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Messages - EasyCure

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 529
And using Mario Galaxy wasn't the best example to use after speaking about A controllable camera. A lot of those levels were in a fixed perspective too.

I know what you mean and I know what you want. Perhaps it's still coming and this was quicker to release in order to get more games on the shelf. I'll likely buy it because I never played 3D Land.

"No officer, I wasn't texting, I swear, I was just checking my watch for the time!"

TalkBack / Re: EarthBound Listed to Appear on the Wii U eShop Today
« on: July 20, 2013, 07:01:58 PM »
I dunno smallshark' I'm not really into RPGs either but I'm obsessed with earthbound. I know I played it back on SNES but I can't remember if it was before or after Mario RPG. Either way, it left an impression on me to this day.

I can name all the RPGs I've played and completed in my gamer life and earthbound and xenoblade are the only two traditional RPGs I've played and liked, and I'll be honest xenoblade has its moments tasty make me want to stop playing.. Earthbound however, I'll never tire of.

Agreed. Depending on the game certain "mature" content take me out of the game.

All the blood and foul language in Black Ops fits bit for some reason hearing thugs call Catwoman a bitch in AC is very off putting.

TalkBack / Re: New Assassin Joins Cast of Batman: Arkham Origins 
« on: July 19, 2013, 02:29:16 AM »
They made Copperhead up for this game, right?

Quote from: Patchkid15
Revealed by WB Games today, Copperhead will show up not as the familiar male antagonist in a snake suit that has been around since late 60's, but rather as a quick and agile female. A female Copperhead was also recently introduced in DC's New 52.

I've never heard of him/her before though so..

TalkBack / Re: New Assassin Joins Cast of Batman: Arkham Origins 
« on: July 19, 2013, 12:24:13 AM »
I know I'm going to sound sociopathic, but I really hope this game shows Barbara Gordan getting shot and paralyzed.

Well if they don't, just listen to this, close your eyes and tap your foot or bop your head while you imagine Barbara getting shot and paralyzed<3

Why can't Virtual Console be a universal Nintendo thing?

why does there need to be a separate one for Wii, 3DS & Wii U?
it's a rhetorical question I felt the need to put in writing. no one has to bother answering it.

are you on club nintendo? I recently caught up with some surveys (dammit some expired!) and decided I'm going to rag on the VC every chance I get.

Worth a shot, right?

TalkBack / Re: EarthBound Listed to Appear on the Wii U eShop Today
« on: July 19, 2013, 12:17:06 AM »
Just downloaded it; I might just do an all night session and see how far I can get just too see if they changed anything.

I've played the game many many many many times before and can probably breeze right through it, but Earthbound is such an awesome game that I'll likely spend hours talking to everyone in Onett just to reminisce. :)

TalkBack / Re: EarthBound Listed to Appear on the Wii U eShop Today
« on: July 18, 2013, 07:08:59 PM »
At least some of you got to purchase it. If I get home and can't get into the eshop I'm calling Nintendo and telling at them for not taking my money.

And this is coming from a guy who owns the damn cart, US and Japanese versions.

TalkBack / Re: EarthBound Listed to Appear on the Wii U eShop Today
« on: July 18, 2013, 03:17:45 PM »
Since I can't download the game right now I went and watched the ND Mini to get some hype going (as if I needed it for this title) and I must say..

If Trinnen ever gets canned from Nintendo, he'll have a decent career in the hand modeling business. Did you see how perfectly he highlighted that players guide!?

TalkBack / Re: EarthBound Listed to Appear on the Wii U eShop Today
« on: July 18, 2013, 02:59:33 PM »
I keep getting various error codes when trying to access the e-shop...

NWR Forums Discord / Re: George Bush celebrates the Year of Luigi
« on: July 16, 2013, 10:25:13 PM »
 Now if they can only reach Wiener Cousin status...

getting excited!

Stupid Fed pumping the town economy by pumping Bells into the system. Hyper inflation will cause Tom Nook's prices to go waayyyy up.

Can Nintendo patch the game to do just this? A changing economy in real time for this game would be pretty amazing

(Sylvia's voice) Oh poo' Traviz, looks like you blew your load yet again!

TalkBack / Re: There Are 'No Plans' for a ZombiU Sequel
« on: July 10, 2013, 04:49:16 PM »
How about you form your own opinion about something instead of relying on other people? I, on the other hand, fucking love the gameplay and find it immensely fun. So much fun, in fact, that I've put many hours into the online multiplayer and have beaten the single player three separate times.

Does anyone remember when people tried games for themselves instead of relying on internet strangers?

