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Topics - Gibdo Master

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General Chat / Clip from Empire Strikes Back DVD
« on: August 24, 2004, 01:16:13 PM »
The Vader and Emperor hologram scene, now with more Ian McDiarmid!  

Oh, and you can see the new CG Jabba for ANH and the tweaked Han/Greedo scene here.

Notice how beautiful the transfer is and these are compressed files. I can't wait to have these DVDs.  

General Chat / Need Help With Folder Settings
« on: August 21, 2004, 10:21:10 PM »
This is really starting to piss me off.

For some reason the settings for my folders, like how they are arranged and the appearance of the files, keeps being changed to what is apparently the default setting. What the hell is causing this, and what can I do to stop it?

I've had this problem for sometime, but it usually only happened once a month. Now it happens every damn time I reboot.  

General Chat / Listen to this!
« on: July 31, 2004, 07:09:33 PM »
Good lord! That is both the most hilarious and scariest thing I have ever listened to.

Nintendo Gaming / Possible Rumors Regarding the Next Zelda
« on: June 27, 2004, 07:33:18 PM »
Over at the forums someone posted an interesting list from NGC magazine of what is apparently rumors for the next game. You can read them in this thread.

I'm not entirely sure if this is just a wish list on the magazines part or if this stuff is legit rumors, but if it is legit then there's some pretty exciting stuff in there.

General Chat / General Grievous and other Episode III News
« on: June 23, 2004, 07:08:59 AM »
For all you Star Wars haters out there, take a look.

Also, has reported that Gary Oldman is in negotiations to voice one of the characters in Episode III. While it isn't known which character he will voice it's a good bet it will be Grievous.

Oh, and from the sounds of things the title of Episode III will be Revenge of the Sith.


We caught George Lucas wandering around the grounds with his daughter, Katie. The director said the title of Star Wars: Episode III won't officially be announced until November, when the first trailer hits theaters.

But he conceded that fans on Web sites already have guessed correctly. So we threw a couple of rumored titles at him: Rise of the Empire? "No, that's not it," Lucas said. How about Revenge of the Sith?

With that, Lucas smiled knowingly, backed away and teased, "That's a possibility. Lots of titles out there ..."


Great info from a source in the retail industry who attended an official briefing on Episode III merchandising.

First, we received a brief presentation of the 4,5,6 DVD set. Still nothing any of us hasn't heard before. They played the trailer currently running on Hyperspace.

As far as the Episode III movie overview, this one was not nearly as spoiler laden as the one for Ep II was but I did see some rough footage from a couple key scenes, along with some storyboards and sketches.

To put it in perspective, after the Episode II presentation, the only thing about Episode II that remained a complete surprise to me was the whole Death Star thing. That was it. Anyway...

Vader / Lava themed product packaging (saw a sample, SWEET!!!!)

HEAVY Vader presence in all marketing (saw some samples - again, SWEET!!!)

(NOTE: On more than one instance, some of the artwork incorporated the lone word "REVENGE" (Revenge of the Sith perhaps?)

(Secondly, during the commentary, the phrase "closing the circle" or the "circle being complete" was also used more than once in a very "wink-wink" kind of way. (Tagline?)

First Ep III teaser trailer debuts in Nov. 04

First full trailer, April 05

Ep III Product release first week of April 05 (start saving!)

A mention of an increased focus on high-end collectables (master replicas? gentle giant?)

Eps 1, 2, 4, 5 & 6 to air on FOX throughout the month of April 05

Clone Wars Series 1 & 2 DVD coming in Q1 of 05

Clone Wars Series 3 to air April 05 (Ten 12 minute chapters)

Licenses renewed with BK & Pepsi / Frito-Lay

License with as-yet undisclosed wireless service.

LIVE ACTION TV series to premire in 2006!!!

Wow, that's a lot of tidbits to chew on!

Notice that there's going to be a live action series in 2006, too.

General Chat / Firefox 0.9 released
« on: June 16, 2004, 07:41:11 AM »
UPDATE:  Now with more numbers.

Just thought I'd let you guys know that 0.9 has been released. Go here to ge it.

The new theme is ugly, but you can download the old one, so no problem. The old them is called Qute, by the way. I just downloaded it myself, so I really haven't gotten to test it out properly, but I have noticed it is hella fast.  

Oh, and Thunder bird 0.7 has been released as well.  

General Chat / Stephen King
« on: June 08, 2004, 06:39:46 PM »
So, I've read The Shining and It and just wanted to see what other people thought about King's works since I can't really make up my mind.

The main thing I wanted to talk about is just how scary his books really are. Honestly, I didn't find either The Shining or It scary. Sure there were some tense and creepy parts, but I didn't lose any sleep over this stuff. I don't know if I'm just too old for this kind of stuff or if I'm just that desensitized. I was especially disappointed with It since I had read a few reviews saying it was King's scariest book. Quite frankly, I found quite a few of the "scares" to be kind of corny and lame.

Overall, I thought the story was pretty good in both books, but the lack of scares was still disappointing.  

