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Topics - Stogi

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Nintendo Gaming / A year later......
« on: November 06, 2007, 09:20:07 AM »
One year since the launch of the Wii; one year since our giddy anticipation couldn't be controlled; one year since Nintendo was officially in 3rd place (in NA): has anything changed?

Do you still have that same amount of hype for the future you had before the Wii launched?

Are you giddy with anticipation for the next couple of years?

Was the Wii less than what you expected?

NWR Forums Discord / Who wants to be my friend?
« on: November 01, 2007, 04:06:50 PM »
I just recently hooked my Wii up to the interweb, and honestly, I don't know what the hell took so long. Maybe motivation for one thing....

Anyway, I've been a long time poster and though I may not see eye to eye with some people, I feel like simply being a member here for so long has made us into something, something less strange than strangers, even if were not friends per say.

Well, my friend code is in my sig, so anyone feel free to add me (especially those with MP3 because I'd love to have the ability to take pictures in-game) and post your wiicode so I can confirm you.

Games I currently have with WiFi:

Mario Strikers (i'll add my code later on)

I plan on getting:
Endless Ocean
Trauma Center
Mario & Sonic

I'm rather nasty at SSB, so I can't wait to play you guys when brawl comes out. We could maybe hook up some voice chat through our pcs just to make it that much interesting.

Nintendo Gaming / Whatever happened to 1-disk LAN?
« on: November 01, 2007, 07:32:47 AM »

NWR Forums Discord / The craziest week of my life
« on: October 11, 2007, 04:39:31 PM »
So how should I start this off....

Within the last week I met this hook-up. This...hook-up...can get me liquor for ridiculously cheap (as in half off or most likely cheaper). Needless to say I've been drinking myself silly ever since (bah nah na ne na ne nah naaaah, bah nah na ne nah: Tequila!). Anyways last Friday, I went back to my college town to reinforce some bridges (a metaphor). After doing the reunion/pre-game thing, a couple of friends and I went to this party across the street. The party was aiight, but after gaming some girls we decided to take them back across the street.

Then one of the most f*cked up things happened...

I was getting real feely and touchy with one of the chicks, and everything was all good, right? WRONG. I took her up to my friends room and we started to make out and this b*tch started lapping my face as if she was a dog. It was honestly one of the biggest turn offs of my life, especially when I had to spit all the slobber off my lips. I immediately stopped which provoked her to wonder why. I said some bullshit like "my lips are tired" and quickly walked downstairs. And into a fresh bottle of gin I drowned that memory (didn't work).

That was Friday.

Saturday I tripped balls on something called acid.........................

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not some drug addict; I really only focus on alcohol and ganja. Still, I believe that there is a time and a place for everything (you may, however, never have those two things together) and Saturday had both. I'm not here to tell you about what crazy sh!t I saw or did; just realize that it was f*cking crazy, one of the craziest, most influential nights of my life.

That was Saturday.

Fast forward to Tuesday. Now I'm just chillen with my brother at home, right? It's Tuesday, so theres a new House M.D. on. It's kinda hot so I open the back door but leave the screen closed so my cats don't run out. Afterwards, I'm kinda thirsty so I start fixing myself something to drink. That's when these two mothaf*ckers kick down my screen door and put guns in our faces. At this point, I'm scared sh!tless, fortunately though, that won't last. One of the dudes keeps yellin at me, barking orders like "Where's the f*ckin' money!" and "If you move, I'll f*cking murder you!" The other one (skinny one) starts telling my brother to pack-up sh!t; that's when the fat one started walking around.
" guys are some ballers huh?!" he said after looking at my newly formed liquor cabinet. "Bag up the Wii man; get those laptops, and get that 360!" I told him I'm not doing a damn thing, but he could take whatever he wants. He started to threaten me like "I know 50 cent got shot 9 times and lived, but you!......You, nigga, I'LL EMPTY A WHOLE CLIP!" That's when I went to my lower cabinet, took out some trash bags, and put it in front of him. Like a little bitch he took them and started packing up my sh!t.

