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Messages - Khushrenada

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General Gaming / Re: Backlaugust 2023! (Forums Aren't Dead Yet?) Edition
« on: August 01, 2023, 05:28:26 PM »

I'll add more if I can think of em.  In the age of social media implosions and fracturing, perfect time to revitalize the NWR forums.

Hahaha! The NWR Forums existed before Twitter and they may continue to exist after Twitter with the way things are going. Indestructible social media right here, folks!

General Gaming / Re: Backlaugust 2023! (Forums Aren't Dead Yet?) Edition
« on: August 01, 2023, 04:59:25 AM »
Even though I just mentioned to view this as a personal quest, a funny thing happened in the first Backlaugust event. Let's go back to everyone's favorite year (2020) and review. A third of the way into the month, I had finished a couple games that I'd already been playing before the event started which were Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition. About a third of the way into the month, I decided I could do my part to contribute to the thread and post those two games as part of the total.

I guess one might as well use this thread as a temporary "What was the last game you beat?" location. Wrapped up Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition over the weekend by finishing up the Extra Story content. So that is done and dusted from my backlog. And tonight I beat Yoshi's New Island for 3DS. Just have 3 extra/bonus levels to complete. So, rack up another couple for NWR.

RABicle, who had totally gotten on board with the idea as soon as he saw it and had been on a gaming tear, replied to my post with:

Sounds like you're trying to compete with me! I know it's not a competition, but I'm winning!

But for real just announce your intentions to clear off some other games here in this thread. Join the fun!



That comment of I'm winning and then the added you guys will never catch me suddenly ignited a competitive fire inside of me. Having known RAB a long time on these forums, I knew it wasn't a personal attack on me and it was all friendly banter but I wanted to see if I could pull off an upset he didn't see coming after that comment. I then went on a gaming tear of my own. In the end, I ended up beating 14 games to RABicles 17 for the month but I still enjoyed making him sweat once he saw someone else begin to start racking up a bunch of finished games. That spirit of competition may also give you some extra motivation in getting through games in your backlog.

However, the idea of making Backlaugust a competition raises some new questions about rules which came up in the 2020 thread. If a game has multiple endings, does getting a different ending each time count as beating a game? What if a person has multiple copies of a game? For instance, I have Kirby's Dream Land on my 3DS but I also have Kirby's Dream Land on the Switch Game Boy app and Kirby's 25th Anniversary collection for the Wii? How much can one "game" the system here?

Let's go back to the first rule. When is a game done? That's up to you! Mark a game off your backlog when you've seen the ending or end credits, or once you've seen enough of the game in a game without a "proper ending" (like an arcade-type game). You don't have to do or get everything unless you want to. Thus, getting multiple different endings in a game would suggest do everything in a game which one doesn't have to do for this event. Likewise, the website Backloggery only gives two options for finishing a game which is Beaten - The main objective has been accomplished. Usually marked by the defeat of a final boss and/or viewing of credits and Completed - For games which are 100% done. All extras and modes have been unlocked and finished. All significant items have been collected. For this event, we are mainly interested in just accomplishing the first goal of beating a game. Therefore, if a game has multiple endings, we only care about you achieving one of those endings to beat the game. If you want to keep playing for it and go for completion that is up to you up but you can only count it once from the first time you beat. I know that I've gone back to some games I've beat in Backlaugust to complete them in the months after so you may want to do the same.

Since you can only count completing a game with multiple endings once, it only makes sense that, in the case of a game having been released on multiple systems, we only allow a title to be beaten once in the month by a player. Going back to the example of Kirby's Dream Land, if I beat the copy I have on my 3DS for the month then I can not also play the version on the Switch app and the version of it in Kirby's 25th Anniversary and have that all count as three games beat during Backlaugust. Only one copy/version/port of a game may be allowed to be added to your total for the month. In my backloggery account, I have some cases where the same game is listed on different systems like DKCR on Wii and 3DS. I count each version separate in that I don't list the Wii version as done until I beat it on the Wii and I don't list the 3DS version done until I beat it on the 3DS. But for this event, I'd have to chose either to play and beat the Wii version or the 3DS version as one of the titles I'd like to take off my backlog but not both versions. (If I hadn't beaten them both already in this example but I have.  8) )

