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TalkBack / RE:<b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« on: August 16, 2005, 02:07:08 AM »

Moving Twilight Princess to Nintendo Revolution = absolutely moronic. They can't just magically port it there, and if they did, it'd be exactly the same as it would be GC, except 20 million less people can play it. If they put the time and effort into moving it to Revolution it'd be a whole new game, and would be delayed like 2 years

They have a year, though. That's how long it took them to make Majora's Mask, right?
And, IF they could do it, it wouldn't be least from a business stand point (REVS would sell faster than lon-lon milk if Zelda was a launch title.)


and there already is a Zelda game in development for Revolution.

What if they were talking about TP all along?  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: More Revolution details soon?
« on: August 16, 2005, 01:50:31 AM »
well, a kid might not want a ds instead of a 360.... but, if a kid decides he's more interested in the rev, and the parents decide the kid is only getting one big/expensive console... then the kid could wind up getting a ds (or gameboy) this christmas to hold him over until next christmas, at which time he'd get the rev. Which would mean two sales for Nintendo instead of none.

TalkBack / RE:<b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« on: August 16, 2005, 01:44:31 AM »
Either I've already gotten over it or the news hasn't sunken in yet.
In either case, I'm kind of glad we won't be getting a rushed product. A zelda game should never, ever feel rushed.


TP is not moving to Revolution

Seriously, why not?

"Even if you look at Zelda on GameCube - I don't think that looks inferior to what the competition is touting as "next generation" visuals." -Iwata

"However, development kits for the Nintendo Revolution are very similar to the ones for the GameCube. So we feel that the environments are so similar that they will be able to start development very quickly upon receiving the development kits for Revolution." -Miyamoto


Nintendo Gaming / RE: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
« on: August 16, 2005, 01:13:10 AM »
" Well why can't tingle just be made "mature"? Tingle could be redone to be well suited for the TP world."

Nah. I think Tingle worked in MM because his cartoony personality clashed with the darker nature of the game. I think he'd be perfect for Twilight Princess.

If he were to return, you could maybe make the situation surrounding him darker (by putting him in grave danger, for instance), and of course you'd want to give him a less annoying/prominent role than he had in WW..... but I'd want his 'lighter' personality/look to remain.

edit: DELAYED PAST MARCH 31? Yeesh!
Maybe they're trying to counter the ps3 launch?

Nintendo Gaming / RE:More Revolution details soon?
« on: August 16, 2005, 12:17:51 AM »
Sounds probable. Nintendo will probably want to sabotage competitor's holiday sales, and to do that they will need to reveal everything before anyone has even decided what to get come Christmas time.

If they do decide to release all the info in September, here's what I imagine happening:

Parent: Billy, you want an xbox 360 for christmas, right?
Billy: Nah...I did, but now I want a Revolution, it looks super cool!
Parent: But Billy, Revolution doesn't come out until next year.
Billy: Aw, gee whiz!
Parent: I know! Lets get you a Nintendo DS with Nintendogs this year, and a Revolution next year!
Billy and Parent: HOORAY!

And I imagine the following will also happen:

Tomello: Dude, are you getting Zelda, it looks totally RAD!
Wintermelon: Nah man, I already threw my GameCube out.
Tomello: That's okay! Zelda will work with the totally happenin' REVO as well!
Wintermelon: REALLY? I'm totally getting that totally happenin' REVO I just heard about!
Tomello: Then let's go preorder Zelda RIGHT NOW!
Tomello and Wintermelon: HOORAY!

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Paring down the Revolution controller
« on: August 15, 2005, 10:47:11 AM »
Spak-Spang: I wasn't thinking of an analog d-pad so much as an analog stick that: doen't stick out from the controller, doensn't tilt when you when you push it around, and feels/looks kind of like the xpod dpad.
Also, I agree with you that increasing the resistance on the analog stick would greatly help.

In other news, I've decided to throw another controller design into the ring. Here ya go:

at night
cube mode

The buttons light up.
Each button can also throb with light, to tell the gamer which button to press (in tutorials and such).
The lights on the buttons can change to reflect the different button names on the various controllers that the revo can emuluate.
The thumb button, movement sitck, and 4 shoulder buttons have built-in rumble (to tell you when to press/use them)
The right hand controller has built-in gyro.  

Well, I don't really like the idea of hidden buttons, but....
I could definitely see the big N making a controller that has 4 face buttons which could essentially become one giant button for certain games.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Paring down the Revolution controller
« on: August 03, 2005, 11:51:25 PM »

"They can't get the controls down and fail at an easy game because the controls confused them. I have even tried to sit down and explain the controls...and with adults they finally get it after ALOT of practice, but younger children don't get the games at all.

