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Messages - BrianSLA

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Nintendo Gaming / Dixon's ditches GameCube
« on: March 11, 2003, 06:52:58 PM »
>> bet dixons kikin themselves in the ass, gc software sales over here shot up, resident evil zero went straight to number 2 (multi-format charts) after one day <<

I doubt it. There are new reports at about their Dixon's article plus the newest software / hardware Nintendo sales / boost. Basically it says they got the majority of the boost because DIXONS severely discounting their stuff and thus it is selling like hotcakes. It has a Nintendo rep basically saying ' yeah it is because of the major discounts.'.

General Chat / rent a center???
« on: March 10, 2003, 06:45:11 PM »
Yup STAY AWAY FROM rent to own places. They are basically scams. There have been numerous TV news reports and investigations on them and how you end up getting massively robbed by them. I don't know what the terms and conditions are BUT you can probably get the worst most high interest credit card and still be better off using that super high interest credit card than to use a rent to own place. Basically rent to own places are for people with extremely low incomes / don't know any better / can't get a credit card and the rent to own places take advantage of them. The stories I've seen show that they repossess INSTANTLY and that their terms and conditions / contracts make them so bad that they usually repo most of their inventory AND the people who didn't get repoed but who paid their bills on time ended up paying ASTRONOMICAL prices for items. A major rip off.  

General Gaming / WHAT ON EARTH? This can't be true. PS3 THIS YEAR?
« on: March 10, 2003, 06:35:42 PM »
Sony has already denied it. It doesn't make any sense either. Everyone will know very well in advance when the PS3, Xbox2 and GC2 will be out. Ten months isn't enough time to make the games for it / make it / produce it , etc.  

Nintendo Gaming / MGS on GC - How Would it Handle?
« on: March 10, 2003, 06:29:46 PM »
>> I think we're much more likely to see a port of Metal Gear Solid (the PLAYSTATION version), than we are to see Sons of Liberty or Substance <<

Yeah but wouldn't it cost Konami money / time  to make an updated Metal Gear Solid rather than just port over the PS2 game like they did for the Xbox. I mean if the Xbox gets a PS2 direct port of MGS2 and MGS2 can play on the PS2 thus the GC can handle it..... wouldn't it be smarter to just copy off ( lazy ) another PS2 port? Unless of course you think Konami will port off a direct PS1 game to the GC.... which would suck.  

Nintendo Gaming / Dixon's ditches GameCube
« on: March 10, 2003, 06:15:47 PM »
Well is also reporting it. I think it is the original source and it is a British site reporting about a British retailer.  

Nintendo Gaming / MGS on GC - How Would it Handle?
« on: March 09, 2003, 02:35:21 PM »
I seriously SERIOUSLY doubt that it will be MGS3. I've heard that Xbox MIGHT be the first platformer for MGS3 BUT odds are that it will be PS2. So PS2 & Xbox before GC for MGS3. The GC will probably be MGS2 Substance.

Nintendo Gaming / Ghost Recon...
« on: March 08, 2003, 08:06:13 PM »
IF your PC can handle it... buy it for your PC. It is a great game but it isn't as good on the consoles.  

Nintendo Gaming / Too Human talk
« on: March 08, 2003, 08:03:57 PM »
Yeah it sounds like Deus Ex. And Deus Ex 2: Invisible War is almost out on the Xbox. There is a big article in this month's OXM on Deus Ex 2 with lots of fantastic screen shots and Warren Spector says it will be out in June.  

Nintendo Gaming / What do you think Nintendo's big holiday game will be?
« on: February 22, 2003, 08:44:50 PM »
I think HALO 2 will definitely be the big seller this Christmas. The trailer ( done real time on the Xbox ) was spectacular. Heck HALO 1 is STILL outselling every title on the Gamecube this last week.  

Nintendo Gaming / GC online TO wipe the floor with XBOX live...?
« on: February 22, 2003, 08:37:22 PM »
I seriously doubt it. XBL is blowing away the PS2's online community. The GC won't be able to do better.  

Nintendo Gaming / January Console/Game Sales
« on: February 20, 2003, 02:01:02 AM »
It is pretty SAD in that HALO is outselling the best selling Gamecube game.  

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo-No follow up ads
« on: February 19, 2003, 11:35:13 PM »
I see DOA XVB almost every night on Howard Stern on E!   Yup good marketing choice.  

General Chat / "24" Discussion
« on: February 17, 2003, 01:17:45 AM »
Getting a European 24 DVD won't help you unless you have a European DVD player with a European TV  ( PAL vs NTSC ). European DVDs won't play in US players and vice versa. And besides that I hang out in some European 24 sites and those Euro DVDs supposedly have some technical problems.

From every source I've read about Fable & Star Wars KOTOR...... you pick a character class, choose good or evil by your actions and interactions with NonPlayer characters , and start branching out from there.  As for universes.... Yes Star Wars is futuristic and Fable is more mythic.... BUT as RPGs go, similar types.  

I am not sure if it will be the " best RPG " of all time...... BUT I am damn sure it will be a great game. I think if you are looking foward to Fable..... you can get a taste of a very similar RPG in a couple of months in STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic. That game is looking seriously sweet and the RPG / THE Star Wars game to beat.  

General Gaming / Xbox loses $380 million for Microsoft
« on: February 15, 2003, 01:14:16 PM »
>> The PS3 can THINK! <<

 Well they did talk about having that super-duper whateveritsnameis chip in it. Just kidding.  

General Gaming / Xbox loses $380 million for Microsoft
« on: February 14, 2003, 07:16:45 PM »
>>  think Microsoft is a little short-sighted if it thinks that installed userbase of their current console will predict installed userbase of any future console. <<

Well it worked for the PS2 and Nintendo. The Xbox is just the first volley of Microsoft's entry into the digital living room.

>> Especially since Bill Gates has said that he hopes the next Xbox includes even more PC-like features, including web browsing (no doubt through their MSN network).<<

The PS3 is supposedly thinking about having TIVO like capabilities and Sony is also getting into the digital living room too.

>> I think Microsoft is toning down the amount of money it throws into the Xbox project lately.... the Vivendi groups <<

Microsoft is supposedly in the lead to buy out Vivendi. Negotiations are ongoing / or done with a possible E3 announcement.

The Xbox is well ahead of predictions. Microsoft never thought they'd be #1 or that they would make a profit this generation... I really don't think they even thought they would be #2 either... but it happened.  

Nintendo Gaming / be?If GTA wasn't exclusive would it be on GC?
« on: February 14, 2003, 06:56:17 PM »
If GTA wasn't Sony exclusive it would be multi-platform or Xbox only ( Micorosoft exclusivity deal instead of Sony ).  

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