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Messages - Khushrenada

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Nintendo Gaming / RE:GDC Iwataton Speech Thread
« on: March 23, 2006, 09:01:59 AM »

Originally posted by: wandering

Many ideas were floating around, but nothing felt revolutionary.

Uh-oh. Ian's worst fears confirmed!

Yeah, but Retro helped design the controller. That's good. It's like when Mario 64 was designed with the analog stick. Their controller is being built around the game. That's what Ian wants: a controller that's wrapped around games, not a controller that games are then wrapped around. You follow?  

NWR Forums Discord / RE:Change the title of the person above you!
« on: March 19, 2006, 07:42:56 PM »
Wanted: for square dancing in a round house. (Hope you like it.)

Nintendo Gaming / RE:The Third Pillar
« on: March 19, 2006, 06:07:27 PM »
I get what you're saying Animecyberrat. It's just that in your first post you only said SNES was uninteresting and that Genesis had the freshest ideas. You made it sound like the SNES was wasteland of sequels. (Well, I'm exaggerating that.) Anyways, you cleared that up now. But it's because of that first post why I warned you and mentioned a few examples as well.

Kirby Superstar is > than Kirby Adventure because the music, graphics and different styles of gameplay give it the edge.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:The Third Pillar
« on: March 18, 2006, 08:05:45 PM »
I hope you know what you're doing by saying the Genesis was better than the SNES, Animecyberrat. A lot of people, myself included, view the SNES as Nintendo's best console. And to say there was no fresh ideas, well, that's just crazy. Super Mario Kart, F-Zero, Kirby's Dream Course, EarthBound, Harvest Moon and Mario Paint are a few examples.

As far as I'm concerned, most of the sequels were better than NES orginals (except for the Mario games).

Super Metroid > Metroid.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past > The Legend of Zelda.
Kirby SuperStar > Kirby's Adventure.

Anyways, I know you can point to examples as well. I realize Sonic the Hedgehog itself was quite new and orginal then. I'm just saying there was alot of originality on the SNES.

Hey, back on topic.
I feel the same way as jasonditz. Handhelds interested me abit but I never got into them. I was too busy buying games for my consoles. But when the DS came out, I was interested partly because it was the first 3D graphic capable handheld Nintendo had came out with. (Virtual Boy doesn't count.) But also, it was because it was so different from other handhelds before it. Still, some months passed and I'd see a game come out for it here or there. With E3 approaching, I thought I might subscribe to Nintendo Power to keep up with the latest regarding Nintendo's new console. (I've since found out, I can learn all the details as it happeens on the internet.)

The issue I bought was focusing on the future for the DS. I read about the games coming out was amazed. Reading the games list and seeing that Nintendo was coming out with a new Super Mario Bros. Really got me excited. So, I went on the internet to see what I could find about the DS and came upon IGN for the first time. I also discovered PlanetGameCube for the first time. I read every review for every game and was just amazed at what I read, even though a lot of games were getting so-so review and Nintendo was being blasted for its weak launch. After reading those reviews, I thought to myself how Nintendo was operating on a whole different level. I've thought of ideas for games before but reading what the DS could do and what had been made just showed me a whole new games could be made. Soon after, I went to an EB games and tried a DS on display. Frankly, just using the touch screen was amazing. Now, I had to have one. Since they were releasing a blue DS bundled with Mario soon, I waited for that. When it came out, I bought and the rest is history.

But I do just want to quickly mention a couple of my first impressions. First, I was amazed at the speakers of the system. Second, playing some of the minigames with the touchscreen again amazed me with its accuracy. Finally, having a picture split between two screens was also neat.

Nowadays, I've lost that inital awe. But every once in awhile, I'll play something that, for a moment, brings it back. It is an awesome third pillar.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Speculation and handicapping the NPA
« on: March 17, 2006, 07:19:34 PM »
Yeah, you're probably right. Since I haven't seen all the nominees, I just treat them as if I haven't seen any of them and that they're all equal.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Video Game Music
« on: March 17, 2006, 07:14:35 PM »
And I love him for it.

