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Messages - Fjurbanski

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Podcast Discussion / Re: Best of the Wii: Super Mario Galaxy
« on: October 04, 2012, 03:22:29 PM »
My personal #1 is Skyward Sword.

I love Galaxy. It's a near flawless game, and revamped Mario in great ways.

But I feel like this game doesn't define the Wii in the same way that SS does. Skyward Sword legitimized the very purpose for the Wii's existence, whereas you could have told me that Galaxy was a Gamecube game and I'd never know the difference (Except for collecting the the starbits, which is nice, but ultimately unnecessary).

But like I said, the game is nearly flawless. It's amazing. Solid #2 on my list. And even a solid #1 if you aren't nit-picking like I am.

My favorite part of the game was the second time you fight Girahim. Not because it was tense or anything, but because I completely decimated him. That was the point when I learned how great the combat was. He is technically a more difficult boss than he was the first time you fight him (he has a greater variety of attacks, etc.), but he was no threat to me. During the first battle I was fumbling around, not really sure how to go about attacking him, missing hits, getting my sword caught, etc. During the second battle I was parrying him, deflecting his projectiles, dodging everything, and didn't get my sword caught once.

Adding the second Girahim fight was a brilliant move on Nintendo's part, because it directly shows the player how much progress they've made. I don't know if that was their intention or not, but I noticed it. I had an easier time defeating a more difficult boss because I had greatly improved my own skill. It wasn't some item that made me stronger. I was simply better. I've never gotten "better" at the swordplay in any Zelda game. Because, well, they never required it. I didn't refine any techniques. From beginning to end I simply held my shield up to take hits, and tapped away on the sword button.

So yeah, this isn't my favorite Zelda game. But it's still great in its own unique way. In a way that no other Zelda game has been before.

TalkBack / Re: Wii U Not Selling at Loss, Nintendo Believes in Value
« on: September 25, 2012, 07:37:22 AM »

I think people forget that, unlike Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo doesn't have anything to fall back on. They're only a gaming company.

It's best for them that they don't lose money on a console. As for the others, it's still stupid of them to lose money on every console, but it seems they can handle it at least a little better than Nintendo could.

TalkBack / Re: All of the Wii U Critics Are Right (and I Don't Care)
« on: September 24, 2012, 11:55:04 PM »
But that's exactly why pretty much everyone in the gaming industry should be excited about the Wii U.

It's bringing the games. And not just Nintendo games. It has one of the most impressive launch line-ups I've seen. There's literally something for everyone.

It's a "launch" lineup of games largely available on other platforms (including some available anywhere from months to a year earlier). "Hooray", but at least they're there for the relative minority who didn't already buy them or already planned to buy them for another console.

Batman, Darksiders II, ME3, and Ninja Gaiden.

That's only 4 games that are already available on other consoles.

Then there's ACIII, which comes out so close that anyone buying a Wii U would wait for the Wii U version.

Not to mention that those 4 games are getting some pretty interesting upgrades (not enough to warrant a second purchase, but more than enough to make them stand out as good launch games).

Then there's the giant list of other games coming out for the Wii U that are diverse, numerous, and for the most part, look good.

Aliens: Colonial Marines
Black Ops 2
Epic Mickey 2
FIFA '13
Lego City
Madden '13
Monster Hunter
Pikmin 3
Rayman Legends
Scribblenauts Unlimited

Add on all the downloadable games and you have yourself an incredibly solid list. If people can't already see at least one or two games on that list that they want... well then their taste in games isn't very diverse. So then, I wouldn't really care about their opinion on what is and is not a good launch.

TalkBack / Re: All of the Wii U Critics Are Right (and I Don't Care)
« on: September 24, 2012, 10:47:28 PM »
But that's exactly why pretty much everyone in the gaming industry should be excited about the Wii U.

It's bringing the games. And not just Nintendo games. It has one of the most impressive launch line-ups I've seen. There's literally something for everyone.


Seeing as how, to this day, I've never had as much fun playing online as I have had playing in the same room with people, I don't care.

Especially with a game like NintendoLand. Does anyone really picture themselves playing Animal Crossing Sweet Day online?

I really don't care if such and such game doesn't have online play. All that matters is that the console itself can utilize it as well as the competition. Then developers can decide for themselves what they want to do with their game.

TalkBack / Re: Nintendo Land Impressions
« on: September 15, 2012, 05:49:11 PM »
This alone looks worth the price of admission.

Add in the other 11 and you've got a winner. Just like everyone else I was skeptical of NintendoLand. And once again I learn never to underestimate Nintendo.

TalkBack / Re: New Super Mario Bros. U Preview
« on: September 13, 2012, 10:17:50 PM »
It certainly does look like it will have enough new stuff to be fun.

And I never played NSMBWii, so this will definitely be fresh to me.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 302: The Pack-In Police
« on: August 22, 2012, 06:02:12 PM »
When I played Skyward Sword I also had revelatory experience, but I drew very different conclusions. For the longest time I thought that all the Wii needed was for someone to take motion controls and implement them intelligently in a triple A game made for core gamers. What I realised when I played Skyward Sword was that the motion controls are fun for games like Wii Sports, but regardless of the fidelity I just don't need or want them in my traditional action/adventure games.
I guess you could say Skyward Sword made me think 'This is why Nintendo made this controller, and it finally works!...But no thanks'.

Makes sense. Even the best implementation of motion controls won't necessarily legitimize them for everyone.

I just hope Nintendo brings the best implementations of the Wii U gamepad early in the consoles life, rather than late. I've got no proof, obviously, but I think that will simply encourage more developers to support and bring interesting games to the Wii U at a steady rate. Something that I don't think Nintendoland can do.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 302: The Pack-In Police
« on: August 22, 2012, 05:27:40 PM »
If Nintendoland isn't packed in, I'm not going to buy it. Unless something within me drastically changes between now and November, I'll probably never end up even playing the game, let alone purchasing it. From what I've seen the game's value sits in a really weird place. I wouldn't buy it, maybe $5-10 (maybe not), but if it were free... I can easily imagine myself spending plenty of time with it and enjoying myself.

Personally I think it was unwise for Nintendo to even make it in the first place. I get it. It's the new Wii Sports, a proof of concept for the Wii U. But wouldn't it be smarter to put those ideas into something that people actually want to buy? Or into a more high-profile game?

Think about the Wii. While it had plenty of good games, the only game that makes me say, "This is why Nintendo made this controller, and I'm glad they did." Is Skyward Sword. The real "ah-ha" moment for motion controls came too late for most people to care anymore.

I don't think Nintendo should focus on making the Wii U's version of Wii Sports. They should at least attempt to make the Wii U's version of Skyward Sword (and no, I don't mean that it has to be a Zelda game. I mean it should be a AAA, high-profile game, rather than a collection of mini-games).

I'm going to get a Wii U. Every Nintendo console has been worth buying, and I can definitely see the potential of an optional touchscreen (and with games like ZombiU, it's clear that certain developers can see the potential as well). However, by not packing in Nintendoland, I think Nintendo is missing a big opportunity.

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