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Messages - odifiend

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TalkBack / RE: PREVIEWS: Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition
« on: April 14, 2007, 02:37:44 AM »
Meh - is anyone else tired of Capcom porting this game?  It was a great game but I've been there, done that and got the T-shirt (order from!).  I wish Capcom would stop spitting in my face and calling it rain.

TalkBack / RE: REVIEWS: Sonic and the Secret Rings
« on: April 07, 2007, 02:11:08 PM »
Two words.  Laser Hockey.  Wii Play and polished controls don't belong in the same sentence...

Even missions where you have to make laps are about speed.  There is no "about facing" Sonic, so you are kidding yourself if you think it is not about speed.  It is by design and by perspective.  I never said the set up was the same as the classic games, but the sense of speed you get from the game is what Sonic is about.  If you can't anticipate and avoid obstacles quickly you aren't going to like any true Sonic game.  Secret Rings is fast to the point where it is unforgiving - whether that means death or trying to figure out how to make Sonic travel in reverse.
The strictness and the challenge do not make Secret Rings a bad game.  The developer seems to expect the player to have near perfect execution on run throughs while Sonic is running around 80+ mph.  Some of the complaints mentioned have been completely inherent to Sonic, the concept.  Not having enough time to charge jumps, having to backtrack because an item was missed, etc, etc...  The controls are not perfect (I hope there is an upgrade for jumping of rails because I hate doing it) but they are not that bad.  You are just controlling the fastest thing alive.  Frustration is going to come easier.

TalkBack / RE:REVIEWS: Sonic and the Secret Rings
« on: April 07, 2007, 03:40:12 AM »

Originally posted by: GoldenPhoenix

Originally posted by: odifiend

Not trying to be a jerk, but if you don't like this game, it could be because you don't like the idea behind Sonic games, because Sonic Team (or whoever) delivered on the concept.

Too bad I really loved Sonic 3 right? The game has many legitimate complaints besides the difficulty, even if you look at the myriad of reviews out there some are brought up multiple times so there must be something to them. You loved the game? Great for you, but realize that some of us had legit complaints regarding the game, and mine never were about it being too hard (Maybe if you are talking about clunky controls at times, or tedious missions, I'd agree).

You loved Sonic 3?  Wow.  I loved it, too but you do realize that one changed the series focus from speed. In past Sonic games, you got Choas emeralds 'on the way' through speeding through a level.  Sonic 3 became about finding those big rings for emeralds which slowed down the pace of most players who didn't know exactly where they were.  I'm sorry but loving Sonic 3 does not prove you love the speed element of Sonic.

NWR rated this game as a 5.  To give you some perspective, Drake and Josh for the GBA pulled a 4.5 the other day.  Wii Play which did have a horrible control problem and no depth ranged from a 4.5 to 6.  Spongebob Wii got a 4.5.  I do realize that people have differing opinions, in fact I'm captilizing on it right here by offering my opinion - but a 5 for this game, are you serious?  I'm not trying to dismiss anyone's viewpoint and it is not my job to talk you into thinking you made a good purchase or whatever, but I stand by my statement that the reaction (and score) SSR got was unwarranted.  Haters, your opinion is noted and should be considered, but I just wanted to say I based my opinion on popular opinion and was pleasantly surprised with Sonic and the Secret Rings despite what that opinion said.  It feels like a real Sonic after a very long absence on consoles.

TalkBack / RE: REVIEWS: Sonic and the Secret Rings
« on: April 06, 2007, 03:14:26 AM »
I hate to drag this from the dead, but I read the reviews and remarked the scores everywhere and decided not to buy this game.  My brother though went rogue over the weekend and picked it up.  Sonic Adventure 2 Battle was ok, AX was a disappointment, Heroes was terrible, and I couldn't bring myself to give the ridiculous sell-out Shadow the time of day.  In the past on these very forums, I've had some very negative things to say about Sonic games on the GCN.  Sonic and the Secret Rings is good though.  I am having a lot of fun playing it.  It definitely does have a learning curve, which is the only fair criticism I've read.  But even that makes sense - Sonic is fast as hell and it takes a while to steer him effectively.
I'm not done the game but it seems clear to me that the reaction this game got is unwarranted.  I would even venture to say this game is at least a 7-8.  I am a fan of the Sonic the Hedgehog series on the Genesis and this game definitely brings the series back to its roots.  Sonic.  Running.  Fast. So Fast.  Not trying to be a jerk, but if you don't like this game, it could be because you don't like the idea behind Sonic games, because Sonic Team (or whoever) delivered on the concept.

