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Nintendo Gaming / RE:Deep Labyrinth a First person RPG
« on: September 11, 2005, 07:40:39 AM »
This is looking incredibly, incredibly awesome. Look at those enemies. Those outdoor environments. That style.

But my view on this is probably tainted: this game is making me really nostalgic for old PC games.

General Chat / RE: Does Cartoon Network Hate And Love Me At The Same Time?
« on: September 11, 2005, 01:33:34 AM »
I didn't mind Naruto's voice acting.....

You know that time between 2 and 5 when CT replays [AS]? They need to devote that time to subtitled versions of all of their anime. Oh yes.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:More Revolution details soon?
« on: September 11, 2005, 01:27:28 AM »
"The same argument could be used for why they should show them. If they mean nothing why not just make their fans that want to know them happy and show them. If they are done and final nothing will change them so there is no reason to hold the info. back. Besides, it's not the system specs they even care about mainly...good way of showing you are confident with how "unimportant" specs are by appearing to be affraid to show them. If they aren't worried then they sure aren't showing it by appearing to have something to hide...which contradicts their whole master plan they go on and on about."

The thing is, I believe Nintendo is actively trying to avoid direct comparisons between REV and the other 2 systems. That was their strategy with the DS: they sidestepped PSP's superior graphics capabilities by coming out with a system with 2 screens and a touch screen, so that when you put the systems side-by-side it's hard to compare them.

I'm assuming that the REV's specs are good but not spectacular. If they released them now people would jump at the chance to compare the REV to the other 2 systems using those numbers, and they would probably come to the conclusion that the REV, at the least, is not the best of the 3 systems. But Nintendo is making sure that people aren't making judgement calls like that right now...and that when people are in a position to directly compare the 3 systems, they won't be able to just look at the specs because REV's unique features and visuals will overshadow the numbers.

It's a good strategy, much as we might hate it.

Reader Reviews / RE:Super Mario Brothers
« on: September 10, 2005, 08:39:30 PM »
We found the gameplay somewhat innovative and fun. It's unfortunate that Nintendo decided to go so cartoony with this series. In the era of contra and other mature games, it is odd and somewhat disconcerting that Nintendo would offer such old-fashioned visuals. We were also disappointed by the game's lack of online play. We've heard that Nintendo is experimenting with online, and even though no one is really into online gaming yet, we've still marked several points off the score for Nintendo's refusal to add this much-needed functionality to their game.

PRESENTATION 5/10 Serviceable.
GRAPHICS 6/10 The graphics are impressive technically but are too "different" for our tastes. Also, the game needs more boobies.
GAMEPLAY 6/10 The "jumping" mechanic works fine for the most part, although we would've preferred it if Nintendo included an online mode.
LONGETIVITY 4/10 The game will keep you busy for a few hours.
FINAL SCORE (NOT AN AVERAGE): 5.5/10 A serviceable "jumping game" for those who are interested in that sort of thing.

-- Matt Cassimanassinammasasamina, editor-in-chief, NES.IGN

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Super Princess Peach
« on: September 10, 2005, 08:10:53 PM »
Looking good. Looking better than new super mario bros, actually.

Leslie Swan needs to start playing Peach again.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: More Revolution details soon?
« on: September 10, 2005, 07:41:42 PM »
I have the sinking suspicion Iwata won't offer us anything except the future date of the Rev unveiling.

But it won't matter because it will feature IWATA by the TON....and as his wise words rain down upon us mortals we will experience the ultimate nirvana of infinite electronic understanding as we become one with the knoweldge of Iwata. Or something.

It always makes me sad when a good vegetarian restaurant caves in and starts selling meat.

Nintendo DOES produce good "mature" titles: through second and third parties. To ask for something more (a first party bloodbath of a game, for example).....that's not what Nintendo is interested in making. Further, to suggest that a title needs to be dark or bloody to be popular....look at the success of Nintendogs. Or Ocarina of Time. Or Mario 64.

There's this vegetarian chinese retuarant where I used to live. They offer a wide array of delicious and original dishes. And they're always packed.

General Gaming / RE:new seaman announced
« on: September 10, 2005, 06:25:37 PM »
Except, acording to corporate logic, if a game on x system of y genre is popular, then the immediate response should be to develop 5000 new games of y genre for system x.

General Gaming / new seaman announced
« on: September 10, 2005, 01:16:49 PM »

It's for the PS2. Coming in 2006.

Why PS2? And not, you, DS?  Apart from that - good news, I guess.  

