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Messages - Dryden

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TalkBack / RE:Sega Filled With Road Rage
« on: December 06, 2003, 05:30:09 PM »
It'll be interesting to see if this holds up.  I hope that this sets more of a precedent for originality in games.

Imagine - a Simpsons game with original gameplay!  Something not seen since the says of the Simpson Arcade game - still one of the best arcade side-scrollers to date!

TalkBack / RE:Viewtiful Joe is Back for More in Japan
« on: November 13, 2003, 12:30:13 PM »
IGN has got to be wrong.  Offering a harder mode?
Ultra V-Rated Mode is like walking into a room full of clowns and thinking that they're really funny, so you laugh.  But they're not those cool funny clowns that do that whole Charlie Chaplin walk, they're more like Stephen King's clown in "It", you know the one with John Ritter?  And they don't find your laugh very well-placed.  So they all frown about it, then surround you and do things that shouldn't be done with a balloon animal.

A Sweet mode that's harder would replace those clowns with Hitler, and that Balloon Animal with...ummm...Genghis Khan.  Hardcore.

I'd probably still buy it.  

TalkBack / RE:Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines Released
« on: November 12, 2003, 12:56:32 PM »
No, but there is a rumoured unlockable stage in which he eliminates Califonia's debt by shooting things.  Lots of things.

TalkBack / RE:Viewtiful Joe is Back for More in Japan
« on: November 12, 2003, 12:52:39 PM »
A great game, but I started on Adults mode, and I don't see the need for a mode two notches down.  Maybe a couple extra save points, especially in their damn five bosses in a row...but still.  And in Japan, nonetheless.  I thought they were gaming gods, able to smite petty American players with their superior gaming skills and Dance Dance Revolution madness.  Or so I'm told.

But that's better than the original plan to release it on the PS2 to get better market penetration.

TalkBack / RE:Surprises from Nintendo in the Future
« on: November 09, 2003, 05:08:37 PM »
And Game Gear is a terrible comparison.  Sega stopped making consoles for a reason.  Sony, on the other hand, can make consoles and can run them too.

And the SNES beat Genesis, again, on game developers.  Genesis never had Square, and it took a long time for Capcom to sign on.  And of course, Nintendo' game developers are the best in the world, which never helps the competition.

TalkBack / RE:Surprises from Nintendo in the Future
« on: November 09, 2003, 05:04:38 PM »
Sony is in a great position to release a portable system.  They have game developers on their side.  The Game Gear, Lynx, and the doomed N-Gage are great examples of how important this is.  (N-Gage selling only 5000 units in its first week - the worst launch since...umm...The Angry Ballet)

Nintendo will simply have to keep competing for developers.  This still boils down to keeping market share though, as simple as that.

And as much as I'd love the next Gameboy to be reverse compatible, it better have a similar disc format to Sony's solution as well.  We all know how well Nintendo does with cartridge systems against disc systems.

I think VideoGamerX has it right though - wireless is going to be important - very important.  I doubt that Nintendo will come up with a cost effective solution and keep 4-player compatibilty at the same time.  Two player wireless is much more manageable, unfortunately for Bomberman fans and such.

And I still say the "unconventional" game product is Rubix GameCube.  No joke.

TalkBack / RE:Surprises from Nintendo in the Future
« on: November 09, 2003, 07:15:38 AM »
Nintendo's not treating the Nokia N-Gage seriously either.  But then, no one is treating the N-Gage seriously.

As for a new VR accessory - I can't seriously see this happening until VR games become more popular in Japanese arcades.  If Nintendo spearheads this, you'll be seeing VR with their Triforce arcade board, not on console.  I never liked the Virtual Boy, because it wasn't portable, and it wasn't a home system.  This is a big problem that Arcades can overcome.

And as for the PSP - Nintendo is taking the threat seriously.  But they won't be "spooked" into changing their market strategy by announcements from Sony.  Sony has a lot more to lose, and gain, than Nintendo does in the portable market.  The risk is Sony's, not Nintendo's.

TalkBack / RE:Surprises from Nintendo in the Future
« on: November 08, 2003, 03:56:37 PM »
Nintendo, like all of the major game companies, are keeping their hands hidden right now.  There's no sense in advertising or promoting games that come out after Christmas, not when there's two months of holiday shopping left.

And it's not like Mario 128 will need lots of advance press anyway.  I wouldn't expect anything until their pre-E3 press releases.  If nothing then, then we wait for the N5.

Besides, there's plethora of Mario related games coming out soon, including Mario Kart, Mario Party 5, Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga, and the long awaited Mario Tennis.  LONG awaited.  Four months between Mario Golf and Mario Kart, and four more (at least) until Mario Tennis.  I hate marketing saavy.

TalkBack / RE:Mario Kart Unlockables REVEALED!
« on: November 08, 2003, 09:20:56 AM »
It's actually kind of sad the way they have to stretch the Mario Universe for more characters to make unlockable.  But kingvudu is right, this is Mario Kart, not Super Smash Bros. Kart.

TalkBack / RE:Surprises from Nintendo in the Future
« on: November 08, 2003, 09:13:44 AM »
I stand corrected:  I actually read the *entire* acticle, and they talk about Donkey Konga quite a bit.

That means that the "unconventional" product is in fact something we haven't heard about, and Rick is wrong.  HA!

With Mario 128 further off (apparently), maybe this unconventional game product is something from our good man, Shigeru Miyamoto?   But if the senior VP of marketing hasn't heard anything whatsoever, even after a three-month old announcement, this is a well kept secret indeed.

I'm sure more rumours will abound, but we likely won't find out till E3.

My call?  A Rubix GameCube.  No joke.

TalkBack / RE:Surprises from Nintendo in the Future
« on: November 08, 2003, 06:51:58 AM »
I hate to disappoint, but this interview was in *August*, slating a spring 2004 "introduction".

That means two things:
1. That it's probably not on the market until Summer, knowing Nintendo's bad release estimates.
2. That this is old news by 3 months.

These just tend to make me agree with the others here on the forum and with Rick that it's only Donkey Konga.  That sounds like an "unconventional" game product to me.

As for Super Mario 128 - it's a possibility.  Nothing more.  Kinda like Metriod Prime was a possibility for N64.  I'm quite glad they waited.  And Super Mario 128 would be a wonderful lauch title for the N5.  Missing Mario Sunshine at launch of the Cube hurt, and Sunshine sold a lot of consoles, even if it was a disappointing game.  Besides, Super Mario 128 is a simple launch title for a new system - only one player, no need for online capabilities, and gives the developers room to show off new hardwarde.

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