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Messages - broodwars

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TalkBack / Re: RE: Nintendo World Report is Hiring!
« on: January 09, 2009, 02:15:33 PM »
I'm curious if there are any openings left for Staff Writers as well, because I'm very interested in joining and am in the middle of preparing my application for it.  Unfortunately, I do live in the exact opposite direction of the area desired in the listings (I live in Orlando, FL), but I think my writing ability's up to snuff and it's worth a shot.

Sunshine bashers are not allowed on staff.

Now that's a shame, considering for my application I'm writing a review of Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia that's rather scathing towards the game's treatment of its female protagonist.  ^_-

Podcast Discussion / Re: PODCAST: Radio Free Nintendo: Episode 128
« on: January 09, 2009, 04:36:11 AM »
I don't want them to do a show on SMB3, someone will say something negative about the game and then I'll have to burn down their house and I don't want to go to prison.

Ok then how about a full show on the impact of the Cruis'n series on the gaming world?

Likewise, a whole show on the impact of Rare collect-a-thons on the gaming world.  Wait, actually that would be pretty entertaining.

Podcast Discussion / Re: PODCAST: Radio Free Nintendo: Episode 128
« on: January 09, 2009, 04:15:58 AM »
Considering you're an RPG fan, Johnny, I'd suggest Baten Kaitos Origins (or BK, the original, but Origins was better).  Yeah, it's a lengthy game, but it's a game you've never played and considering all the discussion over Monolith with Disaster, you really should.  At least you'll get a chance to see what Monolith can actually do when they're working in a genre they're good at.  It's also a game that's pretty easy to find in just about any Gamestop I've seen.

I think Jonny is looking for games people actually care or know about. Though if that is what he's going for, I suggest they talk about Dark Rift for N64.

The thing is, the usual concept of the "Backlog"-kind of segment is to go back and experience games you missed the first time through that you meant to check out when they came out but just didn't.  That seems to fit Kaitos pretty well, especially since Johnny has commented in the past that he hadn't played the games but was always kind of curious about them.

That said, I can't think of many games that haven't been covered pretty extensively by this crew in the past.  I suppose there's always Zelda: Majora's Mask, which would make a good partner episode for the Ocarina one.

Other notables:

-Perfect Dark
-Goldeneye 007
-Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes (lot of Metal Gear fans on this podcast)
-Resident Evil REmake and/or Zero
-Pikmin 1 (though that'd be a good one to do when the Wii Port shows up later)
-Metroid Prime 1 (ditto)
-Skies of Arcadia Legends (PLEASE!)
-Zelda: Wind Waker
-Timesplitters: Future Imperfect (or whatever Timesplitters 3 on the GameCube was called)

Podcast Discussion / Re: PODCAST: Radio Free Nintendo: Episode 128
« on: January 09, 2009, 03:09:48 AM »
Considering you're an RPG fan, Johnny, I'd suggest Baten Kaitos Origins (or BK, the original, but Origins was better).  Yeah, it's a lengthy game, but it's a game you've never played and considering all the discussion over Monolith with Disaster, you really should.  At least you'll get a chance to see what Monolith can actually do when they're working in a genre they're good at.  It's also a game that's pretty easy to find in just about any Gamestop I've seen.

TalkBack / Re: An Informal Movie Review: Resident Evil: Degeneration
« on: January 08, 2009, 12:01:15 AM »
The action sequences bested anything in the live action movies and its easily one of the better videogame movies out there.

Watching a dog defecate bests anything in the live action movies. I do have a hard time believing that any video game based film will ever surpass the first Mortal Kombat. That said, I have had Degeneration on my NetFlix list for a few months now.

Silent HIll already bested the first Mortal Kombat film years ago, although I remember that one being a good game-to-film adaptation as well.

General Gaming / Re: UGO boughtout the 1UP network, EGM closes it's doors
« on: January 07, 2009, 02:04:37 PM »
Well, Radio Trivia is sort of like Retronauts. Maybe. Kinda. Sorta....only without the special guests related to that episode's topic. Or a specific topic. FINE. But it IS retro!

