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Topics - Stimutacs Addict

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Nintendo Gaming / So.. what are Nintendo's options for the Holiday?
« on: October 11, 2007, 08:21:29 AM »
Seeing as the biggest Nintendo multiplayer title has been pushed back a full two months,
what does the N have to entice those who were split between Wii/360 ?

The Xbox360 is a tempting purchase for a lot of people (still not really sure why, but it may have something to do with Halo3), and the Wii doesn't really have any new kickass multiplayer titles this holiday.

Sure, we have BatallionWars2

and some VC titles
*(which, by the way, there had BETTER be a F*n ton of, including Smash 64, Earthbound, and some serious N64 titles - perhaps the THQ wrestling titles [impossible, i know])*

and there's Mario Galaxy. which will rape. it will sell consoles, and i will drool over this game until its in my hands and im shooting across the stars, but this is NOT going to fulfill the role of kickass holiday party game quite like Smash would have.

and before anyone mentions "who is going to take out smash and show it off at their parents' Christmas party?" I will supply an answer: no one. But how many of you would want to spend that time smashing around all those people? seriously, you'd want to Brawl behind closed doors, with lights off and the sound blasting some wonderfully orchestrated tracks. and if the Wii were brought out to the party, you know you'd load up some WiiSports or Raving Rabbids or VC titles that will catch people's attention. You're not gonna smash your dad's friends.

So there is another problem: No 'casual' market cashcow. Japan is getting WiiFit this December, and that will sell out through the new year, but America? (nothing?)

I must be missing out on something. I really don't fear the Wii's success, but I do wonder how the sales figures will look because -- lets face it -- Halo3 is going to continue selling Xbox360's well past that point when people stop being mezmerized by WiiSports (which was like February for most).

Hell, I KNOW these are selling to different audiences, but that yuppie casual market is awfully keen on EVERY tech-fad, so Wii could lose some serious sales to iPhones, Swatches, etc.
AND I realize that those sales cut into Xbox360's pie, as well
It's just that I don't imagine Msoft being the one getting hurt here. They're sitting on the real gimmick, the shooter that everybody wants simply because everyone else tells them to want it. And that hype train is still freakin chugging -- anyone watching Sara Silverman show last night (god rest you) was treated to a scene of that male-male couple blasting trollocs and gunships et al. in Halo3. It's still everywhere *(of course, that episode was likely recorded during the "believe" hype or sooner)*

Its just weird, ya know? I should have expected this, in fact at one point i DID expect this:
I was certain that WiFi play would not make the cut for Brawl, simply for the sake of launching the game on time.
And it looks like I was just slightly mistaken.
And deeply hurt.
Damn you Sakurai (sorry sir, i don't mean that)! I was nearly done playing Melee! I've played this damn game for  5 years now and have been competitively participating in tournaments etc. for 2 of those years, and i am just ready to let this beast rest in peace and bring on the Brawl,.

in summary,
BEYOND MARIO (which really, numbers will show that THERE IS NO "beyond" MARIO)
What are Nintendo's big holiday hitters? As in, what is out there that is going to get gamers to want to play Wii with their friends? cos all i see are some awesome one player titles so far. but I can remember the last time i played Metroid Corruption in front of an audience. It sucked. people lost interest because it was not a multiplayer title.

What Nintendo could do to make me love them forever:
a month of the best VC titles possible, from different companies, for all different consoles
get stuff up there that we really really want to play. MegaMan collections, StarFox 1&2, Earthbound and Smash64, Neo-Geo Fighters, an N64 wrestling game (plsplzplease!)

im parched. I'll be around for discussion, so don't think this is just going to die. And if I'm missing some seriously big titles, lemme know: it could cure this depression.

ps.- bring ooon Advance Wars DS 2! that art is amazing
ps.- guess I have to go buy Mario Strikers . . . like, now
ps.- BatallionWars2 comes out in just...18 days!

welll.. the title says it all.

if anyone is interested, lets set this up tonight (wed)
but i have all the time in the world to do it, so we can try tomorrow afternoon too!

i want to touch!1

Nintendo Gaming / no talks of WiiMMO?
« on: October 12, 2006, 07:31:13 AM »
.. cos I can't begin to think how awesome/intuitive it'd be.

