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Messages - Rize

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TalkBack / Re: IMPRESSIONS: I Heart Geeks!
« on: August 06, 2009, 11:47:19 AM »
Try the flash game "fantastic contraption" if you like or are interested in TIM.

General Gaming / Re: Wii can do it too?
« on: July 29, 2009, 02:25:41 PM »
My problem was I refused to go down in vertical resolution for my normal PC usage (particularly music editing programs).  So 1080p was out of the question for me.

General Gaming / Re: Wii can do it too?
« on: July 28, 2009, 10:37:32 AM »
I have a 24 inch 1920x1200 monitor.  I tried to use it for gaming for a while, but sitting in a chair playing console game is bleh (plus the extra vertical resolution created an annoying vertical stretch).

You use a plasma monitor?

I saw a cheap LCD once that suffered some kind of image retention.  However, it eventually went away (it was an LCD where I work).  It had DOS style words from one of the boot screens issued by the BIOS that got stuck one day and sat there for a really long time.  Using windows regularly for a while made it go away.

But generally LCD's are considered invincible against burn in.

General Gaming / Re: Wii can do it too?
« on: July 27, 2009, 04:52:14 PM »
So, dare i ask, do you watch any SDTV on your shiny plasma?

Almost never.  The last thing was Punch Out!!  Which looked fine since it was focused on giant cartoonish characters rather than gaming environments with minute detail.  Some DVDs still look good on it as well, although visual extravaganza's are noticeably blurry.

Wait, you game on a plasma? Doesn't that cause burn-in of HUD elements? AFAIK plasmas are unsuitable for gaming because of that.

It's not ideal, but it can be done.  The trick is to just not play the same game forever.  If you switch it up, each game's HUD is in a different spot from previous games and things end up evening out.  Most of the time after beating a game there are no problems except where the game has really bright HUD elements.  That said, I try to avoid games with large garish HUDs unless the game is exceptional.  Then I'll go ahead and play it but run a break-in program at night which wears all the other pixels in.  Pixel wear gets slower and slower as the pixels gets older, so the less worn pixels always catch up with the worn pixels in time.  Eventually it will get both harder to damage the screen and harder to fix it.  I intend to eventually retire this screen to a TV and movies only screen and get an LCD for gaming.  I'm just waiting for LCD tech to get a bit better (or for the best LCD tech to get a bit cheaper).

I also minimize the image retention whenever possible by eliminating HUD elements or cranking up the transparency if the game lets me.  I love a game like Dead Space that allows me to not worry about the HUD at all because there is none.  It kinda sucks to have your choice of games and attitude towards them determined partially by the HUD design, but man they look beautiful on a plasma  :)

General Gaming / Re: Wii can do it too?
« on: July 23, 2009, 02:02:02 PM »
But "Only" implies the sole reason for purchasing the game. If he had said "one of the main/biggest reasons.." it'd be different. The sad truth is there are gamers out there who are blinded by pretty graphics and don't give two ****s about play control, sound or any other part of game design. Somehow the looks are SO good to these gamers that nothing else matters, and thats ridiculous to me, but hey i guess I just don't know how to get joygasm from my eyes and am weird for needing a whole experience before i climax :P Really though, if the ONLY reason you're buying a game is because it looks amazing, you'd probably be the type to go out and buy a nice fancy Ferrari with no engine under the hood.

Oh and innovation had nothing to do with it, because i agree if the game is solid at what its supposed to do, it can still be a very enjoyable game. We're talking about graphics here.

To be fair, I waited 4 months (thankfully since they didn't get around to patching the junk controls until May 28th) and what finally tipped the scales was a Eurogamer review praising the AI.  However, if it was an ugly shooter with supposedly good AI set in a boring environment I wouldn't have been interested.  So I guess you can say that graphics were the deciding factor, but not the only factor.

I guess the point I was trying to make is that even with solid level design and AI, I wouldn't have been interested in Killzone 2 if it weren't a PS3 flagship game.  I like seeing nice pictures on my shiny 50" plasma.

General Gaming / Re: Wii can do it too?
« on: July 22, 2009, 02:30:49 PM »
Ian nailed it perfectly.

