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Topics - NWR_pap64

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« on: December 12, 2006, 02:21:15 PM »
WARNING: The following stupid question is so stupid that it may cause AIDS, several types of Cancers, tumors, loss of hair, acne, weight gain etc. etc. etc.

...How do you submit those lovely Funhouse banners?

NWR Forums Discord / NO WII FOR YOU!!
« on: December 12, 2006, 11:28:04 AM »
Considering that the Wii is becoming harder and harder to find in stores, there's a good chance that many of us late adopters will not get a Wii till next year. So...VENT YOUR FRUSTRATIONS HERE!

I bring this forth because it is looking very likely that me and my nephew won't be getting a Wii for xmas. I personally don't mind much since I can wait a year or two for it, but I was looking forward to sharing it with my friends during the holiday break :\ .


It seems that with the hype of the announcement dying down, people are now coming up with the negative reactions and the potential downfalls of this amazing announcement.

One of the points I've seen online is that just because Square is putting DQ IX on the DS it doesn't mean that they are fully supporting Nintendo as they are just following what is selling right now, which is the DS.

So my question to you is, do you agree or disagree with this?

While I agree that this doesn't mean Square is willing to fully support Nintendo as they may just stick with the sure thing while they might softly support the Wii the fact that its putting the main continuation of one of their major canon franchises on a NINTENDO console, especially after nearly 10 years of little to no support, is truly significant.

I mean, logic dictates that if they wanted to put the next DQ game on a console, they would've put it on the PS3 since that's where a great deal of the fans are. But they actually took a step BACKWARDS and went with the DS, while it being technically powerful, doesn't hold a candle against its big console brothers. So again, the fact that they skipped a next gen console in favor of a handheld one, especially a Nintendo one, says a lot of things.

Also, I believe that this WILL strengthen Square's support as once the game does well on the handheld, it will encourage them to try the rest of their franchises on the Nintendo consoles, Wii included. I mentioned before that perhaps one of the reasons they went with the DS instead of the Wii or PS3 was because they were just recently released, thus haven't created a solid user base, while the DS has a religious following. Even then, that doesn't mean that they won't support it later on when an user base is installed. And hell, they already have two games planned for it, and they will be coming out. As nice as FFXIII looks I suspect the game won't be released till early 2008, and by then it will be too late. As I mentioned before, the Wii will do for consoles what the DS did for handhelds, and once that happens they will fully support the system.

You might bring up the "but Square has been supporting the GBA and DS yadda yadda" argument, but you have to realize that a great deal of these games were remakes, re-releases, ports, spin offs and sequels to lesser known franchises. Not that I'm saying that these games weren't significant or captured the gamers' hearts and imagination, but for a minute, compare the announcement of DQ Rocket Slime vs.  the announcement of DQ IX. Which do you think people will pay the most attention to and has the most significance in the grand scheme of things? Not to diss Rocket Slime, but you know it to be true.

The success of the main series on the DS will encourage them to try and support Nintendo a little bit more, and once the Wii becomes a huge success worldwide, they will go to the Wii. I doubt Nintendo would be that stupid to let Square support the DS only. Yamauchi's Nintendo may have been more than willing to let Square go, but Iwata's Nintendo knows better. If that were to happen, a Reggination is in order...

To sum it up, Nintendo has mentioned that they are using the same magic and appeal that turned the DS from a gimmick to a powerhouse with the Wii, and it was that appeal that drove the developers back to Nintendo and the DS, especially Square. Once the Wii does that, they will flock to the Wii in hopes of not only re-inventing their games but to get a piece of the action.

And let's be honest, even if they had announced DQ IX for the Wii, some would've mentioned that this doesn't mean anything because the PS3 still had FFXIII, that this doesn't mean that Square will continue to support the Wii, that the game will be more of a gimmick, and any other negative crap they might think of. Hey, it IS the internet, you know! :p

Nintendo Gaming / I SO want these!!
« on: December 10, 2006, 05:46:14 AM »
Go Nintendo just posted a newstory about Ubi selling Rayman Raving Rabbids plushies on their website.

