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Messages - WesDawg

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Nintendo Gaming / Nazi-Rick
« on: February 14, 2003, 06:30:22 AM »
In order to try and keep this GC related, I think BigN should make a game where you are a mod on a forum and have to shut down topics based on some Nazi criteria in order to keep people from asking dangerous questions about games or worse yet, to keep them from posting clips from public press releases. At higher levels you could get the job of posting messages such as "There is already a thread on this topic. It's 16 pages back and no ones written in it for 3 months, but theres already one open." The goal can be to make your message board as stale as possible so that no one risks having to read something dumb or boring. Then Mario can run out and say, "It's-A-Me! Mario!" The End

Nintendo Gaming / a thing N should do?
« on: February 14, 2003, 05:40:22 AM »
GBA is backwards compatable. It's not a console exactly, but its close enough, and it is/was a pretty big selling point for the system. I'd never bought a GB until GBA and so it kinda pushed me over the edge. Now I kinda wish I'd waited until the Player was out, cause I hate playing on that tiny little screen.

Nintendo Gaming / Skies of Arcadia - best GC RPG
« on: February 13, 2003, 08:49:18 AM »
I'm begging to doubt the Japanese taste in video games. They certainly make great games, but if DOAX is selling well there that can't bode well for them. When we were kids they were scared to send RPG's over here cause they thought we were to dumb to play 'em. Now it seems like the opposite. We love the new hardcore RPGs and they'll only play FF and DQ. Strange. Then again, maybe its just that this is a GC board and GC RPGs are so few and far between we've got to love what we get.

Nintendo Gaming / Whats up with 1080?
« on: February 12, 2003, 05:16:36 PM »
I was just looking at shot of 1080 on IGN, and they don't sound that impressed. The reactions to it from the CubeClubs were kinda mixed too. Anyone have any idea what Nintendo is doing with title? Are they making a less that stellar game, or do they have secrets they still ain't revealed yet?

Nintendo Gaming / Is FF12 coming to GameCube? (discussion/debate)
« on: February 12, 2003, 06:21:38 AM »
I love random battles. Maybe that makes me a hardcore gamer. I never knew I'd made the jump, but I started to suspect it recently. Yippee!

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo is No#1...
« on: February 12, 2003, 06:20:28 AM »
I think Nintendo missed the boat when they were releasing GC. MS sent out tons of ads claiming they had the most powerful system ever. Nintendo simply should have done the same thing. Who knows if its exactly true, but it gets people talking. Jeesh, I even saw a Splinter Cell game the other day that said, "Game of the Year" on it. I know some dumb magazine probably gave it that award, but its still deceiving to people.

Nintendo Gaming / Splinter Cell enhanced for Gamecube.
« on: February 12, 2003, 06:13:40 AM »
I was reading up on Splinter Cell last night, and I don't think I'm that excited about it really. I guess I'm just curious. It sounds like a lot of trial and error gaming. If you've played it, how much was it like that?

Nintendo Gaming / Is FF12 coming to GameCube? (discussion/debate)
« on: February 11, 2003, 05:40:42 AM »
I'm not getting back into the muliple disc argument any time soon but this pisses me off:

"FF: CC is nothing more than a payoff game to get GBA development rights"

Nintendo has never that I know of used GBA to leverage GC games.  In fact Konami gives the GC complete crap for games and Big'N still lets 'em make those amazing Castlevania's for GBA. Same for Rare who don't make anything for GC anymore. I think Square was interested in the connectivity and in making a game that you could play on your Cube and on your GBA at the same time.

Secondly, I like Random battles. I like working hard to develop a charactor into someone great. I like putting lots of time into making a great team. It's tedious during the process, but when you're done you have a sence of accomplishment and bonding with your group. In the old DW games you had a huge sence of accomplishment just cause you made it to the next town without your whole team dying finally, and when you thought back about how you only had that one White Mage left and you ran clear across the game map running from every enemy that attacked to finally stumble into town with 10 hit-points left, you can't help but be proud. Vive le La Random Battles!

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