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Messages - Da Jarvis

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NWR Forums Discord / Re: best of ~ANIME~
« on: October 08, 2012, 06:18:45 PM »
NHK is such an awesome show
Yeah! It's probably the funniest anime I have ever seen, yet also manages to be a real reality check when it comes to the topic they discuss. I know the anime is an aquired taste since not everyone can stand dark humor, but I find it really well put together and just love how it addresses it's subject manner in a funny way. Plus Sato is hilarious!

NWR Forums Discord / Re: best of ~ANIME~
« on: October 08, 2012, 02:44:14 PM »

One of the funniest moments in one of my favorite animes :)

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Street Pass!
« on: October 08, 2012, 02:09:38 PM »
Well, the most I ever got in one day was 254, and that was on the second day of Anime Expo, so I guess it is to be expected  ;D ! I usually get about 6-7 when I am at school, but aside from that, I am lucky to get 1 when I actually decide to go out. Now my girlfriend has one and I am suprised to see that she turns it off a lot when she is walking around (like powers it down completely), and when I explained to her that the street pass feature doesn't work unless it's on, she leaves it on now. I guess what I am saying is I wonder if people just don't realize that they won't get any street passes if they power down the system completely?

It could also be that a lot of people don't have them yet, but who knows xD?

General Gaming / Re: Top Ten Title Screens
« on: October 08, 2012, 02:02:16 PM »
Completely agree with Xenoblade! Hoenstly, I remember getting my HD TV around the time I finally got around to playing Xenoblade and despite myself questioning my purchase of Wii HD Cables over ones for my PS2 (do they even make those?), this title screen assured I had made the right choice. I mean, the game was made for a good sized TV, and the title screen really gives you an idea of what you have to look forward too.

Another title screen I really love is the Ocarina of Time Title Screen. Just the idea of watching Link casually riding around Hryule field doing odd things and the idea that everything they show in this opening are things to look forward to doing in the game (turning into Adult Link, riding on Epona, exploring the feild, day and night cycle, ect), so I think it's really powerful in that aspect.

Aside from those, I can't really think of any other ones that stick out. It might require me to look into it more, but I'll come back if I find anything!

General Gaming / Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« on: October 08, 2012, 01:36:24 PM »
Mighty Switch Force and Cave Story are fantastic games, though I have the DsiWare version of Cave Story, so I have no reason to purchase the eShop version.

Tried out Mighty Switch Force today and it's pretty good. Only have done the first level, but the time attack aspect to the game might be more addicting then I thought.

As for Cave Story on eShop, from what I understand, it's supposed to be identical to Cave Story + on PC, with extra modes and what not. Regardless, it's still really fun and I look forward to seeing it through to the end :)

General Gaming / Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« on: October 08, 2012, 01:58:59 AM »
Recently, I got three 3DS games:

1) Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance: Despite Square continuing to give there worst names to their 3DS games, it's this one isn't to bad. Not the name... I mean the game... yeah, you guys get it! All joking aside, this is a pretty decent game and actually does a lot of things to try and seperate itself from other spin-off games in the series. The story isn't as confusing (at least until the end) and the new additions like cool down systems for special moves and creating/taking care of/training Dream Eaters is actually pretty enjoyable. Overal, I would say don't be afraid to give this game a chance. There is a demo on the eShop, but it's not a very good demo (at least I don't think it's very good), plus the game is only 30 bucks now at Amazon and Gamestop, so it's not a bad price right now. Plus with the huge lack of RPG's on the system right now (the only ones being this, Devil Survivor Overclocked, Tales, and Denpamen), it's actually not a bad choice to hold you over for Mario: Sticker Star or Bravely Default or Fire Emblem come out!