I don't know what the solution is because Analog controls are the best friend of 3D games and one of the best innovations in gaming in my opinion."

Well, I think the solution is to replace the analog stick with something that retains the functionality but requires less effort.
I'm imagining an analog version of the Xbox's d-pad. Imagine a large, concave, analog 'pad'. Something that would have no visable 'stick' of any kind, and would remain level when pushed around.
It could even have advanced tactile feedback: imagine if the pad became loose and slippery when your characther is walking on ice, and tight when you're controlling a car.

Also, DRGAKMAN, I really like your texturized buttons idea. Though it still leaves the problem of how to tell the newbie gamer, intuitively, which button to press. WIth GameCube, you could just say 'push the large, green button'.
It would be somwhat awkward to say something like: 'push the button that feels like quicksand'.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: casual gamers, nongamers.
« on: May 30, 2005, 02:22:02 PM »
Games that have been hugely successful in the past....they were the sorts of games that you wanted to play the moment you saw them. Myst, the sims, ddr, nintendogs, the 2d marios, the orignal donkey kong...all were overtly intuitve and fun. Making those types of games will be what draws in the casual gamer.

Nintendo's shown us that it IS still possible to do, even in the 3d era, given unique hardware, good game design, and good marketing.  

Oh, I think crossovers would be awesome. SSB was made to put to rest hypothetical arguments like 'who would win in a fight, dk or link?'. But the ultimate hypothetical question still remains: who would win in a fight between sonic and mario?


5. This doesn't have anything to do with characters, really, but I want the next SSB to be cell-shaded.

Agreed. I really want them to go with the comic book style they had on the 64 cover, complete with "WHACK!" and "POW!" baloons and the like.

NWR Feedback / RE: Changing our name/handle??
« on: May 29, 2005, 01:42:22 PM »
Awesome. Thank you.

NWR Feedback / RE: Changing our name/handle??
« on: May 28, 2005, 02:00:43 PM »
"Can you change wandering_nintendo_fan's handle, too?  It's too long and it messes up the columns when he posts.  It makes me sad."

Yes indeed. Would it be possible to have my name changed to just 'wandering'?
I have my full name in my signature and everything.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Rev in Nov. Wha?
« on: May 28, 2005, 12:37:34 PM »
Why is this a problem, even if it is true? Christmas is all that really matters. If they launch in November, Nintendo will have the latest, greatest, newest, newsworthiest next-gen console for the holiday season, which shouldn't hurt them at all. Even if the (undoubtably overpriced, understocked) PS3 launches in the spring or summer, Nintendo could still do very well.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Revolution Screens!!!!
« on: May 28, 2005, 12:14:12 PM »
"I wonder if it will be along the lines of iTunes, or more of a subscription service for access to everything, or maybe even FREE, who knows they did give OoT away with a preorder."

Prolly won't be a subscription service, seeing as how Nintendo has gone on and on about casual gamers not being willing to pay monthly fees for gaming.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Metroid Revolution
« on: May 22, 2005, 03:39:01 PM »
First, I really don't want John Woo to direct this movie. And I don't want the movie to focus on Samus's origins. These sorts of movies always go for the origin story, and they almost always suck. Samus's early experiences with the chozo should always remain something that we hear about and imagine, but never actually see.

Anyway, I like alot of your ideas, nemo, although I think you're going a little too dark.

Sex. It IS part of what makes us human, but it also doen't need to be play a part in every thing. Samus is a loner. You could maybe hint at some of her sexual longings, but I wouldn't have her actually having sex. Actually, I don't think I'd focus on sexuality very much at all...but maybe that's just me.

I like your creature designs/ideas (I wish I could draw half as well as you can)...although, again, maybe a little too mature for this franchise.

I like that you brought up 2001 (one of my favorite movies). I'm not sure if this is what you meant by it, but personally, I'd love it if the movie had as little diaglogue as 2001, and, in general, captured that same sense of lonlieness. Though I don't think there's many directors that would trust a movie to work with 30-40 minute sections with no dialogue.

I like your ideas regarding plot....I do agree that it should have an indiana-jones like opening where we're immediatley caught up in the action, only learning about the charachter and the plot later. But, I think some of your ideas are a little too, um, plot-centric for the series. Samus with a personal vendetta? Samus with a love interest? Samus leading armies? Samus dying?

Here's what I'd do:

I'd focus more on the bounty hunter, doing-things-for-the-money aspect of samus. I'd start with samus chasing/catching a bounty head that has nothing to do with the plot. Then I'd have samus get a government assignment to help out with some problem...her only stake in it being a hefty payout.