« on: May 11, 2004, 09:59:48 AM »

Check it out

I'm speechless.

Nintendo Gaming / New Metroid Prime 2: Echoes trailer
« on: May 11, 2004, 09:45:39 AM »
Check it out here.

In the vid you will notice that the black character is called Dark Samus. I'm sure this is Metroid Prime in its new form and is the creature hunting Samus. Also you should notice the Metroid Prime has the abillity to meld with other enemies. I'm thinking this will increase each enemies strength and intelligence.

One thing that bugs me about this is that the concept is an awlful lot like Metroid Fusion. Still Retro will more than likely pull the concept off better.

General Chat / Best software for copying CDs?
« on: April 27, 2004, 09:16:47 PM »
So, I was wondering what is the best way to copy a music CD to ensure that the copy has the best quality possible? I noticed on WMP there's an option to use "Windows Media Audio Lossless" to copy CDs, but is this the best way to go? Why don't most other CD burning software have an option like that? Does it really matter in the end?

By the way, what's the best CDR to use?  

General Gaming / EA talks about the next generation.
« on: March 08, 2004, 08:56:13 PM »

God, I hope this hasn't been posted already.

Anyway, I found this stuff to be quite interesting. I was delighted that EA didn't disclude Nintendo in this since I was half expecting them to only mention Sony and Microsoft.


Huge, immersive, living worlds; described as Zelda... on steroids

fap fap fap fap fap  

General Chat / My cat has a tapeworm!
« on: March 01, 2004, 11:09:32 PM »

General Chat / Original Star Wars Trilogy to finally be released on DVD
« on: February 10, 2004, 06:29:39 PM »
This is pretty big news considering people have been waiting for these movies to be released onto DVD for years.

Official press release.

This is going to piss some of you off but only the Special Edition versions will be released on DVD. George has said that as far as he is concerned the SEs are the only version that exist since that's the way he always wanted the films to be. Despite what many of the "OMG!!! George raped my childhood" bitchers have to say I feel George has every right to do this. He is the creator of those movies after all. Personally though I am a little disappointed we won't be getting the originals for comparisons sake and the fact that they are historically significant when it comes to movies.

My real disappointment though is that apparently there won't be any further changes to the films. Frankly I didn't really want anymore new scenes added but I was hoping that the special effects would be furthered fixed to be more consistent with the prequels. Actually I did want one scene change. I was hoping they would've had  Ian McDiarmid replace the monkey eyes/old woman Emperor in the Empire Strikes Back. Yep, the Emperor in the Empire Strikes Back is a composite shot of a monkey's eyes and an old woman wearing a hood. Oh and the voice of Clive Revill.

Nintendo Gaming / 4 New Zero Mission Vids.
« on: January 10, 2004, 07:28:47 PM » has updated their Zero Mission page with 4 new vids. They are really amazing. Click here to check them out. This game is going to be great. The graphics are absolutely gorgeous. I also liked how while the gameplay has been updated and modernized it has a distinct old school feel to it. I really hope that is something that Nintendo will do with all of its series.

Speaking of the graphics, I haven't played a ton of GBA games, but would anyone else agree that these are the best graphics seen on the GBA yet?

General Chat / The Birth of Darth Vader Concept Art (pic inside)
« on: January 07, 2004, 03:38:20 PM »
Holy Crap!!! Click here to check out a thread at the message boards in which a piece of concept art for the birth of Darth Vader was posted. There's a bigger version of the pic if you scroll down a few posts. From everything I've read this is supposed to be official concept art.


Nintendo Gaming / NEW ZERO MISSION PICS!!!
« on: December 20, 2003, 09:22:00 AM »
Click here to check out some new pics from NP that were linked to at the forum. The quality of the pics is really bad but the pics themselves kick ass. If you were like me and felt that the Zero Mission Kraid blew then you will be very happy now because they completely redid his sprite and he kicks ass. Take a look here. I think he looks even better than the Super Metroid Kraid. He definitely looks more like the artwork for Super Metroid Kraid anyway.  

General Chat / Free EGM subcriptions for all!
« on: December 08, 2003, 03:10:28 PM »
Well, if you are a US citizen anyway. Sorry foreigners. Click here and fill out the form. Consider this my Christmas gift.

I will now have free subscription to GamePro, EGM, and Nintendo Power which is only technically free because of the Zelda Collectors Disk which I would have paid $20 for alone. Hurray for free things!

Nintendo Gaming / How can you say Hyrule is gone for good?
« on: December 04, 2003, 07:18:31 PM »
This is something that really bugs the crap out of me. I can't stand that people are so closed minded that they think there's no way Hyrule will be unflooded or whatever and that it has to be the last game in the series. It's like someone asking how Bowser can be in the next Mario game when he was beaten in the last one or how can there be any Metroid in the next Metroid game when they were all killed in the last. We're talking about video games here people and Nintendo games at that. Of course Hyrule will make a return and it was made clear that WW is a sequel specifically to Ocarina so it can't be the last game.

