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Messages - aoi tsuki

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Living in the south is much much worse. i've to withstand a barrage of lengthened syllables and modified vowel sounds.

ThePerm: Don't feel bad. Our president can't say "nuclear". He should talk to Homer Simpson sometime; he runs a nukular plant.

General Gaming / RE: psp specs revealed
« on: July 30, 2003, 04:02:04 PM »
Thing is, i don't remember Sony spouting numbers above 60-66mpps. The 70 and 100+ figures, from what i remember, were bounced about by the media. 33mpps is as believable as 60-66 on PS2 given the same minimalist conditions. But the specs seem to suggest that those 33 million polys are transformed and lit. If that's true, i wonder why they didn't release the peak numbers for the first graphics core, which would likely be able to pump out more polys than the second core.


Basically, the polygon count that they give is with no effects, and the most pathetic polygons you've ever seen.

Haha, if i remember correctly, those numbers were also with no light sources. Most pathetic polygons you've never seen.


A case in point is the launch of the PS2 they wanted to get it out so bad they released it with a subpar titles, and without a solid supply line.

i think that's more of a case of "because we can". The hype surrounding it was so huge that the masses didn't care about the lukewarm launch lineup, and shortages only upped demand. Nintendo's good for that too.  

General Chat / RE: Free Game-Pro Magazine Subscription
« on: July 30, 2003, 03:07:13 PM »
i just got the new issue of GMR today. i'm a poor judge of magazines these days since i only read them for the articles in which case play and XBN are my top picks. i get GMR for "free" since i got the EB discount card. This month's issue features an interview with Shigeru Miyamoto, Soul Calibur II blowout (as seen on the awesome cover), and history of fighting games feature . GMR isn't my favorite mag, but it's getting there. The last three issues have been really good.

General Chat / RE: Free Game-Pro Magazine Subscription
« on: July 30, 2003, 04:11:31 AM »
Pass. i value my free time, and squandering it on Gamepro isn't "free" to me.

Thanks for passing it along though.

General Gaming / RE: psp specs revealed
« on: July 29, 2003, 07:25:29 PM »
Again with the “portable” comments? If you consider a laptop portable, then so is the PSP. Pocket-sized it may not be, but i'd expect it roughly the size of Sony's Nx-series of PDAs, which are a little longer than standard PDAs. The disc-based nature of the device shouldn't add much more size, shock sensitivity, or power consumption to the device as any recent Minidisc owner can attest. "Shock proof" is even noted in the specs.

The 7.1 sound is interesting. I remember Rick Powers saying how cool it would be to have Dolby's headphone technology incorporated into a handheld system. I had thought the same too, although power and CPU usage seemed like it would be too high. Looks like Sony's using their own surround sound tech in the PSP to emulate Dolby and DTS's technologies, although it's worthwhile to note that even Dolby's technology only employs five channels (six if you include the LFE channel mixed into the left and right speakers).

Remember that the device will be used to play movies as well, which would be the best use of 7.1 sound. I don't expect it to be used in a real time environment (ie games), at least not all eight channels. I also don't expect it to be true 7.1 sound, with a true LFE channel. In any case it looks like i may be able to finally put my earphones to good use on a portable game system.

Regarding heat, i think it'll ultimately depend on what's being used, although i wouldn't be surprised if it got hotter than the GBA based on the sheer amount of hardware. Battery life will also be dependant on what's being used, but i'm sure it'll be shorter than GBA's in actual use. But if Sony's shooting for an older market, and i've posted this before, what's the big deal? How many of us in our late teens to twenties have gobs of time on end to play games? How hard is it to drop a device in a cradle to recharge it? Have i've gotten too accustomed to my bi-daily cell phone and PDA (before it got destroyed) chargings, or for those of us in that age range is it just not that big a deal?

Now if we could just get some info on price and games.  

General Gaming / RE: Linux on Gamecube??
« on: July 28, 2003, 10:17:11 AM »
People have some odd attraction to get everything with a CPU to run Linux, not unlike Microsoft's similar fixation with getting everything with a CPU to run Windows.

General Chat / RE: Airport questions.
« on: July 27, 2003, 07:34:51 AM »
If you're really afraid, just do what mouse_clicker recommends and put it in the tray or let the people in the scanning station know that your equipment is sensitive. Also, make sure that whatever packages you bring with you can easily be opened if need be. For most things, x-rays are harmless. They can damage certain types of film although it's mostly high end stuff.