It's only available in the UK, but man are these cool!

For the UK members, how much is the price in US dollars?    

General Gaming / Spike TV's VGA awards winners
« on: December 09, 2006, 06:32:16 PM »
Now we don't need to tune in and watch annoying comedy skits, shallow MTV style presentation and stupid celebrities in order to see what won!

One of the reasons I posted this is that this is further proof that Sony isn't having that good of a year since the multi console and XBOX 360 ended up winning a great deal of the awards, while last year it was Sony that got the most wins.

And the winners are:
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Bethesda Softworks)

Tony Hawk Project 8 (Activision/Neversoft)

NBA2K7 (2K Sports/Visual Concepts)

"Lights and Sounds" by YellowCard in Burnout Revenge, XBOX 360 (Electronic
Arts/Criterion Games)

Guitar Hero II (Red Octane/Harmonix)

Epic Games (Gears of War)

SWAT Force (Vivendi/KAOLink)

Patrick Stewart in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Bethesda Softworks)

Vida Guerra in Scarface: The World is Yours (Vivendi/Radical

Family Guy (2K Games/High Voltage Software)

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Bethesda Softworks)

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Nintendo/Nintendo EAD)

Burnout Revenge, XBOX 360 (Electronic Arts/Criterion Games)

Dead Rising (Capcom)

Alyx Vance, Half-Life 2: Episode 1 (Valve)

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Bethesda Softworks)

Mortal Kombat Armageddon (Midway Games)

Company of Heroes (THQ/Relic)

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Bethesda Softworks)

Gears of War (Microsoft/Epic Games)

Company of Heroes (THQ/Relic)

Gears of War (Microsoft/Epic Games)

New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo/Nintendo EAD)

Gears of War (Microsoft/Epic Games)

Wii (Nintendo)

Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (LucasArts/Traveller's Tales)

James Gandolfini in The Sopranos: Road to Respect (THQ/7 Studios)

Rachel Leigh Cook in Kingdom Hearts II (Square Enix)

Rosario Dawson in Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure
(Atari/The Collective)

"Jack Sparrow" portrayed by Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean: The
Legend of Jack Sparrow (Bethesda Softworks/7Studios/Buena Vista Games)

Nintendo Gaming / The next canceled game: Sadness
« on: December 06, 2006, 03:10:15 AM »
NOTE: I may be severely wrong with this theory, so take this with a grain of salt. Life can be unexpected sometimes...

After reading about the cancellation of the Bob Ross game, I have come to the conclusion that the next Wii game to be canceled will be Sadness from Nibris.

Think about it, the game has been announced a while back and since then NOTHING has been shown. All we have is some artwork, empty promises and a video of what they think the game might be like. But no screens, gameplay footage or solid details. Nothing. That is a bad sign right there.

True, games do take a while to develop and Nibris could be just waiting for the game to be ready before they show it off, but considering the huge media hype surrounding the Wii right now they could've at least showed some gameplay footage or make an official statement.

So yeah, I think Sadness might go through development hell and be canceled, so don't be surprised if a year had passed and no news on the game has surfaced. Again, I may be wrong with this, but I find it weird that nothing of the game has surfaced.

Nintendo Gaming / Rayman Raving Rabbids=The Wii's Feel the Magic
« on: December 04, 2006, 02:42:35 AM »
Last night I was playing Feel the Magic for the first time in a year and as I was playing I realized something funny...

Rayman Raving Rabbids is the Wii's Feel the Magic!

Know the saying "History tends to repeat itself"? Well, here are some similarities:
1. Both Rayman and Feel the Magic are third party takes on Nintendo's mini game based games

2. Both games use their consoles' unique features greatly (FTM using the touch screen and microphone, Rayman using the Wiimote extensively).