Well, of course radio trivia is great. You do a great job with the podcast, and do discuss the games in great detail.

Still, hopefully Retronauts continues in some form, but I know that's probably not on Parish's mind at the moment (not blaming him)

Actually, it IS  on his mind, as according to his latest blog post he's vowed to keep Retronauts going...somehow.  He doesn't know how often or how long they can do them anymore, but he's said he's determined to still do that podcast.

General Gaming / Re: UGO boughtout the 1UP network, EGM closes it's doors
« on: January 06, 2009, 10:37:15 PM »
I'm going to miss reading the reviews in EGM every month.  I may have rarely agreed with them, but at least they were fun to read.  What I'm really going to miss, though, are the podcasts from the staff, Retronauts in particular.  Those, along with RFN, were the staples of my evening audio experience every week.

And yes, anyone cheering this announcement is pretty fracking cruel.  You may not have agreed with their magazine, but that's a lot of people out of work now from the biggest gaming print company in the business.  That's not good for anyone.

TalkBack / Re: An Informal Movie Review: Resident Evil: Degeneration
« on: January 06, 2009, 08:52:56 PM »
Aside from some (admitedly expected) cheesiness and some very clunky character modeling/animation (everyone looks like animated Barbie Dolls), I really enjoyed this movie.  It just hits all the right notes with me as to what a Resident Evil movie experience should be, especially with the music (pun not intended, I assure you).  While Leon is a bit too dry in his dialogue and delivery, I suppose I prefer that to some of the ridiculously-silly lines he was spouting off in Resident Evil 4.  My big complaint is that Claire is completely pointless fanservice in this movie: she never DOES anything useful, and stands out badly compared to the focus Leon gets in the story.

It's great to see a Resident Evil movie that actually fits in well with the game's chronology, and if they can improve on this level of quality with future RE CG movies I'm all for this series continuing (as Capcom obviously intends with the way the movie ends on a cliffhanger).

TalkBack / Re: Making the Review Process Better
« on: January 04, 2009, 03:27:26 AM »
I highly recomend the site for reviews, as their reviews seem to echo your sentiments.  There is a score at the end of the review, but if you didn't know to highlight the page to find it you'd never know it was there.

TalkBack / Re: PODCAST: Radio Free Nintendo: Episode 127
« on: January 02, 2009, 12:18:26 AM »
My only problem with NWR's podcast is it's just feels like a run of the mill podcast that doesn't feel special and there really isn't anything that I can spot which makes it unique. There's nothing wrong with being serious but something just feels missing and I just got so bored of the podcast that I just shut it off.

Geez, someone point this guy to Episodes 103 and 115 and call it a day.  This crew has its share of wacky antics, but I like the more series episodes.  It's by far my favorite podcast right now, particularly when James goes on a rant.  ^_-

TalkBack / Re: RE: Nintendo World Report is Hiring!
« on: January 01, 2009, 10:46:15 PM »
I'm curious if there are any openings left for Staff Writers as well, because I'm very interested in joining and am in the middle of preparing my application for it.  Unfortunately, I do live in the exact opposite direction of the area desired in the listings (I live in Orlando, FL), but I think my writing ability's up to snuff and it's worth a shot.

TalkBack / Re: PODCAST: Radio Free Nintendo: Episode 126
« on: December 27, 2008, 05:30:21 AM »
Regarding Tatsunoku vs. Capcom, something that does work highly in the game's favor for getting a release over here is that, defying my expectations, I haven't found any references to Macross characters or mecha being in the game.  It's odd because Macross is Tatsunoku's most famous work, but maybe they knew that if they did put a Macross character in that there would be a 0% chance of the game ever making it over to America.  This is because Harmony Gold in the US owns the rights to the Macross characters and mecha because of their (by virtue of using Macross footage) being in the Robotech anime.  This is something they've used for decades to ensure that no Macross property except Macross Plus (and the subtitled and newly-dubbed releases of the original Macross) has ever legally crossed over into North America (no toys, no games, nothing).  With no Macross in the game, Capcom can bring it over with far less legal difficulty.