Reading through this thread, I see no one has mentioned Kirby. Kirby Superstar has some of the best music put in a video game. I'll hum those themes all the time. Although all Kirby games have good music, that one is still the epitome of the Kirby sounds.

Also, Super Mario RPG. No one mentioned that although, they did mention Mario in general. Still, I thought it should be named.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Speculation and handicapping the NPA
« on: March 14, 2006, 08:04:05 PM »
Hey, just when I gave up on this, we got some players. Quick replies. I agree that DK: JB should be the one to get first but I'm basing my predications on promotion and sales and RE4 was the one that got both. Also, the Candy Kong comments -classic! And quickly to Ian. I agree that the nominated DS games are all great and as I said before, this catagory could go many ways. But I do think AC: WW has a lot more popularity. As for the GBA, last year, Metroid: Zero Mission beat Pokemon LeafGreen and FireRed but according to the comments, Metroid just barely eked out the win. Still, if Metroid beat Pokemon, Zelda should be able to, I think.

Back to the competition, it's time for the technical awards.

Best Graphics - GCN
-Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat
-Killer 7
-Peter Jackson's King Kong
-Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
-Resident Evil 4
-Spartan: Total Warrior

My predictions
1. RE4
2. DK: JB
4. PoP: TTT
5. S: TW
6. K7

Pretty much the same as Game of the Year. RE 4 has all the hype on graphics and should take this award. Killer 7 and Spartan:TW both had low sales and the votes should reflect that. Plus, when people think graphics, they think realism and cel-shading will not garner many votes. Again, it's harder to place second but, even though I just mentioned people voting for realism, I think DK will be second because people vote for Nintendo charcters regardless. Finally, I think King Kong will have the edge over Pop:TTT because KK graphics were probably the biggest thing hyped about the game.

Best Graphics - Handheld (GBA/DS)
-Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
-Gunstar Super Heroes
-The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
-Mario Kart DS
-Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
-Tony Hawk's American Sk8land (DS)

My predictions
2. M&L: PiT
3. LoZ: TMC
4. C: DS
6. GSH

2-D versus 3-D. Personally, I would like to see a 2-D game come out on top but something tells me it will be Mario Kart on top. This is another tough catagory to call but I think it will come down to sales again and people who have actually seen the games in action. Therefore, Gunstar lowest, followed by THAW. Despite THAW's 3-D, I believe franchises will be key, namely Nintendo franchises, with Castlevania placing fourth. Although some may be surprised, I think M&L will just squeeze past Zelda for second place. I think people will appreciate the style of M&L more and because the DS can pull off better graphics than the GBA. I think it's another close race for second.

Best Music - All Systems
-Call of Duty 2: Big Red One
-Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
-Final Fantasy IV Advance
-Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
-Tony Hawk's American Wasteland

My Predictions
1. C: DS
3. Meteos
4. FF IV A
5. CoD: BRO
6. PoP: TTT

Wow. This is a really strange group of nominees. Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix wasn't nominated? I only know the music of one of these nominees so I'm just guessing with this one. However, I think in the end, Castlevania will be able to walk away with an award! Really, I think this one is designed to make sure Castlevania gets something. After that I went with THAW because people seem to like liscensed music for some reason. Meteos is the biggest surprise to me and the only one I'm familiar with. I know sales weren't that high but its music was always promoted so people may just throw some votes that way because of that. Final Fantasy could place third because of name recognition but I don't think it was heard by too many people. No comments on my last two choices except I think more people will have played CoD than PoP or maybe I'm thinking of Medal of Honor.

And the last Technical Award:

Best Sound/Voice Acting - All systems
-From Russia With Love
-Killer 7
-Medal of Honor: European Assault
-Peter Jackson's King Kong
-Resident Evil 4

My Predictions
1. RE4
4. MoH: EA
5. Gun
6. K7

Who could it be? RE4? Pretty much. Again, another award to RE4. After that, I'm going to say King Kong because it seems to do well with technical awards (oscars). Then, I'd have to say FRWL because Sean Connery was a big draw for that game. Next is Medal of Honor because it did have good sales so that might help. Then Gun which a few people liked. Finally, Killer 7. That may surprise some people because the sounds in Killer 7 were something people talked about but, again, I think low exposure will hurt its chances. Although, in all truth, I think only my first two are pretty much a sure thing and the last four could easily be switched around.

