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Messages - AV

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Nintendo Gaming / Re: New Nintendo Portable...when?
« on: June 27, 2008, 04:50:40 PM »
11/22/09 NA, Europe
12/6/09 Japan

That is before Thanksgiving for USA and first Sunday of December for Japan.

It will have same tilt technology used in the nunchuck
It will have built in rumble
It will have almost GAMECUBE level graphics
Use 2.5 gig size cards for games
1 gig internal storage
All the channels Wii has plus some more
Online ready pictochat
1 USB 2.0 slot

TalkBack / Re: Going to California
« on: June 27, 2008, 04:35:55 PM »
EAT SOME In-N-OUT hamburgers for me. Ok

I wrote in a number of questions to RFN podcasts so you might know of me.

But I'm new here on the boards

TalkBack / Re: World of Goo to Receive Retail Release in Europe
« on: June 27, 2008, 04:31:23 PM »
How much you wanna bet after the game bombs they will put it on Wiiware and lick their wounds. Certain games just won't work for retail release, this is one of them.

Just put some hooks for downloadable content.

This is one stupid ass move.

Kind of hard to read the article (blog? diary?) when it requires a registration and login...

Don't you have a Facebook account? SHAME ON YOU.

Right now it's a rental for me if I have extra time.

Other wars happened. Civil War might work really well under the right developer, (have to compensate for slow muskets and impatient gamers)
War of Texas Independence might be fun too.

Vietnam doesn't interest me nor does Gulf War

There are morality problems with those wars though. Pretty much everyone can agree about the Nazis being dickheads. On the opposite side however, the American Civil War was always morally skewed from both sides anyway, with one wishing to legally secede and the other suppressing that for many reasons (some justifiably right if true). Vietnam was a poor attempt to cash in on the Communist boogeyman "threat" by killing lots of civilians. The Gulf War was ripe with the same backroom deals and scheming bureaucrats as any modern conflict. And only a bunch of redneck Texans would ever think of the Texas Revolution as patriotic. Stealing already stolen land through even more bloodshed doesn't exactly make for heroes.


Just trying to come up with some new ideas. The problem with shooters is that current technology could really make you feel like your at war and is possible to make a game where you shoot peoples guts out and such. My friend said he wants to play that, I am the other way around I would so be turned off on FPS's if they went to that degree. 

TalkBack / Re: Mega Man 9 Confirmed for WiiWare
« on: June 26, 2008, 04:30:46 PM »
Great news. This is what Wiiware is for.

So my brother in law put up a story on what console to buy he wanted to go back into video-games.

I'll link it

Long story short, He bought Wii and METROID PRIME 3 as his primary game.

oH YEAH!!!!!!!

TalkBack / Re: Wii Channels: Worth It?
« on: June 26, 2008, 02:40:49 PM »
Also I have no idea why you rated Nintendo Channel a 9, it's useless. That's crazy. You're crazy.

Definitely. I deleted it after using it once or twice. Anyone with the internet can get a far better experience than the Nintendo Channel offers. I suppose my opinion may have been different if there had been worthwhile DS demos.

The demos do change you know that right. Also the videos are updated with exclusive content that CANNOT BE FOUND elsewhere on the net. It's very nice to see virtual console games and than see movies and more easily judge if its worth your while

Wario Land shake only has 20 levels. WTF.

Super mario brothers on NES had 32 (4 stages, 8 worlds) . Why can't a current game have as many levels as a game made 20 years ago.

Right now it's a rental for me if I have extra time.

Other wars happened. Civil War might work really well under the right developer, (have to compensate for slow muskets and impatient gamers)
War of Texas Independence might be fun too.

Vietnam doesn't interest me nor does Gulf War

TalkBack / Re: REVIEWS: Gyrostarr
« on: June 26, 2008, 02:26:10 PM »
I have no need for custom soundtracks in Super Mario Galaxy.  It's something that occurs to me when I play a game with poor music, or more to the point, very little music.  I think it's pretty clear that High Voltage couldn't put a lot of music into the game since it's already pushing the file size limit for WiiWare.  That's when allowing the player to provide music makes the most sense.