Once more, this isn't a real competition against other users. There is no prize for whoever may finish the most games this month aside from any "bragging rights" that one may personally feel for doing so. With a new judge in town ;), I can help clarify any other questions that might arise but the main thing is to just play and finish more games than RAB this month since he started this whole competition aspect in the first place.  ;D

General Gaming / Re: Backlaugust 2023! (Forums Aren't Dead Yet?) Edition
« on: August 01, 2023, 04:31:43 AM »
If interested, here are the past threads for this event:

Backlaugust 2020
Backlaugust 2021
Backlaugust 2022

(Not that it is that hard to search back for them. Not like the forums have been inundated with new topics these past few years. :'( )

Now I've said it before and I'll post it again right now. To me, any game is part of the backlog whether you've had it for 10 years or 10 minutes. Until you've actually played and beat it to your satisfaction then it is part of your backlog. Of course, I do get the idea of using the month to perhaps motivate a person to tackle some of those games that have been in the backlog longer but anything you haven't beat or completed in your backlog is valid no matter how long it has been on your personal gaming backlog.

That said, I do think you'll get more satisfaction out of the event if you finally get around to tackling a game you've been meaning to play for 5, 10, or 15+ years. Yet, I realize that sometimes a player may also want to focus on something that is recent and they are currently engaged in like, say, Pikmin 4. So, I get it if a lot of people were to check that game off this year and finish it during Backlaugust. That's ok by me.

At the end of the day, Backlaugust should be seen as a personal quest or, in literary terms, the conflict of man vs self. Challenge yourself to make up a list and see how much you can conquer in the span of 30 days.

In 2020, the gamers/users of this site were able to complete 44 titles. In 2021, it was 39 titles. In 2022, it was a new record of 56 titles!  :o :D Can we beat that this year? Who knows but no harm in trying!

General Gaming / Backlaugust 2023! (Forums Aren't Dead Yet?) Edition
« on: August 01, 2023, 04:17:25 AM »
After hosting it for the past three years, allow me to take that role on from pokepal 148 since I don't know if he will be here to start this. But I do want his best contribution to these forums (so far) to continue and I do look forward to this now. I guess it just helps to have some incentive to buckle down and play through games even if it is an arbitrary deadline. In line with what pokepal148 had set up, here's the gist of the event:

Backlaugust: The Official Nintendo World Report Month for Decimating Backlogs!™ is back again for more action! So start looking through your backlog and get started!

Here are the "rules":

Games can be on any system, not just Nintendo systems. I know we're a Nintendo fan site, but most everyone here is a multi-console owner. So play a game on any system you want.

Let us know what you're playing. Mostly just so we can cheer each other on.

Play games you already own. A lot of people tend to buy a game then not play it, or play it for a significant amount of time and then put it down. This is what we're aiming for. Games that launch in August don't count. Since I'm taking on the hosting duties, I'm going to strike that last statement. More on that in the next post.

Try to pick up games you aren't actively playing right now. Games you're currently playing can be allowed, but in the spirit of Backlaugust, let's try to make them games you aren't playing at the moment. Make it a game you haven't touched in a month or more if possible.

When is a game done? That's up to you! Mark a game off your backlog when you've seen the ending or end credits, or once you've seen enough of the game in a game without a "proper ending" (like an arcade-type game). You don't have to do or get everything unless you want to.

Finished games will be posted in the OP. Because everyone likes to see their accomplishments recognized. Just post when you're done and I'll try to update daily.

