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Messages - Discostew

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I got one with my coins, and I love it. Was thinking about getting another one, but from the look of it, I don't think I could.

TalkBack / Re: Wii U Launch Titles Will Not Support Two GamePads
« on: June 15, 2012, 04:58:15 PM »
I would assume the reason for the drop to 30fps is because the gamepads alternate in which gets new information. Same amount of rendering being done, and same amount of data sent out, but each gamepad only gets new information every other frame. In this situation, they "could" support 3 and even 4 gamepads if they wished to drop the frame rate to 20 and 15 respectfully.

TalkBack / Re: Pikmin 3 Will Not Have Online Multiplayer
« on: June 13, 2012, 06:28:51 PM »
In those other RTS games, how many of them implement physics for the units, all the while having 100+ units in the same place abiding by said rules of physics? That deals with a lot more network data to transmit than a simple "where am I" request for each unit.

TalkBack / Re: Project P-100 Impressions
« on: June 11, 2012, 03:14:18 AM »
I didn't like it in the trailer when they zoomed way in on the people and they were all low polygon. I realize the game is played from a distance, but this is one case where the should have made a pre-rendered cartoon.

It could be an early build so they may not have gone through the polish phase.

TalkBack / Re: GDC 2012: Dave Gargan Talks Havok on Wii U
« on: May 28, 2012, 11:05:25 PM »
It's so easy for them to say they reached a limit when every port they make has been utter crap. Even the demo of Rayman Origins on the 3DS is pretty pitiful, and that game isn't even as tasking.

TalkBack / Re: Wii U Logo for E3 2012 Confirms the Name Is Final
« on: May 26, 2012, 11:01:02 PM »
Going from Wii to Wii U won't be any less confusing than going from PS to PS2.

TalkBack / Re: Rayman Origins Impressions
« on: May 17, 2012, 05:30:47 PM »
Heard from a few people that the controls themselves are not just bad (mainly the shoulder running as people have mentioned already, but I'm used to it with the Wii), but that input-to-action on the 3DS demo is laggy. That in itself would make for a non-sale imo.

Other than that, people say the demo doesn't look or run as well as it should. I can imagine the former being of no consequence if it were compressed for just the demo, but locked at 30fps? I honestly don't think the game is really that demanding.

TalkBack / Re: Miyamoto on Vita: Needs More GamesĀ 
« on: May 08, 2012, 11:11:11 PM »
normally im a die hard nintendo defender, but seriously?

pot, meet kettle. kettle, pot.

Kettle needs to learn from Pot's mistakes. Or is it the other way around?

Kettle is just jealous because so many love Pot.

It did take Nintendo almost half a year before some big-name titles (that weren't remakes) to come out. Maybe give Sony a little more time.

TalkBack / Re: Iwata: Wii U Lineup to Be Very Rich
« on: April 27, 2012, 05:50:00 PM »
To Nintendo:

"Shut up and take my......."

*looks in wallet*

"...looks like you already did."

For me, I think of it this way. When a game is released, both physically and digitally, I check to see how big the size of the game is. If it is small, then I'll probably go digital with it. If big, then go physical.

The big question that I have is whether Nintendo will sell DS games through a digital store.

I honestly don't see why not. As it is, DS games on the 3DS are believed to run under virtualization with possibly a little bit of emulation, as well as the GBA Ambassador games.

TalkBack / Re: Fave Five... Games to Play on the Toilet
« on: April 06, 2012, 06:59:31 PM »
Seeing Tetris on the list brought up memories of my dad taking my Gameboy of all things with Tetris into the bathroom to play while he used the john. I didn't think much of it at the time, being 8 or so, but now, I'm feeling a little disgusted.

Also, inb4 "Sittin' on a toilet!"

TalkBack / Re: Mutant Mudds Demo Heading to eShop
« on: March 18, 2012, 03:52:20 PM »
I got the game yesterday. Finished it today with a play time of 3h 41m, completing and getting everything. There were a few tricky spots, but all in all, it wasn't terribly hard. Then again, I was a Megaman freak back in the day, so I was already used to these type of challenges. For those that aren't, expect a challenge.

Even though this was meant to be reminiscent to the days of retro, I do wish there was more to it, both in design and content. $6-7 would have been a good price for this, as I feel $9 is a bit too much.