It wouldn't even have to utilize the nunchuck; there could be two equally effective control schemes. mostly point&go design if you don't have the nunchuck, and the camera could pull back to a higher angle. If you are doing some serious PVP's or hard quests, plug in a nunchuck and get that analog control. \

advantages to two-handed play - game battles could have far more depth with defensive styles/parrying/movement. game is meant to be played online w/ people, but when you are doing all that mundane lvl. up bllshit (ive been in this forest for weeks killing these damn boars) you can just use one hand:

Dpad up -= pulls up inventory

Dpad left/right -= scrolls through 3-4 'hot'-items. keys you picked up in the dungeon, anything you wish to set from inventory. (i like to think that you shoudl be limited to 2-3 items of your choosing at first. As you gain exp or levels or find rare items you shoudl be able to hold more... i just like making things harder for newbs i guess)

Dpad down -= switch back to last item or perhaps flip to main melee weapon. this should really be the most used of the dpad which shoudl spare people from stringing their little thumbs.

B - click; move (if playing w/ one hand); grab stuff; etc.

A - whatever. oh... hold and gesture to use different spells. Easy stuff, like raise up for healing, lower for cloaking/defense crap. these dont have to be too specific to the power because you can set everything from inventory.

i am at work, i'll elaborate further on my next break

but im sure everyone else has there own ideas.

Nintendo Gaming / SquareEnix Dragonquest game at launch!
« on: May 08, 2006, 12:12:33 PM »
pretty nice. go to IGN check it out

FF:CC and DragonQuest

Nintendo Gaming / my DS is a hoss
« on: March 29, 2005, 04:40:18 PM »
I've dropped, sat on, and dropped (again) this thing so many times, I don't know how in the hell it still works. Last week i put it in a pocket that had lots of dirt in it (LaserStrike beotch) and my dpad started to get stuck/seemed unresponsive. two days of extensive play sorted that right out, now it works like a charm.

then tonite when i was coming home from the gym i hit a spin move and my DS went flying out of my pocket and landed right on a paved sidewalk. It's got a nasty chink in it's armor, but again this puppy is still kickin like it's brand new.  Its a little stiffer when i insert/remove games now, but hell im just thankful my DS is still working without a problem. (cept for a 2 cm scratch in the very middle of my touch screen)

so... what troubles have your DS's endured?

Nintendo Gaming / will the DS be the hot holiday seller?
« on: November 26, 2004, 04:29:10 AM »
Im just wondering because after seeing countless Good Morning America/CNN holiday forecast shows, it appears that there is no big toy this year (nothing must-have like tickle me elmo).

that got me thinking that the hot holiday gifts will be video games and mp3 players and such, but when CNN touched up on the cool gadgets, not once did they mention the DS. This worries me, as this is an absolutely fantastic system; all Nintendo needs to do is get the media to notice it. This could be the big thing.

any thoughts? or did i just make another worthless topic?

Nintendo Gaming / It's high time for info, nintendo
« on: September 03, 2004, 07:06:32 PM »
seriously,  the DS will allegedly launch in just over 2 months, and we havent seen anything new since E3.... we deserve some more lovin from Nintendo.

I dont want much, maybe even a 3rd party title or something;

either way i believe that we'll be seeing something big pretty soon; if indeed the console launches in November, the DS should get least 60 days of marketing and hype  

General Chat / What role do Publishers play?
« on: November 28, 2003, 04:48:44 PM »
Aside from the obvious answer, what else do they do?

EA and Ubi Soft get all this credit for their great games, but aren't they just publishers? Developers do all the work, it seems.  

General Gaming / GCN Successor gets tru name (via telepathy)
« on: August 05, 2003, 02:02:08 PM »
Okay... so I lied about the telepathy, but I can state with about 76.24% confidence that the next Nintendo Console will be named

The Nintendo




HyperCube  !