I'd portray samus as a no-nonsense loner who doesn't really have firends or family. She'd go into seedy cities at various points, go into bars, get assignments from a government office, talk and deal with people, but never would samus form or join a team.

I'd have a single other human charachter, possibly a child, who samus gets stuck with at some point. This charachter would help samus get out of her shell, and samus would share her backstory with this charachter.

I'd have most of the action take place with samus battling alone. The movie's dialogue would be sparse, and there would be more suspense than there would be direct action. There would be an emphasis on the environments, and samus would explore and deal with them similiarly to how she does in the games.

And I wouldn't have a typical hollywood bad guy. Instead, like the games, I'd have a group of aliens who have their own motivations which are understanble but definatley wrong.

I'd shoot for a pg-13 rating, and have salma hayek star (i'm not sure why...but I think she'd be perfect).
edit: I think Naiomi Watts, Uma Thurman are good picks as well. I'm really hoping they don't go with a typical Hollywood-babe-who-can't-really-act, like Sarah Michelle Gellar or Angelina Jolie.


Nintendo Gaming / RE: On Emulation on the Rev
« on: May 22, 2005, 02:40:58 PM »
Blind smoothing-over/prettifying...OSX does that, and I don't like it. I also thought increasing the resolution (or whatever they did) on OOT on GameCube made the game look worse.
Let the games be.

General Gaming / RE: Factor 5: Only 4 Sony
« on: May 22, 2005, 02:32:38 PM »
Defintaley there was monetary influence...they didn't go for the most powerful console this gen.

Nintendo, this is a sign you need to start showing devs hardware NOW.
And, for goodness sakes, spend a little more time/money on keeping exclusives. RE, viewtiful joe, too human, factor five...when will it stop?

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Revolution plays DVDs...?
« on: May 22, 2005, 02:26:15 PM »
Well, on the one hand, I like the idea of only getting dvd capability if I want it/pay for it.....on the other hand, sony has blue-ray BUILT IN. So, part of me is thinking Nintendo needs to stop being so cheap, and offer, at minimum, the ability to play dvds out of the box.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Revolutionary Controller
« on: May 22, 2005, 02:12:16 PM »
Back on topic....

Here's a controller layout that would, I think, allow you to play most games from the NES to the gamecube.

It has 6 face buttons (a button, b button, and c buttons), start button, thumb stick, c stick, and d-pad. 2 of the four c buttons double as the x and y buttons.
Not shown: 4 trigger buttons for your index and middle fingers.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Revolution = Official Name?
« on: May 20, 2005, 03:53:19 PM »
"Maybe my memory is rusty, but I don't recall Dolphin logos"
No, but remember the dolphin 'development kits'? Hilarious and sad.

Anyway, I hope they keep Revolution. It's a great name and it's already pretty well known.


Nintendo Gaming / RE: So, list of Games you'd download?
« on: May 20, 2005, 03:14:09 PM »
Interesting tidbits from Iwata. Apparently he's said:
a) Nintendo is in talks with third party developers to get their retro games.
b) Nintendo hasn't decided whether they want to charge users per game as they download, or sell prepaid cards in stores. (personally, I'd like both)
This from gamespot (, who got it from a reuters story.


At $5 a pop, I might buy Dragon Warrior 3, and maybe Genghis Khan but that's probably it. By raising their prices they lower their revenue, at least in this case.

Well, Nintendo needs to find a balance. I think a quarter is just way too low for someone like me, who has never owned an news or an snes. My prices were probably too high for the many who already own a lot of these games.
And I know I really shouldn't be arguing for higher prices....but, c'mon, a quarter for super mario bros? a quarter for zelda?

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Revolutionary Controller
« on: May 20, 2005, 02:50:04 PM »
"The problem with that approach is that I'll suck at the game if I'm a lousy swordsman.  Which I am since I'm not a warrior and this isn't the Hyborean Age.  That kind of thing is cool but it's not better or more intuitive to button pushing.  It's just different."                                                          

Well...I sort of agree with you that getting too realistic or too physical might be a bad idea. But simulating experiences you wouldn't normally experience...that's part of the fun of videogames. I'm not a general but I enjoy RTSs. I'm not a pilot but I enjoy arcade flight sims. I'm horrible at multi-tasking but I enjoy Pikmin. Actually, I think I learn new skills from videogames all the time. You just need to find a good balance between realism and fun.

There's a game at disneyquest where you swing a stick around and, inside your vr helmet, your lightsaberalike moves exactly as you move your hand. But to kill enemies all you have to do is hit don't have to know anything about sword fighting. Maybe not any more intuitve than pushing a button, but certainly a lot more fun.