That brings me to the end of the latest round. I know these awards may not be the most interesting but stick around and in 3 or 4 days, I'll post my thoughts on the next set of awards - the Genres. You know, strategy, sports, adventure, etc. As always, your thoughts are always encouraged and warmly welcome (usually).

Nintendo Gaming / Speculation and handicapping the NPA
« on: March 11, 2006, 01:25:42 PM »
I don't know about you but I like to speculate! For instance, speculating on playoff match-ups or award shows. Because of that, I thought it might be fun to take a look at the Nintendo Power Awards and speculate on the outcomes. Other people could throw in their predictions as well. Then, at the end of the month, when the actual results are published in Nintendo Power, we can see how we did. So, with that let's take a look at the match-ups and how I see them panning out.

1. GCN Game of the Year

-Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
-Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
-Peter Jackson's King Kong
-Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
-Resident Evil 4
-Tony Hawk's American Wasteland

My prediction:
1. RE4
3. FE:PoR
5. PoP:TTT

Most likely RE 4 is going to be the one to walk away with most of the awards and this should be one of them. The real challenge is figuring out where the rest of the nominee's will fall. I have a feeling THAW will most likely be last, followed by PoP:TTT, which, although critically praised, doesn't seem to have had made a real splash with gamers. It's possible that may be liked enough to move up to fourth over King Kong, which was faulted for being too short. However, I believe both of these games sold less than my top three choices and that's what's going to limit them. The games that were played by the most people are going to be the ones that get the most votes. That's why I think DKJB will get second place. Although RPG's usually do well, FE just didn't sell as many copies as DKJB and won't receive as many votes.

DS Game of the Year

-Animal Crossing: Wild World
-Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
-Mario Kart DS
-Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
-Sonic Rush

My Predictions:
2. AC:WW
3. C:DoS
4. M&L:PiT
5: Nintendogs
6. SR

This is one of the toughest catagories to predict because these are all good titles and most are big sellers. Mario Kart has been the biggest seller though and a DS game many people have been waiting for. Plus, it was the first MarioKart game to go online. These factors will probably make it the winner. Sonic Rush has sold the least I believe and so may get the least amount of votes. However, with strong support from Sonic fans it might end up higher. Nintendogs has sold the most but I believe the luster has fadded somewhat and many won't consider it a game like the others listed. Mario & Luigi is another great game but again, I feel it has less exposure. Also, it has been mentioned that the game is a bit on the short side with not much besides the main quest and the fact that it could have explored it's time elements more. Castlevania is another game that has done well. Even Ian Sane has a copy. But I think Wi-Fi connection is going to count for more and so more votes will be given to MK. AC is much different from Castlevania and attracts a different crowd as wll. The votes of that different crowd will help propel it to number two but less sales will affect it. Still, there could be an upset in this catagory.

GBA Game of the Year

-Final Fantasy IV Advance
-Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
-Gunstar Super Hereos
-The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
-Pokemon Emerald
-WarioWare: Twisted

My Predictions

Another tough catagory. Zelda vs. Pokemon. Even though Emerald sold more than Zelda, I have a feeling Zelda will still win, though it will be based more on name recognition. Gunstar will probably end up last, though that's due to sales again and thus less people playing it. Same with Final Fantasy, though name recognition may help again. Fire Emblem has it's fans and as I've said before RPGS do well, but I think Warioware will get more votes due to the fact that with all these RPGs, the votes will be split among them. Non RPG players may vote for Wario. Plus, it's a really fun game. Still, this should be a Zelda versus Pokemon contest.

