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Messages - Dryden

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Nintendo Gaming / RE:Katamari DamaWii?... one can dream
« on: March 09, 2007, 07:28:16 AM »
Wow, that's... that's an incredibly simple idea, Ceric.  Totally workable and instantly accessible.  Miyamoto-san would be proud.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Nintendo Plays for Keeps (article piece)
« on: March 09, 2007, 07:25:22 AM »
Yes, the article favours Nintendo, and we're all fanboy....ish here, so we like it.

But all in all, I think it's an incredibly even-handed analysis of the market as it stands.  I don't think he missed out on one element of the industry.  He also avoids looking into the 2010 crystal ball that keeps coming up in other articles, where they say that the PS3 will dominate in three years time.

But everything, from analyzing Microsoft's failing strategy, to the costs of risk to high production cost games, to the DS to Wii transistions for successful titles... everything is in place.

If I were Sony or Microsoft, the one thing I'd walk away with from that article is the importance of the low-buget gaming industry.  It's the testing ground for franchises which *then* you can decide to spend millions on for a home console version.  We learned it from Pokemon, Trauma Centre, Cooking Mama, Wario Wares, Batallion Wars, and the list goes on.  We wouldn't have half of the franchises we do today if designing a game for GBA or DS cost more than the half million dollar pricetag they run around.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Katamari DamaWii?... one can dream
« on: March 09, 2007, 06:16:11 AM »
Looking for sales figures...
The original hit about 150,000...

Oops.  Stumbled across this instead, from March 2006:
To quote: Namco Japan's official website for popular franchise Katamari Damacy has announced that the team behind both the original game and its sequel, We Love Katamari, has dissolved, and that no sequels have been planned.

To quote again... Just when everyone had come to terms with their beloved Katamari Damacy series fading away, up pops a trio of trademark applications to get everyone's hopes up for a sequel or three. On August 22, 2006 Bandai Namco Games filed trademark applications for Beautiful Katamari Damacy and Katamari Damacy Tres Bien, and on September 7, a further application was filed for Katamari Damacy-kun.

I can't find any news past that date, other than a stupid rumour about "ohyeahmaybeonWiiandXBLA!"  Soo... cool?

Besides, people who never bought a PS2 are buying up the Wii like mad.  Which means Wiimakes are likely, especially for non-gamer games like Katamari Damacy.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Whoa! Ouch...A little harsh there Chris...
« on: March 09, 2007, 05:16:14 AM »
I don't think he would have made a public appology had his comments not been made public by the gaming press in the first place.  He's at a conference for game developers, not the gaming press.

That's not to say that the appology isn't warranted - just to say that his original comments should have been put in better context.  Anyone have any idea what else was said by anyone - anyone at all in that hour long panel?

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Katamari DamaWii?... one can dream
« on: March 09, 2007, 03:40:42 AM »
I didn't know the original creator didn't work on the PSP game...
Was it any good?  As good as the first two?

Nintendo Gaming / Katamari DamaWii?... one can dream
« on: March 09, 2007, 03:29:26 AM »
Katamari Damacy.

Got to replaying this game and it's sequel, We Heart Katamari, last night.  Just rolling around inside these brilliant games really got me to thinking about a sequel coming to the Wii.

Econmonically and business wise, I don't see why it won't happen.  Namco and Nintendo have a strong business relationship, and Katamari only hit the PS2 over the Gamecube because the PS2 base was so much larger.  Now the PS3 is moving infinately far away from low-polygon looking games like Katamari, and the Wii is closer to Katamari's philosophy of play.  It's a match made in gamer's heaven.

Not only that, but Nintendo's Blue Ocean philosophy begs to have Katamari Damacy on it's side.  I have parties at my house, and people flock to watch "the rolling game" that they've seen at other people's houses.  They love "the rolling game".  (Miyamoto's wife probably would too).

Creatively, the Wii offers a lot the PS2 didn't, most importantly control with the Wiimote and Nunchuck.  Other ideas likely implemented would be rolling up the Miis (or using one as your playable character), and the possibility of Elebits-style level creation and sharing.

The only reason I can think of for this not happening?  If Namco is putting the series to sleep and shifting their brilliant creative minds behind Katamari Damacy onto brand new projects which could be destined for any platform.

Thoughts?  Rumours?  Speculation?  (If anyone suggests that The Prince is a playable character in Smash Bros Brawl, though...)

Nintendo Gaming / Smash Bros. Icicle Mountain Summit!
« on: March 06, 2007, 07:18:39 AM »
So my buddy showed me that in Adventure mode, you can reach the summit of Icicle Mountain!

You know how the screen scrolls upwards as you jump?  Well, as long as you don't drop the Ice Climbers off the bottom of the stage as you ascend, you can reach the summit!

It's really kind of a boring summit, mind you.  It's just one last horizontal platform in the middle of the stage and a whole lot of dead space all over the screen.  No more hopping platforms.  And you can't get to the summit in VS mode since it doesn't scroll with you, unless, I don't know, 99:00 time limit?  Even then...

