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Topics - King Bowser Koopa

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Nintendo Gaming / NWR's Fit Club Official Chat
« on: November 07, 2013, 04:28:02 AM »
Welcome one and all! This is the official thread for Nintendo World Report's Wii Fit U Community.
For those of you who missed the site announcement, you can join in with staff and readers to work out and have fun. Our Community ID is 4133-8368-2142.

In this thread we can talk about goals we want to reach, chat about the activities in the game or experiences using the Fit Meter (which I personally have yet to obtain), or whatever else is relevant to discussion.

Please note that we're keeping things as clean as the Miiverse community rules allow. No goading or antagonizing people over their level of fitness, guys. Nobody has to share details such as their weight or BMI unless they're completely comfortable doing so, and any derogatory comments to any other member will not be tolerated. It's not cool. That said, I encourage everyone to have fun and wish luck to everyone on board! I hope to see you all atop Mount Everest!

To get the ball rolling, can I get a sound-off from those who have already joined? I'd like to get some kind of active member list going.

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