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Messages - Grant10k

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TalkBack / RE:AIAS Award Winners
« on: February 02, 2005, 05:39:20 AM »
Are these the winners or the nominees? How do you have 5 game of the year? For the innovation in console category, I don't see how Halo 2 was innovative.
Bleh, this seems like another SpikeTV we-trade-awards-for-hype show for the most part.

EDIT: the winners wern't in bold before, now that they are, ignore my first two statements.

TalkBack / RE:Rent Star Fox Assault Early
« on: January 28, 2005, 06:44:58 AM »
My roommate works at hollywood video, so I'll probably be playing it (but not keeping it, unfortunately) later tonight

TalkBack / RE:Nintendo DS Puts New Experiences Only a Touch Away
« on: November 20, 2004, 08:59:42 PM »
yeah, it was pritty fun, i went to walmart at midnight (24hr store) there were about 9 people in line, I got mine and most of the other people kept rotating in line to get extra copies for Ebay.
It was a lot easier than pre-ordering at EB games

I have a it 802.11a, 802.11b, or 802.11g?

Nintendo Gaming / RE:come list Games ideas
« on: November 14, 2004, 04:11:55 AM »
If i were to fight an invistible, invencible, super monster who knows where you are all the time. I think i would just give up... intresting though, very outside the box

Nintendo Gaming / RE:come list Games ideas
« on: November 13, 2004, 06:54:37 AM »

Grant: Voice Recognition is so bad you'd probably get "Grand Heal" when saying "Fireball of Doom".

That's probably for the best. I don't think I should be trusted with any fireballs, much less anything from the 'of DOOM' genere. I probably needed to heal anyway.

but seriously, i think voice recognition has gotten really good lately, in office 2003 (and the version right before it) the voice recognition can pick up about 95% of what i say accuratly, and that's picking from every word in the english launguage. this will just be picking from a list of, say, 20 or so spells. however, now that  you mention it, it would be good to have a failsafe, an option that dosn't cast the spell right away, but tells you what spell you picked and you manually press b (or even R ) so that way no one is needlessly healing their allies when there are perfectly good fireballs to doomatize people with.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:come list Games ideas
« on: November 12, 2004, 07:12:15 PM »

games could be constantly upgraded and bettered by downloading patches. Brilliant idea~!~!

It's a good idea on paper, but when you get right down to it, it tends to be more of a letdown than a perk, some developers will release a game before it's really ready and just make patches later.  I've also noticed that with xbox live, i get the feeling that instad of adding new levels, they just don't give you the levels that they already have, then give the levels to you online, and call it a benifit. If i were a developer I probably would not want to keep designing a game after it's done.

In RPG/Magic sytle games, i think the microphone would make a great way of casting spells, so you don't have to scroll through a menu in the heat of battle. You could simply say "Fireball of DOOM" or "Telekenetic Wedgie" or whatever spells would really exist.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:pre-ordering ds
« on: November 08, 2004, 07:24:03 PM »
I had originally put $5 down at EB the same day that Nintendo release the final price info. A couple days later they called me at home and told me that they just got the info and have to increase the preorder amount to $20 with the $20 people will get it first with the $5 people getting it next.  
My preorder had just become a pre-maybe.
So I mosey-ed on down to EB and promptly cancelled my pre-order (I HATE it when people in a business environment "over promise and under deliver" i.e. they make stuff up and can’t back it up i.e. they are lying bastardtards)
So now I will wait outside Toys 'r Us (they don't preorder systems at all) (and they don't lie to me) and just pick one up in the morning.

TalkBack / RE:Gaming Industry Sued By Graphics Company
« on: November 05, 2004, 02:30:23 PM »
I have a friend who clames he patented the letter 'E', it used to be an ongoing joke but now I'm starting to think it's not sutch a bad idea...

Nintendo Gaming / RE: DS Gripes
« on: May 30, 2004, 07:05:10 AM »
When you hold a PDA you hold it with the four finger of your left hand (unless you have some strange mental disorder aka: left handed (J/K)) and use your thumb to operate the little scrolley wheel on the side (if you have one). That, however, is just the common usage, it's not the only way to use it. you can easaly hold a pda with just two fingers from the botton, or the side or whatever. you can even use your thumb and two adjacent fingers as kind of a tripod and use it that way, throwing the concept of "pinching" compleatly out with the wind.  the only reason most people don't hold the pda from the side is that there is 1) no reason to 2) there is nothing to hold on to, the side of the screen is less than an inch. given a whold d-pad sized grip, it would be no challange to hold with one hand and use the other for the dpad.

now, on to lefthandedstyluses

you don't have to be right handed to use a stylus with your right hand.  you just can't write with it.  when you play games you aim with both your left or right hand with no real trouble. i can use a stylus left handed with no real trouble, i can't use the writing thing but anything else i can do.  pictochat dosn't seem to require constant attention to the dpad so that shouldn't be a problem, i'd hate to be attacked by an enemy while i'm busy drawing mario (reminds me of when i'm playing unreal torny and i hit the 'say' button and instantly become paralized from the mouth down.

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