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Messages - BrianSLA

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Nintendo Gaming / Cube to be Number 1 at Summer
« on: July 14, 2003, 12:13:54 AM »
>> but KOTOR for xbox seems to be the absolute biggest game of the summer <<

I just saw the first Xbox KOTOR commercial and boy does it look AWESOME. It will be out in a few days.  

Nintendo Gaming / Acclaim stops making games for cube.
« on: July 14, 2003, 12:08:33 AM »
Romero's contribution to DEUS EX is really limited. Deus Ex was Ion Storm Austin or Ion Storm Dallas....... one was Romero and the other was the Deus Ex studio.  

General Chat / 28 Days Later - Review
« on: July 05, 2003, 10:35:36 PM »
technically yeah but it is basically a zombie genre movie.  

Nintendo Gaming / Hitman 2
« on: July 01, 2003, 01:56:05 AM »
It is a good game. It is pretty cool to find all the different ways to kill the target...... from going in guns a blazing to poisoning them with puffer fish sushi to car bombs to a golf club to the head to a single sniper rifle shot to silent from behind with piano wire to crossbow, etc.  

Nintendo Gaming / What Nintendo should do when launching GC2
« on: July 01, 2003, 01:49:49 AM »
>> And what's so great about that Pirates of the Carribean game? It's a game based off of a movie (I assume) based off of a theme park ride. Sounds great, I say sarcastically. <<

Well actually Pirates of the Caribbean is actually SeaDogs 2. Disney paid off Bethesda ( creators of the AWESOME Elder Scrolls Morrowind ) to make it a tie in game / cross promotion. It isn't based on a theme park ride but it might have some passing resemblence to the movie ( slightly ) which if you didn't know is getting good reviews. Anyway...... " In Pirates of the Caribbean, players will assume the role of a pirate captain and explore towns, deal with the game's six national factions, and undertake a variety of quests. The game will let players improve their ship, hire experienced crew, and engage in highly detailed 3D sea battles, among other things " ( Gamespot quote ).


Oh it is also out this week.  

General Chat / 28 Days Later - Review
« on: June 29, 2003, 11:30:05 PM »
Its a good movie... today Ebert & Roper gave it two thumbs up and once again a reviewer ( Ebert ) mentioned that the second half isn't as perfect/great as the first half but they both highly recommended it.  Funny thing is if you live in England or have a regionally code free DVD player..... you can watch it on DVD. It was released in region 2 in May. Great movie.  

General Chat / Official Terminator 3 Disscussion- AWWWWW Ya
« on: June 29, 2003, 11:27:27 PM »
I've already seen a good portion of T3 ( like I saw & posted about Lord of the Rings:Two Towers, Xmen2, etc.) and it looks good. It has some good gags too. Lots of good action.  

Nintendo Gaming / Hitman 2
« on: June 29, 2003, 11:16:59 PM »
I don't know how it is on the GC but it is a great game. I have it on Xbox and it was great 8 months ago. I don't think there should be any slowdown on the GC...... look at Gamestop's PS2 review..... I think it ran ok on the PS2, so it should be ok on the GC.  

Nintendo Gaming / Cube to be Number 1 at Summer
« on: June 29, 2003, 11:14:10 PM »
Number 1 this summer..... seriously doubt it. Again like everyone else has said Sony handily outsells Gamecube. BUT even that said what makes you think that pitiful lineup will sell megamillions when Metroid Prime and Zelda don't megasell. Remember Splinter Cell on Xbox alone handily outsold Metroid ( I predicted that early on these boards and everyone said I was wrong. Nope.).  

