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Messages - Big_Pimp

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Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo has something even bigger...
« on: May 01, 2003, 07:09:01 PM »

Originally posted by: Don'tHate742
the secret Silicon Knights games are MGS: twin snake and too human......

Hey, where can I get more info on Too Human, I hear this game is gonna kick some serious ass.

Nintendo Gaming / Midway losses, Blames Nintendo- less support
« on: May 01, 2003, 07:05:53 PM »

Originally posted by: Armed
What is up with developers blaming the system!?  If they just make decent games then we would buy it.  I mean do they expect us to buy every crappy game they make like Mortal Kombat, why did they make it to where there moves were more realistic, no teleporting, or the other moves i liked in the SuperNes or N64 version, and also Spy Hunter this game was just bad!!!

Article: (Gamecube)

I agree with what you said, and who cares if Midway decides to lessen support or hell even stops supporting GC, they make crap, so were not missing out on much, besides who in their right mind would choose Dr. Muto over Mario Sunshine?

My PS2 and PC have been gathering dust lately, but mostly my PC, I only have 1 game for PS2: GTA3, I still play once in a while, but I dont have any games for my PC.

Nintendo Gaming / GTA3 and Vice City coming to Xbox and GCN in 2004
« on: May 01, 2003, 04:32:51 PM »

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
If I was Rockstar I wouldn't bother with ports.  Instead I would try to make deals with the console makers to each get their own exclusive GTA game.  GTA right now is like the American equivalent of Dragon Quest.  It sells consoles and regardless of what platform it's on it will be a hit.  If an exclusive GTA game came out for the Gamecube I'll bet Gamecube sales would rise considerably.  All three console makers know this so Rockstar can play hardball with them.  When the Sony exclusive deal runs out GTA is like a hot free agent.  Rockstar can play "what will you give us for the next GTA game" with the console makers and thus get themselves a good deal.

If I was Nintendo I'd be sucking up the Rockstar to try to get the first post-Sony exclusive period GTA game.  I'm not sure what Nintendo can offer that MS and Sony can't but it's still something they should try.  Maybe the ability for Rockstar to work with Nintendo and improve some of the GTA game mechanics (like aiming) would be a good incentive.  Anyway if Nintendo could get an exclusive GTA game as a launch title for their next console and that console launched the same year as the competition they would have a huge advantage.

Imagine it Nintendo did get Rockstar to make an exclusive GTA game for the next Nintendo system, Sony and M$ would eat GC2's or Nexus's or whatevers dust.

I was hoping that Eternal Darkness 2 was SK's secret project, but its actually Twin Snakes.  I hope theyre working on it to.

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo has something even bigger...
« on: May 01, 2003, 04:07:19 PM »

Originally posted by: Mario
Well it's quite obvious that Nintendo are gonna buy Capcom, Sega-Namco, Square-Enix, Take 2, Blizzard and maybe Tecmo at E3. SUPERHYPERMEGATON!

Whoa thats about a trillion dollars to buy all those companies!!!  I dont think Nintendo has that much money, it would be cool though...

Nintendo Gaming / Gamecube maintenance
« on: May 01, 2003, 04:04:53 PM »

Originally posted by: Grey Ninja
Hehe.  Someone should make a sticky thread in the hardware discussion thread telling all the newbies about how evil the towel is on our GameCubes.  

The towel is evil on our GameCubes?  I didnt know that.

Nintendo Gaming / Whose getting True Crime\
« on: May 01, 2003, 04:02:46 PM »

Originally posted by: Manny
too early to tell if its worth buyin, looks good in pictures though.

It was supposed to come out this Spring but now I heard its release date got pushed back to August I think.  I hope Luxoflux is tweaking the game it looks bad ass (can I say the word "ass" Im not too sure).

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo and Rare
« on: May 01, 2003, 03:59:21 PM »

Originally posted by: Alacrity
Rare is worthless.
Taking the NES/SNES days into account is unacceptable. Even TECMO had good games that long ago. Woohoo... they gave us a revolutionary FPS on the N64. That was yesterday- what have they done for us today? Free Radical is a more than worthy successor. TimeSplitters 2 is out. I don't even know why I'm still hearing about GoldenEye anymore.