3. Both games tell a story through small cutscenes in between mini games (FTM being about a boy trying to get a girl, Rayman about Rayman freeing himself from the rabbids).

4. The main characters in both games have to complete mini games in order to get what they desire (in FTM the girl, in Rayman Rayman's freedom).

5. Both deal with rabbits! (FTM featuring the Rub rabbits, Rayman featuring the Raving Rabbids).

6. Both are very solid alternatives to Nintendo's games (mainly Wario)

7. Rayman and Feel the Magic are experimental games (one experimenting with the DS Touch screen, the other with the Wiimote).

8. Both require you to complete mini games in order to unlock more mini games and get a small chunk of the story (I may be wrong with this, but I have heard in Rayman you need to complete mini games and get the high score in order to unlock the rest).

Its a small world, isn't it?

NWR Forums Discord / What's with all the kiddy videogame consoles?
« on: December 02, 2006, 08:35:51 AM »
Apparently, videogames are so hot right now it forced the pre-school/edu-taintment companies to create crappy kiddy videogame consoles in order to compete with the likes of the big boys.

I've already seen Leap frog handhelds, complete with touch screen controls (ala DS) and TV consoles. The funny thing? One of them boats "amazing graphics" and "great video" when everything is PSone quality at best.

But the funniest one of all is not a edu-taintment console. Its a videogame console called "Hyper scan". Its a videogame console that can scan cards and send the info into the game and vice versa.

If there is one thing the GBA E-reader card taught us is that this is a bothersome, messy gimmick so I smell FLOP!!

The point of this? Nothing, really. I just felt like making fun of these consoles...

At least they are teaching children something useful, so Jack Thompson can't point fingers.

NWR Forums Discord / That's it! I've had ENOUGH!
« on: December 01, 2006, 06:58:27 PM »
I understand that noobs can get lost and generally have no clue how a forum works...But when they go around making topics on the wrong forums, it annoys me...

In case you haven't noticed, some noobs have been posting around NWR. The thing is, they make off topic threads on the wrong forums, like asking to play Animal crossing WW on the Other systems boards, when a forum for AC WW gameplay is right BELOW it! Or making questionable intro threads on the DS forums...

So let me state it as loud as possible...



NWR Forums Discord / This just in...we are ALL Anti Sony fanboys
« on: November 29, 2006, 04:55:20 PM »
A friend of mine has dubbed us that agree with the negative Sony news as fanboys...Even if you slightly say that the PS3 launch was weak, you are a fanboy. If you picked a DS over the PSP, you are a fanboy. And if you discuss nothing positive about Sony, the PSP and the PS3 you are a biased whore...

The entire country of Europe are nothing but Sony hating fanboys because they still keep buying the DS. Japan is filled with nothing but Sony hating whores, with them liking the Wii over the PS3...THE NERVE!

So there you have it...



Remember how one of the reasons they decided to give Ouendan an American makeover was because the game was doing so well they thought it would be stupid of them keep it Japan only? Well, I was thinking that this could be done with the Jump Superstar series.

The game is definitely a hit among fans, not just because it features well known manga characters. The games are almost considered to be the SSB game for the DS. The problem is that the anime stories and characters featured on the game are licensed by many companies in the US. It would be HELL to try and publish this in the US.

So I was thinking, why they don't take the original Jump superstars/Ultimate stars engin, work with Nintendo and Hal and update it to a SSB game?

They could easily replace the characters with Nintendo characters and keep the 2D gameplay intact, with the exception of updating or replacing the manga panel engine entirely (I don't quite understand how it works).

The problem I see with this is that they would also have to release the game in Japan as well and Japan had played this games two times already. Hal and Nintendo would have to make it so that its a brand new experience.

This definitely falls under wishful thinking category, but considering how popular the game is outside of Japan, they should do something with the engine.