General Gaming / RE: More Sonic Goodness but....
« on: September 09, 2005, 11:05:38 PM »
First off, this will almost certainly come to revolution.

Second off, It makes sense to keep rev games a secret - the less we know, the bigger the impact of the eventual rev unveiling.

Third off, I WANT to doubt this game....but just look at it. So beautiful....


 "I'd like to see if everything was as hush-hush about the Dolphin as it is with the Revolution now."

For the most part it was just as hush-hush.

Two things were different, that I can remember: 1) when GameCube was revealed in Nov 00, Nintendo revealed everything at once: the official name, the console design, the games, the controller. And, 2)  the name of the console (then StarCube), and the controller design were unofficially leaked before the unveiling.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:THQ Support...
« on: September 09, 2005, 03:50:38 AM »
"We're seeing more from Nintendo now [for Revolution] than we have an any other Nintendo platform."

I'm not sure what this means, but I'd like to think it means that right now they are in a better position to get games out for the Rev launch and beyond than they were this time before the cube launch. Which, if true, is amazingly fantastic news.

General Gaming / RE:Something about Xbox 360 to be announced on the 27th??
« on: September 08, 2005, 03:29:54 PM »
September 16th: Nintendo reveals the Revolution controller.

September 27th: Microsoft announces their new, and completley 100% original, controller design.

TalkBack / RE:News Corp Announces Purchase of IGN
« on: September 08, 2005, 10:10:38 AM »
This will affect more than just game reviews: IGN also owns rottentomatoes. And of course ign has their own film channel.


Let's just hope that Nintendo's Revolution doesn't involve beaming images directly into your brain....because then MURDOCH WOULD OFFICIALLY CONTROL YOUR BRAIN.

[edit: spelling]  


KnowsNothing said:
Does your avatar have anything to do with my Reggie pic?

If it doesn't, hooray for coinidences!

I love my reggie pic, I don't care what you think

I don't think I've ever seen it before. (Maybe I did and then forgot).
Regardless, one can never have too much Wonka (unless Tim Burton is directing), so hooray indeed.

And I like your pic. But Reggie would be better as Slugworth.  

I'm game.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Something important to know about the Revolution
« on: September 06, 2005, 07:34:23 AM »
There is no way Nintendo won't have demo units in stores. Haven't they said that people may not get the controller until they pick it up and play with it?
Also, Nintendo managed to get demo units of DK Bongos and Dses in stores.
Also also, if there 'isn't enough space' in a large store for a demo unit, how can they expect there to be enough space in someone's home? Or are they going the Sony route and designing a console that's 'not intended for households'?

Nintendo Gaming / RE:New Miyamoto Interview
« on: September 05, 2005, 01:12:20 AM »

zakkiel said:
I would be perfectly happy with an infinite succession of OoT-style games with different dungeons, enemies, and themes, tweaking combat around here and there.

I wouldn't. We've had 2 generations where Zelda games have essentially been different variations on the same thing. It's time for a lttp to oot level change. Change is good.

Personally, I really want to see some of Miyamoto's original ideas for OOT (like having a world where the states of everything in the game are remembered at not automatically reset) realized.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Passive/Aggressive, and Sony's arrogant mistake
« on: August 30, 2005, 01:31:58 AM »

I think it's rather flip to say PSP is failing, and for the reasons you gave. If it is failing, it's because of name brand appeal.

Playstation has less brand recognition than Nintendo? The PSP is losing (IMO) because it's a somewhat impenetrable system. Not only does it have a ridiculously high price, not only does it not have many worthwhile games, not only does it not have much pick-up-and-play appeal, but it isn't really even marketed as a game system so much as a multimedia conglomeration device. What is the average consumer supposed to think of it?


I can just as easily flip your PSP/DS comparison to the GC/PS2. Everything you state in this paragraphdidn't work for the GC.

I don't think you can flip the argument because GameCube didn't really appeal to newbs. Sure, the large A button was nice... but, apart from that,  the controller wasn't much less intimidating than the dualshock, the launch games (pikmin, luigi, ssbm) weren't exactly easy to pick up and play, and the console's uncool design and low-key marketing didn't exactly make people eager to try the system out.


So what does the lower price mean? Nothing if you already have the majority of gamers? Right. How do you break this trend? By changing your approach. You make the REV a tech heads dream, while making the cost slightly lower than the competitors. Being $100 cheaper than a competitor looks bad to the casual fans...yes casual, you know, like 65% of the market.