I keep a Samurai Sword in my living room below my projector's screen. I swear, if I could of reached it before he had a chance to turn around, I would have sliced the sh!t out him, Pulp-Fiction style (they later took the sword too!). At that very moment, I saw my brother being pushed into the bathroom. Soon after I started coughing something fierce. It got so bad I thought I might throw up. That's when I saw my brother reemerge with blood-shot eyes and brown sh!t all over his shirt. He was pepper-sprayed. I'm not talking about a simple spritz in the face......this sh!t was all over.

The skinny one tells him to get on his knees.
"Hell no!" My brother replied.
"Get your hands behind your back BITCH!" The skinny dude yelled. He then began to tie my brother with an extension cord he found, then through him in the closest. He then took me and threatened me into the closest. I still had my phone on me (amateurs) , so when this whole next conversation took place, I was calling the police and whispering where I was.
"What's your pin number?!" That skinny dude exclaimed.
"I already told you: 1137" My brother said.
"That's not what you said last time" skinny dude replied.
"What the f*ck? Yes it is" My brother pleaded.
"I'm going to have my boy go to an ATM and see if it's right. If it's not, I'm going to kill you and your little brother!"
"Your going to go through all this trouble for $300?!" (300, because that's the max amount you can pull out the atm)

Soon after that last comment, we noticed the lights were turned off. My brother easily slipped out of his tying and opened the door. Immediately we saw that they had left. My brother threw on his shoes and bolted after them, asking anyone if they saw two black guys carrying white bags and a samurai swords.

Long story short, the cops catch them both with in 30 minutes and get us all our stuff back except for the samurai sword, my brother's phone, and $130 in cash. We later ID'd them and gave these detectives our statements. Once we got back to the crib, we packed up and went home to our parents.

F*cked up right?

Skip to today. I have a huge proposal (multi-million dollars) due tomorrow (Friday). I'm not the only one working on it, but I still spent all day today trying to finish (it's still not finished). Tomorrow I not only have to finish this proposal before 5, but I'm hanging out with my X as well.

To add to the ruckus....I HAVEN"T BEEN ABLE TO PLAY MAFIA, even though ironically IT"S MY FIRST TIME PLAYING.

So let's sum this up. I buy liquor at at least half off (Good!); I made out with a chick that kisses like I dog (Bad!); I tripped balls on acid in the middle of the forest (Good!); I was robbed by armed men (Bad!); I have a multi-million dollar proposal to finish (Bad!); and I'm meeting with this chick I may or may not love for the last time before I go to South Africa in a week (Good!).

Good God.

General Chat / I need the best music player/organizer
« on: October 03, 2007, 07:51:11 AM »
I'm done. I'm tired of itunes inability to swap music from ipod to it's library. I'm sick of WMP not playing the file types I love. I'm sick of it all.

Now that my song collection has crossed the 10k line, I need the best media player out there so I can finally get down to the nitty-gritty and organize my music collection. I want pictures, internet accessibility, support for files such as flack and ape; I want a party-mode lock-down feature, so grubby paws can't change the song. I want Milkdrop support. Damn it, I want it all!

I'm on a PC and use windows. I am trying out MediaMonkey right now, but it likes to crash, further pissing me off.

What do you tech-heads suggest?


So I'm looking to get into Linux because it has the best music player (I told ya'll, music's my life). Now I just want to know before I jump in head first: is Linux school friendly? I mean, if a Professor wants a digital copy of my paper can I give them a file that'll work on their computer?

General Chat / What to do? What to do?
« on: September 30, 2007, 09:20:52 PM »
This will probably my most personal post I ever write; and though I could confide in my friends, I feel a little embarrassed because this has never happened to me before.
For the first time in my life, I have no idea what to do....