Considering no purchase of the actual game is required to get the cards, these will go quick. Those with the game but too late for these freebie could consider them rare.  :)

TalkBack / Re: Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D Impressions
« on: February 24, 2012, 11:33:03 PM »
Having gone a couple of hours into the actual retail game, I can say that the controls without the CPP are just fine.

TalkBack / Re: Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D First Hour
« on: February 22, 2012, 07:46:20 PM »
I got MGS3D as well, and this is the first MGS game I've ever played.

For the record, the graphics are just gorgeous, and would even agree with EDGE that it looks better than the HD versions because, graphically, it isn't just a simple port. It may not have increased resolution and improved textures like the HD version has, but it uses the 3DS's shaders and such that the HD versions do not include, making the presentation a great one in it's own regard. However, it isn't without the simple fact that the frame rate dips into the 20s and sometimes even lower, but the only times I've seen that happen are during cutscenes, which imo isn't really problematic. The framerate during gameplay looks to be rather steady from the areas I've experienced.

The MGS demo is about 136MB. About to try it out.

TalkBack / Re: Resident Evil: Revelations Now $39.99
« on: January 28, 2012, 12:33:26 PM »
If I'm correct, there's only one company that makes the memory cards for the 3DS - Nintendo.
Any attempts to get the cards cheaper are going to go through them.

They may assemble them, but they don't exactly make everything from scratch. The memory modules (the bulk of the price) are purchased from some other manufacturer.

TalkBack / Re: So How Many Xbox 360s Do I Need to Duct Tape Together?
« on: January 26, 2012, 01:08:01 PM »
I imagine that the rumor of the 720 being only 20% more powerful than the Wii U to be more accurate, mainly due to Microsoft's greater focus on Kinect for it. Plus, the prior rumor of the Wii U being 2x more powerful than the 360 could have been based on prior demonstrations last year of the unit, to which is not the same now as it had been evolving this entire time.

TalkBack / Re: Nintendo Has No Plans to Fix Mario 3D Kart Glitch
« on: January 17, 2012, 06:33:10 PM »
I wonder how many others here interpreted the wording of this like I did.

"There are no plans to update the game to remove this shortcut as doing so would create an unfair advantage for the users of the original release of the game."

How would this create an unfair advantage with people assuming he's talking about a patch that updates the game, that more than likely would be required by all those who go online with it? Simple. I don't think he's talking about an actual downloadable patch, but an updated version set in the newer batches that get shipped to retail stores. Updated "physical" copies is nothing new with Nintendo, but this is one of the more heavy multi-player games (especially being online-compatible) that they have that they can't go that route with, because then a discrepency between older copies and newer copies would arise, giving way to that unfair advantage for the users of the original release.

I still think they can patch it, since Nintendo did mention (unless I'm mistaken) that the eShop can hold updates to games.

TalkBack / Re: Could WayForward Develop a Future Mega Man Game?
« on: January 09, 2012, 03:05:59 PM »
Metroid Fusion and Metroid: Zero Mission were also horrible because of the input Sakamoto had, and don't even get me started on the abortion that was Super Metroid. Clearly the guy is a hack.

lol, did you just diss Super Metroid? Understandable with Fusion (though I like it), but putting down Super Metroid is like declaring war.  :P:

TalkBack / Re: 3DS Sells 4 Million Units in United States
« on: January 03, 2012, 09:20:50 PM »
Nintendoomed will be in the dictionary by the end of 2012.

Only if we're still around after Dec 21st. :P

TalkBack / Re: Nintendo Direct: New Demos to be Available Today
« on: December 26, 2011, 11:21:33 PM »
I hope this isn't limited to only Japan. I'd like some demos too.

TalkBack / Re: GBA Ambassador Games Available Everywhere
« on: December 16, 2011, 08:41:36 PM »
The colors are a little washed out, and I'm noticing a little motion-blur when I play. Still, this is great to have these games. Also, I know some people complained about the NES/GB games not having a Y+B option, but this at least has the X+A if you don't like B+A.

TalkBack / Re: Circle Pad Pro Get!
« on: December 11, 2011, 10:47:30 PM »
Too bad for people using a Power Pack+.

That is true, but in all honesty, I could see Nyko coming out with their own similar device that has the depth to fit a 3DS with the PP+ on it.

TalkBack / Re: Waluigi, We Hardly Knew Ye
« on: December 03, 2011, 09:44:36 PM »
If MK7 has the possibility of DLC in the future, they could always add him in that way.

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