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Topics - please let me in, please

Pages: [1]
General Gaming / Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2
« on: April 15, 2007, 12:26:46 PM »
I have beaten all of the story line, including the impossible missions, and I want to get all of the characters. But, I dont have anymore itemfusions left. Can someone explain to me how to get more?

General Gaming / online problems
« on: December 22, 2006, 03:54:15 AM »
Hey, I made a video and im trying to upload it to, but it wont work. Does anyone know what file type I should put it at to upload it, and how I can do that because I dont know. Im using windows movie maker. Thanks.  

General Chat / The Grudge 2: will leave you with a grudge
« on: October 14, 2006, 06:28:15 AM »
This is by far the worst movie I have ever seen ( Besides son of the mask). Everything about it was 10 times worse than the first one. Acting was atrocious, all the spots where there could of been a good scare were trivial, lighting was bad, and some parts were just hilarious. Everyone in the theatre was laughing at the movie, except for a few of the little girls that my friend scared the ever living crap out of  . So if you expect a horror movie, which I know most of you dont, then you are sadly mistaken. The only reason to go is to laugh your head off, or to waste your money.    

General Chat / Question about uploading videos
« on: October 06, 2006, 02:03:54 PM »
I know how to put movies on the internet, and i did, but i put it on ifilm because i couldnt on youtube. The only problem is that i want to show it here, but i dont know how to put it here, i only figured out how to do that with youtube. Help please? The video is called Ghost Recon by mcspankinpoop, featuring the song Rapture by Hurt. It took me 9 hours to make it.  

General Chat / how do i put videos on the internet?
« on: July 20, 2006, 01:36:08 PM »
Heres the problem: i have made multiple videos, and one im making right now is extremely good. When i finish it, i want to put it up on the internet, but i cant find a site where i can put it. Can you guys help me figure out a site, and how to put it up there?

General Chat / Lady in the Water
« on: July 18, 2006, 02:51:11 PM »
     Im a big fan of M. Night Shyamalan, and love all of his movies except for the village. He can create a great story, and i belive in that with this movie. I just dont know what to expect. Reviews have been bad, even though i dont usually trust them. He first wants a children type story, but makes the commercials look like its creepy. Heres one for example:

water commerical

What i like is that hes trying to do something different, or thats what he says.

shyamalan interview

I am going to see it, but i know that they have already screened it in nyc, and some other areas.

General Chat / Downloads
« on: July 05, 2006, 07:05:22 PM »
Hey guys, im trying to make a music video commemerating Dimebag Darrell, but i cant find any place that will let me download his videos. I plan to spend a few weeks on it, make it really good, then post it on the internet somewhere. Can you guys help me by telling me a good place to download them?

If you dont know who Dimebag Darrell is....     I feel for you.

Nintendo Gaming / Friend code problem
« on: July 03, 2006, 04:54:05 PM »
Whenever I add someones friendcode, and they do the same for me, I can never see that they are online, or the game they started on mph. They can see these things, but i cant for some reason. Any suggestions?

General Chat / DS v.s. PSP
« on: July 01, 2006, 05:30:22 PM »
Has noone seriously made this thread yet? If so, o well.

I personally beleive the ds is greater than the psp. It has more fun games. Thats about it for me. I like some of the games for the PSP, but it just doesnt have enough. Also, it costs too much; and has some things you dont have to have. Sure the graphcs are a lot better, but as nintendo is trying to point out to the masses, graphics arent everything.

This is just my opinion. Why reading, heres a video to go along with the war.

General Chat / once again...
« on: July 01, 2006, 04:10:25 PM »
Something else that shows nintendos quality.

N64...   breakable?

This one tests the ps2, xbox, and gamecube. Who comes out victorious?

General Gaming / Problem with wifi
« on: June 30, 2006, 06:04:26 AM »
Ok, i added Firebelly to my friends list on Mph and he added mine. Whenever he was online it said he wasnt on, but he said he could see me. I also couldnt see if he started a game, and i have to start one in order to play him. The bad thing about this is I wont know if hes on or not. Any ideas?