And I think a gyro COULD make certain things more intuitve. If someone wanted to make a game revolving around realistic sword fighting, swinging a gyro might be more intuitve than learning button combinations. What you're saying is that putting realistic sword fighting in a game in the first place might make the game less intuitve , which I'd agree with. But, if a designer wanted a game where you can do more complex things, like controlling a sword, piloting a plane, commanding an army, or looking around in first person mode, a gyro might make those things easier.  

"You still hit the button to swing your sword.  The gyroscopic control would more likely be used to control movement or camera."

I'm still not entirely convinced that titlting would be better for movement than an analog stick (unless you're playing super monkey ball or something). I guess if the feedback is good enough, it would work. Though I doubt it would be as precise.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Revolutionary Controller
« on: May 20, 2005, 02:01:35 PM »
Well- it depends on what you're doing in the game. You're right that having to use hand gestures to indicate actions would be annoying. But imagine if-instead of swinging a gyro controller in certain ways to trigger pre-set actions, imagine if instead the sword moved on-screen exactly as you move your hand. Imagine a view screen that moves around to the precise movement of your hand instead of the imprecise movement of an analog stick.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Miyamoto interview on IGN
« on: May 20, 2005, 01:37:18 PM »
"Having the worst version of Madden didn't put the Cube in last place.  No it was that combined with no DVD playback, no online games, a restrictive controller, no demo discs, small memory cards, component cables that have to be ordered online, weak third party support & not enough mature games."

I don't think little mistakes like that were the problem. Strong positives trump minor's just that GameCube didn't really have any strong positives (except great first party games). GC wasn't the first console out, it wasn't the most powerful console, it didn't have name brand recognition, and it didn't have a killer app at launch. In short, it didn't have anything to make it stand out...except the color purple, which didn't help any.

The situation is ENTIRELY different this time around. Now, Microsoft and Sony are the ones without anything of value to offer. They have improved graphics and underwhelming games. The mainstream doesn't care. No one seems excited by these new consoles. Last time around, when ps2 was unveiled, everyone ate it up. Now, well, the unveiling of the ipod mini got more press coverage than the unveiling of the ps3 and 360.

Now, let's look at Nintendo. Look what they're already offering: 20-year backwards compatability and free online. Huge positives that the competition can't offer....and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Apparently, we're also getting a revolutionary controller, new types of games with broad appeal, an incredible launch lineup that includes Super Smash Bros. ONLINE and a new Miyamoto game, and an affordable price. Those are all huge positives that will register with the mainstream and won't be offered by Sony or Microsoft.

Yes, the 360 an early launch (though I don't think Microsoft is offering enough to convince many to splurge and switch over just yet). Yes the PS3 has the best graphics and the ability to play blue ray movies (which might count for something if the console is actually affordable. I doubt it will be.) But- and maybe I'm missing the boat here - I really think Nintendo has the upper hand.


The Cube was the second most powerful console.  The Rev would be the third. The Rev should be to the PS3 as the Cube is to the Xbox.  The Rev is coming out after the Xbox 360 and thus should have better hardware.

I agree that would be ideal.

And I AM worried about graphics. Miyamoto brought up the DS vs. PSP, but graphics don't matter nearly as much in handhelds as they do in consoles. The Rev cannot look a generation behind the PS3. As good as graphics are becoming, people will still be able to see the difference if there's a big enough gap. So, I'm hoping Nintendo doesn't underestimate the value of good graphics as much as, say, Rare underestimates the value of a good framerate.

On the other hand, I don't think I'd mind that much if the Revolution was on par with the Xbox 360 visually, even if some of the innards weren't technically up to snuff. Here's a couple of things to keep in mind: a) ps3's actual graphics won't look nearly as good as they do now, b) the ps2 was underpowered, and c) Revolution's fist party visuals will still likely look better then 360's because of good art direction and such.

As long as the consoles all LOOK the same, as they pretty much do this generation (though hopefully this time they'll be even closer), I'll be happy.
Should Nintendo really pay an exorbitant sum of money just to get a tiny incrcrease in the quality of the visuals?
Yes, mindshare is important too, but I don't think having the 'most powerful' console will mean much this time around. I think we're past the point where people nuts over something just because you tell them it has better specs. The games need to look great and play great, that's all that really matters..... and I think revolution will deliver.  

General Gaming / RE: Too Human Trilogy: Exclusive for 360
« on: May 20, 2005, 12:47:10 PM »
Ah, crap. Silicon Knights are master storytellers, and Eternal Darkness is one of my favorite games.
I didn't really care about Rare leaving. But this....bah. Once Too Human is released, I'm betting Nintendo will start to feel like Miramax upon the release of Fellowship of the Ring.
At least the door is still open for SK to do more work for Nintendo.

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