2) I got Cave Story and Mighty Switch Force today off the eShop! Played about 4 hours of Cave Story and I have no idea why I have waited so long to play this game. It is a fantastic game and perfect to hold of my Metroid cravings I have been having right now. I still feel it's to early to say whether the game is good or great yet, but I am enjoy it none the less. I am stuck in the laybrith right now (the one you and Curly get sent to after collecting the dogs and going into the warhouse), but I am sure it won't be that hard to get out. I really want to put more time into it, but stupid school always has a funny way of getting in the way -_-! As for MSF... it's still downloading, so I can't play it right this second, but I am sure that one will be fun as well

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 309: James vs The Gaping Dragon
« on: October 08, 2012, 01:23:29 AM »
LOL LOL LOL! The Zero Coins topic was pretty funny. Actually, you know, that gives me an idea! I think I am going to go for that. It's a better alternative then getting into Kingdom Hearts 3D or Cave Story when I only have 20 minutes between my classes -_-. Plus, my friends will find it hilarous when they get a new street pass level from me, play it all hardcore to get a good score, then find out I got 0 Coins. Plus who knows? It might prove more difficult then getting the max coin amount! I'll definatly snap a picture of it and post it on facebook when I do, that is if I can do it xD.

That's a shame with the PS1 Classics version of FFV having a glitch like that. I had no idea the game was so glitchy. Good thing I didn't buy it. I just hope my copies of FF8 and FF9 aren't like that since I got the PS1 classic of those as well. Also, I would be trilled to hear what you guys think of the game and it's a shame Guillaume decided to give up on the game. Granted, I haven't completed it all the way on my GBA copy of the game (was about 20 bucks when I got it), but it's a lot better then FF3 IMO. Plus the class system is really deep and quite addicting to get into once you understand how it all works. Hope Jonny decides to pick this one up, cause it would be interesting to hear what he thinks of it!

Looking forward to next weeks show. I didn't get a chance to play Amazing Mirror sadly as my brother took it with him to college and it was the only copy I had access to. Plus with all the exams and essays I had over the past 2 weeks, it would of been hard to find time to play it for very long :(. Hopefully the next one will be another portable game, perhaps an eShop title? Who knows? Looking forward to it regardless.

Podcast Discussion / Re: RetroActive #24 Poll (Kirby Theme)
« on: September 04, 2012, 02:00:26 PM »
Voted for Kirby's Adventure because I have it on my 3DS and would be to finally motivate me to play it xD

So when exactly is this feature starting?

Voted for Bowser's Inside Story mainly because it's sitting in my back catalog right now and this would be a good way to get it out of there xD.

TalkBack / Re: Initial Fire Emblem DLC Costs No Money
« on: February 22, 2012, 12:27:26 PM »
Man, I hope this new Fire Emblem get's a US release, as it might push me to finally get a 3DS.

Podcast Discussion / Re: RetroActive #21: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
« on: February 03, 2012, 03:22:31 PM »
I don't think you have to steal the No-Critical Hit item to get it. I just obtained after I killed him. Also, one of the Berserkers by Vaulter has a Dragon Axe, but you have to make sure he is doesn't have it equided, otherwise he will drop his useless Hand Axe instead

Podcast Discussion / Re: RetroActive #21: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
« on: February 03, 2012, 12:41:57 PM »
Just got access to the Final Chapter in the game. So far haven't had any problems since Chapter 15. The last chapter seems promising enough for a challange! Hopefully it won't be super hard xD

Podcast Discussion / Re: RetroActive #21: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
« on: February 03, 2012, 03:04:06 AM »

This is where I'm stuck at now, too. I've cleared the entire map, found all of the hidden items, but I can't figure out who to use to kill each of the bosses. My party consists of:

Eirika, Joshua, Gerik, Moulder, Vanessa, Seth, Colm, Ross, Lute, Saleh, Amelia, and Neimi / and, of course: Ephraim, Knoll, and Deussel.

