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Messages - LuWoo75

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Nintendo Gaming / RE:Rev in Nov. Wha?
« on: May 30, 2005, 11:44:06 AM »

Originally posted by: Dirk Temporo

Anyone know what happened to Nintendo's crusade to "launch before the PS3"?

I think they wanted to beat PS3 to the punch.  The thing is the PS3 dosen't have a definate launch date yet soo......... who knows.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Rumored Nrev specs
« on: May 27, 2005, 05:29:22 PM »
It seems that the specs have been confirmed here is Link.  I dunno maybe they got those specs off the G4 boards who knows?

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Rev in Nov. Wha?
« on: May 27, 2005, 05:08:15 PM »

Originally posted by: mantidor
What makes you all people think that the ps3 its like ready to go? it has already been stated the chips arent even finalized. This is sony's marketing and hype playing with you, I wouldnt be surprised at all if the ps3 gets delayed or has an even crappier launch than the ps2. This is precisely the reason Nintendo didnt show any footage, they dont like to cheat and hype based on nothing, which is what sony did. Its sad that the industry doesnt akcnowledge Nintendo's honesty, but its even more sad that some of you, their fans, doesnt aknowledge that either.

I co-sign to that.  I'm not going to believe this one unless it's straight from NInty.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Rumored Nrev specs
« on: May 27, 2005, 05:06:22 PM »

Originally posted by: supersoaker
okay then.

so i think that maybe Aries should gain some credibility back, because like i said, this was posted a freaking month ago.
so what if he was wrong about the predictions?  those don't concern me anymore.  what concerns me is how freaking
similar Aries' specs are compared to Han_Solo.

if this turns out to be true, he'll be the one laughing at us.

dammit, i don't know what to believe anymore!

Yeah there are so many rumors and conspiricy theories on every board each one contradicting and confirming at the same time who know's what is real.  I went over to the boards on gamespot and there is so much speculation over there i havta laugh at it all.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Rev in Nov. Wha?
« on: May 27, 2005, 03:04:02 PM »

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
LuWoo everytime you use a dollar sign for MS it posts "my post is a train wreck".  That, well, turns you posts into train wrecks so you should probably stop doing that.  I agree that MS moving everything forward a year is screwing things up.

Ah i c, i was wondering what was going on thanx, damned MS.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Rev in Nov. Wha?
« on: May 27, 2005, 02:53:34 PM »
That would be hard to believe cause there is very lil GC support in '06 that would be a dangerous stragedy for Ninty.  It is true though it's about a year till launch and there hasn't been any dev kits sent out circa E3.  In all fairness only thing we saw from the PS3 were FMV they could be just as far from a good launch.  

This is all my post is a train wreck fault for pushing the Next generation systems b4 anyone was ready.  I aint mad at Ninty at all cause they are just trying to do the right thing by taking there time and not launching with crappy tittles and lil online support if the rumors are even true.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Touchscreen controllers and you
« on: May 25, 2005, 01:24:21 PM »

Originally posted by: kingvudu

Originally posted by: mantidor
It seems the Rev controller might actually be something like this, Im basing that on the fact that Reggie said that one of the clues for the controller is how it can play games from NES to GC games.
You're forgetting that Iwata flat out stated that the Revolution controller will not have a touch screen.

I think he was bluffing, if someone did guess what the controller was I dont think he confirm it.  I dunno it's the only thing that makes since cause it's the only thing that customizable.  

Nintendo Gaming / FF:CC revolution
« on: May 25, 2005, 08:00:36 AM »
Did anyone like the original?  I though if the gameplay was more expansive and the single player mode was given a bit more thought it coulda been a much better game.  I think for this title to be a class a game the battle system is going to have use mor than just 2 buttons.  Online play will help out the multi-player mode though.  Since this is one of the few confirmed game thought it would make good conversation.

Nintendo Gaming / Rumored Nrev specs
« on: May 25, 2005, 07:56:11 AM »
I pulled this off the net u can take it for what it's worth.  It maybe old so...

This is from Han_Solo from the G4 forums. he works for factor 5 if no one knows who he is.

Alright, i think im gonna do that "Clear up some more black smoke" for you mate

Im pretty sure the info im gonna release is already out in the japanese news and chinese, maby western also. But this info i have right now got to me in Feburary this year. So i dont know if you guys have seen it already, i hope not though . Also this info wasnt released by nintendo themselves , so i might be taking a

You ask about 2-3 times more powerful, what if its 20-30 times more powerful .

Alright, here are some specs from my sources about Revolution. Its still not the complete or "Satisfied" specs, but they are the numbers that would rival xbox 360 and PS3, like i have been saying all this while.....

Revolution Specs

CPU: IBM Custom PowerPC 3.5 GHz + 4 internal Power PC G5 cores running at 2.5 GHz each. Each core will have 128 KB or 256 Kb L1 cache. The whole CPU will share 512 KB - 1 MB of L2 cache. As you can see they are deciding wether to go up one notch. But never the less, its a very powerful CPU with 4 custom G5 cores.

There will also be two hardware threads per core, 8 hardware threads total.