Games Completed So Far:

Kirby's Dream Land (3DS VC) - Khushrenada
Xeodrifter (3DS) - Khushrenada
Road 96 (Switch?) - lolmonade
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes (Switch) - M.K. Ultra
Kirby's Dream Land 2 (3DS VC) - Khushrenada
Concrete Genie (PS4) - M.K. Ultra
Castlevania Bloodlines (Switch) - Mop it up
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge (3DS VC) - Khushrenada
Kersploosh! (3DS) - Khushrenada
Mega Man II (3DS VC) - Khushrenada
Mass Effect 3 (Wii U) - M.K. Ultra
Resident Evil 2 Remake (XBox Series X?) - Lemonade
Dillon’s Rolling Western (3DS) - Lemonade
Super Princess Peach (DS) - Lemonade
A Short Hike (Xbox Series X) - Mop it up
Dead Cells (PS5?) - Broodwars
Process of Elimination (PS5?) - Broodwars
Pokemon Trading Card Game (Switch NSO) - Mop it up
Resident Evil 3 Remake (XBox Series X?) - Lemonade
The Revenge of Shinobi (Switch NSO) - Mop it up
Ori and the Will of the Wisps (Switch?) - RABicle
League of Enthusiastic Losers (Switch?) - RABicle
Florence (iPad?) - RABicle
Shadow Dancer (Switch) - Mop it up
Shinobi III (Switch) - Mop it up
Yoshi’s New Island (3DS) - M.K. Ultra
Shadow Archer (Wii U) - M.K. Ultra
Tunic (XBox Series X) - Mop it up
Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Switch) - Luigi Dude
Maestro! Green Groove (3DS/DSiWare) - Khushrenada
Mighty Milky Way (3DS/DSiWare) - Khushrenada
Kirby's Blowout Blast (3DS) - Khushrenada
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (Switch) - Khushrenada
Tunic (PS4) - Broodwars
Death's Door (PS5?) - Broodwars
Balan Wonderworld (PS5?) - Broodwars

For a total of 36!

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Official Sales Thread
« on: July 30, 2023, 07:09:11 PM »
Pikmin 4 has already outsold FFXVI in Japan.

TalkBack / Re: 100 Classic Books Review
« on: July 08, 2023, 12:06:00 AM »
Wait... This is a LEGIT bump?! It wasn't done by a spambot and it's for 100 Classic Books?!?!

NWR Forums Discord / Re: On a Quiet Day at Work...
« on: July 06, 2023, 01:31:39 PM »
So which forum did you end up checking out?

NWR Forums Discord / Re: On a Quiet Day at Work...
« on: June 29, 2023, 04:09:36 PM »
Hey, Hey! Been wondering if you'd ever be back but then I wonder about a lot of posters that have gone quiet. Yep, sadly things are pretty slow in 2023.

Look! I didn't say it was a complete list. I was just giving what I thought had been some odd choices of the 3DS to Switch ports and that listed some of those titles. Alliance Alive wasn't an odd choice. Totally made sense for that to be ported. So, why would it be included in a list of odd choices?

Phew. I think I got myself covered now in case there are any other forgotten 3DS ports.

But let's forget about 3DS ports.

What should really be the focus is the GameCube ports / remakes that have been happening. After years and years of a GameCube VC happening, we've still yet to see anything materialize on that front. Meanwhile, Super Mario Sunshine, Tales of Symphonia, Baten Kaitos 1 and 2, Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 1 and 2, A Spyro game I think, Harvest Moon Story of Seasons: It's a Wonderful Life, Pikmin 1 and 2, and Metroid Prime 1 are just some of the GameCube games getting new life on the Switch. It would seem that the dream of a GameCube VC will stay just that as the GameCube library slowly gets re-released piecemeal through ports, remakes and remasters.

Sales PARTY?!?! It's been so loooonng!! Everybody 1-2 Switch dance now!!

TalkBack / Re: Super Mario RPG Remastered for Nintendo Switch
« on: June 24, 2023, 02:59:28 PM »
Bro I NEED the buy the Super Mario RPG remake.  :D ;)

Why? Will someone die if you don't? Feel like this needs more information...

Rune Factory 4 was a 3DS game? Why did I think it was a Wii game... *proceeds to look it up on Wikipedia* Huh.