I can hit Valter with which his HP goes down to half, but then he criticals Saleh -- BAM.. dead. I just can't have it this way. I'm a pass each mission with all party members alive kind of player -- or else it's FISSION MAILED. :'(


That's not a terrible line up. You have one Flyer and two Magic Users who are reliable, so that is a good thing. The biggest thing on this mission is to focus your attention on 3 things early on:

1) Defend the Right and Top sides of the map. Wryven Riders come at you from the right side and Pagasas Riders come at you from the top. It's nothing that Neimi and Lute can't handle, so just have those two playing defense with maybe another unit like Colm, Amelia, Deussel, and Knoll (Once they make their way over to your stronghold) since they can't move very far in this mission and are better to play defense with anyways.

2) You want to keep Ephraim and his little squad alive and there are two ways you can do that: First is to just hold your ground until the chapter is over or the second is the focus all of your efforts to having him join up with your main squard (Which I will get to in the next step). I would recomend the second opition over the first since A LOT really hard to kill guys will spawn my Ephraim eventually, so it's better to just focus his little group to join up with your main one.

3) Establish a main traveling unit and have them move as a giant group from boss to boss. In your case, have Joshua, Gerik, Seth, and Ross take the front lines of the group to meet the enemy and take the hits. All of those guys either have pretty solid Defenses or they have no problems avoiding hits. Behind them have Erica, Saleh, and Ephraim as clean up crew to either finish off easy kills or kill off anyone in the way of the front line moving. Behind the Middle Men have Venessa and Moulder to help with Healing. In tight spots, Venessa can rescue your injured member and litterly take them to the back lines where Moulder can come in safely and heal them.

Once you have established this set up early on, it's pretty much a cake walk from there. Just remember to take it slow and stick to the layout I have given you and you should be fine. Just be sure to keep track of your health and don't be afraid to us an entire turn to have your guys use healing items. Remember you alway want to play Defense first in this game. IDK if you are having problems with the boss on the left upper corner (Name escapes me at the moment), but just have your little group travel that way first to meet up with Ephriam's gain and beat the boss, then work your way to the diagonally towards Vaulter and by the time you get there, you should have only a few enemys left, that or only have him left to beat.

The key to beating Vaulter is to use magic units on him since his stupid item makes bow users useless (I hate that about him). If you say Saleh does the most damage, use him, but it seems like you don't know to exploit bosses yet, so I will give you a little tip on how to beat him easliy:

First, have Saleh attack Vaulter from a distance. Saleh should have the advatage from a far. If Saleh doesn't take damage from Vaulter, use the end turn command and allow him to attack Saleh (IDK if Saleh your build of Saleh can take a single hit from Vaulter but if he can't, don't do this obviously xD). After you have taken damage, use either Seth or Vanessa to rescue Saleh. After they have rescued him, they should be allowed to move again (A perk of the mounted units). Move them back away from the attack range of the boss (They don't move, so don't worry about being chased). Use whatever unit you didn't use to rescue Saleh (Venessa or Seth) and have them go next to the unit who rescued him and select the "take" command. Right after, select drop, pick a tile, and there you go, your unit is out of attack range. You can then use Moulder from a safe distance without having to worry about taking damage.

I hope this helps and just remember to think defense first and take it slow. Good Luck :)

Podcast Discussion / Re: RetroActive #21: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
« on: February 02, 2012, 11:21:38 PM »
Crap....well, as I guessed, now I'm stuck on Chapter 15. I can pretty much clear out the map, but the boss in the northwest always kills at least one of my party members, and I'm not willing to lose any party members at this point.
Who do you have for the mission? It's the Dragon Guy you are having trouble with, yeah?

Podcast Discussion / Re: RetroActive #21: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
« on: February 02, 2012, 03:21:42 PM »
I haven't been able to get any of my Healers even close to 20 and that's with a lot of unneeded healing in the tower.  1 HP of Damage Heal.  I really think they should have given more XP for healing then they do.  At least 10 per time like with Tethys Dancing.

Healing even 1 HP with a Heal staff should be netting you at least 11 exp. before promotion, and you get more with Mends or Physics. That's weird that you're getting so little.