That's it for now. I need a break. But if you're interested, I could post some more of the catagories later.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Umm, Metroid rip-off?
« on: March 11, 2006, 12:30:33 PM »
I noticed at the end of the article you posted, the game was supposed to come out in September. I know they decided to make a DS version but we've really never heard or seen anything about the game since then. As far as I know, there hasn't been a new release date since then either. That's the only reason why I wasn't fully sure about what had happened to this game.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Umm, Metroid rip-off?
« on: March 11, 2006, 12:11:31 PM »
It's a real game as far as I can tell. It was originally created for the Game Boy Advance but since then, the publisher Orbital decided to make a version for the DS. IGN has reported on this awhile ago. Nintendo Power has both versions on their GameWatch forecast and there have even been two page adds for the game. I guess it's the long way of saying: it exists.

Personally, I've been waiting for information about the game because I've been kind of curious about it. But, there never seems to be any news about it, and I can hardly find any screens for it. Of course, I haven't searched for any for a long time because I'm not that interested in it. I just think it might have potential.

When I learned about the game, I thought it was a rip-off of Metroid as well. But the description I read made it seem a bit different compared to the description you just quoted. Maybe I'll look for the other description later but not right now.  

Yes, I'm a G-Wing fan.  But that's only because I'm one of the stars of the show.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:The Official Chibi Robo Thread
« on: February 24, 2006, 07:40:04 PM »
Yeah, I realize this isn't like a metroid game. I was just posting that as a joke to show that such a comparison is not that far off as Vudu thinks. But it's probably best that you corrected me anyways so people aren't misled.

Anyways, the more I hear about this game the more I want it. I keep checking Blockbuster to see if I could rent it but they don't seem to be getting any copies in to rent. I'll probably have to buy it. But that's ok. If lot's of people buy it, maybe we'll see Giftpia come over.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:IF Revolution still is a code name...
« on: February 23, 2006, 09:06:39 PM »
The funny thing is I actually like the Rainbow Dream Machine name. It sounds trippy and Japanese and sorta right for Nintendo like Renny mentioned. It also reminds me of Kirby, my favorite character and Iwata's as well. Maybe Iwata would go for the name. I'd like to see Reggie market that.

Myself, I tried to think of names for the console why back when they stressed Revolution was just a codename. I tried to think of a name that would match it's description. At the time, there was only photo's of the black shell unveiled at E3. So, I thought Monolith from 2001. Then I realized that the console was supposed to be small and monolith made it sound to big. So then I thought of the name Mini-lith. But that still didn't sound good. And as I pondered M names, I came upon a revelation. The Miyamoto. The Nintendo Miyamoto. Thereby appealing to the hardcore Nintendo fans as well as other gamers as well. I believe even Peter Moore was expressing interest in how great it would be to have Miyamoto work for Microsoft. With such a respected name like that, the Miyamoto would be sure to become the number one console.

Or call it the Nintendo Revelation. (I just came up with that as I was writing this.) I'm sure it would go over well in the red states and once you've got Arkansas, you've got the world. Just ask Wal-Mart.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Why is the console so small?
« on: February 23, 2006, 08:47:57 PM »
I'm glad this topic was brought up. I was thinking about bringing up something like this. I don't know if anyone read this but IGN posted something a while back in which they looked at the E3 comments made by Iwata and played his formal puzzle game as he called it. The point being to see what information is left to be discovered. What stood out to me were these quotes.

"Every home game machine in history has married a controller to a console, and a console to a television. "

"How these four elements: Controller, Console, TV, and Internet interact with each other forms a central difference in Revolution design."

There was also this comment that may or may not be unrelated: "But, our advances in our technology will also relate to areas that have no direct bearing on gameplay."

Let's not forget the comment by Square Enix that was mentioned in the beginning about "not just a console, not just a portable"

Now whether the small size of the Revolution has something to do with this or not, I'm not sure. But right now, we know how the controller and console interact, and we have a bit of information as to how the internet and console interact but nothing seem to have been discussed with how the T.V. and console interact. Unless it's a reference to the sensor bars you have to put beside the T.V. for the Revmote to work but I think there might be more.