General Chat / Ah... The good ole days.
« on: June 23, 2006, 03:17:13 PM »
Remember playing the N64 and thinking it was the most awesome thing ever? That was the best. Anyone still have Battle Tanx: Global Assault? That multiplayer is SWEET. There is nothing like it. Blowing stuff up with tanks. And Zelda OoT? Thats my favorite Zelda to date. I still play it. The graphics were amazing back then. Anyone ever played Perfect Dark or Blast Corpse?

General Chat / Im leaving
« on: June 15, 2006, 07:05:32 AM »
you know what, forget all of you. Im tired of everyone being such an A** ( except for Kairon and Easycure). Even when im nice and crap. So, see you never. Here you can talk about me behind my back while i go over to the gamespot, or gamefaqs forum.

oh, and pale, watch your back.  

General Chat / Football
« on: June 14, 2006, 09:34:28 AM »
football practice = pain

ok, so i started on monday, getting to know more plays and maxing out. they tested my speed, than ran me dry.

I was sore for 2 days.

Today, the pain began:

4 reps of 4 on bench press, starting with 65% of max, then 70%, 75%, and last 80%.

Next, Squats. Same as last, 4 reps of 4 with the same percentages.

After Squats, Clean lifts. Same reps and percents.

You then do as many chinups as possible in the amount of time coach wishes. in something close to 40 seconds, i did 15.

(Each one above was back to back, with no brakes in between.)

By now, your hot and slightly tired. Then they work you. 25 pushups without moving back or touching ground, 50 sit ups in a row, leg streches, and then more pushups.

They then give you a 5 minute brake to put your helmet on and cleats, then get some water and meet out on the field. We get out there, do 10 exercises, then get into a line of 5.

They then teach you drills after the exercises, and tell you to catch the ball, ( if not quarterback or on the line), if you miss the ball, even if the throw was way off, you do 10 get ups. A get up is this: run your feet in place as fast as you can, then when they say hit, you jump and hit your stomach on the ground, get back up quickly, and then run your feet, and repeat.

We continue doing drills, running our hardest in the burning hot heat, and then they blew the whistle, and we ran in to 2 lines: linemen, and skill, ( runningback, corner, quarterback, halfback, ect.) He then told us to get in positions, and run as hard as we can for 20 yards. We then instantly turned around and continued, until 100 yards was done; and this finished the day.

oh, and coach said it is getting much harder next time.


General Chat / Movies
« on: June 13, 2006, 03:10:02 PM »
ok, for years now hollywood has produced the largest amount of crap the world has ever seen. Still though, I find myself believing there is hope, and landing in a theatre with a bad performance, script and action on the screen.

So, i have made a list of cinematic movies that have a great script, actors, and know how to be in each category:

The Sixth Sense: Drama, after a terrible incident, a child psychologist tries to refind himself in a boy with a terrible gift.

Batman Begins: Drama, Action, the story of Bruce Wayne's destiny to become batman.

Forrest Gump: Drama, forrest, though not intelligent, finds himself in many historic events, yet his true love, Jenny, eludes him.

Back to the Future: Action, Adventure, 1985, Doc Brown creates a time machine, 1955, Marty Mcfly accidently kept his parents from meeting, putting his existence at stake.

The Shining: Thriller, a family moves to an isolated hotel for the winter where an evil and spiritual presence influences the father to violence, and his son coninues to see the past and future.

Se7en: Drama, Thriller, two cops, one retired and one new, are after a serial killer using the seven deadly sins as his motive.

The Matrix: Action, A computer hacker learns from mysterious rebels about the true nature of his reality and his role in the war against the controllers of it.

Sling Blade: Drama, Karl Childers, a simple man hospitalized since his childhood murder of his mother and her lover, is released to start a new life in a small town.

Million Dollar Baby: Drama, Sport, A hardened trainer/manager works with a determined woman in her attempt to establish herself as a boxer.