A few things you can do to speed things up. Jehanna and Raustens' shops both sell staffs that let you recover from status effects or increase a character's Resistance. Doing either one will net you about 30 exp. If you've got the cash to blow, why not purchase a bunch of Barrier Staffs (staves?) from one of those places and use repeatedly during fights?
I also have a money problem.  I always buy the cheapest weapons because they are just as effective with most of my units, 1 Weapon use = 1 Kill, and I have less then 5k gold on Chapter 16.

3,182g to be precise.
Intersting. Hopefully there will be a chance to for you to Arena grind later in the game, as that can neat you a lot of money very quickly, not to mention can help boast characters that normally struggle to gain EXP quickly. If there is another chapter that wiil let you do that, you should definallty take advantage. Plus, you can train your healers by healing the character who came out the Arena. Last I can remember, only chapters 5 and 12 allowed you to use the Arena. If someone else can name another level farther in the game, that would be fantastic.

Podcast Discussion / Re: RetroActive #21: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
« on: February 02, 2012, 03:18:42 PM »
Umm....   it's complicated? But enjoyable enough so that even if you don't get all the quirks and nuances, there's a simpler way to play. Not as efficient probably, but I'm having fun. And because of the dire consequences, you learn fast how to better strategize.

I know what you mean. Usually you don't even get into the complicated stuff until multiple playthroughs. I didn't know about Special Tile Bonuses like placing units in Trees and Thrones until my 4th playthough of Fire Emblem 7 (the first one on the GBA). There are other stuff to learn to, and things start getting really complicated when you get up to Gamecube and Wii game xD.
Really?  At least in this one when you go over a tile it tells you what it will add to Defense and Avoidance.  I noticed that quickly because it was a number on my Map UI.
LOL! I guess just never noticed what that little box meant my first times playing this back when I was like 12 xD

Podcast Discussion / Re: RetroActive #21: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
« on: February 02, 2012, 03:16:43 PM »
I am on Chapter 16 now, with only 6 more units to promote until I have my full team promoted. I think Colm is at level 14 or so, Amelia and Lute are at level 17, Gerik is at level 16, L'Arachel is 39 EXP away from hitting 20, and Neimi is at level 18. I have no idea if the next chapter is really that hard, but I hope I can finish them off in this chapter. Even though I have been switching character's in and out so other units can catch up, I have noticed I alway seem to bring 4 unit with me No Mater What (Aside from Ephraim obviously xD)

1) L'Archel - Just an overal suberb healer. She has great moblity, her high luck and speed help her miss a lot of deadly hits, and she can tank a lot of magic attacks thanks to her high resitance stat. I can't wait to promote her to Valkeryie she can become that much more of a key player.

2) Marisa - I LOVE ASSASSINS! They are my favorite class in the GBA Fire Emblems and they can be vital player. Joshua makes a better Sword Master, but Marisa is a killer Assassin. Thanks to her absurdly high luck and thanks to her Samir weapon, she can have anywehre fro 40-60% Critcial Hit Ratio! Also, her Silncer ability can ever slaughter the last boss if you get super lucky. Overal, she is just a really helpful unit and she seems to get me out of even the most tight of situations.

3 & 4) Tana and Cormag - These two have been my key scouting team pretty much since I got them! Tana makes for a great compliment to Cormag who can tank psychical attacks and deal a lot of damage, but is really fragile to magic users. Tana can take on Magic users like no tomorrow, and she has high enough speed and luck to have miss a good amount of times, not to mention a pretty good strenght stat. Now what makes these guys great is the fact they have one of, if not, the best support benafits in the game. Tana's already pretty good offensive potential skyrockets if you manage to gain a A rank support with Cormag and Cormag gains a buff on he offensive capablities as well, making this duo just flat out instane. Even against Bow units, Cormag can usually tank them and only take about 7-11 points of damage depending on the bow user, but this isn't a problem since Cormag can have anywhere btween 50-60 HP when you max out his levels. And to top it all off, once you get the item that makes flyers immune to bows... yeah, that's pretty much the dream team. I always send the around to the harderst areas together with L'Arachel tagging behind to heal them just incase. These two defiantly are my favorite units and will never start a mission without them!

