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Messages - odifiend

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Nintendo Gaming / RE:Mature Titles doesnt always mean Violent !
« on: January 05, 2004, 04:23:46 PM »
For those of you wondering, yes I do consider racing a sport.  No duh! Those athletes have to train their feet from falling asleep and their eyes from drooping.  I wish I had that skill!!

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Mature Titles doesnt always mean Violent !
« on: January 05, 2004, 04:19:56 PM »
This plan is too late to implement for the GCN, but a Nintendo/ Nintendo-exclusive sports line up would in the long run help Nintendo with the casual gamers.  I agree with you that sports games by themselves won't do much for Nintendo as a company and their release won't immediately make Nintendo a success, but a competitive sports line up would give the casual gamer one less thing to talk trash about and might qwell the bad parts of Nintendo's reputation ushering in a better shot for Nintendo next round.
MC, rereading your stuff I'm convinced that Nintendo is as you say in a good position from a business standpoint and a decent position fan-wise.  Still you just can't beat the fringe benefits that come with being the industry leader.  In that ideal situation Nintendo could make its great games and have 3rd parties fill in the holes.  In fact I think Nintendo is used to having this done for them and hasn't fully adapted to the absence of 3rd parties.  
Anyway the bottom line is that the sports genre is becoming increasingly more popular and Nintendo is not sufficiently accounting for it.  Sure casual gamers have other staples (Read horrendously violent, mindless video games), but those are not that hard to sate with some crappy 3rd party.
Berny: I liked Mario Tennis, and Golf was okay, but I would die if Nintendo started wasting resources on more gimmicky rubbish that would sell just because of a franchise.  The Zelda games have enough puzzle solving in them already (okay not really enough ), but it would be better for them to include the puzzles in whatever dungeon.  Anyway the point of releasing a Nintendo lineup is to attract the casual gamer who would be turned off by the Nintendoness of this.  Trust me, I don't fully agree with this thinking but they got the $$$ and I want my RPGs .  

Second thought that would be loads better... have Camelot work on nothing but RPGs.  OH YEAH!!!

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Mature Titles doesnt always mean Violent !
« on: January 05, 2004, 01:07:33 PM »
True but sports is a big complaint.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Mature Titles doesnt always mean Violent !
« on: January 05, 2004, 09:54:20 AM »

It's not as easy as Nintendo just going out and "getting" these games- the simple fact of the matter is almost all Nintendo fans don't like sports games, and since one rarely buys a Gamecube unless they're a Nintendo fan, sports gamesjust won't sell well on the Gamecube

MC, you're completely right, Nintendo fans don't like sports games and therefore there isn't much incentive to make a sports game.  But at the same time Nintendo's lack of a sports lineup causes casual gamers who are most of the market now to just blow off Nintendo's system just as stmarco has decided to do next gen.  I know you don't care about the casual gamer from your many post and your editorial , but Nintendo should.  I am a Nintendo fan but (duh) don't really care for sports games.  Still I care that there are none.  Why? Because the casual gamer likes them and where the casual gamer is the RPGs tend to be, which I love.  Nintendo's lack of genres causes an indirect punishment on even their die hard fans.
That's why I gotta bow down to Ian Sane, and agree that Nintendo should be a model and lead by example if nothing else just to lure 3rd parties back.  Nintendo DOES have some control over who its developers are and what they develop by releasing games that are the same genre as the developers.  Personally I think it is Nintendo's lack of any online feature in a first party game that makes third parties ignore the fact that the GCN CAN go online.  This philosophy can be applied to sports games as well.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:3rd Party Purchase, way to go
« on: January 04, 2004, 12:34:06 PM »
Bandai has the licensing on pretty much every mech-anime.  If anything having to do with Macross Zero came out on the GCN, I would wet myself with need.