The Wii is so feature poor (especially since I decidedly prefer analog sticks to motion control) that for me a Wii game has almost no chance of drawing my interest.  From my perspective, a Wii game is a last gen game.  The only way I'm going to be interested in playing a last-gen game is if it is either utterly great/unique (Galaxy, Punch Out, Metroid Prime, Metroid Other M, Zelda) or if I really have nothing better to do.   In which case those games have to compete with the best of last gen that I didn't play yet (off the top of my head): Okami Wii, God of War 1 and 2, Final Fantasy 12, Psychonauts, Beyond Good and Evil, Prince of Persia 2 and 3, Jade Empire, Ratchet and Clank 1, 2 and 3, Sly 1, 2 and 3, Jak 3).  I'd be more inclined to buy the Metroid Prime Trilogy and replay Prime than play any of those games any time soon.

As far as Conduit in particular, do we really need any more shooters?  The only reason I buy things like Killzone 2 is because they look so drop-dead gorgeous.  I could imagine playing Conduit to be a profoundly boring experience.

General Gaming / Re: Killzone 2
« on: July 15, 2009, 02:35:43 PM »
Honestly, Killzone 2 smokes Gears although they are two very different type of shooter.  Killzone 2 is far more cerebral.

General Gaming / Re: Killzone 2
« on: July 14, 2009, 02:42:16 PM »
Yep, so I totally missed this debate.  I figured why bother pick up KZ2 since I still hadn't touched Resistance 1 or 2.  Now I've finished both of them and finally got Killzone 2.

Apparently on May 27th or so, a new patch was released for KZ2 that added "high precision mode" (toggled from the options menu).  Basically, the thing that has been aggravating everyone about KZ2's controls is that it was stuck in what is basically the equivalent of Metroid Prime 3's "basic" or "standard" mode (i.e. there's a large dead zone in the middle of the analog stick that does nothing).  In "high precision mode", the dead zone is about the same as any other FPS.  There is still a hard coded movement/turning lag, but now it feels as it was intended to feel (gives the movement some weight without making it impossible to aim).

With the controls fixed (and boy did I pitch a fit on another forum until someone told me "get the patch stupid"), I'm finding the game to be incredible.  The overall feel of the game combined with relatively realistic AI is making it a very interesting experience compared to any other shooter I've played.  It's essentially humans vs. humans, but on a non-Earth setting.  The enemies have a vaguely German aesthetic about them. Basically, imagine if WW2 took place in the future in another solar system between two space faring human races who nevertheless do their fighting primarily on the ground with weapons that (so far) are essentially no more advanced than today's average military weapons.

General Gaming / Re: Red Faction: Geurrilla
« on: July 13, 2009, 08:59:45 PM »
This game was kind of a reboot imo.  It was meant to be more enjoyed by newcomers than old fans.  I enjoyed driving around between missions just to take in the sights.  I thought I would miss the terrain damage, but didn't (played the original RF but not the second).

I don't see why you think any building collapses were scripted.  It all looked completely physics driven to me (within the limitations of the physics engine of course).

Beatles songs are so easy to play and sing along to in real life, that Beatles Rock Band is kinda pointless for me.  Check this out:

All you need to do is learn a few simple chords and start strumming randomly to the chord progressions (reading the chord charts is the easiest thing in the world too, not like reading real music which is like a foreign language).  Sure it isn't an A1 version of the song, but it's functional if you remember the tune and can sing a bit.  You can do this competently with a few months of practice (and then if you want to step it up, get some Metallica tab books).

Tab books of music you like are the best way to learn guitar, I swear.

that gif never gets old

General Gaming / Re: Red Faction: Geurrilla
« on: July 08, 2009, 11:12:35 AM »
I never even bought the proximity mines once.

General Gaming / Re: Red Faction: Geurrilla
« on: July 07, 2009, 02:28:13 PM »
Ah I see.  Well it might be useful in the harder difficulty modes to hoard a few, but it's not necessary for casual mode.

General Gaming / Re: Prototype
« on: July 07, 2009, 02:27:06 PM »
Tell that to the main that played Red Faction, Prototype and inFamous back to back!

The only one I really wanted to go back and play more of was Red Faction.  And I did blaze through inFamous a second time as an evil character, but I skipped all side missions and finished the game in two short sessions.

General Gaming / Re: Red Faction: Geurrilla
« on: July 07, 2009, 12:38:45 PM »
hmm, I guess you have to raid EDF supplies somehow to get them.  there are these EDF supply crates you're supposed to blow up, but I never knew of any way to raid them.

oh well, still a fun game :)

General Gaming / Re: Prototype
« on: July 07, 2009, 12:37:42 PM »
haha, basically I meant stealth as in a way to got those bastards to stop shooting at you while you're exploring.  that's just not the way the game is set up though.

even when you clear out parts of the city by doing side missions, you can still find enemies on the ground and enemies in neighboring non-cleaned sectors wills till shoot you from the roof.  it's maddening except on easy mode you can mostly just ignore the bullets if you keep moving.