TalkBack / Re: REVIEWS: Chrono Trigger
« on: December 24, 2008, 12:47:02 AM »
Chrono Trigger is my all-time favorite game, and in my mind the closest to perfection the RPG genre has ever gotten.  That said, this DS version has issues with the new content being incredibly tedious and boring, and I just don't see the point in the touch screen stuff at all (I always turn it off when I start a new game).  Still, you can't beat the sheer level of customization the game gives you for how you want to experience the game, and I really appreciate that we got the stuff from the Playstation version like the FMVs.  Did anyone else notice just how quiet the FMV audio is, though?  I can barely hear them.

Incidentally, it's a minor quibble but has anyone else noticed that the black "screen wipe" effect that was occasionally used in the game for dramatic effect (see: Ocean Palace and Rainbow Shell sidequest) is now missing, replaced by a generic "fade to black?"  It's a minor thing, but those scenes really lack some of their dramatic punch without it.

TalkBack / Re: This Week's Virtual Console and WiiWare
« on: December 24, 2008, 12:42:33 AM »
I didn't own a Genesis, so I don't have much interest in Phantasy Star (despite being an RPG fan).

It seems to me that you'd be more interested, having never owned a Genesis. Maybe you only like to play games that you're comfortable with and have played before though?

Well, it's more like I play Virtual Console to play old favorites with a proper controller on a real TV (no game feels quite right in emulation with a keyboard).  I was a huge SNES RPG fan, so that's what I'm naturally drawn towards.  But more to the point, I never liked the genesis (especially that, for the time, wacky controller it had and the inferior audio hardware), so I don't really care when a Genesis game gets on VC.  If you're a Genesis fan and were looking forward to Phantasy Star IV, more power to you.  It's just not my thing.

TalkBack / Re: REVIEWS: Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
« on: December 23, 2008, 02:03:56 PM »
it's really not that difficult to understand, and is far easier to understand than the original.  When it comes to capturing monsters and the "elemental grid" that everyone has such difficulty with... if the entire grid is a single element, you can try and capture a monster after battle.  That's not difficult to understand...

And for unison attacks, if that monster/characters element is present on the grid in the corner, they will contribute to the attack.  It may seem difficult at first, but it really is extremely simple.


Must not be too easy to understand considering the game averages scores around this.

except I explained everything you need to know about that elemental grid to play the game in my post.  That's all there is to it.  All one element, capture monster.  Characters element on grid, participates in unison attack.

If people have a hard time understanding that if you use a water element move, a water symbol appears on the grid, fire move, fire symbol, etc... well that's just... yeah...


Actually, it's not quite that simple.  What element you make the entire grid makes capturing monsters of the same element easier.  Also, you can use one of your monsters in the current battle to try to strengthen your chances or properly pacting.  Problem is, I've found that even using monsters of the same element as the one I'm trying to capture doesn't work all that often (it doesn't help that the game doesn't tell you what element the potentially captured monster is).  I usually just try to pact with just the grid instead.  Also, you don't get moves that allow you freely change the elemental grid quickly till a fair bit into the game.  Until then, it's a real crap-shoot whether or not you'll get a random grid that'll allow you to capture monsters.  Also, you generally never really know if the captured monster is even useful till you've done a fair bit of grinding.  You can eventually grind any monster up to insane levels, but if their innate moves suck and they look lame (which most of the monsters do) I never feel compelled to do so.  By virtue of being monsters, your captured comrades don't really add any personalty to battle (unlike their human counterparts, who can do more than grunt or make that annoying high-pitched whine), so I'd rather not use the monsters at all.  I only use them at all because the non-Emil, non-Marta human characters can't level-up or change equipment.

TalkBack / Re: REVIEWS: Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
« on: December 23, 2008, 12:41:25 PM »
Hmm...upon re-reading my last post, maybe I was being a bit harsh there.  I guess my post could have used another pass through before posting.   ;)

TalkBack / Re: REVIEWS: Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
« on: December 23, 2008, 12:34:21 PM »
I take issue with that statement about how we should have "manly men" as our heroes in RPGs (it's rather limiting and stereotypical)

They don't have to be manly, they just shouldn't be emos. Noone wants to listen to a whiny annoying guy (urk, FF8). If the character shouldn't act manly then at least make him shut up rather than complain. Hell, RPG heroes tend to grow to godlike powers, a whiny character just doesn't fit for someone who can kill a dragon with his pinky. Or, you know, the best option for RPG characters is just to let the player pick the line he wants to say and thus give his character a personality himself since that's what role playing usually means.

