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Messages - wcmullins

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Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 523: War Journalism
« on: May 22, 2017, 12:19:36 AM »

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 521: Last.FM Towns
« on: May 08, 2017, 08:45:10 PM »
My parents bought themselves an NES pretty late in the life cycle. I was born in 89 so my first video game memories were playing that. However, the first system they bought for me was a gameboy with super mario land 2 pack in. I played that game all the time and it wasn't until I was much older that I realized that it was the "off-brand" mario game.

I also love Shadows of the Empire. My folks bought it for me even though none of us liked star wars. I think the clerk just recommended it for Christmas and that what I got. I was so terrible at games that I only saw the hoth level for a long time and was super surprised there was on foot sections when I got to them. I remember falling to my death on that train level over and over. 

Xenoblade freaked me out when the quests started checking off w/o me going back to the townsfolk. I also kept reloading a save before a boss w/o realizing there was no penalty for death and I was making the game harder by reloading. I'm also terrible at JRPG and don't have a ton of experience with them.

If I knew for sure they were planning to support the game for the entire life cycle, I would be on board to buy the game again. It does concern me that because the game is so popular, it will make them more likely to not do much to Smash 4. How great would it have been if you weren't a loyal nintendo fan and just skipped the WiiU? I just feel their most loyal fans are the ones being punished.

I'm just being an asshole. If you bought it and enjoyed it, then that's all matters.

I feel like everyone has been complaining how Nintendo didn't do enough for us WiiU owners on MK8. This just shows not only we will double dip, we will pay full price >_>

SHAME *rings bell* SHAME *rings bell*

You know who you are.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 520: MY NACHOS ARE ON FIRE!
« on: May 01, 2017, 03:37:54 AM »
Gui is the smartest one out of all of us. It is likely that splatoon 2 won't have all its content ready at launch which is really the only big game until holiday season. Also, they'll be some kick ass bundle down the road that will make me wish I would have waited.

In terms of NES classic edition, I'm really sour on it. I was first in line black friday at a game stop and waited for 8 hours because I wanted to get it for my mom for Christmas who is a lapse gamer. I went home empty handed and really frustrated by it. I'm hoping the reason why its gone is because they plan to make it better or have something cool for switch/3DS owners down the road

My funniest moment in the game was trying to get up death mountain. I had managed to make it to the spring, but I used all my healing items at this point. I managed to find the goron village while on fire and ran around going "where is the shop! Where is the shop!"

First I found the inn then the shop. In my moment of panic, I forgot that you don't buy things from the clerk you have to go to where it is at. The clerk said something along the lines of "BAAH!! You're on fire! Hurry and buy some armor!!!"

I bought the armor and had less than a heart left. Walked over to the inn and got the massage. I felt pretty bad ass for cheating the game and doing it in a way that it wasn't intended. I didn't come across the stable with the heat potions until later.

I also didn't know you could shoot the wings off of the winged guardians

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 517: Survey Says
« on: April 10, 2017, 10:04:27 AM »
I really enjoyed the discussion on bayonetta and playing video games in front of other people. I have another perspective to add.

My wife is asian who has a lot of different interests than me and is not a fan of video games. However I try to at least play something everyday and there has been only three games she has stopped to ask more questions about. Those being Rhythm heaven, Pikmin, and Bayonetta. She generally rolls her eyes if I'm playing something like Gears of War, Evil Within, or some other random M rated title. She actually wanted me to never play bayonetta unless she was in the room because she loved how sexy/nerdy the character was. So I think culture does play a huge role in interpretation of a character.

Another twist to this is I have two children oldest of which is 15 months. At what age should I stop playing M rated games in front of them? I'm sort of proud of my modest tv set up. I have a now old big screen tv with a used sound bar system I bought. I have all my consoles plugged in that I have ever owned including a sega saturn and N64 to all current gen systems. It kind of bothers me there will be a day I'll be banished away from the living room to play on a lesser set up.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 513: Qbby in the Wild
« on: March 12, 2017, 01:47:17 AM »
I had originally set the switch dock outside of my entertainment center out in the open and never encountered an issue. A few days later, I set the switch inside my entertainment center along with my other consoles and started having issues depending on how I was sitting. I then moved the switch back out and only have had it happen when I was underneath a blanket playing Zelda.

Tin foil hat time. Nintendo had to know at some point there is an issue. Maybe they did and said **** it, it has to be out by March. Maybe Nintendo wants you to have the switch out in the open, so you'll remember to take it with you along with your neon colors that stand out from other tablets. 