I actually agree with you that GameCube's ridiculous price cuts made the console look 'cheap' in comparison to the competition. But, a price differential isn't always a bad thing (actually, a cheaper price is almost always a good thing). While the $99 purple lunch box DID feel cheap, the $150 DS feels high end, even though the PSP is $100 more expensive. The trick is to come up with a product that is so different the average consumer will have a hard time even consciously comparing it to the competition. An eight dollar Stephen King book will sell better than a $30 text book. A $200-250 Revolution gaming system could sell better than a $500 Sony mini-computer.

With a game system, you should serve the hardcore, to what extant you can, but you shouldn't focus on them. You should instead focus on, not even the average gamer, but the average consumer. The lowest common denominator. And they don't care about specific specs. They care about image, and affordability, and playability, and games. The DS created a good image for itself, and is affordable, and is ridiculously playable, and has great games. The Revolution should follow it's lead.


My point is, no granny will pick up any controller. I don't care if there's one button.

I find your lack of faith disturbing. 70+ can handle the touch screen on the DS. I've seen it. And while the DS isn't the hot new thing in today's nursing homes, the fact that pretty much ANYONE can pick up and play it is a good thing, and undoubtedly contributes to its good sales.


What's the percentage of PC users vs Mac? 75 to 25%?

I Wish! I think it's around 5-7% right now.


(just for the record, I adore Mac.) But the fact that the Macs are so much more expensive than the PC helps it's image, doesn't it? They're looked at as high end, even though I could get just as much power and speed in a PC for half the cost. Price has a lot to do with it.

I'm fairly sure their image comes from great marketing/hardware design/software design. I believe the high price of their computers is generally listed as the #1 reason otherwise interested parties don't switch from windows.


It takes marketing and games, along with the cool factor to catch this demographic, and they'll abandon Sony without a second thought. Is that too much to ask in order to gain a huge spike in market share?

No, I agree with you that that's what Nintendo should have good marketing, and 'cool' games, and an all-around general cool factor, this time around. It's just that Nintendo doesn't need to sacrifice affordability, or broad appeal, to do that.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Passive/Aggressive, and Sony's arrogant mistake
« on: August 29, 2005, 10:20:39 PM »
1-9: fine.
10: eh, no.

The problem is they're targeting the non-gamer, who for all intensive purposes are non-gamers for a reason. Just as some aren't into movies. Should we make DVDs that appeal to 85 year old women? I think it's foolish to hold out hope that a generation of people previously uninterested in gaming will help them gain mucho market share. They need to gain the gamers back, not the non-gamers. Sure, I see the point as it's jotted on paper, and it looks grand. In practice? Won't happen.
also, no.

Before Jobs and Wozniak started apple computer, nobody believed computers could ever be sold to the average consumer or become household items. Before Nintendo launched the NES, nobody believed household gaming machines would ever become popular or mainstream. The fact is, when you make things cheaper and easier to use, you get more customers and you draw in people who normally wouldn't be interested in the kind of thing you're selling. The Revolution probably won't be a hot item among grannies, but if 80-year-olds can pick up and play Revolution easily, then the system will sell better.

The Nintendo DS is the example that Nintendo should (and probably will) follow with the Revolution. With the DS, the price is neither too high nor too low. The marketing is cool and proliferous. The graphics are more than serviceable, without being unnecessarily cutting edge. And, of course, the system is inviting and easy to pick up and play (newb friendly, if you will) without sacrificing complex (hardcore, if you will) gameplay styles. In short, the Nintendo DS has a lower cost of entry than its competition. This is because Nintendo has made the DS so that a) you want to own it, b) you don't have to spend time training yourself to play it, and c) you don’t have to save money to get it. The PSP went the other route and tried to make a "tech heads dream", as you put it, and it’s failing.

TalkBack / RE:<b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« on: August 17, 2005, 12:42:52 AM »
I agree with Don'tHate on this one. I don't think people will get upset over small REV-only unlockables (I didn't care about the island on Animal Crossing, or the unlockable games in Metroid Prime).

On a completley unrelated note:


Originally posted by: Jonnyboy117

Originally posted by: Nile Boogie
   GameCube SP?

That would have been a smart move...two years ago. It's too late now.

Personally. I think an sp cube could sell big time this Christmas, ESPECIALLY if they sneakily tied it in with Zelda. After all, if PSOne and GameBoy Micro taught/will teach anything, it's that its never too late to revamp old hardware.

TalkBack / RE:<b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« on: August 16, 2005, 06:32:41 AM »

That comment (chopped to make apparent) makes no sense.... Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to sit here and try and bash Halo, but anyone who says Halo was successful for any reasons other than its 'hip' marketing and multiplayer is wrong. Just because you apparently never learned how to play smash or something doesn't mean that an online version isn't going to make Revs fly off the damn shelves.