12 billion dot product operations per second

Theoritical of 10 GHz total + 3 GHz CPU speed

Xbox 360 CPU:

Three symmetrical cores running at 3.2 GHz each = theoritical of 9.6 GHz + 3.2 GHz CPU speed
Two hardware threads per core; six hardware threads total
VMX-128 vector unit per core; three total
128 VMX-128 registers per hardware thread
1 MB L2 cace

Revolution GPU

ATI Custom based RN520 core. the "N" stands for nintendo, and is because the ArtX team is with them, thats why its an "N". There will be 2 GPU cores (just like the nVidia SLI motherboard with two Graphics Chips), this will use ATI's alternative, and will be the first in any console.

Both GPU's will have 256 MB's of GDDR4 memory, with an addional 16 MB of eDRAM total. eDRAM is an onboard flash memory, just like the 3 MB on
the gamecubes flipper.

The cores will run at 600 MHz each, (rumours are that its possible 500 MHz each), but i doubt that.

24-to-48 way parallel floating-point dynamically scheduled shader pipelines for each core with unified shader architecture.

Polygon Performance: 500 million triangles per second theoritical, average ingame would be around <100 Million/sec

Shader Performance: 48 billion shader operations per second

Revolution memory

512 MB of 700 MHz Updated 1T-SRAM (its a totally redone design of something new, remember the nitrous i talked about)

Also, as I said I’m going to add more info, the Revolution will support a PPU chip (Physical Processing Chip). This chip is very new to computer architecture, and it will mainly help in the physics area. There will be 32 MB’s of its own RAM, which will link to the CPU and GPU. To compare to the usage of physics used in current games, Half Life 2 only used 5 MB’s, Rebel strike used around 1.3 MB’s, and RE4 used 3 MB’s, but this is off main memory, which made performance issues.

There will also be a separate sound card that will support only DD 5.1 – DTS 7.1, rumours has it will have 16 MB’s, like the Cube DSP.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Touchscreen controllers and you
« on: May 25, 2005, 07:23:13 AM »
A touchscreen is the only thing that would make sense as to what the Nrev is.  I dunno how much more force-feedback would add to the cost though.

U know i dont see konami giving the Nrev anything worthwhile just for the simple fact of they havent support Nin since SNES.  SE someone metioned it b4 that Dragon Quest would be good title for Nintendo although a port of FF would suffice and not FF:CC unless it was to be re-done and evolved into a real RPG with more realistic Graphix.  Capcom and Namco are a given and Activision and EA are given.  I have confidence that UBI will be there also.  I dont ever forsee GTA on the Nrev.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Zoonami
« on: May 24, 2005, 11:13:52 AM »

Originally posted by: KDR_11k
They're also making something for Nintendo. A company has no loyality to anyone but its shareholders.

U are a socialist lol,....and i agree with u.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Exclusive Content you already own (Idea)
« on: May 24, 2005, 06:20:04 AM »
I dunno i think most die harders, basicly everyone that is still buying cube games that late in cycle are going to get the Nrev already.  I think giving away free cd's of videos of the Nrev in places like Wally World and EB's may be a better move.  Maybe buying a 30 min spot on G4TV or the like would be good also.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Design the Revolution
« on: May 23, 2005, 07:00:40 PM »
I dunno i kinda dig the white, but i could settle for the blk.  How many colors are they launching with just one or multiple?

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Revolution controller Mock up
« on: May 23, 2005, 02:07:03 PM »
Your Kidding right?

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Analyst likes Revolution
« on: May 23, 2005, 01:31:07 PM »
my post is a train wreck looses money on every xbox that is sold so they havta be #1 this gen or they wont make it to next gen.  But actually I'll havta agree with ol Billy G when he called the Nrev a "niche" system, as i'm sure he has been doing a lil corporate esponage.  That's not a bad thing though.

I was over on some Apple boards and overall talk about the Nrev has been optimistic.  I think we all agree that not showing more of the Nrev was a bad marketing stagedy, but they havent did anything so far that would make someone not get the Nrev.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Bandai + Namco on board for the Revolution...
« on: May 23, 2005, 01:22:27 PM »

Originally posted by: mantidor
LuWoo75 all that was part of the Aries fiasco, ignore it.

Ah man that sux that was sounding really cool too.  What was the deal with that Aries dude?  I didn't follow that situation that closely.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Bandai + Namco on board for the Revolution...
« on: May 23, 2005, 08:07:57 AM »
Ah I think I remember that now didnt they merge serveral months ago?

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Bandai + Namco on board for the Revolution...
« on: May 23, 2005, 07:58:07 AM »
I found some more rumors of games that are in development for the Nrev.  Here is the whole article:

RUMOR #2: One bigmouthed developer has leaked a boatload of details on the Nintendo Revolution.

Source: The forums of

The official story: "Nintendo does not comment on rumors or speculation."--Nintendo spokesperson.

