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Messages - llaffer

Pages: 1 [2]
TalkBack / Re: Balloon Fight Impressions
« on: January 31, 2013, 01:31:19 PM »
This is what I did to get GamePad to be player 1 and the Pro Controller to be player 2:

Pair a Wii Remote as Player 1.  Set this a side as it is no longer needed.

Pair the Pro Controller as Player 2.

Launch the game.

Wii Remote and GamePad are both Player 1 and Pro Controller is Player 2.

If you want to use a Wii Remote as Player 2 instead, then pair the Pro Controller as Player 1, first or use two Wii Remotes.

I'm a little late to the action, but here is my Nintendo Network ID:


I listen to all of NWR podcasts, and host a show of my own (trying to get out of a 3-month hiatus, though).

I've been listening since close to the time that 103 was out, but I think I just barely missed that one and had to go back to hear what all the excitement was about. :)

TalkBack / Re: Some Wii U Features Require Day-One Update
« on: November 08, 2012, 08:19:29 PM »
Honest question, is there any reason/benefit to have all these features be a day-one update instead of having them built-in to the system?
I have no problem with them having a day-0 update, if all of the update's features involve on-line features.  If someone doesn't want their Wii U online, they aren't missing anything by not updating.

TalkBack / Re: Some Wii U Features Require Day-One Update
« on: November 08, 2012, 01:54:51 PM »
Wii U launches in one week - it's an all-new console with all new controls and new features previously unseen on a Nintendo platform - but what everyone REALLY wants to know, the BIG question: can it tell time?!?!?  :P: : : : : :

LOL I know you were only half joking, but to answer your questions:[/size]

I thought I could be troll-free at a site like this, I guess I'm wrong.
I'm just as caught up on the news as most of the staff at this site.  I understand that not EVERYONE has this question, but that still doesn't mean that I can't ask it.

TalkBack / Re: Nintendo Download - November 8, 2012
« on: November 08, 2012, 11:17:16 AM »
Since I already finished Layton, I think Sticker Star will be my "travel game" to play during my road trip to TX next week.

TalkBack / Re: Some Wii U Features Require Day-One Update
« on: November 08, 2012, 11:07:02 AM »
The big question on my mind:  Will Wii U properly handle Daylight Savings Time? :)  I can't speak for Xbox 360 or Vita, but all other consoles that I've gotten my hands on do not.

Ps3 does it, i'm pretty sure.  Shame the 3DS doesn't!
Not fully.  I have to go into the settings and turn the DST setting to true or false.  It would be nice if it could be more automatic than that.  Computers have been doing it for almost 20 years now.

TalkBack / Re: Some Wii U Features Require Day-One Update
« on: November 08, 2012, 10:51:32 AM »
The big question on my mind:  Will Wii U properly handle Daylight Savings Time? :)  I can't speak for Xbox 360 or Vita, but all other consoles that I've gotten my hands on do not.

TalkBack / Re: Donkey Kong: Original Edition on 3DS Footage
« on: October 03, 2012, 05:06:44 PM »
Thanks for the video. I didn't realize that this was the NES DK game.  For some reason I thought it was a modified GameCube version of the game.
Now I'm less interested in it, but will still get it on my wife's 3DS as I'm buying CrossWords Plus digitally for it.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 302: The Pack-In Police
« on: August 22, 2012, 09:21:05 PM »
I've only listened to the first part of the show up through James' games for the week.  I found it funny regarding his comments towards Dust, especially the part of the "squeeky flying squirrel thing".  The voice of Fidget is a friend of mine (also did the voice of Ms. Fortune in Skullgirls).

Someone posted this video snipit of Dust and Fidget talking to a merchant in the game.  May be minor spoilers, but I found it pretty funny.

True.  Mine's deep enough as well.  And I just added Final Fantasy VII remake for PC to the list about 30 minutes ago.

I never did play more than a few hours of that game, and I've not bought it three times.

I like their other announcement, in reply to a similar conversation that two others and myself had on twitter:
@Bean525 @The_9th_Sage @llaffer2 The only thing I can officially announce is that when you drop PB-ed bread it does, indeed, fall PB down.

TalkBack / Re: Wii U Will Support External USB Hard Disk
« on: June 06, 2012, 10:37:41 PM »
I doubt that the Wii U would support WBFS natively.  So if NTFS is partition 1, it should be fine.  If not, you may need to repartition that.  It will surprise me if Wii U will look for more than the first partition for access.
I picked up a 2TB external hard drive for $99 to prepare. :)  November?  are you here yet?

TalkBack / Re: Wii U Will Support External USB Hard Disk
« on: June 06, 2012, 02:42:46 PM »
The rumored specs are a little dissapointing, but I am glad (and I had predicted) that they would allow for external storage from day 1.