I know, there are billions of movies that are great, and there are more i could add. but, these are the movies that hit me the hardest.



General Gaming / Xbox handheld
« on: June 07, 2006, 11:09:17 AM »
I read in a handheld magazine that they had reports of microsoft working on a handheld since 2002. It was supposed to be released earlier, but something went wrong and they are working on it as we speak. They say it is supposed to come out in 2007, along with a halo game for it. I was wondering if anyone else heard about this.

General Chat / Rock
« on: June 07, 2006, 08:02:57 AM »
Not many people are rockers anymore, and that makes me sad. Anyone here like rock music?

Nickelback, Staind, Black Sabbath, Queen,Seether,System of a Down,ACDC, Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Pantera, Judas Priest, Godsmack,Kiss,Korn,Iron Maiden, Breaking Benjamin, Creed, Disturbed, Guns N Roses; anyone like that?  

Reader Reviews / Metroid Prime: Hunters
« on: June 06, 2006, 07:43:32 PM »
Okay, I may not be the best, but I think im pretty good. So, here it is:

Storymode: I wont go into detail here,(leaving others to do that), but I found it dull. The storyline was o.k. at the begining, trying to gather an item to gain the ultimate power before others, but then it just became stupid. One, each time you beat a boss on each planet, a timer would begin, and you would have to race to your ship before dieing. Once there, it just stops. No dramatic explosion, just stops. You could sit there all day, and nothing would happen. Another thing that bothered me, is that you had to go back to each planet, even after you were supposed to leave it to survive. Stupid. Next, you faught the same bounty hunters you already defeated once before. Without major scan visors or powerups found in true metroid games, it felt repetitive. The major lagging found in intense situations also took away from the experience. The only thing keeping it going for at least a small amount of time, is the fact its just fun shooting everything.


Multiplayer: This is all the creators had in mind. Really. This is it.
On single card, you can play with up to four people, but the people without it can only use samus; I also noticed that their sound quality was worse, but this may just be their ds. You start off with 26 courses, and get more by playing singleplayer.
In Multi-Card play you can go head to head with up to four people, create or join a game. There are 7 battle modes: Battle,(standard), Survival,(stock match), bounty,(gather item and send to drop point), Defender,(king of the hill), Prime Hunter,(see who can hold powers longest), Capture,(raid teams for there Octolith, score when both in your base), and Nodes,(gain points while Nodes under your control). In Multi-Card, it is intense action with very little lagging.
Wi-fi is the best part. You can just press find a game, and nintendo will find you up to 3 random opponents to fight. Once found, you go to the usually steps, then vote for an arena. Then fight. After fighting, it will bring you to a stats page, and let you ask someone to be your rival. They can agree or disagree, and if they agree, they are added to your rivals list; they can also ask you to be their rival. Next, is the Friends and Rivals section. Here, you can set up a match, or join, with a friend or rival gathered over wifi. With friends you can talk to them on the menu, (when connected of course), by pressing and holding the x button. You can also type messages. These will not work in Battles, or with rivals. You can hold up to 60 rivals. So far, i have found no lagging. The only thing bothering me is the difficulty of friend codes. MULTIPLAYER EXPERIENCE: Straight shooting. Little more. You gather up to 7 different beams, still having the original and missles, but not much else. One item turns you invisible, but not for long and you still see the outline of the character; making him a target. There are no turrets or anything like that,(except for weavels morph ball form, but its easy to get around). No ships, just head-on fast paced shooting.