What we heard: Hot on the heels of last week's rumor that the Revolution might include 3D technology is a rebuttal saying that it won't. It comes courtesy of an anonymous former Nintendo employee who is now developing games for his former employer's next-generation console. Besides trashing the 3D rumors, the ex-Nintendite reveals many features about the console. He or she says the Revolution will have wireless pressure-sensitive controllers that will add a new level of force feedback. "It will be sort of like controlling a game with one of those stress balls," said the source. "You squeeze it, and you go faster." The source also said the Revolution "will also include voice control more advanced than anything seen so far," and it will come with wireless headsets. He also said the Revolution will come with an online service superior to Xbox Live...but totally free. "The only way I can describe it is as an Internet service," said the poster. "Imagine turning it on and checking your mail on the system. You see previews and demos of DS and Revolution games that you can download. A magazine similar to Nintendo Power will be exclusive to the system, and you will be able to access it on the Revolution’s home page." The source also said that besides Nintendo, which has at least seven next-gen titles in development, Capcom, Namco, EA, Sega, Zoonami, and Activision are all currently working on Revolution games. However, the poster remained coy about what the exact "Revolution" would be. "I’m not going to tell you the revolutionary aspect of the system. Nintendo has some cool pre-E3 plans for that."

Bogus or not bogus?: Interesting? Most definitely. Bogus, perhaps? We'll see at E3.

The article can be found here

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Bandai + Namco on board for the Revolution...
« on: May 23, 2005, 07:43:10 AM »
Well Bandai is a bit of a suprise, but Namco is a given since they have a good relationship with Nintendo.  Majestco is making  the Darkness, Sqare-Enix is making FF:CC and EA is pretty much set in stone also.  I hope Koei supports Nrev i really like the Danasty Warrior franchise.  There is also rumors that Square is making Dragon Quest for the Nrev will havta see about that one as the Nrev will havta have some good RPG's to launch.  Maybe since the 360 is getting FF maybe we can get a port also.    

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Game for "NRV" listed on IGN
« on: May 21, 2005, 01:20:01 PM »
I really like the comic book, i hope Majestco dose this game some justice.  Has the potential to be a really good game.  Hopefully Nrev will get some more third party support.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Miyamoto interview on IGN
« on: May 19, 2005, 01:49:29 PM »
Yeah 3rd party support is one that has always bothered me.  That game the Darkness looks to be a decent game it's on the 360 and ps3 and if the specs are way inferrior nrev maynot even get a port.  It's still too early to say either way but i dont know if i can put this on on Nintendo.  I dont think anyone knew sony was going to show their system and it's my post is a train wreck who pushed everyone into a new generation of consoles b4 anyone was ready.  

I was pleased to hear Kid Icarus is going to make an appearance on the nrev though.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Miyamoto interview on IGN
« on: May 19, 2005, 01:30:42 PM »
After having some time to think things over I have to say I'll backtrack on some previous post.  First of all all the games coming from the ps3 are all fmv, sony and my post is a train wreck are playing the # game every # they throw out are theoretical sony dosent have one game running on it's system yet.  Ninetendo isnt going to throw #'s out just fot spits and giggles at least this is what i'm getting from that interview.  I have a gut feeling Nrev isn't as weak as we think from that interview it may not me as strong as ps3 but i think it somewhere on the 360 level.  I dont think that there going back to the drawing board b/c they are making the system smaller, if they are doing that it wouldnt make sense to try to add more proccessors as that would add to the heat and space and would need water cooling ala 360 to disapate the heat.  

I do agree that Nintendo didnt count on sony showing this much of there stuff right now.  I feel sony felt like they had to in order to keep my post is a train wreck from dominating this year's E3.  Think about it for a minute if Sony didnt do what they are doing they woulda took E3.  Sony did exactly what it had to do come out with the highest specs or at least an illusion of even if they had to fudge the #'s no one is going to second guess it cause there is no software running on it to back it up.

Nintendo wasn't ready for this and there arn't going to fudge #'s just to play the same game.  I even bet Nintendo wasnt' even going to show or even have a final design on the rev until sony started showing theirs.    

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Live?
« on: May 17, 2005, 10:31:25 AM »
U know what?  I remember something Bill Gates said about the revolution he said, "I'm not worried about Nintendo, i'm more worried about sony."  He goes on to say that the Revolution is just going to be a "niche system".  Maybe ol Bill got some inside info?  I think it's crazy how the new xbox is concave and the ps3 is convex, the 360 is a revolution and the 3 represents the ps3 it's like he was privy of some info none of us were.  Maybe Nintendo's stradagy is to be the other system.  About 1/3 of gamers have at least 2 systems, maybe that is Nintys goal.  I dunno just throwing that out there.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Live?
« on: May 17, 2005, 10:15:21 AM »
Ian's right on point.  If Nintendo dosn't woo third parties this is all for not.  Sales do matter b/c who would wanta develop for a console that hasnt sold that my systems thats limiting profit to them.  Ok if Nintendo is just hold on to some big secret when and how are they going to tale it to the public this is the biggest event no one even going to be paying attention after E3.  The ps3 maybe dosnt' do everyhing it says but i know that it has 7 3.2 ghz power pc's thats enough that and i can see the games that it's launching with.

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