So you buy every game you have the slightest interest in without informing yourself? You mind loaning me some of your disposable income so I can pick up a PS3 and a copy of the game so I no longer have to borrow a friends?

And just for the record, I do form my own opinion but considering I don't have the luxury time to game like I would like to I try to do as much research as possible as to not waste precious time. Because reviews are skewed for these tropes of games I go to people I know personally over reader reviews on forums because I know what they like I'm relation to my own taste. If someone with similar taste doesn't recommend a game then I won't give it priority. If I'm highly interested I'll still give it a shot but much much later on.

Take Assassins Creed as a recent example.Kept hearing everywhere how fun this series is and how I'm crazy for not having played a single entry yet. Even close friends recommended it. Bought it for Wii U in November and only recently started playing it. Can't stand these cut scenes every two seconds. Not my cup of tea, and while I understand that they help emphasize a game story, to me personally it breaks the game playing experience. I, as the gamer, feel as if I have no control over the game when it constantly stops me to watch a scene. Sure I can skip it and I'm grateful for the option, but then I'd miss something relevant to my next step or be confused about it, so it feels like I'm forced to watch it.

I just want to play games, man.

TalkBack / Re: There Are 'No Plans' for a ZombiU Sequel
« on: July 10, 2013, 03:24:07 PM »
Regarding the last of us, I've seen a lot of footage and while our seems like a decent story to experience, it doesn't look like a fun video game, and from what I've heard from the handful of people I know that have beat it, it doesn't come across as very fun.

Does anyone remember when video games were still games?

Nintendo Gaming / Re: GCN Emulator for Wii/WiiU
« on: July 09, 2013, 11:37:53 PM »
I've spent half of Sunday trying to make it work on Wii U.

Well, at least i was able to make it work with Timesplitters 2 on original Wii. Since Devolution made Classic Controller usable for GC games, it was the first time i was able to control the game at all.

Even then there are some quirks, like changed mapping of buttons which is understandable. L1 doesn't work in-game, but it switches something really weird inside Devolution so stick starts to work like in Wii VC N64 emulator or something like that.

Game itself also does something with aiming so it took me awhile get use to it and set it up.

(nice game, i only played first level because it was just for testing and because i didn't understand what am i supposed to do after destroying zombie in container)

I remember being stuck after destroying the mutant container too. I still don't remember what you HAVE to do next but I remember how the level ends. strange.

In my head it went like this:

"You don't have permission to stream our game."

"WHAT? Why not?!"

"Because you never asked!"


"Of course!"

Feel free to add a "news bonanza" at the appropriate location.

this does sound like nintendo haha

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Umm... Hey, TJ....
« on: July 09, 2013, 07:42:29 PM »

I ran out of popcorn..

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Here in my car...
« on: July 09, 2013, 07:35:26 PM »

NWR Forums Discord / Re: The YouTube Thread.
« on: July 08, 2013, 09:22:50 PM »
Not sure if anyone here is familiar with Hannah Minx on youtube but even if you're not, I can think of at least two things you'll like about this parody.

TalkBack / Re: Aonuma Faced Internal Pushback Against Wind Waker HD
« on: July 08, 2013, 02:05:01 PM »
But that would require actually remaking the game whereas Wind Waker is mostly just (lazy) uprezzing and a bit of GamePad functionality.

Which may or may not have been pushed from HD grading status to a full on retail release on order to expand the Wii U library. After all the #1 complaint about Wii U is lack of games.

The graphical showcase can come later, first you have to get more people to buy the system. Otherwise who would care if it can stand with the big boys.

Will they got extra money from me but I don't care. I'm enjoying the game and recently, so had my gf. Had anyone tried the motion controls? I had no idea the game supported it but the bigger surprise was that they worked really really well!

I'm not really depressed (though i am pretty self conscious), but sometimes I'm shy/Akward and a bit anti social. Anyone have any tips to help overcome these problems. I mean once I come out of my shell i'm a pretty friendly guy but i can be quiet/timid upon first meeting people.

Its OK guys, I've got this one.

First you need to go to Winters and ask Dr. Andonuts for the Skyrunner. You'll take this to Summers where you contact a local sailor to help you cross the sea into the foreign land of Scaraba. Hopefully his wife doesn't need you to snap her out of the stoic daze she's in or else you have to take a magic tart acid trip.

Anyhow, once in Scaraba locate the Dungeon Man and borrow his yellow submarine (the color is coincidental, so I've been told) to go further south to the Deep Darkness.

If you survive the swamps you'll arrive at Tenda village, just ask the Tenda chief, he should have the Book on Overcoming Shyness. Unless he doesn't. In that case find one of Talarama's monkeys, learn to teleport, head back to your home town and check the local library.

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