Podcast Discussion / Re: RetroActive #21: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
« on: February 02, 2012, 02:56:23 PM »
I haven't been able to get any of my Healers even close to 20 and that's with a lot of unneeded healing in the tower.  1 HP of Damage Heal.  I really think they should have given more XP for healing then they do.  At least 10 per time like with Tethys Dancing.

I see. Well, the Healers can be quite good if you train them properly. They can easily become some of the most powerful untis in your arsenal as they can easily max out there Staff to S rank and they can be pretty deadly to additions to any team. Natasha makes a great Bishop and the ability Slayer really helps out when you are going through the tower or just fighting the monsters-only missions later on in the game. L'Arachel is a amazing Valkeryie or Mage Knight depending on if you need Light or Anima magic. Moulder is alright, as he is the only Healer that can become a Sage, but there is no point after you beat the game since all you can really do is fight Monster-Only Maps and complete the Tower and Ruins.

I find healers really easy to train. They get the same amount of EXP no matter how much health they recover and what the amount of EXP you gain is really based off the staff you use. The more advanced staffs will give you more EXP. If you just heal often and every turn and bring them to every battle, they usually hit level 20 pretty quickly. I already have Natasha as a Bishop and L'Arachel is 39 EXP away from hitting 20 xD.

Podcast Discussion / Re: RetroActive #21: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
« on: February 02, 2012, 02:39:54 PM »
Umm....   it's complicated? But enjoyable enough so that even if you don't get all the quirks and nuances, there's a simpler way to play. Not as efficient probably, but I'm having fun. And because of the dire consequences, you learn fast how to better strategize.

I know what you mean. Usually you don't even get into the complicated stuff until multiple playthroughs. I didn't know about Special Tile Bonuses like placing units in Trees and Thrones until my 4th playthough of Fire Emblem 7 (the first one on the GBA). There are other stuff to learn to, and things start getting really complicated when you get up to Gamecube and Wii game xD.

Podcast Discussion / Re: RetroActive #21: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
« on: February 02, 2012, 02:15:09 PM »
Alright according to my timer I'm at 62 hours with this game on Chapter 16.

So I'm going way slower then I should.  Though I think a good chunk of that is were I forgot to back out of the game.

The flipside I'm pretty sure Ewan and Amelia could have soloed every Chapter since 13, (Yes the means Ewan would be soloing the mission you get Amelia.)

I'm tempted for kicks to buy a lot of Fire, since its the cheapest most use spell, and Iron Swords, same reason, and see how far up the tower I can get with just those two.

Right now though I'm trying to grind Knoll and Rennac.  I want to see a summoner.  I always forget about the Arena... I could use the gold.

Tethys is level 20.  I'm actually using her to tank for Knoll...

Yeah, those two units alone are ridiculous xD. Also, lately that is all I have been using. Fire, Iron Sword, they are cheaper and I usually kill them regardless of what weapon I am using xD.

Knoll is the better as a summoner, but I always find him rather difficult to train. Rennac I hardly use because I alway promote Colm to a Rouge because Rennac is pretty terrible in comparison xD.

Podcast Discussion / Re: RetroActive #21: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
« on: February 01, 2012, 03:06:01 PM »

To answer your question, yes I have played the Link Arena countless times in both this one and the previous game. I actually have two copies of each game, each with 3 teams so that way my friends didn't have an excuss when they said they didn't have the game. I guess I did it cause I hated deleting my saves and teams on the Link Arena when I was younger xD. To me, the Link Arena is alright. You don't really earn anything for winning and the strategy is taken away when you are just forced to pick units to fight. I do like the amount of units you have a choice of, but it usual boils down to teams of Joshua, Ross, Amelia, Ewan, and some random 5th character xD.