My whole life I'm been the type that would just roll along and never actively seek out love. While my friends were hooking up with girls that they had simple crushes on, I just chilled out. I figured if I just stayed true to myself that eventually I'd find that right girl for me. And you know, it's weird; I've traveled to 14 different countries (about to be 16 in this next month) and I've always thought that one day I'd fall for some complete stranger in a strange land.

Now, having never known what romantic love feels like, I can't help but wonder what I have suddenly come down with. You see, there has been this girl in majority of my life. We use to date back in the day (she was the first and only girlfriend I have ever had), but believe or not, we broke up because I was too scared to do the girlfriend, boyfriend thing and in some instances, even talk to her. And when we broke up, I really hurt her. As depressing as that may sound, we still remain good friends; even great friends.

Now I am 20 years of age and pride myself for my ability to communicate with women; whether it's at a party and I'm pulling numbers OG style with a badass pen (cellphones are cool, but there's nothing like getting a new number written on your hand when there's already one there!), or at a library, simply engaging in deep conversation about the morality of man with a complete stranger. I've had many more relationships since then (though none of them BF/GF), even though most of them weren't sexual (I don't like sleeping with people I barely know; not to say that it hasn't happened). Anyway, the point is I feel more capable then ever before. And I am confident that when I meet this future Mrs. Stogi, I will have the prowess needed to seize the opportunity.

But now I am taking a break from school and am back in my home town for the moment. To my surprise, my ex is going to school at the college here. She was originally going to culinary school, but now that she graduated, she enrolled at this university. Anyway, the point is I saw her a couple days ago, after not seeing her for two years, and was floored. It's not like her appearance changed, and well, I honestly can't tell you why I was so startled. After the years of "practice", I found myself nervous, avoiding eye-contact, and even stuttering. I felt childish.

How could a women have so much power over me? Now I can't help but think about her. She was in my dream last night, and though I forgot what took place, I woke up smiling. And though I have never felt love, I think this might be it. I'm completely infatuated with this girl. After meeting so many girls is so many different places, is it possible the one I should be with was the first one all along?

Anyway, our conversation that night was a combination of sweet nothings and funny stories. As we sat on the roof smoking, chillin, looking at the stars, I told her that I missed her and she said the same; then there was this long pause where we just sort of stared into each other's eyes. And when it was her time to leave, there was this awkward moment where I wanted to say something, and she could tell, but then I just told her good bye and gave her a hug.

The reason I'm telling you guys this is because I don't know what to do. I have never felt so confused in my life. When she left I didn't have these insane feelings; when she left we parted as good friends. Now that she's back, I'm all the sudden infatuated with her. I want to tell her exactly how I feel. I mean, that's what I usually do; I'm not the type to drag things along. Then again, I don't think she would feel comfortable if the second time I see her in two years I blurt out all these emotions that have seemingly came out of nowhere. To make things worse, I leave town Tuesday to go back to my place and I won't be able to see her again for at least a month!

Should I gather up my courage (maybe with a little liquid courage on the side) and tell her how I feel? What if she says she doesn't feel the same way? I have never been this vulnerable before. It's honestly a little scary and I don't know how I would react. I don't know if I could be the type of guy who could stay friends with someone and act like nothing ever happened and I don't want to risk one of my oldest friendships over something like this. Then again, I can't ignore these feelings; these feelings which I've never had before.

UGH! Why is this so difficult?!

Have you guys experienced something similar? Could you lend me some advice?

General Chat / Avatar: The Last Airbender
« on: September 24, 2007, 03:55:20 PM »
I know it's childish, but that shows the shiznittlebangsnipsnapsack. I gave that show a chance, and now I love it.

First episode of Book III premiered last Friday. For 9 weeks (half the season) they'll be playing 8:30 p.m. on Friday; or if you have a social life, 12:00 p.m. Saturday on Nick. 

Nintendo Gaming / WiiFit videos, among other things
« on: September 21, 2007, 05:37:46 AM »

Good God. I love Italy.