Aww. I was actually thinking about buying that, after my conversation about the Turtles on my podcast last week.  Oh well.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 93: Trouble With a Capital T
« on: May 24, 2011, 03:48:35 PM »
You made the comparison between A Boy and His Blob and Atari 2600 games.
If you recall, A Boy and His Blob was designed by David Crane, which was the figurehead of Activision back in the early 80s and was the designer for games like Pitfall, Pitfall 2, and Kaboom!.  I don't recall noticing it when I was a kid playing this game, but replaying it on WiiVC, I noticed how "Pitfall"-like the game was.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 214: Something-a-Trois
« on: October 12, 2010, 04:51:49 PM »
Thanks for the quick reply Greg.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 214: Something-a-Trois
« on: October 12, 2010, 03:46:52 PM »
I have a general question about how the podcasts are constructed.  I got a launch model AppleTV 2.0, and when I point it to my laptop that stores my unheard podcasts, I'm able to listen and/or view them on the AppleTV without a problem EXCEPT for yours.  Episodes 212, 213, and 214 are visible on the list of podcasts on my TV, but when I attempt to select it to listen, I just hear the "click" of my button press, and it doesn't launch.
So I'm wondering if you do something unusual with the construction of your podcast files that other people don't do, that may prevent this from being played (I'm sure unintentionally) on an AppleTV.

Podcast Discussion / Re: RetroActive #9: Geist (Special Edition)
« on: October 26, 2009, 08:38:26 AM »
I'm a few weeks late in my podcast listening.  When I heard them talk with the producer of the game a few weeks ago, I decided to give it a try, put it on the top of my GameFly queue, and I got it a week later.

I've only gotten to sit down twice with it, and I've already boxed it up and sent it back.

I'm not a FPS fan at all, I've been trying off and on since Wolfenstein 3D was first released.  I just was hoping it was more of a puzzler than a shooter (like Portal was).

First I got stuck in the room with three terminals and I had to find the code to unlock the door.  First, it wasn't very apparent that there was a keypad on the door, and second, I walked by those terminals five times, and never once noticed the one on the far left.  Both of these things can be clumped into the same game flaw: It's not obvious enough which items can be manipulated.  I hate running to gamefaqs to find the solution to a puzzle, and even more so when it's during the tutorial stages of a game.  But last night I got the code and entered the next area.

I then got stuck next on the area where I have to press the button to call the tram, you get in, pull the lever to get to the other side, while fighting armed guards.  I've never been able to get my host to survive this, and I've not found any other hosts around so I could manipulate the door to advance.

At this point, I've ejected the disk and put it back in the mailer.

Just played through the fourth dungeon, and died in the fifth.  I seem to remember more of the game than I thought I would.  Still enjoying myself.  3 continues used, in the middle of the fifth dungeon, and my skills are 7-6-7.

This is the first time I chose to participate in  the Retroactives (I avoided SG&G like the plague).

I have played this several times when I was a kid, playing multiple times through.  And then every 2-5 years or so, have played it through to the last area where I usually find something else to draw my attention.

I thought I had bought this before from WiiVC, but I guess I played it on the GameCube from the collector's pack, so I had to buy it again - not a bad $5.

So far, I've played about an hour.  Remembering how things went, I collected a few of the early items, and got the first two spells before going into the first temple. 

Then in the first temple, I really took my time killing everyhing, including those damned bubbles that take 83 strikes to kill.  But a well worth 50 XP, when it only costs 200 or so to level the attack.

I finish the first boss and I'm leveled up to 3-1-3, and sitting at 91 XP out of the 100 to level up the magic.  I didn't want to waste the crystal insertion on that, so I ran around until I found a spawn point of a blue blob.  I kill it, move out, move in, kill it, etc.   I'm at 99XP, and the next kill drops a damned bottle (who thought that potions should be a replacement to XP should be shot).  Anyway,. I got the 101/100, passed on the magic upgrade, then turned in the crystal to get my XP up to 800/800 (of which, I passed that, and didn't take long to get to 1000/1000 to get my attack to 4.

A little more running around, and I get to the second dungeon.  The parts that really frustrate me the most is the random movement of those blobs.  You think they're moving one way, and then jump another.  In one area of the level, I try to jump up onto a bridge, over a death drop, and I get hit by the blob, and fall back at a different angle from where I jumped from, so land in the death drop.  I do this 3 times, lose all my lives.  Saved and quit at this point.

I'll try to play more of this over the weekend.  But other than the last 5 minutes, I was enjoying playing through it again.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: DQ Swords is Surprisingly Fun
« on: January 12, 2009, 02:06:32 AM »
I bought this game at launch expecting it to be DQ8-caliber for the price.

When I found out what it was, I wasn't put off by it, I played it for an hour or two a night for a week or so and was able to beat the boss and go onto the extra content that followed.

I cleared through the first wave of extra monsters with relative ease.  Then started the second wave.  The curve required in levels from the previous point to the next was just insane.  I have no problem with needing to grind a little to continue, but this leap needed me to just about double my levels to continue.  I shelved the game at that point.

I may go back to it, play it through again and then stop at where I stopped once before.  But  I doubt I'll be able to set aside as much time that's needed to grind that many levels, even with the king metal slime, or whatever it was.  (Like I said, this was all a week or two after launch, so it's been a while.)

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