NWR Forums Discord / RE: All Fools Found - The 2007 Collection
« on: April 01, 2007, 08:41:18 AM »
Not that it is a sub release day but Dattebayo Fansubs  

General Chat / RE: The Job Thread
« on: April 01, 2007, 08:39:13 AM »
If it was a horrible and unethical job, is it not a good thing she is out of it?

NWR Forums Discord / RE: You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?
« on: March 30, 2007, 03:17:23 AM »
I hate windows - I'm not made of windex.

General Chat / RE: The Job Thread
« on: March 29, 2007, 05:20:02 PM »
I'm actually in charge of selecting college students for a summer internship.  It is a sales and leadership program open to all majors and students who can work in the US.  I am a chemical engineer, so it was "non traditional" for me but I have a lot of fun with it and plan on doing the rest of my years in school.  You do have to work hard, but it is a paid internship so I never have to work during the school year because I have set myself up financially for my semesters, saving about 3000 dollars and 10,000 dollars respectively over the past two summers.
We may not decide to work together, but anyone who is eligible and interested is welcome to PM me for information on how to be selected.

- Justin McKenzie

(the only place in the forum where I will sign my name is the job thread)

DS has sold a lot more.  Xbox Live should be given credit.  It service is good enough that it has generated respectable numbers for a pay service that requires broadband.  Honestly though Xbox has nothing to do with this.
I think we can all agree friend codes are inconvenient.  Would less people have gotten on Nintendo WiFi if there was a system other than friend codes?  No is the answer.  If friend codes aren't the best system and could be economically streamlined, Nintendo should do better on the Wii.

Is it too early for April Fools?  It is the May issue...  If true, it is nice that work arounds are possible.

Games aren't art, they are product.  Thank you.  Thank you very much.

TalkBack / RE:Naruto: Clash of Ninja MVZ Announced for Wii
« on: March 13, 2007, 12:41:20 PM »

Originally posted by: TVman

Originally posted by: thatguy
That very strange.  It actually looks like a new game exclusively for the US.  I can't see what advantage this offers for them, when we don't have the last two CoN games here, though this could be a mix of the two, minus basically half the characters, which still doesn't make sense.  There's no need to skip over CoN 3 or CoN 4 consider theres still over 100 episodes of filler before Shipuuden, right? Maybe this is an in-between game, to nail down some Wii features that will be involved in 3 and 4.  Heck, there's more than 14 characters in CoN 2, so fourteen just makes no sense, unless they plan to make this a value game, and then use parts they developed for this on the other two titles.

There are only 85 episodes of filler. (136-220) Get your facts straight.

Not to mention that stupid race garbage... that's probably right around 100.  100 episodes of filler in an anime that lasts 220 episodes is so ridiculous.  What does MVZ stand for anyway?  

General Gaming / RE: Neural Interface Device (Mind Reading Headset)
« on: March 13, 2007, 10:49:46 AM »
In Brain Training - or Brain Age (the one I own and play) - it is fun to compare your best scores.  The concentration that happens to achieve your best is negatively affected when someone is talking to you or around you.  Maybe if you are a hermit, this isn't a problem but if you have family who tries to talk to you while playing a game, it could be.  I just don't know how you could fine tune your level of concentration either.  Note the article talks about an engineer doing the 'complex' demonstration.  I think you could be underestimating how much concentration it would take.


Originally posted by: KDR_11k
The only complaints I've read about P.N.03 is that it's not Devil May Cry.

The only good thing to come out of PN 03 was the idea behind The Mercernaries in RE4.  Accroding to Phoenix's complaints, it is a pass.  Enemies are very much recycled and even though it is a solid game, it is very much play a play to get through it game.  With less novel showdowns and a much more boring and whack story.
DMC3 was the only one I played and I played for about 3 minutes at a friend's house.

Killer7 without getting into spoilers was very different from anything I have ever played.  The pre-existing rivals and the power rangers were worth playing the game.  I'm excited for No More Heroes because they are using the same art style but are seemingly using a different control style (the one thing about the game I didn't really care for).  That makes for a lot of deserved hype.

General Gaming / RE: Neural Interface Device (Mind Reading Headset)
« on: March 13, 2007, 05:53:42 AM »
That sounds pretty neat but i don't know how this could be integrated and fun.  Assuming the head set got small and comfortable enough, you still have to be focusing on the game entirely to get it to work.  I'm reminded of one of my brother's lame friends who needs quiet to play anything because he needs to concentrate.  That is no fun.