Nintendo Gaming / Player's Choice or the like
« on: January 04, 2004, 12:08:25 PM »
I haven't sifted through the GBA section as extensively as others so I don't know if this has already been covered, but it seems that GBA games unless they are absolute crap never lower in price.  Why isn't there a greatest hits/ player's choice line up on the GBA?
P.S. I'm not so naive to miss "the more money angle" but nintendo offers a line up for GCN so why not the more popular GBA.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:continued from Gamecube Disc. Microsoft & Nintendo
« on: January 03, 2004, 01:40:02 PM »
Another large advantage to online gaming is that you can have so many more people playing.  Could you imagine holding a completely human F-Zero race or playing in an FPS completely teeming with human enemies and allies.  Yes it is fun to sit in a room with your friends, but whose to say that someone won't develop an online game where four players can log on from one console.  That I think would be truly awesome to have you and your buds take on others from the same room.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:The great crash of.....05
« on: January 02, 2004, 09:57:40 AM »
Yeah no doubt Nintendo will be last standing if a crash were to occur.  The company has no debts and 6 billion in cash.  Also the company is responsible for some of the greatest games in history and will continue to produce great games regardless of what 3rd party company goes out of business, something Sony or M$ can't boast.
As for the PSP I heard that if it has half of what the boast it has the price will be around 500+ dollars, placing it so far from the Game Boy it isn't even in the same market.  If that's true they'll fail miserably because adult gamers or not, most people don't have $500 dollars to sink in anyting much less a portable video game system.
nemo: I agree with your preminition of a crash.  Also I like your ideas, but the controller would be so ridiculously expensive it would alienate the children and even the adults Nintendo caters to.  Still I imagine your control and can't help but salivating.  However the fighting game I idea would be harder than you made it seem.  As the former owner of Sega's Activator I can tell you that for a game like Soul Calibur, the controllers would have to use your movement to mimic button combinations and that it would not be that fun.  Even if the controllers could mimic your actual movement, the game would be uneventful unless the gamers were surprisingly agile. Can you do a backflip, I sure can't.  Otherwise nice read.

TalkBack / RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« on: January 01, 2004, 02:09:59 PM »
Being older doesn't necessarily mean you'll die earlier.  To prove this I point to TV radiation induced cancer!!! Bababommm!! You haven't heard of it yet I know but it is out there!  And it is hitting the younger, tv-watching generation first.
P.S. don't even get me started about freak gerbil accidents.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Backwards Compatability
« on: January 01, 2004, 11:35:16 AM »
I think backwards compatibility is awesome, especially since I'm having troubles with my GCN's lens.  At the same time I'm concerned that Nintendo will be limiting themselves due to it.  I remember hearing that the PS2 was weaker than it could have been because they had to account for backwards compatibility.  It might have just been street corner BS.   Can anyone address my worry?

TalkBack / RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« on: December 31, 2003, 03:51:59 AM »
MC: what the hell are you talking about SMS didn't sell well?  It just didn't meet Nintendo's expectations for a Mario title, largely due to lack of people owning a GCN at the time.  You also have this ability to completely miss what people are getting at simply by locking in on one sentence.  I said that SA 1&2 (GC) were not high calibur games especially for this generation.  I explained that it was largely due to advertising that the games sold.  What your saying now based on your comment is that if a game sells well, it is good.  Ever here of Enter the Matrix or DBZ: Budokai?  Also what does it matter if the two Sonic games released on the Cube sold better than any of the XBox exclusive games?  My issue is with why they exclusive in the first place with the great relations that you claimed Sega and Nintendo have.  Why are they exclusive if they'll just sell poorly on the XBox?
Re: RE, you said it yourself compared to the PSX sales they were nothing.  In fact were did you get the # 800k because I really doubt it.  Most people in Japan refused to buy it because they already played it and you should know about Nintendo's success with the older crowd in North America.  Give me a URL.

TalkBack / RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« on: December 30, 2003, 06:21:07 PM »
I hate to be a Sega basher again, but SA DX added nothing really great to the Dreamcast original.  As for SA: Battle, I own it and have beaten it to completion but I played the original SA2 extensively before I got it.  Except for the new multiplayer levels and the addition of Green Hill it is unchanged (also they changed the much better Dreamcast unlockable costumes into the redundant costumes on the GC).  Still, the public I don't think loved the SAs as much as they simply loved Sonic.  Also you compare GC sales to Dreamcast sales?  The Dreamcast when it got SA2 was about ready to be dropped in favor of the PS2.  Sega was also probably near bankrupt because I don't remember seeing very many adds for the game in the US.  SA2: Battle however was hyped as the 1st time Sonic would be on a Nintendo system, hell I even saw Nintendo ads on MTV, Cartoon Network and other widely watched stations.  The situations were different so comparison here means nothing.  Sega used the hype of SA2B to sell their prequel along with lower price tag.  Good for Sega, that's good business but that doesn't mean their games, especially DX, were good.
About resident evil I just find it a bad sign that Capcom is searching for ways to get out the exclusive deal.  I've already heard that Capcom meant RE 4 exclusive only.  Well that is good now, what does that mean for RE 5?  Capcom because of lackluster sales has been forced to take back the flagship of their deal with Nintendo.  It just looks bad, that's all I was saying.  I didn't forget about Killer 7 and I don't know if things have changed (they might have and I missed it) but it seems that Dead Phoenix is on the very downlow right now.
MC: I'm not crying over the color.  It's just that you  are famous for your line, "you think you can run Nintendo better than Nintendo."  The color issue could have been easily spotted and even more easily resolved.  Instead it took Nintedo a year to release the Platinum cube and about another year to start selling the cube as platinum as opposed to purple.