The funny thing is that I just got some mp3s of Tetrisphere so that would fit the game well. OH WELL i have an ipod so I'll just listen to that as I play no problem.

Very fair review I would give it the same score. Solid fun game and $7 a good price.

Good I'm happy they are trying to make something worthwhile.

The problem is I am SO OVER World War II games and even if they do make the best shooter on Wii it will be hard to overcome that aspect.

TalkBack / Re: This Week's WiiWare and Virtual Console
« on: June 25, 2008, 10:09:36 PM »
ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it still sounds like a cheap gimmick for bosses that isn't challenging for fun just different for the sake of being different

TalkBack / Re: Nestle Teams with Namco-Bandai to Market Aquapod Water
« on: June 25, 2008, 09:59:04 PM »
I somehow thought this was going to be announcement for new WETRIX game.
That would be great on the Wii I loved that puzzle game.

General Chat / Re: Do I even need to buy a new DVD player?
« on: June 25, 2008, 11:27:48 AM »
Try and get her to buy you a 40 gig PS3... that gives you a great DVD player and Blu-Ray for the future.  =P  If that doesn't work, stick with the Mac.

As for the gathering around the computer monitor thing... Try and come up with a cool way of positioning it in your dorm room/apartment.  At one point in my college days I made it so if I spun my monitor around 180 degrees, it faced my futon for superior viewing.

Money isn't a problem for a new $50 DVD player, no way my mom is going to buy me a PS3.

The thing I thought about is I pawn off mom's dvd player and I keep the money and just use my mac.

I have a Mac Mini: 1.8 GZ with gig RAM so it's pretty good little machine


I sold my mom's old dvd player and got $10 store credit at this electronics store. I got these speakers for my iPod, this antenna enhancer for my cell phone, some sour straws. Whatever my mac mini is fine.

TalkBack / Re: This Week's WiiWare and Virtual Console
« on: June 25, 2008, 01:43:13 AM »

From what I've read it can get super irritating when you fight bosses. I guess you fight them with "Rock/Paper/Scissor" style gameplay and if you lose you go back to the beginning of the level.

Really ?

that sucks hardcore, it seems so random and based on luck what a horrible idea.

I heard that Burning fight is your typical 2d beat em up.

G-Star like I call it is a blast. Fast, fun shooting very good buy IMO.

General Chat / Re: Good News Everyone!
« on: June 24, 2008, 11:04:18 PM »
Well the come back is sort of mixed blessing.

1st movie: Good overall 7/10 but way to convoluted and tried TO HARD to please.

2nd movie: More laughs 8/10 but story ended in such an odd way and  overall its to random.

They are just trying to hard and working to many sides.  I'm not angry its back, just think they shouldn't be in such a rush it really feels like they are throwing things together really fast. Both movies I wouldn't rank higher than some of the episodes of the last season.

General Chat / Do I even need to buy a new DVD player?
« on: June 24, 2008, 10:59:07 PM »
My mom's dvd player sucked, my brother bought it for her a few years ago and it was the cheapest worst at the time, and not only that but he doesn't take care of it at all when he is over here. It would be days the drive is open and dust going in until I walked by and saw it and closed the tray.

So recently we tried to watch a DVD (its attached to huge 60 inch TV [NOT HD] ) and it kept scratching up.

I just disconnected my DVD player and put it in front of the TV and watch the movie just fine. My DVD player is Toshiba and was expensive for its time ($400) however the store was having going out of business sale and I got it for $250. Anyway I haven't had a single problem with my DVD player.

So now we use my DVD player and I disconnected my mom's crappy one. Now the question remains if Mom is going to buy me another since I gave her mine .

[ I am going to college and staying with her during summer break in fall I'll be back in the dorm ]

She  doesn't care since DVD players are dirt cheap now so money isn't an issue.

The issue is if I really need one.

I have a Mac Mini and it plays DVD's and pretty good monitor (if not flat or bigger than 13 inch) so I can watch movies on that. The TV I do own is about the same size as the monitor (13 inches) so I don't gain much from having a DVD player and watching it on my TV instead.