"Rare are one of the greatest developers in the gaming industry" because of GoldenEye, Perfect Dark and Banjo Kazooie?"
Perfect Dark is practically a GoldenEye expansion, and... Banjo Kazooie? WTF. I can't believe that title has been mentioned so frequently in Rare's defense- It's COMPLETELY RETARDED.

I'm SO glad Nintendo ditched them... a few less pre-teen, ill-conceived, outdated franchises for me to weed through in the GameCube aisle.

Your very right, who cares about Rare anyways, oooh they gave us Goldeneye for N64 (fun game though), its outdated by todays standards, Halo pimp smacked that game.  Sure Goldeneye made FPS games popular but Halo perfected the genre (well almost).  Kinda went out of the subject right there didnt I.

Nintendo Gaming / Whose getting True Crime\
« on: May 01, 2003, 03:53:35 PM »
I would buy it if its a solid game, the best thing about it is that its set in my home town: L.A.!!  I want to be able to go over the my house... and hurl granades at it!!!

Nintendo Gaming / Whose getting True Crime\
« on: May 01, 2003, 03:51:24 PM »

Nintendo Gaming / GTA3 and Vice City coming to Xbox and GCN in 2004
« on: May 01, 2003, 03:50:11 PM »

Originally posted by: BrianSLA
>> GTA exclusive with Nintendo <<

Now that is something that will NEVER happen! Yeah instead of cashing in BIG TIME with multiplatform..... go exclusive with the third place console known as a kiddy console. EVEN if Nintendo wanted to go all out and TRY to bid for exclusivity..... Nintendo has the leanest and shallowest pockets of all three. In a bidding contest...... Microsoft has more money than Sony and Nintendo COMBINED and then some.

As for GTA coming to GC & Xbox in 2004....... REALLY who is really going to care by then? TWO year old games with crappy PS2 graphics and PS2 limiting play. Rockstar would have to seriously upgrade GTA3 & VC and THEN sell them both for $50 to seriously move any units. Their best bet if just saying ' screw it ' and release GTA4 to both platforms after their exclusivity agreement ends. Getting GTA3 in 2004 would be like getting something hella worse than sloppy seconds..... more like sloppy, grimy, disgusting old millions. Who wants that?

Whoa! Take a deep breath and relax.  Rockstar better make GTA3 and Vice City a lot better (better graphics, and the ability to jump out of the car you jacked on GTA3), if not, $50 wouldnt justify buying these games when you can get a used PS2 copy at EB for about $25.  The games will sell extremely well on Xbox and Gamecube.  More money for Rockstar...

Nintendo Gaming / Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour
« on: May 01, 2003, 03:42:24 PM »

Originally posted by: Scyth3r
Toadstool Tour?!  

What a horrible name.  Nintendo needs to stop playing with alliteration.

Very true...looks like someone over at Nintendo got lazy.


Originally posted by: EggyToast
Turn around?  You mean... start to lose money and be unsuccessful?

I didnt mean that, I meant that they could start attracting more and more 3rd Party support, you know as well as I do that its not as good as Sony's or even Microsoft, I mean look at all the titles being canceled (NBA Jam 2004 I wanted that game for my GC...guess im gonna have to get the PS2 version...).

General Chat / Newbie Check-In ... right this way!
« on: May 01, 2003, 03:10:45 PM »
Im new to the PGC forums too.  I live out here in Los Angeles: The Windy City (oh wait thats Chicago, im so stupid...).  Lookin forward to ranting with all of you all.  

General Gaming / Who's going to E3?
« on: May 01, 2003, 03:07:01 PM »
Ill probably go to E3 this year...if i can sneak in that is heh heh heh....I missed it last year by a few days.  I live close to the L.A. Convention Center.

Hey wasssssup!!  Im new to the forums, anyways, let me get to my question: Do any of you think MGS: TTS will turn things aroung for Nintendo?

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