Nintendo Gaming / Red Steel 2 confirmed?
« on: November 28, 2006, 06:45:36 AM »
Go Nintendo has the details

I would take this with a grain of salt, though. It IS a loosely translated paragraph, so the original website could've been talking about something else entirely.

Still, its good that they are moving on with the game.

NWR Forums Discord / PAP'S 500TH POST BASH!
« on: November 25, 2006, 12:45:36 PM »

Who knew I would make it to 500!


Nintendo Gaming / Wii Sports lasting impression worries
« on: November 25, 2006, 05:42:46 AM »
Go Nintendo posted an article which stated one of the main worries behind the Wii; if the games (mainly Wii sports) and the controller will be enough to keep non gamers (family, casual gaming friends etc.) interested in the Wii.

While the concern is valid, there shouldn't be much to worry about because Nintendo already has planned games that take Wii sports' appeal further.

First is Wii music (aka, the conductor demo at E3). You have seen how in all the Wii trailers they show at least one person being a conductor. This is a game that can easily attract lots of people in, especially if you're conducting skills affects the overall performance.

In the US we will get Wii play in January. That should provide hours of party game fun.

Big Brain Wii should be good as well, especially if it delivers multiplayer the same way the DS game did (which was VERY fun).

Wario ware Wii should attract some people in, despite its niche hardcore gamer appeal. My sister and niece LOVED Wario ware touched and they are casual gamers, so there is a good chance casuals will enjoy Wario's unique brand of gaming.

And finally, if the recently announced Wii health pack is the talked about aerobics/health life game, that should attract lots of people in (especially female gamers).

Oh yeah, don't forget Animal crossing!

I'm sure there are other games I am forgetting, but what I am saying is that there shouldn't be any worries regarding the lasting appeal of the Wii beyond Wii sports because there are plenty of games in the horizon that should further enhance the Wii's performance.

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo's Wii titles for 2007
« on: November 25, 2006, 05:08:23 AM »
A few weeks back there was a thread where some were worried that there was nothing to look forward to in 2007 because the spring release lineup consisted on only 3-4 Nintendo titles. Go Nintendo has made a list of all the first party games that are scheduled to be released in 2007.

* Animal Crossing
* Battalion Wars II
* Big Brain Academy
* Disaster: Day of Crisis
* DK Kongo Blast (Former GC title)
* Eyeshield 21 (Japan only)
* Excite Truck (Already released in the US)
* Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn
* Forever Blue
* Kirby
* Mario Party 8
* Mario Strikers Charged
* Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
* Project H.A.M.M.E.R.
* Super Mario Galaxy
* Super Paper Mario (Former GC title)
* Super Smash Bros. Brawl
* Wii Health Pack (S_B called this one :p )
* Wii Music

Pretty damn good if you as me. Hopefully, Nintendo evens the releases of these games, instead of releasing them all on Fall and forgets about the rest of spring and summer.

NOTE: These are currently Japan, so some games may be released much later or delayed in both countries.  

Nintendo Gaming / Post your Miis!
« on: November 22, 2006, 04:55:54 AM »
I'm surprised no one has done this yet.

If you are able to, post your Miis here! You can include yourself or any wacky Mii creation.

Mine is already my icon (although SB did it for me, since I don't have a Wii yet, but I WILL use it once he sends it to me).

Nintendo Gaming / About the launch titles
« on: November 20, 2006, 03:03:31 PM »
I have to admit that with some of the Wii launch titles getting less than perfect scores from both fans and the media I began to worry about the system's overall performance as well as mark in the industry. But then I realized, this is a problem ALL systems go through when they launch.

The common problem at system launches is that there are few games that make full use of the system's powers and are less than perfect. Some people seem upset that the Wii is going through the same thing, but it isn't the first and certainly won't be the last.

Let's go back a year, when the XBOX 360 was released, the first next gen console to be released. Can you tell me which launch game proved the console was a step above and beyond the original XBOX? Very little.