General Chat / 28 Days Later - Review
« on: June 28, 2003, 01:06:46 PM »
1-10 score:solid 8.
I saw it yesterday and it is a good solid scary movie. Is it better than Dawn of the Dead? No. But it is scarier than Dawn of the Dead. The story of 28 Days Later is that animal rights activists break into a London research lab and release chimps infected with " rage ". The first chimp immediately attacks his liberator and within seconds she becomes infected...... giant streams of blood gush out of her mouth and infect others. 28 Days Later England is a wasteland. Unlike George Romero's Dawn of the Dead slow moving zombies...... Danny Boyle's ' infected ' zombies run at you in a rage. They pop out in an instant and attack in a fury. And the infected can infect with one single drop of blood in your mouth, your eye or an open cut. Anyway I've seen most of the reviews of 28 Days Later and have to agree that it does lose some steam in the second half. The first half is perfect but the second half does some steam. It is still an awesome scary movie and belongs among the best of the zombie movies.  

General Gaming / XBL Halo patch?
« on: June 28, 2003, 12:48:02 PM »
OXM had a interview w/ some big M$ bigshot who said there isn't a HALO 1.5 as there is HALO 2 coming out.  

General Chat / Drug Tests, and other things.
« on: June 26, 2003, 10:18:40 PM »
I watched COURT TV today and the trial / testimony of the Texas lady who hit the homeless man / Let him die slowly in her windshield for days and she testified about drug testing. She was a heavy drug user and she said 1 month / drink a lot of water to clear it out. She also mentioned cheating techniques like a small canister of clean urine close to your body ( to keep it at room temperature ). She also talked about a random drug test in which she used a drop of bleach to clear her urine... she said it worked.  

General Chat / I need some PC technical's what's wrong
« on: June 26, 2003, 10:12:11 PM »
If you do MSCONFIG - DO NOT stop / check Explorer and Systray. Those two have to always be on.  

General Gaming / Need clarification on a rumor: ATI and Microsoft
« on: June 25, 2003, 09:58:44 PM »
Basically Nvidia and Microsoft had a conflict over GPUs for the Xbox and Microsoft will probably go with ATI next generation. As for ATI and Nintendo and ATI and Microsoft...... who will get ATI's next? Who knows. Although I think that ATI will go with Microsoft. Microsoft doesn't want to work with Nvidia again and Nvidia doesn't want to work with Microsoft again.

>> extremely likely that Nintendo will order a custom built GPU to meet their needs though, while MS will just throw in a Radeon 9700 or something and call it a day <<

You gotta stop your anti-Microsoft bias. Nobody knows what GPU will be in what machine. Since all 3 will be coming out near simultaneously I will bet that Microsoft will once again have the most powerful rig of the three. Microsoft can afford to do that and will do it to beat the other 2 guys.


General Chat / Spiderman 2 Rumors (Possible Spoilers)
« on: June 25, 2003, 04:37:49 PM »
I know it is already filming... I have already seen shot reels of it at my job a couple of weeks ago.  

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo having the best summer lineup?
« on: June 25, 2003, 04:21:04 PM »
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic ( KOTOR ) for the Xbox comes out on July 15th. It is supposed to be the best Star Wars game. So it is F-Zero ( GC ) vs KOTOR ( Xbox ). I am going with KOTOR.  

EDIT: Plus Xbox just released Brute Force and Pirates of the Carribean comes out next week.

General Gaming / Xbox 2 in 2006
« on: June 23, 2003, 09:58:16 AM »
As I said before this is BOGUS. The newspaper was WRONG and has since RETRACTED and CORRECTED its report. Here is the NEWEST link:

General Gaming / Xbox 2 in 2006
« on: June 20, 2003, 08:18:29 PM »
The news is bogus. Xbox 2 , GameCube 2 and PS3 will all DEFINITELY launch near simultaneously. Both Nintendo & Microsoft blame the launch gap for the PS2's dominance and they ALL will not allow that to happen again.  