In fact, the only thing I can recall with reference to this was a question in a recent IGN mailbag about whether the Revmote would work on any T.V. The answer was that Reggie had been traveling around to different developers and showing them a Revolution unit. Reggie said that he had hooked the unit up too all kinds of T.V.'s and there never was a problem. It always worked. No time-consuming fiddling.

Of course, I could be way off that this has anything to do with the yet unveiled secret but I've been wondering about it for awhile.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:The Official Chibi Robo Thread
« on: February 23, 2006, 06:41:42 PM »

But getting back to Chibi-Robo, from the reviews and the articles I've read, Chibi-Robo sounds a bit like Super Metroid.


That's got to be the oddest comparison I've ever read.

Odd comparison nothing. The review of Chibi-Robo by Planetgamecube found here (Review) states (and I qoute): Exploring is one of the thrills of Chibi-Robo – each room is slowly unlocked, Metroid style, by gaining new abilities.

Yes, everyone agrees that Chibi-Robo is the next Metroid.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Forbes: Kaplan Interview
« on: February 19, 2006, 08:55:23 PM »
Wow, my posts seem to be getting longer and longer. I need to post more frequently.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Forbes: Kaplan Interview
« on: February 19, 2006, 08:54:17 PM »
Getting back to an old thing I had done earlier. I asked what 2 systems Ian and Big Jim liked and as I thought, they both mentioned the Nintendo 64. The reason I bring this up is because I believe the N64 is probably the most hardcore system Nintendo has made. Now, you migh think this is a strange statement but from my experience, I've found that compared to other Nintendo systems, the N64 is really hard system for people unless they are really into video games.

The first Nintendo system I ever had was the SNES (which, I agree with Ian, was the best system ever released). My dad bought it for my brother and I but he also played with us. The system came with Super Mario World and so that is what we played. I remember it took us forever to learn the controls. Anyways, we played it at that game for a long time. It was always a huge celebration for us when we beat a koopa kid and moved on to a new level. In fact, even my mom gave it a try. She would only play one level for some reason but she tried it out. Anyways, when we finally reached Bowser, my dad started to lose interest, though he still tried to beat Bowser. Finally, one evening, I was able to beat Bowser. Everyone gathered around to see the end of the game. After that, my dad stopped playing. We'd ask him all the time to join but he wouldn't. My mom had long stopped playing her one level. Point of all this being that I was the better Nintendo player compared to my brother. When we rented games, I'd be the one to beat the big bosses and such. The only game he always beat me at was Mario Kart.

That changed when we rented Mario World 2. We'd switch back and forth as we fought Baby Bowser and finally my brother beat him. It was the first time he beat a game. Although, I'd still usually be the one to finish games, it marked the start of his ascendancy over me. Anyways, after some time, we finally bought a 64. It was around the time that Donkey Kong 64 had come out. And once again, we had to sort of learn how to use the controller again. Eventually, we got the hang of it but my brother seemed to get it better than I did. He was the one who now beat all the games. He beat Mario 64, Mario Kart, Mario Golf, Paper Mario, StarFox, etc. In fact the only game I ever seemed to beat for the 64 was DK64 but namely because he didn't really play it much or seem that interested in it. After awhile, I got kind of bored with the system. I'd still play games like Mario Party or Kart but didn't play as much as my brother. He'd rent games and I'd watch him play for a bit then go do something else. Maybe it was partly that he was a better player then me that led to my playing less but I think it was also the fact that it was a hard system to play.

Anyways, when the GameCube came out, I was still interested enough to play it. We'd started watching X-Play on TechTv and they review all the new games coming out for the Cube and we were just amazed at the graphics. We saved enough to buy one in January or Febuary 2002 and bought Rogue Leader. My brother loved the game for the 64 (I could never get the controls) and we always liked the graphics (which show they can help sell). It started out the same with my brother doing well at the game while I was having trouble flying. But after awhile, I finally figured it out and got going. It sounds wierd but something just clicked in my head and I just got the control scheme easy. I remember thinking to myself many times that this was the best controller Nintendo ever made. It just seemed so perfectly designed compared to the 64. My brother and I were racing one another to complete the game first and get all the Gold medals and I beat him. It was the first time I'd beat a game before him in years. And it was Rogue Squadron as well. Then Mario Sunshine came out and again we both competed to finish it first. Once again, I beat him to it. This time he didn't even finish the game. In fact he's never finished it 100%. Now, he's the one who's become disinterested in games. The only games he plays with me are Mario Kart DD (and he still beats me all the time) or Mario Party. Now and then, he'll play a new game I buy for awhile but his interest will burn out. He's more interested in doing things on his computer. Sometimes he says video games are a waste of time.