TalkBack / RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« on: December 30, 2003, 01:05:07 PM »
My bad on forgetting Billy Hatcher too.  My brain just implements the defense of forgetting for games that I personally wish didn't exist.  I remembered about PSO 3 but felt no need to include as it is not out yet.  The main point of my rant a couple posts up is that Sega's huge games (games that sold well or games it and Nintendo pushed) were nothing more than ports.  Therefore to go out and buy a Dreamcast for $25 and the games for $10 is a cheaper solution and therefore I feel no gratitude toward Sega.

TalkBack / RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« on: December 30, 2003, 12:58:46 PM »
Ian: my oversight on the Sega pseudo-sports, but when I originally said two games I was counting SMB 1&2.  I think their philosophy that PSO is original is crap.
Eidos, responsible for TS2, i didn't bash.  If that game was a monkey it would be... umm... donkey kong, even though he is an ape opposed to a monkey, well you know what i'm saying.
Oh and I completely agree with you that having the minor 3rd party developers is not a bad thing at all.

TalkBack / RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« on: December 30, 2003, 12:26:50 PM »

I consider LOSING Acclaim, Eidos, and Atari and GAINING incredible support from Sega, Namco, and Capcom a fairly even trade- actually, I'd say Nintendo got the better end of the stick, actually.

I agree with MC that Acclaim churns out crap.  Atari however has the DBZ: Budokai franchise and although I don't particularly care for it, I invite you find some sales figures on those two games and tell me that the (early) releases did not help Sony.  
As for GAINING incredible support from Sega last time I checked Super Monkey Ball was the only original thing released so far from Sega.  Yes! We have been allowed to buy Dreamcast ports! Skies of Arcadia, SA: 1&2, PSO! Thank you so much Sega for showering us with your old games yet always charging at least $40 for them.  I find it sad that of the six games Sega has released, only two have been original.  Last time I checked it was the Xbox that had Panzer Dragoon Orca and the PS2 that had Shinobi,  new expansions of Sega's classics.  Oh yes we are getting Sonic Heroes, but since the game might actually be good, the game is to be released on all platforms.
Capcom promised us exclusive RE.  They have since released RE on PS2 (not true sequels, yet, but still).  Not that was really their fault (RE 0 sales weren't what they expected).  We don't have Megaman X, no plans of getting Onimusha, no devil may cry which are games they are famous for.  But Capcom is not nearly as bad as Sega as they have blessed us with VJ.
Namco is the only company I agree with MC on.  The company is the best relation Nintendo has IMO.  SC 2, the starfox colloboration, and the Tales game are games that everyone MUST have.  I'm not crazy about Donkey Konga but somebody must be.
MC, I have to say I didn't get how purple and morality fit together, but Cowboy is right: its all about the image.  The gamecube is not so uncool but purple wasn't all that becoming.  It did look lame and I don't know a single person with a purple cube even though I know about 20 owners of the cube.  What is more if you notice in recent Nintendo ads, Nintendo is pushing the platinum gamecube so even they relized this.  Personally, I don't understand why they weren't pushing the black cube earlier.
P.S. it would probably be profitable for Nintendo to sink a couple of dollars on a cool plastic shell for their game system and sell it, than to keep it purple and have it sit on the shelf and call it moral. Argue with that!

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Gamecube errors :(
« on: December 30, 2003, 11:19:07 AM »
Yeah, I'm experiencing this problem, too, and started just a couple weeks ago.  I got my GCN Nov.18 , 2001 so my warranty is definitely up.  Any chance they'd extend my warranty?

TalkBack / RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« on: December 29, 2003, 03:50:02 PM »
Kyosho: not that this has anything to do with the debate, tell me please you just forgot to mention Tales of Symphonia.  Tales games kick serious @$$!

TalkBack / RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« on: December 29, 2003, 12:30:52 PM »
I'm sick and tired of hearing that the reason that Nintendo can do no wrong in this generation is because in the past Nintendo was one of the most successful companies in the world.  Look at Rome, heck go closer to Nintendo's home and look at the samurai.  Both civilizations fell (and more similar to Nintendo's situation, the samurai fell because they refused to embrace new technology).  I'm a Nintendo fan and have been one since I was three years old, that makes me and Nintendo close, and something major would die inside of me if Nintendo pulled a Rome.
Nintendo's business now should not be allowed to be compared to Nintendo's business of the past.  Nintendo no longer controls the video game realm.  The level of competition is completely different from what it was then along with the larger part of the video game audience.  The N64 days lost Nintendo its momentum.  The GCN should be (should have been) the generation to get back out there.  Nintendo's present inertia is unacceptable and has been so since developpers stop flocking to their system to make games (circa one year into PSX).  
I like Mario, I like Link, I want to marry Samus, hell I'm even ok with a Pokemon or two (Not Pikachu though that no Attack or Special Attack having b!tch, it needs to burn), but most of this adoration was developped from an early age.  However the gamers of today, casual gamers who think its just expected of them to have a gaming console but don't really have a clue of what to play, can't identify with Nintendo's franchises because they didn't see them evolve as we have.  Therefore they don't buy N.  I don't know who said it first but Nintendo needs to develop new, cool franchises with whom the casual gamers can identify or they're sunk.