I guess it just felt like I hadn't heard anything about the series since the Wii days and that it seemed to end there. When people talk about the 3DS and its big 2013 year, I don't think I've ever seen this game mentioned as part of the offerings that year. At the same time, I've never followed the series or played any of the titles so it wasn't something I've stored much knowledge on.

TalkBack / Re: Other News From The June 21 Nintendo Direct
« on: June 24, 2023, 02:50:11 PM »
Yeah. Also not sure how much market demand there is for farm games on the Switch at this point. Like Stardew Valley has been the big farming title since just about when the Switch began, Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons have put out a few offerings with more on the way. I'll often see that Hope's Farm in the top 30 of Download Only Switch games when it goes on sale for like a $1. Rune Factory has put some stuff out. Animal Crossing has dominated for non-farming life sim stuff. There was Harvestella last year. No idea how well that went. It just seems like that market is full of offerings and now if I hear or see about a farming game, I'm pretty much tuning out on that news or what its about. The market seems saturated to me.

TalkBack / Re: Super Mario Bros. Wonder Announced for Switch
« on: June 24, 2023, 02:45:13 PM »
Nuts! Meant to type I've but left it at I.  :-[

TalkBack / Re: WarioWare: Move It! Comes to Switch in November
« on: June 22, 2023, 08:46:22 PM »
Have to say, just had no hype for this game or that Headbangers Rhythm Royale game during the trailer. All the mini-game multiplayer action excitement had been stolen by the craziness of Everybody 1-2 Switch. It's like, what's the point of these other games now?

TalkBack / Re: Super Mario Bros. Wonder Announced for Switch
« on: June 22, 2023, 08:42:17 PM »





Yes, us Daisy Deviants have finally broken through! Get bent Rosalina! Can't believe Rosalina got included in 3D World but not Daisy! Hopefully this time Rosalina gets the shaft in Daisy's revenge!!

After the end of the NSMB games and then all the stuff done in Super Mario Maker 1 & 2, I had begun to wonder whether there was much future in more 2D Mario games. It just seemed like NSMB didn't have anything more to explore in the 2D Mario space and it was all getting pretty same-y by the end. Then with Mario Maker 1 & 2, it really opened the door of breaking the traditional 2D Mario levels in a lot of ways through fan creations and even some of the Nintendo stages. Was Nintendo going to put out a 2D game now that would seem like it could have been done in Mario Maker or be able to put out levels that could feel fresh and yet not have people say they used an idea they had in a Mario Maker?

Then this was announced and (in Mop it up's words) I gotta say it stands out in a positive way. At first, it seemed like it was still a bit in the NSMB range of usual Mario platforming with a small twist here and there but then the wonder stuff started hitting and it felt like Nintendo had been thinking the same thing I was and want to get a bit more wild with levels and finding new things that can't be done in a Mario Maker game which is great! I do wish it could have been more stylized but we'll probably never go back to the time when Mario's looks and world could change from SMB to SMB3 to SMW and SMW2 to add new wonder and identity to a Mario game. Since NSMB on the DS, they've been keeping the worlds, characters and enemies pretty locked into their current standards / models.

Also curious to see what the talking flowers are about. They seemed like a more active message block like the speaker blocks in SMW at first but then at the end the flower makes a comment about the Goomba looking serene until Elephant Mario knocks it off the screen and ruins its thought. Will the flowers sort of offer commentary about the players actions and act as a sort of narrator of things during the game? Is it just the same flower breaking space and time? It's the kind of thing that could annoy if done poorly so hoping it doesn't end up being a big negative to the experience.

TalkBack / Re: Other News From The June 21 Nintendo Direct
« on: June 22, 2023, 08:12:31 PM »
Batman: Arkham Trilogy will compile Batman Arkhams Asylum (2009), City (2011*) and Knight (2015) on Switch this fall.