Think about it! A 4-dimensional Console! Something thought to be completely impossible to exist in our world! Just imagine the shape, and the games.. oh baby this thing is going to kick  the PS3 and Xb2's collective arses

Now I know that mere Earthlings may have trouble comprehending the immensity on this subject... with your 3 dimensions... on the moon we have 5 ... thousand. Yes, 5,000. Don't question it.

more info on HyperCubes
Interesting Read

okay.. what do YOU people think the console should be called and/or what do you all want from the next console ?

General Chat / Bob Hope
« on: July 28, 2003, 05:34:47 AM »
man .. in all honesty i just never thought of Bob Hope as a mere mortal, that guy has been around forever. I guess this thread just lets everyone think a bit about him.

He did much for our Military by touring and performing for the Servicemen


Nintendo Gaming / Treasure's Opprotunity
« on: May 14, 2003, 12:05:26 PM »
If they added a little more complexity into the game, and add Waluigi as a partner, Treasure could make Wario World into the next Battletoads.. and give Waluigi special abilities that Wario doesn't have and vice versa...

too bad this wont happen  

General Chat / DragonForce
« on: May 08, 2003, 11:06:04 AM »
Does anyone else here listen to this awesome Power Metal band? These guys are so awesome that i could soil myself... i have been listening to them only since last November, but their power is freakin intense stuff... you should check them out..

The music is like an adrenaline rush, i seriously believe that one could perform much better (in more ways than one.. sadly i can't confirm that though) while listening to these guys


I have often dreamt of the perfect video for the Valley of the Damned video, consisting of a battle much more epic than the Battle of the Hornburg in The Two Towers (which is much better in the book, in my opinion, but the movie was insanely excellent) and when ZP hits the high note at 5:58 (in the album version) the evil armies' commander should be slain by the protagonist (an epic hero) and all should bow before him (like in  Robert Jordan's The Dragon Reborn .. those who read it know of what I speak)  .. and it's pretty hot im my room so i have been rambling, and i would consider giving money (albeit pennies) to anyone who can really understand what i am typing.. though its not really hard to understand..

Nintendo Gaming / gotta love the new poll at
« on: April 17, 2003, 05:57:56 PM »
it asks who we would like to see Sega merge with, and Nintendo isn't even an option

edit: maybe its just because the most recent rumors only circulate around those 4 companies.. oh well.. I think Nintendo needs to release a converter to let us hook our cubes up to potatoes for a power source... anyone agree?

Nintendo Gaming / gotta love
« on: April 17, 2003, 05:57:10 PM »
 crap my computer screwed up,.... please delete this (or both)

Nintendo Gaming / commercial ideas
« on: March 26, 2003, 10:04:23 AM »
I was thinking starting the add with "Come Sail Away" by Styx and show some footage of link using the wind waker and sailing around

anyone else have some ideas?

Nintendo Gaming / M. Night should make a videogame
« on: February 27, 2003, 02:47:05 PM »
after watching Signs I just thought how badass a videogame would be if he wrote the story and helped with some of the elements.. maybe its not such a great idea...

talk amongst yourselves  

Nintendo Gaming / New commercial
« on: February 10, 2003, 04:03:36 PM »
Just thought i'd bring to attention the new commercial for the free game that comes with the gamecube... this commercial was somwhat funny in my opinion.. the guy at the register reminds me of the clerk in Meet the Parents that sells ben stiller the Mums wine... anyway.. the commercial was airing during Joe Millionaire tonight.

Nintendo Gaming / F-Zero
« on: February 01, 2003, 03:17:19 PM »
Does anyone know what the control layout will be for this (hopefully) dazzling title? I was wondering how they would do the controls for the arcade version, and then i began to think "how does the layout for the GCN version work?"

also, how do you think the arcade layout will be... i think playing F-Zero with a joystick would be a little awkward

anyways, i guess if anyone has any ideas, then here is the place to discuss it...  

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