Anyway, would someone please check this out and confirm my findings so I don't get flamed as a rumour monger?

Also, Mewthree is unlockable in SSMB.  Kidding.

General Gaming / RE:The worth of PS3, your opinion?
« on: November 17, 2006, 01:42:47 AM »
It's worth exactly what I can sell it for on eBay.

For personal use, though?  If Sony is predicting a ten-year life cycle - still - then it's not worth anything to me yet.  It's going to be two or three years before we see any games that use the PS3's power to really make new game experiences.  (Read: non-'scripted' AI)

General Gaming / RE:Did Sony lie about PS3 availability at US retailers?
« on: November 17, 2006, 01:33:25 AM »
Here in Canada, the supply line is actually quite grim.  Yes, BestBuy and Future Shop got their stock here in Calgary (under 30 each), but on a national level - national - The two biggest video stores, Blockbuster and Roger's Video, didn't get any.  Heck, the Sony Store only got two.

Also, SCEA isn't saying boo about how many units they've actually sent out.

By the way, the Future Shop and the BestBuy near me in Calgary both promised three times as many Wiis as PS3s.  I just hope there's enough Wiimotes to go around.

TalkBack / RE:Nintendo Monopoly on the Way!
« on: June 09, 2006, 04:22:30 PM »

...screen shots on the game board center of the original Donkey King

Yushi and Donkey King.  Miyamoto must be rolling over in his grave.
... or rather, rolling over in his bathtub of money...

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Super Smash Bros. Brawl
« on: June 06, 2006, 02:54:56 AM »
I'd really, really like to see more first generation stages.  Like the SMB1 stage in Melee, but for other franchises.
A retro Kid Icarus stage is a likely given.  An 8-bit Metroid stage would work great, too.  But I really, really want a retro DK stage - in fact, just put the first level of the original Donkey Kong on screen a la the Game and Watch stage in Melee.

Nintendo Gaming / What's Reggie thinking for Marketing the Wii?
« on: May 15, 2006, 10:40:46 PM »
I know that we were all embarassed by the XBox 360 MTV "Unvieling" with Elija Wood and gang... But isn't that the kind of attitude Nintendo took at their press conference at E3 this year?  Watching other people play the games?  Even on their website, they're pushing consumer response to the Wii.

I hated the XBox MTV special as much as any gamer... but Nintendo might just be thinking a TV special might be the way to best introduce the Wii to the public pre-launch.  Their basic message is that you *have* to play it before you're hooked... and pre-launch, the easiest way to simulate that is showing other people playing it and reacting to it in a realistic fashion (i.e. NOT the Super Mario Galaxy promo video).

See, the XBox 360 MTV special was very much empty hype - while a Wii special would be backed-up hype.  What do you guys think?

I think Pachter really hit something here that other publishers are considering after E3 - how do we capitalize on the Wii's rather overcoming success?

If they don't have something ready for the 3-month launch window - I can definately see re-worked Virtual Console titles coming out of devs like THQ or Take Two.  Just to have *something* to start selling gamers on their games.

Nintendo Gaming / Wii Website Goes Live
« on: May 13, 2006, 02:16:42 AM »

'Bout Time.  Some good artwork and generally no new info, but interesting nonetheless.

General Gaming / RE:The end of the Playstation Era?
« on: May 12, 2006, 11:51:13 PM »
Sony will be FINE, though lose market share.

You know, I think people are underestimating Sony.  They'll come out fine.
1.  They are a major multi-faceted corporation, with some of Hollywood in their pocket, or at least behind Blu-Ray.
2.  The install base for the PS2 - which launched at a high price as well - is astounding.  The PS3 is directly for that market.
3.  Sony's a juggernaut advertiser.
4.  Sony's console is more 'typical' - which means more movie to game adaptations, by a long shot.  (Godfather + Wii-mote = ???)
5.  Nintendo isn't known for realism in its games, nor will it be this generation - PS3 / XBox have this down.
6.  The technology behind the good games - hitting a year after launch (read: LucasArts) is phenominal

 Actually, lets talk about that quick:  take a look at the LucasArts demo, with the PS3 powering new physics and AI enginges.  For them, it was just a quick demo, showing the end of canned animations and the beginning of immersive, realistic environments.  Apply it to any genre:
    Fighting games with real-time muscle movements and realistic body reactions... (Bushido Blade becoming true-life, Fight Night reacting truly, no more juggling in Tekken)
    Games with cars that crash / drive with perfect phsyics (Grand Theft Auto realtime accurate car damage, Gran Turismo control like we've never seen, explosions in Twisted Metal having nothing to do with a life bar, and everything to do with the car's mechanics)
    FPS / Adventure games that have no scripted movements for enemies, only AI reactions (Bond missions would never be the same, enemies moving around)
    And the big one for North America: Sports.  Say goodbye to canned animations at EA in two years.  Motion capture will only be a base for new sports games.  A game of Madden will look like an NFL game, at least in physics.  And the PS3 is capable of monitoring bone density in hockey players; combined with the weight, speed and angle, we've got an accurate injury simulator.

