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Topics - MorbidGod

Pages: [1]
Nintendo Gaming / Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« on: October 29, 2011, 08:24:13 PM »
I think Nintendo needs to bring it this E3 2012. They need to bring tons of games, both by themselves and third party developers. They need exclusives. I don't want to see only ports. That wont make gamers buy a Wii U. These games also need to look AMAZING. Next Gen like graphics. Because you know Microsoft or Sony -- or both -- will be showing at least tech demos. And those ALWAYS look better then real time graphics. So they need to make sure their games LOOK nice.

They also need something else. Showing the Wii U Controller so early means Sony can do what they always do and copy Nintendo. They all ready talked about PS Vita and PS3 doing what Nintendo has done, So if they can do something else that will totally blow away the others -- that would be good.

One thing Nintendo needs not to do is talk specific specs. We don't need to know if it has 1ghz or 6 ghz. 1GB of ram or 10GB of ram. Nor should we know officially what GPU it is. Letting Microsoft or Sony to know this, it would help them to make their specs better if they do release late 2013 or 2014.

So what do you guys think Nintendo needs to bring with them to win E3 2012?

Nintendo Gaming / HOLD THE PHONE: Wii U with 2 WiiPads?
« on: June 12, 2011, 10:29:29 AM »
Watch this video. Awesome footage of Killer Freaks, by the way. But whats happening at the end? Is that TWO TOUCH CONTROLLERS on ONE system???

Nintendo Gaming / Wii U the next Dreamcast?
« on: June 09, 2011, 01:31:27 PM »
ZDNet has an article stating that the Wiii U is the next Dreamcast. I don't think it is -- I don't see graphics and technology moving at such a fast rate that Nintendo would be out gunned by PS4 and next Gen Xbox. What do u guys think?

Nintendo Gaming / Wii U-Controller meant for one?
« on: June 09, 2011, 11:13:19 AM »
I am not sure if there is a thread about this, couldn't find it here at least. But IGN Wii reported that Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto has been put on record stating you won't be able to buy a second Wii U-Controller, and that it's meant to be a one person experiance. I think this is a mistake. But whats odd, is it was not clear if it is because of price -- or because it's not possible. Read this to see what I am talking about:

So what do you guys think? If it really is set in stone you can't use but one of these controllers, is that a good idea? Is that something Nintendo should fix by launch?

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