Aonuma has even commented on this whole thing in an interview although in the usual vague Nintendo way. He said something along the lines of, "At the end of Wind Waker it seemed that Hyrule is gone for good but this will be dealt with in Wind Waker 2". Sorry I don't have a link to the interview and it's been a while since I read so that's not an exact quote.

General Chat / TIME-TRAVELER
« on: December 04, 2003, 05:45:10 PM »
Click here and read the news story. Pretty funny. I like the little cliff hanger there about how there's no record of the guy before December 2002. Of course Andrew Carlssin probably just isn't his real name.

I think this kind of raises a good question about time travel though. If it were actually possible why haven't we had anything happen like this before for real? One thing I've thought of even though I really don't believe it is that all these alien abductions you hear about are actually caused by evolved humans that have traveled back in time to study the past.

General Chat / Need help with my car CD player settings.
« on: November 29, 2003, 07:38:32 PM »
Okay, I got a new car stereo system a couple months ago but there's some settings on the CD player that I have no clue what they are for but I have a feeling they are important. First of all I figured if anyone knows anything about this stuff they might want to know what I have so here goes.  CD Player,  Front Speakers,  Rear Speakers, and  Amp.

Now the first question is what is the Bass Frequency and how will this effect the sound? The settings I have to choose from for this are 60Hz, 80Hz, 100Hz, and 200Hz. Also wouldn't mind someone suggesting which would be best for my system if possible. The next thing is the Bass Band Width (Q-Factor). I can change this from narrow to wide but I have no clue what it actually does. Finally I need to know what the Treble Frequency is. I can choose from 10kHz, 12.5kHz, 15kHz, and 17.5kHz so any suggestion for what I should go with for this would be nice too.

Nintendo Gaming / This is what the over world in WW2 should be like.
« on: November 24, 2003, 08:52:17 PM »
Take a look at these pics for Dragon Quest VIII. I really hope we see stuff like this in WW2. I would love to be able to explore huge open areas like that with rolling hills and forests that are made up of individual trees. That pic with the character running through the forest is something I've wanted to see in a 3D Zelda game ever since I first heard about Ocarina of Time. I pray to God that Wind Waker 2 doesn't end up being a water based over world like Wind Waker. Ugh. I mean it was a neat and original thing for Nintendo to do but I really don't want to see it repeated. In fact I wouldn't mind some sailing but please make it so the over world is 80% land or something like that. Oh and just imagine getting to ride a horse through a big open over world like that. Mmmmmmm.

General Chat / Is Sanyo a good brand when it comes to TVs?
« on: November 15, 2003, 10:46:56 PM »
There's a really sweet Sanyo TV with a really sweet price tag at Wal-Mart right now. Check it out here. It's a  20 inch flat screen with S-Video input and all for only $148.72 US. By the way in case you are wondering this would go in my bedroom where I can't fit anything much bigger than 20 inches.

I badly want to get this thing because I got a flat screen monitor with my new computer and absolutely love it and I want the S-Video input for my GameCube. I just want to hear from you guys if there's anything bad I should know about Sanyo before I get it.  

General Chat / Problem with my new optical mouse.
« on: November 15, 2003, 07:20:39 PM »
I recently bought my first optical mouse. It was this Microsoft one. I used this one for a couple of days and it worked fine except for two things. For one thing I felt it was a little too big and the bottom half was clear and glowed an obnoxiously bright red light. So I took it back and got this Logitech optical mouse. The first problem I had with this was that it too had a clear bottom half with a red glow. It's not nearly as bright as the Microsoft one though so I can deal with that. By the way why the hell doesn't it state on the box whether or not it glows? Anyway I've had some bigger problems with this one. Basically every once and a while the mouse cursor will instantaneously disappear off to one part of the screen. It usually hides at the bottom of the screen and gets stuck there and I have to somewhat violently move the mouse back and forth to get it out of there. So my question is why the hell is it doing this? Like I said the Microsoft one worked fine.

I was looking through the help section for the mouse and read that if the cursor is getting stuck it could be because of whatever surface the mouse is on could be interfering with it. Well, when I bought the mouse I also got a new desk that is pretty shiny since it's new and I'm not using a mouse pad. So do you guys think getting a mouse pad would fix this or should I take it back and get a different one?

General Chat / Paris Hilton
« on: November 14, 2003, 08:13:50 PM »
What the hell is the big deal about this stupid slut and her sex tape? I didn't know anything about her until the media decided to try and cram it down my throat every second they got. Christ, make it stop. I can understand the the media blitz we got from the Pam and Tommy tape but I don't get why I'm supposed to care about this. It's not like she's even attractive. Maybe if you like anorexic Skeletor wanna be's you'd like her but I don't.  

General Chat / Greatest Site Ever!!! (Seriously)
« on: November 06, 2003, 08:48:29 PM »
Here's a really great site in which people can anonymously post confessions and such. Some of them are slightly disturbing but there's a lot that are hilarious.

Here's an example.


When I was about five, some kids at this playscheme I went to were having a dick fight. I told one of them that he got fifty points for kissing the other dude's knob. He did.

I laughed so hard over that I couldn't breath for a few seconds.  

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