Graphics: Superb down to its core. These are the best on the system so far. The only flaw is that it may be to good, because it does lag often.


controls/gameplay: Took me no time at all, but im weird. For most people, it would take more time, and this is the only flaw. Time. Besides this, once learned, it is very smooth and accurate. You move your character in directions with the d-pad, you jump by tapping the touch screen twice,while you aim and look around with the touch screen; you can see hunters view from the top screen. On the bottom you see different icons. On the top there are 4: the first being a circular icon, pressing it brings out the power beam. You fire it by pressing the L button,(in right handed mode, im not a lefty), and you charge it by holding it down. Against this, is an icon that looks like a missle. Beside it you see a number, this is how many missles you have. You fire the same way, and you can also charge these. Agains this is a beam icon. Depending on what attack you get,(shockcoil, ect.), It will be here. If you are samus, the first one you get will be here. For other characters, the one best with them will go here when gathered. Against this, is an icon that when touched, brings up a series of beams you have gathered so far. Pressing one puts the icon into the one opposite of it, the one next to the missles, so you can use it. To the bottom right corner is your characters morph ball system. When pressing you instantly change into it, the view going above you instead of in first person. Morph balls depend on the character. Remember that you can change your sensitity and control mode at the option screen.


Sound: Impressive, but mostly used off the gamecube. The sound effects from attacks and such are nice.


Overall, a very impressive game. The real reason is to get it is for multiplayer, because the singleplayer will get repetitive and boring, and may only hold your attention for a few hours,(if that long). Some nice add-ons are being able to talk to friends, and the rival radar. The rival radar works like this: your ds goes into sleepmode, and when you pass by someone else with their radar on, they are instantly added to your friend list.

9 out of 10  Superb

Nintendo Gaming / Whats your fav. DS Game?
« on: June 06, 2006, 04:09:15 PM »
A). Metroid Prime: Hunters
B). Mario Kart DS
C). Animal Crossing: Wild World
D). Kirby: Canvas Curse
E). Trauma Center Under the Knife
F). Castelvania: Sorrow
G). New Super Mario Bros.
H). Lost Magic
I). Tetris DS
J). Super Mario 64 DS
K). Advance Wars Dual Strike
L). Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorny
M). Nintendogs
N). Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
O). Meteos
P). Tony Hawks American Sk8land
Q). Sonic Rush
R). Viewtiful Joe: Double Trouble
S). Resident Evil: Deadly Silence
T). Other
                     Mines Metroid Prime Hunters, Runners Up: Mario Kart, acww, Partners in time  

Nintendo Gaming / Whats your fav. cube game?
« on: June 06, 2006, 03:34:35 PM »
A). Resident Evil 4
B). Tales of Symphonia
C). Super Smash Bros. Melee
D). Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door
E). Zelda the Wind Waker
F). Metroid Prime
G). Metroid Prime 2
H). Super Mario Sunshine
I). Animal Crossing
J). Fire Emblem: Path of Radience
K). Pikimin
L). Pikimin 2
M). Other

                 Mine is Tales of Symphonia, or Melee. I am addicted to both.

I loved this game. I beat it 3 times, and did a butt-load of side missions. The graphics may not have been the best, but i loved the story and the gameplay was addictive as ice cream with cookies and chocolate milk. This is my favorite gamecube game of all time, why does noone ever talk about it anymore?.............................

                  Makes me feel sad.

Nintendo Gaming / DS: tv and internet
« on: June 06, 2006, 12:40:43 PM »
I read something by nintendo saying that they are considering letting you watch tv on the ds, and being able to go on the internet. It wasnt much, but they said it would most likely ship to japan first. I havent heard anything since those few months, has anyone else?

Nintendo Gaming / Contact
« on: June 06, 2006, 12:20:33 PM »
Is anyone else want contact besides me? The rpg coming out 9/12? You know, the one like Pikimin?      ......................................

I am so alone. None of my friends want it.

Nintendo Gaming / Deep Labyrinth
« on: June 06, 2006, 05:30:29 AM »
This rpg looks awesome!!! Looks like oblivion, battle wise, and the graphics look good so far. Its coming out 8/15/06, and im wondering if anyone else has heard about it, or are planning to get it.

Nintendo Gaming / friend codes
« on: June 05, 2006, 04:52:16 PM »
I only have like two friends, so um, who wants to get beat on metroid prime hunters?


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