General Chat / RE: This is why school shootings happen
« on: July 27, 2003, 07:28:12 AM »

George Lucas should put the kid in Ep 3 to make him feel better / get back at those kids - of course if it sucks as bad as Ep 1 & Ep 2.... it might be worse!

If he does make it into Episode 3, nothing will really change. He'll just be the boy that George Lucas felt sorry for, and they'll just have more material to make fun of him since he was actually in a Star Wars movie.

The only way his situation will get better is if he changes himself, toughens up and gets some confidence. Losing some weight would help, although he might already be doing that considering his condition. When people see the change in him, they'll eventually lose interest.

The best thing for him to do is be successful in life, then return to his school for a renunion a few decades later and thank all the jerks that made fun of him for motivating him to greatness.

General Chat / RE: This is why school shootings happen
« on: July 26, 2003, 09:13:33 AM »

Had they appologized and actually given a crap, do you honestly think thry would still be sued, and if they were for anywhere remotely what they are being sued for?

In all fairness, they may had been advised by their lawyers not to apologize, as it would've been a admittance of guilt.

i kinda have to side with Grey Ninja on this one. i was teased so badly in one school that i developed an ulcer and had to take meds. Not fun at all; where's my iPod? i got over it, and you know what? i'm a better person for it. i can deal with situations a lot better and can stand up for myself if i need to. i do feel bad for the guy, especially considering the severity of his condition. Hopefully, he'll be able to move past this and become stronger because of it.


Suing someone because your son was dumb enough to leave the tape in the camcorder of himself doing some VERY ungraceful moves? WTF do you think will happen?

It reminds me of the Libby Hoeler vids. The story goes that she used her webcam to make vids of herself stripping to send to her boyfriend. He fond out she was cheating, and distributed them out on the web, one with what is alleged to be her address and phone number. i've heard no news of her filing a suit. i'm sure she's been approached by people in the adult industry, if she wasn't already a member.

If anything, the kids should be punished for stealing school property. Also, i want to know what the school did to improve the situation once it spread.  

General Chat / RE: Renting Games Online?
« on: July 25, 2003, 08:27:05 PM »
You'd probably get charged the price of the game and some hefty fees. You need a credit card to sign up, so it's not like they won't know who you are if you think about ripping them off. The added advantages of renting online is selection as well as cost, especially if you rent a lot. If you live in a small city like i do, most rental places won't have a good selection of Gamecube games, which makes it all the more attractive to rent online. Some places rent imports as well.  

Toriyama's World does a lot of manga though, and i think their staff is smaller than ANBU. Regardless, i like both groups; ANBU for speed and TW for translations. i'll watch ANBU's release, then some time later, i'll get TW's for archival purposes.

General Chat / RE: Am I a Dinosaur?
« on: July 23, 2003, 07:26:09 PM »
I always saw oldies as the '60's and 70's but on the radio they say oldies now when they play 80's stuff. Also, I was recently at Tower Records and they had a cd titled "Totally Oldies". By the title you can guess what it was.

Funny, when i think of "totally" anything, i think of the 80s. ^_^

General Chat / RE: Am I a Dinosaur?
« on: July 23, 2003, 05:28:56 PM »

As far as music, I graduated high school in '88 and it horrifies me that the music I listened to from that time is considered "oldies"

i guess it's because i haven't listened to the radio in years (outside of NPR), but i can't recall 80s music being referred to as "oldies". When i think of oldies, i think of 60s and 70s. music. Granted, i was a kid in the 80s, but it still feels recent, especially with a renewed interest in the 80s in the past few years.

General Chat / RE: Avatar Discussion
« on: July 23, 2003, 12:29:43 PM »
Mine's from the anime Naruto. i'm too lazy to give a description of it, so visit for info. It's one of my favorite longer series in a while, and it's one of the most popular anime right now.

The Perm - Pretty slick!! i always meant to ask where you got that avatar from. At first i thought it was from the anime Lupin. Flash is a great vector program, although if you're from the Illustrator school of thought, it'll take some time to get used to it's quirks. It's probably better for avatars since it handles animation and exports to animated GIF as well.

mouse clicker - Always loved that avatar. Simple, but great work from a paint program. Reminds me of one of my first drawings in BASIC.