I eventually plan on getting a big great HDTV and Blu-ray player to replace the tiny TV i have, but that won't be to soon.

So now the question is do I need a DVD player? It would be somewhat awkward to watch all movies on my computer monitor instead of traditional TV, and kind of odd if I have a girl around to gather around the monitor instead of TV, but the TV is still tiny.

hmmmmmm decisions, decisions. Now is the time I wish Wii did have DVD movie support.

TalkBack / Re: PREVIEWS: Star Wars: The Clone Wars
« on: June 24, 2008, 04:30:29 PM »
I don't like the art style in Clone wars, but this game does seem like they are trying to make something decent.

I enjoy the sword fighting in No more Heroes and this seems like it might be an evolution of that. The idea of 1:1 is amazing, but in real life I would grow tired of swinging wiimote constantly.

TalkBack / Re: Izuna 2 to Feature Reversible Cover Art
« on: June 24, 2008, 04:26:51 PM »
cheap gimmick. How much you wanna bet the game will not be great but this stupid thing will make it collectors item.  :rolleyes:

IGN is hinting Kid Icarus, Pikmin 3 and Animal crossing and a surprise game, however this is Nintendo and nobody knew about WiiSports or WiiFit so they might be a total surprise.

What we do know is that they have more "core games" coming so thats good news and they are considering solutions for storage problem.

This is an odd E3 we already have Zelda, Metroid, Mario, Smash Brothers, and Mario Kart on the Wii so we really don't know what exactly to see.

My predictions: Firmware update that allows SD storage for VC and Wiiware games. Nintendo will provide 2 GIG SD cards with some games pre-installed onto them at stores to buy, but any SD card will be fine.

Nintendogs: Pedigree Edition (09) and WiiMusic (09) for Wii with online support for Casual gamers and announce Animal crossing but it won't be released until next year.

Nintendo will publish The Conduit and will surprise everyone with November release date when previously not expected to release this year. Pikmin 3 will be shown with claymation art style  (same as commercials) which will upset some hardcore gamers but it will be a great game and release in October. Kid Icarus rumors will come to pass and it will play like a mix of God of War and Super Mario Galaxy.

Nintendo will apologize for Smash Brothers Online problems and shut down the servers during E3 and will turn them back on after and will works allot better and as good as we hoped for.

Squarenix will surprise everyone with Kingdom Hearts that includes Nintendo characters for the Wii which will also release THIS year.

So 2008:

The Conduit
Kid Icarus: Angels of Eternity
Kingdom hearts: Universe in Chaos
Pikmin 3

I predict a huge E3 , and Nintendo to ignore the casual market for the rest of the year as they try to keep up supply of Wiifit for them and focus on Hardcore gamers. The balance board will be used by 3rd parties but Nothing shown from Nintendo themselves and challenges 3rd party developers to develop better looking, better controlling games. Reggie will come out aggressive and say Wii has been home of to many games that look and play like garbage, this is shameful and scorn the lazy 3rd parties. This e3 Nintendo will make hardcore gamers love them again.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Official Virtual Console Mondays Thread
« on: June 24, 2008, 01:24:49 AM »
I really like this is well thought out and feels like a racing tempest. 

The best thing about this game is the thought put into balance.  not dying after being hit once is nice.  Multi-player and powerups works great with the grappling hook. 

To me the game really does feel like the next "geometry wars"  Although in a way it may actually be better.

is it just me or after 2-4 levels YOU HAVE TO STOP and take a break because its a bit to much for brain to swallow.

those bonus stages can really get fast, I own and beat F-zero GX and this game feels like F-zero GX when you were using turbo but for long periods of time. Fun, exciting but Wow thats a head rush.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Call of Duty: World at War
« on: June 24, 2008, 01:22:09 AM »
a game set in the American Revolution would be cool. Haven't they already done that though? If not how come?

It takes several minutes to reload a musket thats why. Gamers are not patient. I guess you could fight as Americans and the gorilla warfare we used to win that war

TalkBack / Re: $100? No Thanks, Mr. Tyler.
« on: June 24, 2008, 01:16:51 AM »
yeah i played the game. MEH I just don't feel for it.

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