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Topics - Syl

Pages: [1]
General Gaming / "Portal"
« on: July 19, 2006, 05:16:22 AM »
^Trailer for "Portal", another game that Valve is giving away for free with HL2: Episode 2.
Seems like one of the more positively enjoyable games that i've seen in ages.

They're also throwing in "Team Fortress 2" (YAY!), but there is currently absolutely no known details or gameplay videos of it except for a single teaser:

This is all ontop of the news that HL2, HL2: Episode 1, HL2: Episode 2 (and Portal, and Team Fortress 2, and other stuff) are all coming out to Xbox360 and PS3 before the end of the year as a single game package.  Talk about a busy and extremely impressive show from Valve.

Nintendo Gaming / My R button...isn't working
« on: June 16, 2004, 06:31:42 AM »
Yesterday, i was sitting htere placing shining Soul 2, and i noticed that I couldn't switch to that angel wing i needed to use....

I noticed that this carried over into other games as i quickly tried them out, the "R" button on my SP is basicly dead, it still works a tiny bit of the time, but it requires some mad pushing in some awkward way to get it to register.  Basicly, this really really sucks.  Anyone have any idea about what the hell i could do to get my R button working again?  This is the first time any sort of nintendo product has gone out on me, and even though i'm sure i've played and tormented that SP for a good thousands of hours, the R button should not be doing this.

Anyone have any idea's?  I know the DS is coming out in a few month's, but I need the R button on this thing now.

NWR Feedback / Bigger avatars, nifty... but...
« on: June 08, 2004, 08:53:48 PM »
I'm just wondering your allowing rather nice sized avatars now.  

I'm just wondering if the stance on sig images is still a huge *NO* as there happens to be a sig image i absolutely love using, and use everywhere else but here.
(you guys don't allow remote linking either i notice)

I still doubt that you'd allow it, or bend the rules for one person, I figured it would be worth asking though.

General Chat / Any questions for the creator of MegaMan?
« on: June 02, 2004, 05:56:19 PM »
My girlfriend won the nintendo-power contest to go talk to the creator of megaman a few month's ago, aside from the free trip to japan, loads of megaman stuff and $500, she has an hour long interview with the guy who created, and is still in charge of rockman/megaman.

So, an hour long is quite a bit of time for questions. Not knowing much about megaman myself, nor does she. We decided it was best to get a bunch of questions from message boards and weed out the bad ones.

Please, stay serious.

Anything you'd like to ask the creator of megaman? (She leaves in a little under 2 weeks).

General Gaming / Ragnarok Online
« on: May 10, 2003, 04:30:34 AM »
Its the only FREE MMORPG to be in existance, and I'm currently enjoying it quite a bit.  It starts off incredibly slow, but once you finally get a jobclass, the game starts to get VERY interesting.

Anyone else play it?

Official site is all it takes is a 600 meg download, and then signing up and your set.  I play on Loki, character name is "Syl Aran"

check it out.

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