Thanks for the response, I'd always been curious to know the details. I kind of figured it would be something like you described, although I like the fact that the developers put in something to reward those players who want to maximize their characters' potential. I'm surprised Myrrh isn't more popular though! Granted, a beefed-up Joshua or Ewan could probably pound her without getting scratched...

Yeah, I had one team with her, but the problem is she is weak to the same thing as the dragons are. So Bows, Magic, and Anti-Dragon weapons like Dragon Spear and Dragon Axe are her huge downside, and normally people bring those to Link Arena xD.

Podcast Discussion / Re: RetroActive #21: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
« on: February 01, 2012, 03:01:29 PM »
I also agree with everyone about the AI, but Ceric has a point. The game would be really frustrating if there wasn't some kind of patern to fallow to help you out. I mean, could you imagine how many restarts there would be if the game only went for Lords and if say Bosses could move? That would be beyond evil. IDK if anyone has played Fire Emblem 6 (The one with Roy and the GBA game that only came out in Japan), but that game is brutal simply because the game targets the lord first before anyone and bosses aren't afraid to leave there spots to kill off your units.

Podcast Discussion / Re: RetroActive #21: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
« on: February 01, 2012, 02:57:03 PM »
I am now at the 12 hour mark and I am just barely about to start Chapter 15. I know I should be further, but two things happend that just screamed, "EXPLOIT GAME HERE!!!"

1) During Chapter 12 (I am playing Ephriam's Route), I noticed there was a Arena there that I could train my guys in, and on top of it, if it looked like I was going to lose, I could just back out at the price of 700 gold or something. I ended up coming out with 3 characters promoted after level 20 (Joshua to Swordmaster, Forde to Paladin, and Kyle to Great Knight), Marisa at level 12, Ewan to Level 10 so he could promote at the begining of the next level to Shaman, and a spare 30,000 Gold in my pocket. That level alone took me about an hour and a half without the animations on and if I didn't grind, probably would of only took me 20 minutes. For me, that was the hardest level thus far, then again, I have heard 15 is exactly very fun either xD.

2) During the last chapter (Chapter 14), I recruited Rennac and gained access to the Secret Shop. With about 40,000 or so in my hand, I knew I could buy about 4 extra promotion items to get some of my units up to there next respective classes. All I had left was the Boss (Which was a big General with a huge sume of health), and after looking at the stats, I realized I could us Ewan to hit the boss and as long as I got him out of there before his turn (By rescuing him with another character), I could just gain experince endlessly since Ewan didn't even do enough Damage to even phase the guy. He would just recover that damaga on the next turn and while doing this with Ewan (I think he was at level 19 or something at that point), I realized the Boss hadn't even attacked me back. I checked the Boss's Stats and it turns out I had broken his only weapon because he had hit Ewan so many times xD. After having a good laught and a few double takes just to be sure, was only left with a smile. 2 hours later, Ewan is a Druid, Marisa is a Assassin, Ross is a Berserker, Cormag is a Wyvern Lord, Tana is a FalcoKnight, and everyone else on my team who is unpromoted is at level 16 or higher. I would of kept going, but Gerik pulled a 1% chance Critical Hit out of nowhere and killed the boss. I guess it's what I get for trying to exploit the game. It got to the point where the game wanted me to just stop xD.

I know the next level is supposed to be challanging, but I am worried it might be to easy most of my units are way stronger then they should be at this point. I didn't even struggle with Chapter 14 (Beat it on my First Try), and a lot of people said they really didn't like that chapter at all.

Podcast Discussion / Re: RetroActive #21: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
« on: January 31, 2012, 03:12:54 PM »
I am at the 6 hour mark now and have found a rough spot where I have already had to reset twice because of me being greedy xD. I am on Chapter 12 of Ephrim's story and I forgot how hard it is to recruit Marisa since you have to do it with Ewen :(. I was about the beat the chapter and recruit her, but an archer came from the corner of the level and killed Vanessa :(. I will probably beat it later tonight, but I do appreciate the game getting harder after Chapter 10. Hopefully at this rate, I will beat the game before RFN talks about it xD

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