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Messages - Agent-X-

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TalkBack / Re: Frog Suit Returns in Super Mario 3D World
« on: June 12, 2013, 12:01:46 PM »
The Tanooki suit is also confirmed. Wouldn't that make 4 confirmed suits?

Pixelated Pixies, I agree, and I think Nintendo wisely chose a medium where they could solely focus on games. They have some great games coming. I don't feel like any of these were groundbreaking. The new Mario is looking pretty good, but it's not a platform-defining game like Mario Galaxy or a new Zelda game. In fact, Nintendo really didn't showcase anything that would help to define or differentiate the Wii U.

This isn't really surprising, though. Nintendo has had ho-hum E3 showings in the past, and I think we could see this one coming. Nintendo had one objective in mind, and they nailed it pretty decently. They needed to showcase high quality games coming to Wii U. My confidence in Wii U has improved somewhat. Nintendo needs to show us a home run title, though. I love DKC, and it's as quality as quality comes. However, show me what the Wii U can do.

TalkBack / Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Coming to Wii U
« on: June 11, 2013, 01:29:30 PM »
I will. It's nice in here.

But seriously, first of all, I didn't mean that Metroid Prime was a crummy FPS. I mean that the FPS genre in general is pretty shaky. There are just so many high quality FPS titles that I pretty much have turned a blind eye to most of the games coming out save for the few exceptional ones that really stand tall. In general, any first-person experience feels a bit bland to me. I still do play'em (Skyrim, COD, etc) but just like with Mario branded games, they're mostly feeling a bit too repetitive.

Furthermore, this was one of the few games I wanted to see. If anyone is going to do a 3D side scroller, it may as well be the developers who really do an awesome job at it. What else are they going to make? A Kid Icarus game? A Star Fox game? They did get a crack at doing something other than Metroid and Donkey Kong, if my poor memory serves me correctly.

I love Retro Studios. I think this is one great title for their plate. Like you and everyone else, I hope they have some other projects that they are giving some attention to. For now, I'm just happy to have this game coming this year.

TalkBack / Re: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Coming to Wii U
« on: June 11, 2013, 12:49:55 PM »
Damn, Nintendo's pulling out almost every IP all at once suddenly. Didn't expect that.

I'm a little confused by some of the comments that say they wish Retro wasn't working on this game... wasn't the last DKC a good game? Why wouldn't want the studio to continue that?

The last DKCR was a good game...and it was a game that just about any division of Nintendo could have made. People were hoping that Retro would be allowed to work on a game that only they could do, but that was not the case.

See, I don't know about that. I don't know that any division of Nintendo could make a DKC game. Damn near anyone can make a crummy FPS, though, which is what Retro used to make (Metroid Prime). Anyone can make a Metroid Prime game. Hell, Nintendo could get any developer to do an FPS. They're not complicated.

As for any division of Nintendo making a DKC game, I just don't think it's that simple. Even Retro simplified DKCR because they knew there was a high probability of botching the game.

I'm excited that Retro is doing this game. There are enough developers out there who can make a simple FPS.

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