The thing is, I know that's what the reviewer meant (because the "emo" side of Emil is something every review I've read harps on), but that's not what he said.  That's a distinction that should have been fixed in editing, and in general that's my biggest problem with this review: it comes off as a rough draft rather than a polished final draft.  It's unnecessarily vague in portions (that the Pros and Cons at the end that summarize his position cover areas not even mentioned in the review is surprising) and has some questionable word choices, making the reviewer come off amateurish.  Maybe that's appropriate considering the game comes off as amateurish in places, but that's probably a disservice to the reviewer's writing ability.  This review needed another pass before it was posted.

TalkBack / Re: REVIEWS: Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
« on: December 23, 2008, 03:37:03 AM »
I think the Tales is at a point where the only ones that will truly get it are the fans.

The series barely gets glowing reviews, yet it has legions of fans who swear by it and enjoy it the most.

Hmm, from a brief glance it looks like Vesperia was reviewed rather favorably. Some of the reviews for it seem quite estatic for it.

While I have yet to play Symphonia 2, am in a few number that doesn't mind the drop in cel-shading? Thinking back to Symphonia 1, the look for it was kinda spotty in places. Maybe I'm just thinking of the clunky animations during the cutscenes.

The thing about the cel shading in Symphonia 1 is that did a very good job of bridging that gap between the elaborate hand-drawn concept art and 3-dimensional models, and it made the game look distinct.  It had issues with stiff animation, but I attribute this to cel shading (well, well-done cel shading) being a relatively new process at the time and they were still getting the hang of it.  The problem with losing it for Symphonia 2 is that the models actually lose visual detail, and the entire game looks blurry and undefined.  They took away the cel shading without adding something in its place to make the game look polished, and motion captured animations just aren't good enough a replacement.  The game just looks half-assed visually, like a badly ported PS2 game (which, considering the engine was ported from the PS2's Tales of the Abyss, isn't that far off a comparison).

TalkBack / Re: This Week's Virtual Console and WiiWare
« on: December 23, 2008, 02:58:17 AM »
The Minigolf WiiWare title kind of piques my interest (as I'm very fond of the real thing), but given the overall quality of WiiWare I don't have high hopes for it so we'll see what the reviews say.  Otherwise, yet another week of downloadable titles I don't really care about.  I didn't own a Genesis, so I don't have much interest in Phantasy Star (despite being an RPG fan).  There are still come great SNES RPGs out there, so I'm hoping we'll see those come down the pipeline sometime in the future.

With cash a little more available than it's been in the past, though, I might get around to picking up Megaman 9 this week.  And despite having already purchased it, I still need to start a game on Secret of Mana.  Hopefully that game's much better than the mediocre sequels it spawned...

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Tales of "Mothership"
« on: December 23, 2008, 02:45:43 AM »
Ugh...still no cel-shading (Vesperia and Symphonia 1 pretty much established for me that's how this series SHOULD look, just with better animation)?  Well, at least the environments look better this time around.  I suppose getting any Wii RPG is better than getting none at all...

TalkBack / Re: Persona 3 Audio Discussion
« on: December 23, 2008, 12:51:55 AM »
Just an update since we are all Persona fans here: today after 6 months of off-and-on play, I finally finished the Journey.  Because I took down the Reaper fairly early in January, I had the whole last month to utterly abuse Monad to level-grind out any remaining difficulty the game had, and the final boss was a complete pushover against my level 99 party (MC, Yukari, Junpei, Akihiko),   Hell, just for grins and to give the game the middle finger for all the cheap moves various bosses had used on me the entire game, I pulled out the Armageddon Fusion Skill against the final boss's final form even though I didn't need it.  I spent a great deal of time that final month getting things set up for a New Game + if I ever chose to pursue it, maing out cash; buying bonus sets of equipment for all my characters; maxing out as many remaining social links as I could; and fusing as many of the higher level Personas as I could while I still had social link bonuses.