You get the point.  Nintendo can't hope to have this kind of play.  Control is great, but on the PS3, my hockey / football games aren't going to look like video games anymore.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:HUGE swing to the Wii from the gamer community
« on: May 12, 2006, 11:30:02 PM »
And the gamefaqs polls keep painting a unique story:  Which of the consoles will you own by May 2007?
Again, as of about 15000 votes, a full 65% are planning to have a Wii, alone or alongside other consoles; 45% for PS3, 28% Xbox 360.

This is a monument to Nintendo's Blue Ocean strategy, market disruption, and the Wii.  I think I'd like to nickname the Wii "Whoa" from now on.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Super Paper Mario~!
« on: May 12, 2006, 10:43:06 PM »
Maybe this Q4 I'll pick up my Wii and sell it before Christmas (sure to be a hot item - sure to make a profit)... then just play Super Paper Mario into January... oh, and lotsa DS games too.

Man - I absolutely LOVE the art direction in the backgrounds.  This gives a whole new meaning to 'old school' - I'm putting money down that it will be better than Mario Bros DS.  (But only by a little)

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Wii Controller = You?
« on: May 12, 2006, 10:22:48 PM »
Hmm... it basically sounds like Nintendo is thinking about leaving the sensitivity settings, etc, on the controller.
Of course, if the console is infinately connected to the Internet... and friend codes are here to stay... then all you'd need to save onto the controller would be the friend code(s).
I doubt Nintendo would make the controllers exclusively personal, though.  You only need one controller for four people to play Animal Crossing.  I don't see why it couldn't have multiple profiles on it.
I love Miyamoto, he's on track with personalizing the Wii profiles, but the one wii-mote per person idea seems stupid.  It's only one extra button press to pick your player profile from the load menu.

Uhhh... I think I'll just buy an EB Games.

No, I agree with mantidor.  Wait and see.  General impressions so far have sold me on the necessity for air-tight control, and without a few reviews of *any* game confirming flawless control, I'm not sold.

That being said, Wii Sports has control down to a Wii, so I'm sold.  Likely WarioWares too.  And I have no worries about SSBB

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Something still hidden
« on: May 11, 2006, 11:33:22 PM »

My guess at the secret? some cool online features I suspect. They put the Opera browser in there for some good reason.

Ooo.... hey yah.  And with WiiConnect 24...
Firmware updates?  Auto-downloading Demos?  (Imagine turning on your Wii and seeing Mario Galaxy waiting for you.  SURPRISE)... streaming video of E3 2007?  And I guess they really haven't announced how the DS and Wii will work together... DS demos through Wii sounds smart.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:HUGE swing to the Wii from the gamer community
« on: May 11, 2006, 11:28:35 PM »
I don't think Gamefaqs is anti-Nintendo at all.  They're actually a pretty honest description of the English-speaking market.  The move towards Wii is promising no matter how you look at it, though.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Do you still care about the name?
« on: May 11, 2006, 11:26:22 PM »
XBox is still a stupider name than Wii.
XBox sounds like it's for Generation X / X-Treme marketing... which is long gone.  Wii is for the iPod / Google generation.  I don't really care for the name - but I don't really care about the name either.  Based on the E3 showing, I think the name fits.

But I don't think in five years we'll see a Wii 360.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:HUGE swing to the Wii from the gamer community
« on: May 11, 2006, 11:18:59 PM »
Oh, two more polls worth looking at:
Do You Plan to buy a Wii (pre-E3 showing)
What Do You Think of the Wii now?  (Post E3 Showing)

They went from 34% of the gamefaqs market being uninterested to under 19%.  I think that classifies as a gaming revolution.

Nintendo Gaming / HUGE swing to the Wii from the gamer community
« on: May 11, 2006, 11:13:19 PM »
Take a look here for the poll at gamefaqs a few days ago:  "Which system do you think will have the best showing at E3"

Then look here for the poll for May 12th: "Which system's games most impressed you at E3 this year?"

Wii went from 35% approval to a full 61% (yes, in slightly different polls, but still).  PS3 from 39% to 23%...  Wii's hype machine is in overdrive.  And the PS3 has amazing stuff on the floor, they're no pushover.  (LucasArts two tech demos are truly next-gen... Nintendo won't have that on their consoles for at least five years)...

And that's from the hardcore gamefaqs gamer community.  Few lapsed gamers, few casual gamers, and no non-gamers there.

With all the support from the fans... is Nintendo finally coming into a position of console market domination?

--Edit: Those numbers will change as the poll continues--

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Something still hidden
« on: May 11, 2006, 10:41:19 PM »
The reason E3 is in May is to give companies - like Nintendo - six months before their products hit to tweak.  Of course Perrin and Nintendo haven't finalized those details.  E3 is basically condensed market research for those details.

I'm not worried.  No matter what's in the packaging when it ships, I'll eventually have the full arsenal of controllers, nunchucks, VC controllers, and whatever else they want me to have fun with.

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