Grey Ninja - What was your old avatar from?

NWR Feedback / RE: Forum rules link is dead
« on: July 22, 2003, 01:26:59 PM »
The link on still points to the old address.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Adapter to use X-box controller on Gamecube?
« on: July 22, 2003, 11:22:31 AM »
[DOS attacks suck, and i hope the offenders are caught and slowly castrated with hot, rusty farm tools.]

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Adapter to use X-box controller on Gamecube?
« on: July 22, 2003, 11:06:23 AM »
mikey25nnj, i haven't seen an Xbox to GC adapter. GC seems to have the worst support from third parties when it comes to these kinds of adapters. If you're really serious, take WesDawg's suggestion and get an X-Arcade. i hate playing SCII on the GC pad; it's just really ill-suited for fighters, especially compared to the competition's pads. i'm partial to sticks myself; nothing else gives you the instantaneous access you need to all of your buttons.

General Chat / RE: CowBoy Bebop:The Movie.
« on: July 21, 2003, 08:25:56 AM »
No, the movie actually takes place towards the end of the series, although you'd never know it without a knowledge of the series. The movie stands on its own, although it is recommended that you watch the series before the movie to get a better understanding of finer points.

General Chat / RE: You know you have a problem when...
« on: July 20, 2003, 11:00:14 PM »
i wouldn't be surprised to find out the different groups of people that browse these forums. i wish that more people outside of the male, 12-20 year old group would make themselves known. Unfortunately for this board, at least recently, we've had a bad run with female posters who "came out".

General Chat / RE: CowBoy Bebop:The Movie.
« on: July 20, 2003, 07:27:25 PM »
Ditto. It still holds up today, which is due largely in part because much of it's inspired by themes familiar to Westerners. Some criticized the movie for being one long episode (which it was) but i love it regardless. i only wish there was more to CB after the "XX" episode; i really hate to see it end.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: The N5
« on: July 20, 2003, 12:34:47 PM »
Why does anyone quote the spong? Their idea of evidence is two people from the same company knowing each other...

Beat me to it. In the short stint that i've known of their existence, they've spewed several bits of "news" and rumors. The last memorable one being that Nintendo issued a patent to allow a portable game machine to run code from a console. Yeah, Nintendo calls it connectivity.

N5 sounds good, but i'd rather them continue the Gamecube name, if for nothing else than establishing a brand. "Gamecube" sounds no more kiddy than "Playstation". i remember thinking of Playskool toys when i head the Playstation name first mentioned in a game mag.


But I still can't figure out the blasted naming convention.

i don't see Sega's Mega/Sega naming conventions being any more cryptic than Nintendo's Famicom ("family computer", i know).

US - Sega Genesis, Sega CD
Japan, Europe - Mega Drive, Mega CD

"Mega" may have sounded cooler outside the US, while "Sega" reinforces the brand in the US. Who knows?

General Gaming / RE: A little serious X-box discussion... please.
« on: July 20, 2003, 12:20:44 PM »
Store 410 in Dearborn, Michigan. i think that was back in 1998. Luckily, i've purged much of those experiences from memory.

NWR Feedback / Forum rules link is dead
« on: July 19, 2003, 01:51:19 PM »
Just a heads up. The link on the main forum page to the rules links to the temporary address you used a couple months back:

NWR Feedback / RE: suggestion for a new forum
« on: July 19, 2003, 01:49:20 PM »
You should talk to the mods about making the sales thread sticky. There isn't enough interest to support a full thread, but i wouldn't mind visiting a thread to get a heads up on good deals.

General Gaming / RE: A little serious X-box discussion... please.
« on: July 19, 2003, 01:26:23 PM »
Yeah i worked PC/HO mainly, and occasioanlly worked tech desk, warehouse, tv/video, and digital (which used to be cellular, WebTV, and satellite). That store sucks hard now; i don't think i could ever go back.

One thing i do miss about retail is the perks from reps, and special events. MS and Intel are really good at that. It's obviously legit, but again, check ebay. Launch games like Azurik, Nightcaster, and Blood Wake might not even be worth it. And you need Live! to even play PSO, so that's something to consider as well.

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