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Messages - TOPHATANT123

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Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 180: #9 Metroid
« on: June 29, 2015, 07:39:36 PM »
"The next system would need to launch with a new Metroid"
"That's not enough, it's going to need a new 3d Mario also"
"It would launch with a new Zelda as well"
Let's keep our expectations in check, at that point you may as well just release the systems entire library at launch and call it a day.

As for SMTXFE it is now officially called Genei Ibun Roku #FE, or on twitter #GIRFE.

TalkBack / Re: Earthbound Beginnings (Wii U) Review
« on: June 29, 2015, 10:48:00 AM »
It is a little obtuse at times and I ended up playing most of the game with a guide, though to be fair that was the way it was originally intended to be played. But I still had great fun, especially with the story which is incredible for a game that was made in 1989.

NWR Forums Discord / Re: The Price is Right: James Jones Edition
« on: June 28, 2015, 12:50:37 PM »
James is never loud, everyone else is just too quiet.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: NX and Third Parties
« on: June 28, 2015, 12:02:43 PM »
Do we know for a fact that this video is fake? The concept is dumb as hell but it would fall in line with what they said about showing it off to select 3rd parties and having a positive reception. Has anyone been able to trace that Bill Trinen sound clip? If not I think the NX has already leaked right under our noses.

TalkBack / Re: Splatoon Update Tuesday Night: Patch Notes Published
« on: June 26, 2015, 07:45:56 PM »
Mr Sakurai needs to step up his game.

TalkBack / Re: Nintendo of America Stays Quiet About Devil's Third
« on: June 26, 2015, 03:20:36 PM »
Sounds like they will not be publishing it in America, probably made a deal with XSeed like with The Last Story & Pandora's Tower. Someone should just ask Itagaki on facebook.

TalkBack / Re: Vanpool Teaming Up With Skip for Chibi-Robo: Zip Lash
« on: June 26, 2015, 03:12:48 PM »
I was curious what they were up to, well now we know.

TalkBack / Re: Yoshi's Woolly World (Wii U) Review
« on: June 26, 2015, 01:29:02 PM »
This is just simple payback for all the years of delayed/never-even-released games in Europe, please understand.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 59 - FEDERATION FARCE
« on: June 26, 2015, 12:00:41 PM »
I'll have you know Roy plays very differently from the other Fire Emblem characters, Lucina and Marth however are practically identical.

Up to stage 15, enjoying it so far, very Mario-esque with the introduce a concept, master the concept, drop it for a new one. I'll finish it later and tell you what I think of the rest.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Official Sales Thread
« on: June 24, 2015, 05:03:33 PM »
I don't see why they feel the need to dub all of the songs into like 6 different languages, if it's not economical to do so just release it with Japanese songs. I will be disgusted if this FIRST PARTY project was green lit with no intention of ever localising it. I shall wait with bated breath for the next Nintendo Direct...

TalkBack / Re: Fire Emblem Fates Will Feature Same-Sex Marriages
« on: June 24, 2015, 12:48:42 PM »

Something isn't sanctioned by the government in all States.  Putting it in the game gives the idea that you disagree with the laws as is.  That is a political statement.  You can't comprehend how a major company would want to outright avoid something like that for fear of controversy?  It blew up in their face anyway but I can understand why they thought that was the right decision.

And, again, why was NINTENDO singled out when a gazillion games don't offer this.  Can you have same-sex marriage in Harvest Moon?
Wut? You can murder prostitutes in GTA and I'm fairly certain that's not a political statement or a disagreement with the law, it's just a video game.

TalkBack / Re: Never Say Never to Chibi-Robo Meeting Pikmin
« on: June 23, 2015, 01:13:17 PM »
I had never considered such a crossover, but yeah that'd be awesome.

No proper Metroid game, no proper 3D Mario game, and probably no proper Zelda game come this time next year.

1 for 3. Good enough for the Baseball Hall of Fame, and the NWR forums...

The Wii U doesn't have a Metroid game, 3D World is a largely-multiplayer game more in line with the New Super Mario Bros. series, and Zelda will not be a Wii U game by this time next year. It's so incredibly obvious at this point that that's an NX game, without question.

For better or worse there is no Wii U Metroid, however Zelda being on NX or Wii U is not mutually exclusive, and say what you want about 3D world but it is leagues away from the NSMB series in terms of quality. The combination of competent multiplayer and competent game design makes it my favourite Mario game, or at least the Mario game I had most fun playing.

TalkBack / Re: Why Chibi-Robo Became a Side-Scroller in Zip Lash
« on: June 22, 2015, 04:08:29 PM »
The game could be Chibi German House Cleaning Simulator 2015 and it would still be the most successful title in the series by virtue of coming with an exclusive amiibo.

TalkBack / Re: Typoman (Wii U) Hands-On Preview
« on: June 22, 2015, 03:23:23 AM »
I used HALT to stop the spikes.

Tidbits from the website that have gone unnoticed...
New high quality GIF of character conversation emotes and walkin' around the city. Blink and you'll miss it but you can see an un-silhouetted guy in a suit standing next to a terminal, my instinct says save point but we have already seen you can save anywhere. Also there are posters of the Tsubasa on the buildings, so this must be after her musical debut.
Another GIF showing off some super slick battle animations. Looks as though the fire emblem mirages are sealed inside the weapons, like Fi basically.
Image of Itsuki and Chrom in front of the shrine together.
Not much to note here but you get a look at the cutscenes without the youtube compression.
Never before seen character artwork for Itsuki.
New character artwork for Tiki.
1:45 Silhouettes of more unannounced Fire Emblem characters.
1:49 Unidentified Fire Emblem character, looks suspiciously like Abel.
1:52 For a few frames you can see Tiki performing a ritual in front of the shrine, followed by some more characters doing "Hey look at me" animations, looks like promotions or something like that.
0:58 Two unidentified Fire Emblem characters, a swordsman with red hair and black armour, and another with a lance and cream armour.
Itsuki has a rapier in the first save file and a lance in the second.
Last one, at 35:22 there is a place called "Crepes Dia" which is a persona reference.

Noticed something else, there is a remix of the Fire Emblem main theme. They talk over it but it's recognisable.

I thought this was never going to happen due to the engine being completely incompatible?

Not the biggest fan of Metroid-likes and it wasn't even on my radar until Dr Metts brought it up on RFN, however he gave it such glowing praise I would be unable to resist a Wii U version.

Holy **** this is dark, I'm speechless... and Nintendo is publishing this?! No English voice acting as of yet though, wouldn't be surprised if it was just subtitles considering how niche it is.

Project Zero 5 is on treehouse now, lights turned down, suicide inbound, hide your chillun hide your wife.

There may or may not be an English trailer showing up soon.

Very insightful interview, nice to know the method behind the madness. For example I didn't appreciate the design of Ivan from Devils Third until Itagaki told the story how he is based on a monk who had his ears ripped off by ghosts.

TalkBack / Re: Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival To Be Free To Play
« on: June 17, 2015, 08:06:06 PM »
It's not just pure luck, I think there is some element of buying and selling turnips or something.

Just finished on the treehouse, as suspected there is no voice acting yet but text is quite far along. Not alot to still show but the world is beautiful, oh and Lin is spelt like Lin, and not FE7 Lyn.

Oh you can delete your profile, they have even talked about how they upped the number of files to 9 and will let you save to the sd card rather than the cartridge now that the story isn't as linear. But after a chapter 6 I suppose it puts something onto your account that stops you from finishing the game, deleting it, and then redownloading it to play the other side.

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