General Chat / Disaapointed w/ Matrix R? See EQUILIBRIUM !!!
« on: June 18, 2003, 09:18:59 PM »
I have in fact seen IMPOSTER w/ Gary Sinise. On the Matrix is a 10 scale...... I'd give it a 3/4. It is fair / mediocre. Nothing special. As for how it compares to Equilibrium...... it is still a 3/4 movie. I'd give minority Report a 5/6 too. It was ok..... I did like the flying troop ships though. Where do you live anyway?
BTW Imposter was originally just a short 15-20 minute episode in a larger Sci-Fi movie with mulitple episodes. They shot the Imposter episode first, liked what they saw and got funding to make it a full movie.
Equilibrium in out on DVD and video tape right now in the US ( I also assume Canada ).  

General Gaming / Franchise/Character question
« on: June 17, 2003, 11:56:48 PM »
>> You mean like Nintendo selling the Bond license to EA? <<

Nintendo / Rare NEVER owned the James Bond license. Bond belongs to MGM / UA / Danjaq - the creators of James Bond. They let developers develop Bond games but they would NEVER EVER EVER EVER sell the James Bond license to anyone. It is too much of a cash cow for them and they go to extremes to protect it. They sued Sony for even contemplating making another James Bond movie based on Thunderball.  

General Gaming / Is there anything superior about the X-Box or PS2?
« on: June 17, 2003, 11:50:04 PM »
The Xbox IS superior hardware than the Gamecube. It is graphically superior ( more powerful plus it can do progressive scan 1080i ) and audio superior ( Dolby Digital ). It has a built in 8gig hard drive plus built in high speed modem.
The Gamecube is superior to the PS2 graphically.
As for games..... it is up to the individual gamer. If you want the most variety of games..... go for the PS2. If you want the best version of a game ( multiplatform ) go Xbox. If you want Nintendo games / some of the best ' kiddy ' games, go Gamecube.  

General Chat / Depressing Movies
« on: June 17, 2003, 11:42:31 PM »
Session 9 is ok. It isn't fantastic BUT I didn't think Jacob's Ladder was either........ so you might disagree with me. As for Session 9 / Silent Hill........umm I can kinda see it a bit. It is moody and there is that tinge of insanity and dark fuzzy faceless terror feelings at some points. As a horror movie.... it is just ok though. As a horror movie junkie....... I do seem to recall some movies with fuzzy faceless terrors but I can't seem to recall a specific one right now. Evil Dead ( the original ) is a foggy outdoor faceless horror / gory flick which is a great scary movie. Directed by Sam Raimi. Stephen King said it scared him.  

General Chat / Disaapointed w/ Matrix R? See EQUILIBRIUM !!!
« on: June 17, 2003, 11:29:15 PM »
Yeah Christian Bale is in it. The movie is more like Fahrenheit 451 with Logan's Run / 1984 / Matrix / Total Recall kick. As for Matrix Reloaded.... it was ok... it could seriously use some editing plus it could have ditched a few storylines and clarified others. If you think the Matrix is a 10 of a movie, Reloaded probably rates a 5 or 6... maybe even a 7. Based on that scale I'd give Equilibrium a 8 or 9.  The gun action is kinda unigue style. It isn't really Hong Kong gun action or Matrix gun action .... it is unique looking. I ended up buying the DVD the next day and listened to some of the Director's commentary..... he says it looks the way it looks because he didn't have much of a budget..... BUT it ended up looking seriously cool on film.  

Nintendo Gaming / Are the X-Box or PS2's really so superior?
« on: June 17, 2003, 11:18:11 PM »
The PS2 isn't a technically superior machine than GameCube BUT the Xbox is in fact technically superior than Gamecube.  

General Chat / Disaapointed w/ Matrix R? See EQUILIBRIUM !!!
« on: June 13, 2003, 03:52:29 PM »
I rented it on DVD last night and this movie kicked butt. It is more Matrix then the Matrix Reloaded. It is set after World War 3 in a society where emotion has be outlawed and everyone has to take emotion killing drugs or face these elite killing squads called Tetragammaton Clerics ( basically killing elite monks ). The gun action is insane. It got two thumbs up from Ebert & Roeper. If you haven't heard or it or seen it..... check it out.

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