One final thing is with the DS. I bought one that was bundled with Mario 64 and played that and loved it. Even though I had a hard time with Mario 64, I still loved the game and wanted it. It was the first time I ever completed the game 100% percent. Also, even though swinging Bowser could be awkward, I finally got a good grasp of how to aim when fighting him. As a result, I was inspired to replay the 64 and I finally finished the game 100%. Also, thanks to the DS and the Gamecube, I had much better ability to use the controller than before. As a result, I've been inspired to play all my 64 and beat them. I've been surprised at how well now I'm able to use the controller. Unfortunatly, the graphics just don't look that good anymore and can make it hard for me to really get into playing some games, especially compared to the Gamecube. (F-Zero X).

So let me end my long story by saying that Nintendo may have something with creating a new type of controller. A complicated controller makes it hard for people to keep playing games. Also, if it's easy to understand, there's a good chance it will get people to keep playing games and may attract back people who have stopped playing games. Also, a system that does appeal to casual gamers might be for the best. Ian mentioned the SNES as appealing to casual gamers and from my experience I agree. We also both feel that the SNES was the best system as well. Finally, graphics do sell. If the DS graphics looked like the N64, I don't think the system would be selling as much as it has. It really does put the 64 to shame. Even if the Rev doesn't have the best graphics, as long as it doesn't look like the 64 compared to the DS, it should be fine and still appeal.

OK, I'm done.

Man, where's Howard Philips? Nintendo should sue the station for slander. Especially when they have someone saying that they told this reporter all the facts and the reporter chose to ignore them to make their story. I would have the station apologize in the opening of their broadcast, maybe even advertise something about new information on their DS story, and fire that reporter.

When I read about this story, one could see there was wrong information but it left me wondering other questions. For instance, what name could be so offensive that they couldn't show it, yet also be only 10 characters long? Maybe others could think of something but my brain can't seem to go that low. Alos, how could the girl who owns the DS be so braindead that she doesn't know that Pictochat is not online. Even she should have known this. Then again, it seems she only has a DS to draw pictures in Pictochat. Hey, if she gets bored with that, there's always Ping Pals. Or a really great invention, paper and a pen. Alright, maybe I'm being harsh on her but I just get the feeling that it was done for attention.

Finally, I wanted to comment on scary news. It's done all the time, like on Dateline or 20/20. Generally, though, you can tell when the report is just trying to make a big issue out of something that isn't even a problem and just force the issue. For instance, I remember watching one investigation on one of those shows about the shipping of meat. They were makeing a deal about how a person get food poisoning from meat that isn't kept cool and thaws or just sits around for awhile. The news angle's big issue was: what about the meat you buy at a store or deli.

They followed this truck that was loaded up in the morning with a huge order of frozen meat. Some in boxes and all encrusted in ice. They made a big deal of how the truck had no air conditioning and the meat wasn't loaded into a freezer. Then they talked about what a hot day it was while the truck was delivering the meat. At the end of the truck's delivery run, as they're unloading meat, the reporter comes up to the workers ands asking them why isn't your truck keeping the meat cool? One of the delivery men tells the reporter to check the meat in the truck. The reporter does and admits that the meat was still frozen. But I guess since the reporter had already put this much time into the story, the report kept going. The reason I bring this up is because it was just one of the few times I remember laughing through an investigative report because it was so dumb.