Perfect Dark 0 was a so so FPS, a majority of the third party games were ports, Dead or alive 4 was basically Dead or alive 3, Kameo was a disappointment etc. It took the system a year before it could get the killer apps and show its true potential.

Let's look at the PS3. Can you tell which launch games convince people that its worth paying 600 dollars to play beyond? None.

Hell, look at the DS. The DS had a very crappy launch, with only one or two titles using the touch screen, while the rest were updated GBA ports. And now its a phenonemon, and it took a year for it to gain that.

So what I am getting at is that its silly to worry about the disappointing Wii launch titles and faulty game designs since no console launch was able to prove its system's powers on day one, and the Wii has actually gone higher than that, showing games that, while still raw, are very fun, deep and prove that games can be great on the system.  

Nintendo Gaming / Rayman: Raving rabbids
« on: November 20, 2006, 12:35:07 PM »
Surprised no one is talking about the game, considering it was one of the hyped launch games.

What do you guys think of the game? Really good? Awful? Disappointing? Better than Zelda?

I heard from S_B that some of the mini games are fun, while others are really frustrating. Is this true?

This is a very dumb news article (and by dumb, I mean pretty funny!).

Some guy got so mad at EBA that out of rage he broke his copy of the game as well as his DS Lite. Then proceed to seek attention by screaming onto the heavens how much he hates Nintendo now.

Here's the full article:
Poor guy wants affection  

General Gaming / Viva Pinata
« on: November 20, 2006, 03:58:32 AM »
I know everyone's too hyped up with the Wii and PS3 to care what is going on with the 360, but anyone try Viva Pinata yet? I ask because much to my surprise the game has gotten solid reviews and good word of mouth and wanted to know if this was true.

I admit that if the game wasn't on the 360 and made by Rare I would pick it up in an instant. I love weird, quirky games like this and VP embodies this quite well.

Nintendo Gaming / Wii arcade
« on: November 20, 2006, 03:55:28 AM »
I don't know if you guys read this but GoNintendo has been reporting on a website that has flash games you can play on your Wii using the Wiimote and the browser.

The website has recently gone live, so here's the link:
Wii arcade

When the browser is available, can someone try it out to see if its true?

Nintendo Gaming / A question about Miis
« on: November 19, 2006, 03:51:34 PM »
The controller stores your Mii data, right? Well, I was wondering, what if a friend of you drops by and plays with your controller and makes a Mii. Then, another friend drops by and uses that same controller. Can you make multiple Miis and save them on one controller or can you only make one of them for just one controller?

Also, can Miis travel accross the internet and end up on your Wii? So for example, any NWR member may end up appearing on my Wii?

Nintendo Gaming / I just realized something...
« on: November 19, 2006, 03:33:04 PM »
You know how everyone's been ragging on reviewers because of their Wii scores? While we have the right to disagree with them and argue their points, do they really deserve all the flak they have been getting lately?

I realized it when I remembered the argument people got with S_B about Oblivion. He clearly hated the game, while some loved it to death. Everybody argued about it, but in the end it didn't matter. Those that still hated it they still hated it. Those that loved Oblivion still loved it. In the end what matters is what YOU think.

If you are not sure about something, rent the game out and see what you think. Actually do the research and find out on your own the quality of the game.

So what I am getting at? Why waste time arguing what some disgruntled guy says about Zelda or Red Steel? We all know Wii sports has gotten average reviews because "it lacks depth", yet even fans who weren't happy that we were going to get it swear by it.

I'm sure Matt's "control issues" didn't matter when you had the time of your life with your friends.

That doesn't mean we shouldn't disagree with what they say. It is our right just as its their right to post whatever they write. I just say its silly to hate their guts and mock them because they saw issues in a game you didn't/

Nintendo Gaming / Your favorite/Least favorite Wii launch game
« on: November 19, 2006, 01:39:40 PM »
Considering how a great deal of NWR members have a Wii and games, post here your favorite launch title as well as your least favorite one.

I'll post mine later on...

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