintendo will always be my first tier console and then it is usually a coin flip between Xbox/PS2 being my second tier console. Did anyone else have high hopes for the xbox and then soon after you bought it the console was just not what you were looking for ?

The Doc

Too Human.

The Doc

Nintendo Gaming / Midway losses, Blames Nintendo- less support
« on: May 02, 2003, 06:54:11 AM »
I have to be honest, I have owned my GCN since October of last year and I have yet to pick up a software title from Midway. However, I am looking foward to The Suffering, Narc and ESpionage. Do you guys think Midway will cancel these titles altogether or do you think they will just push the release dates of these games back a few months?  Anyone else looking foward to The Suffering, Narc or ESpoinage? Depending upon how these games turn out I may not care if Midway decides to pull its support for the GCN.

The Doc  

Nintendo Gaming / Midway losses, Blames Nintendo- less support
« on: May 01, 2003, 05:45:37 PM »
Hey everyone. I understand that GameCube sales are not all they are cracked up to be but I have to question Midway's judgement on this one. I am sick and tired of companys always blaming Nintendo for their poor sales! I am not happy about this at all and it should be interesting to see which games they cancel altogether or push back a few months. Someone should throw Midway a tissue becuase all they do is cry and bitch about Nintendo and I am quite sick of it!

The Doc  

Nintendo Gaming / GTA And GTA: Vice City On GameCube?
« on: April 29, 2003, 04:51:41 PM »
While it has not been made offical, rumor has it that when RockStar's exclusivity deal with Sony comes to a close in 2004 that GTA and GTA: Vice City may be ported over to GameCube hardware. Keep in mind, this is not set in stone, but it is something to think about and if these two hot selling titles are ported over to the GameCube; it would be enough to make most GameCube fans pee their pants. If GTA and GTA: Vice City indeed get ported to the GameCube then expect GCN sales to reach new heights.

The Doc

General Gaming / does your ps2 do this?
« on: April 29, 2003, 11:11:16 AM »
I am A+ certified and I build, upgrade and repair PC's in my spare time and in my opinion, consoles such as the GameCube, Xbox and PS2 are disposable systems and there is little or no reason to take them apart and repair them after the warranty has expired. The rubber pads on the bottom of the console are there for a reason! It is to prevent novices from trying to destroy their consoles! If Sony was smart they would use tamper proof screws for their systems instead of standard phillips head screws (You would need a special screw driver bit to unscrew tamper proof screws). If your console dies after the warranty just go and buy a new one and if you really want to take one apart then buy a used one that you wouldn't mind ruining in the process.

The Doc    

Nintendo Gaming / Do you feel the GC is slowly dying away..?
« on: April 29, 2003, 09:16:06 AM »
First of all, Nintendo is not dying and if anything the company is turning around. The GameCube is a solid piece of hardware which does in fact have a bevy of software titles for gamers of all ages. In my opinion, 2003 will be a huge year for the GCN and we as GameCube owners have a lot to look foward to. For example: Hitman 2, Too Human, Final Fanasty: Crystal Chronicles, Pikmin 2, Billy Hatcher, Sword Of Mana, Kirby's Air Ride and Mace Griffen Bounty Hunter are just some of the many games that GCN and GBA owners can get their hands on this year. By the way, lets not forget about Nintendo's LAN strategy which will be shown at E3. The future for Nintendo looks strong and I will continue to show my support for Nintendo.

The Doc

*Edit: Too Human will be a 2004 release.    

Nintendo Gaming / anyone notice Nintendo releases on GC vrs N64?
« on: April 28, 2003, 10:24:02 AM »
I never owned an N64. However, I did buy a platium GameCube back in october 2002 and I am very happy with my purchase.
The Doc

TalkBack / NOA Confirms LAN Play for Mario Kart
« on: April 27, 2003, 01:22:01 PM »
I do not understand why some of you are complaining about Nintendo's decision to unveil LAN play for the GCN. I have had experiences with playing video games via a simple LAN, as well as playing video games online via a huge cluster of servers. In the end, both of these methods are fun, but I have to agree with what Nintendo is doing in respect to their choice of LAN play. If you do not like it then do not use it, however I for one will be playing games with LAN support on my GameCube. In my opinion, Nintendo made the right choice when they choose a simple LAN strategy over a online setup that would mimic Xbox live.

The Doc

Nintendo Gaming / why dosnt nintendo...
« on: April 25, 2003, 08:57:52 AM »
Why doesn't Nintendo deploy a huge online plan such as Microsoft did? First of all, there is no market for online gaming for next generation consoles (Microsoft is losing a lot of money on Xbox Live!) Second, a big percentage of gamers out there do not wish to have nor care about online gaming as it is not in the mainstream as of let. However, I do see Nintendo intergrating LAN funtions in to their 1st party software, as well as 3rd party devolpers deploying LAN functions in to their software as well. LAN games with a bunch of your friends are just as fun as online play, if not even more fun then online play.