Overall, I really enjoyed the Journey, although I feel that the game is too restricting when it comes to the Social Links: you have to follow a very specific path through the game if you want to max them all out, and towards the end of the game all the micro-management I was doing (though not following said path) was really taking its toll and getting tedious.  The whole game in general relies too much on repetition and cheap spells/Tartarus boss encounters to hinder your progress, though that's greatly mitigated in the game's final 3rd when YOU are the ones wielding the cheap spells.  The monthly boss battles, though, where very enjoyable, creative, and suitably epic.  And the soundtrack kicks ass, although I wish there was more musical variety (which would be corrected in Persona 4) and that new music was more frequently introduced to old areas to minimize repetition.  I also wonder just what possessed the folks at Atlus to make the "ending" the Journey has.  It's not an "ending" at all, but a glorified "To be Continued" for the Answer (which in the original Persona 3 release didn't exist), and a drawn-out and tedious affair at that.  When I beat the final boss, I'm ready for the game to end.  So when the game DOESN'T end when I beat the final boss, I start getting irritated.  I also feel that the game's relatively low budget really shows in the game's last 3rd, as aside from the animated FMVs (which have varying animation quality) there really isn't anything particularly interesting or spectacular happening on-screen, which is a problem when we're talking about Armaggedon.

Anyway, I've already started up a new game on the Answer, and although I don't care for the constant dungeon crawling it is kind of nice not to have the micromanagement of the Social Links (they are what made the Journey so interesting, but it is a nice change to not have to worry about them).  It's hard to come from the Journey to the Answer and see your characters suck as much as they do in the Answer at the beginning, though.  My characters have missed more than they've hit  so far, and getting new Personas is really a chore.

I think when I've finished the Answer, I'm going to put off starting a Persona 4 game aside (my save game is only a few hours in) for a long while just to get the Persona fatigue out of my system.

TalkBack / Re: REVIEWS: Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
« on: December 23, 2008, 12:28:39 AM »
I take issue with that statement about how we should have "manly men" as our heroes in RPGs (it's rather limiting and stereotypical), as well as the (ironically enough) whining about the game stopping when you view the skits.  The character windows take up most the screen, and they'd be nowhere near as effective shrunken down and hidden in a corner or something, so I'm not sure how you would be able to view them while still playing the game.  I also don't see the problem with the soundtrack largely being remixes of Symphonia 1's score, as Symphonia 1 had an excellent soundtrack to begin with.  Also, if you're going to go out of your way to compare this with Symphonia 1, why no mention of the vastly-improved voice acting (and better still, the fact that the skits are voice acted now)?

Otherwise, I agree with this review overall (particularly with regards to the monster capturing system, which I never felt was a good idea), although I'd probably score the game somewhere in the mid-7s.  I would have also added (for comparative purposes) just how lifeless the game looks without the first game's cel shaded style, but that's just me.  It's a spectacularly average experience.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.

TalkBack / Re: PODCAST: Radio Free Nintendo: Episode 125
« on: December 22, 2008, 01:53:58 AM »
This whole topic sounds remarkably similar to my reader mail submission about comparative reviews that was read in the last posted episode...

TalkBack / Re: PODCAST: Radio Free Nintendo: Episode 125
« on: December 22, 2008, 01:47:47 AM »
I really need to catch up; now I'm three podcasts behind!  :'(

Don't worry.  So are the RFN Crew.



2 episodes behind
One is edited, out on Tuesday.  The other is at the end of the week.

Then we go silet till Jonny get's back from his quality time with his kin-folk.

Always happy to hear that shows weren't lost to the void for a change.  I figured after these last 2 episodes that the missing episodes were just given up on and the show was just starting fresh.

TalkBack / Re: PODCAST: Radio Free Nintendo: Episode 125
« on: December 22, 2008, 01:03:39 AM »
I really need to catch up; now I'm three podcasts behind!  :'(

Don't worry.  So are the RFN Crew.



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