General Chat / RE:Get your custom title here
« on: December 29, 2003, 03:36:47 AM »
Can I be "faceless"?


TalkBack / RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« on: December 28, 2003, 05:46:18 AM »
To MC: I know you don't get 6 billion dollars from jumping on the bandwagon.  Actually you get it from controling 70% of the video gaming industry.  And also about your most famous line:
"online gaming only pleases 5% of the players," it seems that you only extrapolated that data so it isn't all that accurrate.  Moreover Nintendo released the e-Reader and since its release it has been scrapped in Europe and pretty much laughed at in North America.  I don't know how it is doing in Japan but I can't imagine it is doing that much better.  I'm guessing the people it is pleasing equates to about 5% so I don't understand why Nintendo would think churning out billions of eReader cards that no one will ever buy profitable, but that online gaming which is becoming increasingly more popular is unreasonable.
To shifty: thanks for repeating exactly what MC has been saying for the past 6 pages.

If there was the need for an online game, I'm sure they'd find the best way to implement it PROFITABLY!

I'm not so sure I agree with you on that because it is hard to implement anything, especially successfully, if you refuse to constantly explore it.  Psst... just so you know that's the logic to my flaming about exploring online gaming.
Online gaming aside, I ask anyone to tell me what Nintendo's direction is. Iwata says:

Online video games have been a false start so far, Iwata asserts, which is why he has no plans to lead Nintendo in that direction. The current path taken by game developers toward more cinematic graphics, richer story lines and complicated controls is a blind alley that, he says, will only worsen the current "nothing's new" ennui felt by many consumers.

I agree with Iwata that online gaming has been a false start but this second part is disheartening to any Nintendo fan.  I don't understand his logic and citing Nintendo's sequels, MM: DD!!, SMS, 1080, and Mario Golf, I don't understand how he is breaking the ennui for consumers.  His theory that gamers don't want better graphics and storylines is even more thought provoking and begs the question where else is there to go and what is Nintendo doing to get there.

TalkBack / RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« on: December 27, 2003, 08:31:23 PM »
To mouse_clicker:  I understood this discussion to be an evaluation of GCN's performance up to this point.  Looking at the past five pages we all see this has become a debate on Nintendo's business technique and their opinions on online gaming.  Fine.  
But the way you speak, it is as if their technique is infalliable and that is simply not true evident by their fall from complete control (70%) of the market to their present state (13%).  Your tendency is kind of annoying but even more annoying is your new tendency to think that:
"it was ingenious of Nintendo to include LAN support and then let others set up the tunneling software. Currently Nintendo hasn't spent a dime on Warp Pipe, because it's not even their project, and yet their game is benefiting from it. Nintendo has the perfect online plan- to let everyone else do the work while they don't do a thing."
What the hell kind of stragety is it to do nothing and let your fan's set up your online infrastructure?  What's more is you think it is genius for Nintendo to do this? And you think Nintendo planned this? I guess in the category for doing absolutely nothing and not suing people who are only helping them, Nintendo gets an A+.  By the way you'd be an excellent teacher.
Nintendo has 6 billion dollars in cash and no debts (TIME Asia).  If they really want to stay in the hardware business, it is unacceptable for them not to be exploring something like online gaming.  I'm not saying go bankrupt, but an "I'm working on it," from the big N would be so much better than "We're not going to risk only sitting on 5 billion stagnant dollars for the fans... I mean connectivity is great."

TalkBack / RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« on: December 27, 2003, 01:13:11 PM »
I agree with nolimit 19, that Nintendo needs only to break even with online gaming.  Also I would like to ask all of you to think about how much money Nintendo really has.  In the past, they have bragged about sitting on a war chest of something like several billion dollars.  Therefore I argue for online gaming because it's not like Nintendo is spending their money on say curbing public image or better hardware (for better graphics).

TalkBack / RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« on: December 27, 2003, 01:11:31 PM »
I agree with nolimit 19, that Nintendo needs only to break even with online gaming.  Also I would like to ask all of you to think about how much money Nintendo really has.  In the past, they have bragged about sitting on a war chest of something like several billion dollars.  Therefore I argue for online gaming because it's not like Nintendo is spending their money on say curbing public image or better hardware (for better graphics).

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