Finally! In a bit of coincidence, my cousin was playing the first Arkham Asylum game a few months ago for the first time and talking about how much he liked it. I mentioned how it's one of the few games that had yet to be on a Nintendo system that I've still wanted to play. I was surprised that it hadn't been ported to the Switch yet at this point considering all the other games that have been ported at this point. I felt like it should be a ported at this point after other stuff like the Bioshock and Portal games had since come to Switch. I was wondering if there might be a trilogy port done like Bioshock and Borderlands since Arkham Knight had also never come to a Switch system. One of the few ports I've been waiting for and glad to see finally happen for the Switch.

What's up with the apostrophe of 2011 for City? Is that because it had the 2012 Wii U release also?

TalkBack / Re: Super Mario RPG Remastered for Nintendo Switch
« on: June 22, 2023, 08:05:34 PM »
From the first couple notes, I immediately said Super Mario RPG like I was answering a question on Jeopardy. Just recognized what I was being shown instantly. Then I thought, ah, they're finally putting it on the SNES Switch app. But then the music paused as suddenly a new development occurred with the shiny bubble. Instantly, I started getting hyped up! Are they about to announce a sequel? Is Square Enix returning to make a new Mario RPG. The graphics changed and then it began to continue showing familiar scenes but in this new coat of paint and I lost all my sudden hype at realizing it was just a remaster/remake of the original game. Sure, it's a great title but I've played it at least 5 times over and don't see the need to buy it again at $80.

Plus, I guess I'm just too used to the SNES graphics which are more rough looking now then they used to be but the game will forever be tied to that look in my mind. Seeing it in HD graphics of the current Mario standard look for enemies and items just seemed off. Doesn't help that Mario and Peach then don't look like their current models and are more smushed.

I'd say I'm in the same mindset as Ian Sane on this one but I had the added disappointment of thinking we were getting an unexpected but welcome surprise of a sequel to it.  :'(

Batman: Arkham City can count as a Wii U port! (It was on the Wii U and now it will be on the Switch. So what if it was on other systems?!)

But Dark Moon is the biggest Nintendo title so far of the odd choices for 3DS ports that have included: Lady Layton, Miitopia, Code of Princess, Rune Factory 4 (a very important title that should not be forgotten) and Resident Evil Revelations. There's some games that were sort of same time releases like Sushi Striker and Fire Emblem Warriors and some games that debuted on 3DS but I think have since been ported to other platforms besides Switch like Shantae and the Pirates Curse or Mutant Mudds.

Meanwhile Square is all about the SNES ports / remakes. Mana, Live A Live, Super Mario RPG.

Can't believe there isn't an F-Zero on Switch yet since Switch is clearly Port Town!

TalkBack / Re: Nintendo Direct To Air Tomorrow At 10 AM ET
« on: June 20, 2023, 10:43:07 PM »
Boo! Right when I have to start work. Worst time possible.  >:(

Aww, who I am kidding?! That was awesome. The horse host has become my forever spirit animal. That's what I want to aspire to be when I'm hosting things from now on! I gotta buy 100 copies of this game now so that I can have parties like this also!

Ummm, there's an error in the headline. I'm pretty sure this video isn't trying to promote Everybody 1-2 Switch. In fact, I think it's trying to do the opposite of that....

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Random LOL of the day thread
« on: June 20, 2023, 01:14:36 AM »

Ah, this is the kind of stupid I wish we could have kept on going in the Funhouse.

Oh no! I've fallen into the Sonic Cycle again! Seeing the trailer for Sonic Superstars actually got me hyped for a Sonic game. It's probably been 10 years since that last happened. I just instantly thought to myself "I want to play this" so the trailer did its job. Some people are now losing their hype because they've found out Arzest is behind it but that's not a big deal to me.

TalkBack / Re: The Super Mario Bros. Movie Blu-ray Review
« on: June 07, 2023, 01:28:05 PM »
At first, I thought this review was outside of the scope of this website, but then I remembered that it's NintendoWorldReport, and it's just Nintendo that's being uncharacteristic, not this website  ;D

If it's got something to do with Nintendo then it's probably going to get a review. You think this is odd then you must have missed when this site reviewed.... Ice Cream!

We all screamed for it.

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