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Topics - jme

Pages: [1]
Nintendo Gaming / whats with this pic?
« on: February 10, 2003, 10:04:58 PM »

take a look at that controller.
it's a wavebird, but it's in the style of a "normal" controller (it doesn't have the extra length in the middle) and it's got wavebird written on it really big in purple letters at the top.

now, i know this pic is probably just a staff mock-up photo for example purposes, but WHY? I mean, the wavebird has been out for ages now. I'm sure they have a pic by now. And if it was a mock-up photo, why go the extra lengths to make it grey in color?

Nintendo Gaming / online gaming
« on: February 10, 2003, 08:31:26 PM »
Besides PSO being online are there any other games out there taking advantage of this technology for the gamecube?
Ghost Recon has online support for the other platforms, does that mean it will have it on the cube?
I heard rumors that Mario Kart, Mario Tennis, and Mario Golf would have online support but I don't know how true those will be...

Are there any games officially slated to be online?

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