The Doc

Hmmm, I too wonder what Sony will use as a processor for their PS3 hardware. I do not have a lot of experience with Sony's consoles or what hardware they usually use in these consoles, however don't they usually design their own processors for their consoles? I take it the Emotion Engine was of Sony's own design, and if I am wrong then let me know. If this announcement is fact rather then fiction then Sony is in high water and they need to figure something out fast. The video game industry is very unforgiving and one mistake can really hurt you in the long run, for example, Nintendo's N64 hardware which used cartridge media instead of DVD media. In my opinon, Sony has not been in the console market long enough to where they can afford to make a mistake such as this one.

The Doc


General Chat / A+ Certification
« on: April 21, 2003, 05:46:56 PM »
Hey, I am A+ certified and the two main study tools that I used were pratice tests from and I also bought an A+ certification for dummies book. In my opinon, both of these resources are more then fine and since I do not know what your knowledge level is the A+ for dummies book would be a solid first choice. Good luck on geting A+ certified.

The Doc

Nintendo Gaming / NINTENDO FANBOYS
« on: April 20, 2003, 07:26:18 AM »
Let me start out by saying that I am not a Nintendo fanboy, however that goes without saying that Nintendo is indeed my console of choice out of all the next generation systems. I know that last statement might have contridicted itself so let me clarify it. I own two GameCube's (indigo and platium) and I also own an Xbox and although I own one, I plan to sell it becuase I am not unhappy with it. It was one of those situations where I thought I would like it and in the end, I did not. I am one of those Nintendo fans that is open minded toward other consoles and will usually give of them a try before I decide that I do not like the console or no longer have a need or interest in it. I have no plans on buying a PS2 right now, as I will put my time and money in to my GameCube and GBA SP. All in all, If you love Nintendo like I do, but you wish to own a second console, do not be afraid to try a PS2 or an Xbox and do not bash them until you have tried them.

The Doc

TalkBack / CNN Article on the State of Nintendo
« on: April 17, 2003, 12:15:13 PM »
First of all, the article states nothing about converting N-64 games to the GBA, however it does talk about many SNES being converted to the Game Boy Advance. Here is the quote from the article: "Nintendo has converted many of its most popular SNES games over to the GBA". Nowhere in that quote does it state any information about N-64 software; MarioLinkSamus make sure you get your facts stright before you try to voice your opinion on an article.

The Doc

TalkBack / Nintendo Announces Game Development in Tokyo
« on: April 17, 2003, 05:57:18 AM »
The game development facility in Tokyo will be developing more games for Nintendo's first party line of software, hmmm perhaps a few first party titles targed toward an older audience are in the works? This is news to get excited about and it shows that Nintendo is willing to do what it takes to make a return to greatness. I am sure we will hear more details about this at E3 in may. Happy hunting.

The Doc

TalkBack / Demo Disc Contents Revealed
« on: April 17, 2003, 05:43:27 AM »
 It is about time that Nintendo has decided to have a demo disc available to the public and I hope they stick with the idea. Although I already have two GameCubes (Indigo and Platium), if Nintendo does decide to bundle a Game Boy Player with their console then it looks like I will own all three of the US Cubes :-) :-) :-). In my opinion, adding Zelda to the bundle pack is a good idea; the only problem is that a lot of people already own the four games in the current bundle promotion, thus Zelda being added to the bundle promotion. As I said before, Nintendo is playing with the idea of bundling a Game Boy Player with their GameCube this fall and if they do, hello Jet Black GCN! :-P

The Doc

General Gaming / Serial Port 2?
« on: April 16, 2003, 09:21:34 AM »
Perhaps Serial Port 2 could be used for a Bluetooth adapter for wireless Local Area Network play. Keep in mind, this is just an educated guess.

The Doc  

General Gaming / My Gamecube is having problems
« on: April 16, 2003, 09:15:54 AM »
Hey this is my first post in the technical discussion section of the forums so let me introduce myself. My name is Aaron and I am A+ certified. I build and repair PC's as a hobby and I hope to as a steady job in the near future. Now to the question at hand, I would agree with the Best Buy technician and to try cleaning the lens of your console with a Q-tip. In the end, if that does not do the job either send it back to Nintendo for repairs or just buy a new GameCube.

The Doc  

TalkBack / Ikaruga Ships for GameCube
« on: April 16, 2003, 09:03:53 AM »
 Ikaruga will be a welcomed addition to my GCN library and I should be picking up my copy when I get paid on friday.

The Doc

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