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 511: Wordplay Ahead
« on: February 27, 2017, 05:17:19 PM »
I think Nintendo is being smart about virtual console. If they had Super Mario Sunshine at launch that would kill a lot of potential sales for the other smaller launch titles. Nintendo is trying to prop up these developers (like how Microsoft did for early 360 and sony for the 2nd half of PS3). Nintendo maybe able to incentive a developer who only has enough money for one platform to develop for Switch if Nintendo is like okay you are the only game coming out that week. Eventually they may get a limbo or journey which would help nintendo out a lot. If there is a week that is empty, we'll get a Sunshine or a melee.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 510: Kutar Hero: On Tour!
« on: February 20, 2017, 11:49:39 AM »
It is hard to separate nostalgia from these discussions, but gamecube is my favorite console. That was a period in my life where I had more time to play games than I do now. WW, Metroid Prime, and RE4 are all excellent games and I completed all three of those 100% which is something I would never do now. We also had paper mario, Metroid prime 2, Melee, Soul caliber 2, double dash, sunshine, and pretty good third party parity with the other consoles.

I would buy gamecube joy cons if they had the big A button (that should have never went away, it's the most used button), better 2nd joystick, left bupper, and analog triggers. I would sadly pay full price for it even if I couldn't use it on every game.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 507: Get Pooched!
« on: January 30, 2017, 07:03:35 PM »
I'm kind of hoping the Joycon grip or playing wii style will be satisfactory and negate the need for pro controller. Then maybe down the road there will be a joycon L with a normal d-pad.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 506: 4k Force Feedback
« on: January 23, 2017, 11:41:54 AM »
Yea they don't want anyone to actually use the service. It's basically Wii speak on your iphone speaker phone.

I went from being super optimistic thinking Nintendo was going to learn from their mistakes doing like sony did when they first announced the PS4 to them not have learned anything. It does worry me they put a lot of effort into the joycons. The system could have been cheaper and still had detachable controllers.

Either way I still preordered the damn thing

TalkBack / Re: The Nintendo Switch: A Mixed Bag
« on: January 16, 2017, 07:15:56 AM »
Wasn't there a rumor that the 3D mario was almost done a while ago? They must be holding it to prevent droughts and let w/e small 3rd party games they can get have a chance.

Only thing that still gives me hope is that we don't know what Retro is doing or what virtual console will bring. Maybe we'll get a direct sometime in Feb that gives a release date for Pikmin 4 (that's supposedly done as well)

Also, what's up with Ubisoft? If they have a couple of games for launch that will go a long ways to helping matters. I find it extremely telling that they weren't in Japan during the reveal.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 503: Is This Five O Three?
« on: January 03, 2017, 03:03:09 AM »
I really enjoyed the discussion on the state of the video game industry and thanks for taking the time out to do an extra episode!

I kind of wonder if the decrease in game/hardware sales is related to the fact that traditional gamers are getting older. 10 years ago the averaged age gamer probably had both time and disposable income, where as now they only have disposable income (on top of more and more games coming out). The bell curve has probably shifted in age because not as many new younger traditional games have come in. They are playing minecraft and phone games. While there was technically a PS4 slim, Sony focused their marketing on the PS4 pro where they focused on the PS3 slim at this point in the last generation. If someone was not interested in a ~400 dollar box 2 years ago, they probably are still not interested even though the box is now 2x more powerful. I don't feel compel to upgrade and also feel slightly burned by the whole idea. Also the market now knows that 60 dollar games will come down very quickly in price (in a matter of weeks instead of months now)

While I loathe the fact that certain Wii games are still 50 dollars at Walmart, Nintendo is being very smart by not devaluing their games. There was even the rumor that they are recalling WiiUs. Most likely because they did not want anyone seeing discounted units at retail. There will never be a Nintendo netflix. They will take the disney method and a year from now Link to the Past will come to the Switich and it will be on the front page of IGN.

We live in an era where it is impossible to play every game that comes out while also having access to Super Mario World for 8 dollars.

I think there could be a middle ground in the market now as long as they are still quality games. A lot of the games midway and THQ were putting out were shovel ware.

The problem with 3rd parties and Wii was who bought it. People like my parents bought a wii and never bought a game for it. My neighbor who had an NES and then nothing until Wii was intimidated to go online to buy anything off of virtual console. If switch gets vita like consumers with high attach rate it could potentially be something. 

In regards to the diminishing returns of publishers in the west, I probably shouldn't have use "main" platform. The argument I was trying to make was that Pokemon sun and moon was the best selling game last month which has a much lower budget than Call of Duty. Activation/EA/Bethesda would love to be apart of that. While the switch will never be the main platform for the super AAA like Call of Duty, GTA, or Battlefield, games like Deus Ex, Dishonored, Watchdogs, Mirror's Edge, Hitman, and Titanfall may get another life. Titanfall 2 was my favorite game this year and there will not be a Titanfall 3, but a Titanfall: sequel that is 720p scaled down mainly made for Switch while also porting it to PS4, Xbox one, PC could be successful (much like how the resident evil revelations 3DS game was). 

This is all contingent that Nintendo successfully taps that late 20 year old lapse Nintendo gamer that hasn't bought a system since the Wii they quickly abandoned. They have already shown success with Pokemon Go leading to Sun/Moon sales. These gamers are also nostalgic for gamecube. By going on Jimmy Fallon and their advertisements not showing kids they are going after that market. It is that market that would buy Watchdogs: sequel or Deus Ex: sequel to take on the road.

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