Firstly, I own, love and play smash bros., and am not a very big fan of Halo.

Secondly, Chopping up my post doesn't really make anything apparent.

Thirdly, I will concede that I may have been thinking that the single player in Halo was more important than it actually was. But, irregardless, the argument that a well crafted campaign may help sales, even in a game that is bought primarily for mulitplayer, is valid. For one thing, in-store kiosks generally only let you play single player. For another, just in general I'm fairly sure mulitplayer-only games tend to not sell as well as fully fledged games with robust multi-player modes.

Furthermore, if you factor in the other things I pointed out about SSB, and further factor in some of Halo's positive (and by positive I mean sellable) attributes (features such as photo realistic graphics, true 3D gameplay, an interesting sci-fi universe, and of course GUNS), and I think it becomes hard to boil the picture down to 'Halo was more popular because of hip marketing'.

Halo was an 'event' game and SSB wasn't.... was that solely due to marketing? Will online play (and better marketing) really make a 2.5D Nintendo charachter fighter sell consoles that much better this time round?

I'd love it if SMB online went Halo huge.... and maybe it will (I'm horrible at predicting how a game will sell). But,
I'm pretty convinced that Nintendo needs an M64-style large-scale game this time around. It doesn't even have to be single-player centric, but it does have to be very innovative, with simple and intuitive play mechanics. That's what they were missing with the cube launch: As great as Pikmin and Luigi's Mansion were, the games were both complex, short, and not overtly amazing or inviting.

TalkBack / RE: <b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« on: August 16, 2005, 04:43:33 AM »

SSBM has outsold most Zelda games, it hasn't outsold OoT yet but it will soon. I don't see how Zelda is a game everyone wants to play when SSB isn't. may have a point there. Zelda might not be a good game to launch with...nintendo's never launched with a Zelda game before. I think they've even said in the past that Zelda might be too complex for a launch game. (And there are other good reasons not to launch with it: it might be hard to port it in such a short time, it might steal thunder from the new mario game, etc).

Let's think about this for a second, though. If Nintendo wants to release it as a Cube game...when will they do it? Doesn't "after March 31" pretty much mean holidays 2005, at the earliest? And if that's the case, would Nintendo really want to market and launch a cube game at the same time as the Revolution launch?

Now that I think about it, it seems likely that Nintendo will determine that they can't release Zelda as a final gamecube game or a rev launch game. Instead, I think they'll decide to  launch TP in 2007, on the rev, at the holidays, or [edit: whoops. Wrong year.]
....And you know what? That wouldn't be such a bad thing. If Nintendo did that, TP would almost certainly become the most hyped game ever, and anticipation for it could really push REVS, even well before TP's slated release.  

TalkBack / RE:<b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« on: August 16, 2005, 04:18:12 AM »
 "Yeah, like Super Smash Bros."
SSB wasn't system-seller material. It was (virtually) multiplayer-only, hard to demonstrate, hard to pick up on play, easy on the eyes but not amazing graphically, and not 'epic'. It was a great game, but it definetly wasn't Mario 64. Or Halo. Or Zelda.

edit: "I need something to show me that nintendo still has the magic."
Oh, they still have it. Just believe.  

TalkBack / RE:<b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« on: August 16, 2005, 03:46:47 AM »

Who's buying a Revolution? What is the Revolution? Revolution doesn't even exist yet, nobody plans to buy one yet. We were promised a second Zelda on GC, and that's what we're going to get. Lots of people have it pre-ordered. GC has only been out 3 years here, I want more GC games, screw Revolution.

You're saying you don't want the game on the rev. That's fine (Now that the game is delatyed I don't really care either way....though I am currently operating under the assumption that the rev will be awesome and worth owning.) I definetley understand...but I also think that, from a purely business perspective, launching rev with TP would be a good move.

And yeah, it would be nice if Nintendo was the sort of company to keep promises...but they really aren't, so you can't say/assume that the game will be released on the GC just because Nintendo said it would be.

And, yes, I would've really liked playing beautiful Zelda at the same time xboxers were weaping over their expensive yet inferior new product.....but, with the delay, that's not really not going to happen either way now.
In any case, this move doesn't really spell instant success for the 360. I'm feeling fairly sure that the hype for REV/PS3 will make this holiday season one, not for 360, but for the handhelds. Specifically: the Nintendo DS ...which is the only piece of hardware that's actual on the casual radar right now.

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