The language used to hype up the story and the way they tried to vilify the workers. It was so stupid. I'm sure people who are doing their jobs and have done nothing wrong are happy to have a camera stuck in their face and some jack-ass asking them all these questions and accusing them of not doing their job properly. I know I'd really want to talk to the reporter. It was also one of the few stories I remember watching and my whole family and I would bring up points that countered all the arguements the report brought forward. Not to mention that they never proved there was any direct link between people buying meat in a store and getting food poisoning afterwards.

Bottom line America: Nintendo should sue Station 6, the meat story was about showing a problem where there was no problem, there should be an investigative report on investigative reporting, and Cartoon Network should bring back Cowboy Bepop with it's soothing jazz music.

Actually, that last part is more Pierre Bernard's bottom line.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Forbes: Kaplan Interview
« on: February 09, 2006, 06:47:00 PM »
What if Nintendo bought Take-Two?

According to Ign, Take-Two might be bought by Elevation Partners and is in discussion with buy-out firms. If Nintendo bought Take-Two, they'd own the GTA series and could keep it from Sony and Microsoft. I'm sure there are some other big franchises Take-Two has but I can't think of anything except Firaxis and the Sid Meier games like Pirates and Civilization, but those are more computer games. Still, if Nintendo did something like that, would you feel that would solve some of the problems related to Nintendo and its not appealing to gamers, not mature, and not appealing to western games arguements?

Also, just out of curiosity, I was wondering what you consider to be Nintendo's best two consoles? Name your first favorite and your second favorite.
I would like Big Jim and Ian to answer but anyone can answer that as well. There is a point to this but I want to wait first for people to respond.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:The Official Chibi Robo Thread
« on: February 09, 2006, 06:27:56 PM »
Well, hurry up and play the game. I want to know what you think of it. I have to say that Chibi-Robo is one of the games I'm really interested in for the Cube this year. Although the biggest game I'm waiting for this year is the Kirby GC game. I know for a lot of people the biggest game is Twilight Princess. But for me, it's the new Kirby game. I just love Kirby games so much. The screenshots I've seen for it look like it could be the best one since Kirby Super Star (which to me was one of the top 5 SNES games.)

But getting back to Chibi-Robo, from the reviews and the articles I've read, Chibi-Robo sounds a bit like Super Metroid. What I mean by that is you have to upgrade to enter new worlds (rooms) and in those rooms you have to explore all over to find secrets and new upgrades which are used to open up new secrets. So, I was wondering if that's really what the game is like, because if it is, then I would definitely get it. Right now, I'd want to rent it to see what it's like before purchasing. But if it is similar to Metroid, then I'll probably just buy it.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Mario Kart DS - The Release Thread
« on: January 22, 2006, 07:32:32 PM »
Man, Mario. Those are some great records. Did you snake? Also, did you use one specific cart or a bunch?

« on: January 21, 2006, 09:55:07 AM »
You just to have to make fun of it. It's a nice way to let you anger out in a creative way.

Besides, don't you know that if someone tells you the same message over and over it must be important?

« on: January 21, 2006, 09:18:43 AM »
Dear sir/ma,

Why are you situated in Nigeria? Oh well, I'm sure that could only be a good thing.

I am interested in mobile phones. Unfortunately, I am unable to send an e-mail because my laptop was stolen while visited Nigeria. Same with my NOKIA N90. I notice you have one for $180 used. I'd sure like to purchase it. Maybe you could phone me. My number is 1-900-you-suck.

I hope this is a joke but I doubt it. And why should we care if you have an xbox360. This site is called PlanetGameCube. You should at least be offfering a Revolution console. Then I'd believe this was legit.

« on: January 21, 2006, 09:10:18 AM »

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Official GCN Sales Thread
« on: January 18, 2006, 06:35:17 PM »
The Sonic Mega Collection numbers probably rose because Sega released a whole bunch of copies over the holidays for cheap. When I was working at Wal-Mart last year, we'd keep getting shipments of that game as well as Sonic DX and Heroes to sell for cheap - $18.95 (cdn). That Mega Collection was always a bigger seller than the others. I like the Mega Collection myself.

Anyhoo, my guess is the did the same thing this year and sent a bunch of copies to stores over the holidays for cheap.

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