From the article, it sounds like Sony started That Game Company's studio for them.  The word incubation was used.  There is a difference between reaching out with encouragement and expertise and funding someone from practically start to finish.  Pittbboi is right - this isn't a case of money hats, in a traditional sense anyway.   Moneyhats to me is going to an established dev and buying a franchise or exclusivity for a game.  This is Sony's willingness over Nintendo to fund an indie dev.
It is great and very cool that they want to work with Nintendo but you can't expect Nintendo to fund studios of (very often) unproven developers - to take that risk doesn't make any sense.  They have done a good job on the front end to ensure an indie can afford to put a game on their console.  I hope Nintendo does assume the risk now and again when the project and the people can be a success.  Maybe that wasn't quite the situation here.
Since Nintendo isn't arrogant as arrogant behind the scenes, hopefully when the 'debt' to Sony is paid, these developers will make games for a Nintendo console in the future.
My question though is did Sony approach That Game Company after Nintendo expressed interest?  It doesn't really matter because the game couldn't happen on consoles without Sony but I'm just curious.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Official Wii Sales Thread
« on: March 08, 2007, 01:04:44 PM »
Keyword: started.  DDR and a lot of those other games were already being made.  Where is the wave of companies who started not putting out their traditional games in favor of non games?  I would say there aren't any.
Jason, if you want to give me titles to match with all those companies making 'nongames', that would be great...

TalkBack / RE: PS3 HOME is 'Mii Too,' Says Nintendo
« on: March 08, 2007, 11:08:54 AM »
The response can be applied to more than the loose Home.  These Mii-too joke must have been in the works since the last minute motion sensing crap Sony pulled...

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Official Wii Sales Thread
« on: March 08, 2007, 09:59:07 AM »
Just curious, what companies, other than Nintendo, have started putting out 'non-games'?

How is excite truck a game where you control a truck by rotating the wiimote like a steering wheel a gamer game but how wii sports is a non game?  I remember owning Track & Field for the NES.  It was a compilation of events from the olympics.  As far as I knew it was a gamer game.  I don't really see how wii sports is anything but an extension of that concept.
I can imagine wave race controlling similarly to excite truck.  I don't see where 'gamer games' end and 'non games' begin.  Please explain it to me.  Tetris is a classic game.  Where does that fall?  Even Brain Age has elements of a classic arcade game - it pits you against your own past performances.
Ian, the situation is not new at all.  You were just too young to remember the first time it happened.  Video games used to be only an arcade phenomenon.  I wish I could meet your parallel who was saying that home consoles would ruin video games.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Official Wii Sales Thread
« on: March 08, 2007, 06:15:09 AM »
That's what I'm talking about, BNM!  If Wiiplay 2: Revenge of the 'Tech Demos' came out tomorrow and was 30 bucks with a nunchuk, you can believe I'd pick that up too.
The timing on the release of Wiiplay was perfect - early so that the 'extra' wiimote would be a huge consideration in its purchase.  Nintendo basically manufactured a one million selling game when it devised the Wiiplay bundle.  Instead of looking at this as an isolated success for Nintendo sales, this is being taken as signal for the crash of gaming as we knew it.  That is such bullcrap.  This gen is looking to be the 'have your cake and eat it too' gen for Nintendo.  There are plenty of game games to go along with the nongames.  What is cool is unlike the past two generations, Nintendo isn't the only one making games for its console.  But let's keep jumping to the most negative conclusions.  That is definitely the most fun...

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Official Wii Sales Thread
« on: March 08, 2007, 05:36:39 AM »
If Zelda had a wiimote packed in, the numbers would be different...  You can't infer anything really telling from the sales of a game with a pack-in at standard price and a regular game.  I would also hope that as Wiis become more available, Zelda:TP will continue to sell into the future.

General Chat / RE:Not a political discussion...
« on: March 06, 2007, 03:36:09 AM »
The luxaries that prisoners are afforded over a life time, I am sure is more than 3 million.
Ahhhh, I got you now.  No real disagreement on this end.

General Chat / RE:Not a political discussion...
« on: March 06, 2007, 01:07:14 AM »
Tax season was pretty rough for me this year.  I'm 20 years old but I owed the IRS and my state even after being taxed at a rate of around 25%.  I would find a wife, not father one .  Though if I could figure out a way to father wives... hmm... and moved to Utah, then maybe I'd get many, many tax breaks.

Not to get political and I haven't done any research, but it would follow logically that the one time cost of the death penalty would be cheaper than life in prison for tax payers

General Chat / RE:Not a political discussion...
« on: March 05, 2007, 01:49:34 AM »
At least you are married - that is a tax break right there.  After taxes this year I'm looking to father a child... and a wife.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Fire Emblem 10
« on: February 24, 2007, 04:20:31 AM »

Originally posted by: vudu
I don't think I used that punk[Sothe] once during PoR.

You missed out.  Sothe got sick even though he couldn't class change.  He put Volke to shame.

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