General Gaming / Re: Red Faction: Geurrilla
« on: July 07, 2009, 10:49:00 AM »
I got myself an "ultor era bomb" twice, but no black hole bombs.

If you did find them, wouldn't it have to take up a weapon slot?  Afterwards, can you buy more bombs/ammo like you can with other guns you find?

General Gaming / Re: Prototype
« on: July 07, 2009, 10:47:14 AM »
Broodwars, except if you haven't actually played Prototype (or at least Hulk Ultimate Destruction) you don't really have any idea what you're talking about.  They're both open world games where you play a "super hero".  The similarities end there.  The gameplay of each game is about as different as possible otherwise.  InFamous has no stealth element for example.  It's impossible to go under the radar and stop all those pricks from shooting at you.  That alone drastically changes the feel of Prototype (for the better).

I also used to think I couldn't tolerate open world games, but it turns out I was playing all the wrong ones.  I really enjoyed Red Faction and Prototype.  I forced myself to go through inFamous and I've never once finished a GTA game.

btw, I would say Red Faction was better than both Prototype and inFamous.

General Gaming / Re: Prototype
« on: July 06, 2009, 03:03:30 PM »
I find this game nothing like inFamous.  I found it far more fun first of all.  InFamous is ultimately a shooter, whereas prototype features a hard to describe combat system.  Whatever attack you're using, you usually lock on to your target before executing it.  The attacks cover a range of melee and weapon attacks, but without manual aiming even the ranged attacks feel nothing like inFamous.  It's far more visceral.

I never got bored of the open world in Prototype because the entire world is open from the beginning.  It's not like in most open world games where after you play a third of the game they let you into a new area that looks almost identical to the first area.  You're never thinking about opening up new parts of the world, but rather opening up new abilities for the character.  Side missions are shamelessly pointless (i.e. they're not even remotely related to the story, instead being purely designed as fun tests of your combat, movement or stealth abilities).

Let me repeat myself: Prototype is way more fun than inFamous

Also, it may be possible that you're not getting much more out of this if you already played the Hulk game last gen (I skipped it), but surely the game is far more polished and has a lot more depth. 

Did anyone actually play both of them (at least half way through) or are we just talking out of our ass?

General Gaming / Re: Red Faction: Geurrilla
« on: July 06, 2009, 02:55:34 PM »
You know, I never found any black hole mines except in one of the demo challenges.

General Gaming / Re: The "Game Overthinker" Thread
« on: July 06, 2009, 02:54:11 PM »
Not the greatest, but I still watched all his vids anyway.  Thanks for the link.

General Gaming / Re: Rape Games and You
« on: July 04, 2009, 03:06:01 PM »
The same argument can be used in support of legalizing all drugs.  Prohibit and arrest people for illegal behavior, not for taking a substance that makes them more likely to commit illegal behavior.

TalkBack / Re: Jimmy Page and Jack White Dismiss Music Games
« on: July 04, 2009, 02:52:15 PM »
haha, just wanted to say that I'm one of the drummers in the world that can play Good Times Bad Times.  I had to study the beat and write it down since it's so complicated (most of Bonham's stuff is like that).  Once I have the beat on paper, it's generally a lot easier to play actually.  My band will be covering the song at our first gig in a couple months.

It's also funny he should say this since GH/RB drumming is the closest thing to the real instrument (although still very far since there is no feedback for how hard you hit the drum head).

General Gaming / Re: Red Faction: Geurrilla
« on: June 30, 2009, 06:00:02 PM »
Well there's one in the second sector where the EDF will quickly kill all of the NPCs helping you.  And once they take out the main building in the compound the mission is a bust.

Kohler did a blurb on RF today where he revealed the process of figuring out that it's a lot more fun on casual mode.  Although I had plenty of fun in the first sector on  normal mode (because the first sector is easy).

General Gaming / Re: Red Faction: Geurrilla
« on: June 26, 2009, 10:42:46 PM »
Hm, I'm playing on normal so far and it's working fine, at red alert the enemies spawn at a rate that makes staying in one spot a really bad idea but as the game says, it's supposed to be about hit and run, you're a terrorist after all so staying in one spot is supposed to kill you...

It just feels a bit tedious when you have to break every wall on the ground floor to destroy a building instead of eliminating a few load bearers to bring it down with minimal effort.

I was being a completionist and there are a couple of optional missions where you're required to stay in once place and kill stuff.  Actually besides those, I suppose normal mode is playable.  Maybe it will become ridiculously hard later though.

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