General Gaming / Games that pertain to Science
« on: September 06, 2007, 07:35:39 AM »
Hi guys,

I need your help once again. I need help collecting a list of games that pertain to science (for example Trauma Center). I know there are not too many out there, but I would really appreciate any help I could get.

Thanks in advance.

Nintendo Gaming / The Wii, The Sensorbar, and The Projector
« on: August 25, 2007, 05:44:10 AM »
So I recently picked up a high def projector the other day. Thing was a bitch to setup (ceiling mount), but now that I'm done I couldn't be happier. Anyway, the room that I put it in isn't very big; so small in fact that I can have my Wii chillen to the right of my couch and have the sensor bar sitting on a center speaker across the room.

I started playing some Call of Duty 3 the other day and I noticed how janky the pointing mechanism is. I never really noticed this when I had my sensor bar sitting on top of my TV, but now that's it's practically on the floor I literally have to point down at it while trying to aim and move around.

My question is this: how can I fix this problem? I want to play Metriod Prime 3 on my projector and be able to "aim" at enemies in real-life. I know the pointing mechanism isn't a light-gun, but it felt like it when I played RE4 on my old TV. Is there a wireless sensor bar or a sensor bar extension cable (preferred)? I already have a shelf and double sided tape to fix the height problem.  

General Chat / The New Music Thread
« on: August 07, 2007, 10:23:36 AM »
This thread is for posting new music that you have been listening to. It is to help others branch out into other genres/artist that they may not now much about.

I'll post first so others may follow the template.

Antibalas Afrobeat Ochestra

A friend turned me on to this group a couple weeks ago, and now I'm obsessed. They incorporate both jazz and samba music into a new style of music that is irresistible. It reminds me of Cowboy Bebop's soundtrack, but more bass (the instrument) heavy. It lays down the groove while the low brass gives it it's texture. The high brass freestyles the melody, while the guitar carries the rhythm. The piano and organ love to break into the music with catchy rhythms that just build upon what's already there. The drums just hold the beat down throughout, occasionally doing a couple of breaks. Every once and a while a lyricist will appear, speaking in his or her own native dialog. They compliment the music very nicely and add to the experience rather than detract from it. Also, there are speak and repeat moments which are very common in African music. It's honestly the greatest band I've listen to in a long time.

If you want to listen to a sample, "Elephant" might be the best choice. By the way, all their albums are great.

Strunz & Farah

A couple of months ago, I had some people over at my parents house while they were away and I was back from college. Randomly, this dude that one of my brother's friend's invited gave me about 10 cd's worth of music. Everything he gave me was great, but this was definitely the best. It is a guitarist from the Middle East and another from Spain. They are both extremely talented. The music is a very chilled out, very light and relaxing. It is the perfect music to play if your trying to get intimate with someone. I'm not talking about seduction or anything like that (though it compliments that also), I'm talking about conversation. This music fits so well as the background for a relaxed atmosphere. If you ever have a little get together play this music. It is a blend of jazz, salsa, samba, arabian music, and spanish guitar. If you liked OOT's Garudo fortress music or Skies of Arcadia's Horteka Island, than you will love this because it's about a million times better. ALL THERE ALBUMS ARE AMAZING!

Sample "Andina",  "Fuente Veija", and "Capricho Nocturno" if you like SOA
Go here and sample "Centellas" and "Secret Village" if you like OOT. It's from a different album.    

NWR Forums Discord / Don't smoke crack, you ain't cool enough
« on: August 07, 2007, 07:00:57 AM »

Sample Clip 2:19 (through the website it plays a little slowed down, but if you download it it plays right; either way it still sounds cool)


Yoyoyoyoyo, yoyoyo, check it

Don't smoke crack, you ain't cooool enough (*high voice* crack)
Don't smoke crack, you ain't cooool enough (crack-cocaine)
Don't smoke crack, you ain't cooool enough (crack)
You ain't cooool enough,
You AIN'T cooool enough,

I once had buddy named chip, (*bass comes in*)
who use to f*ck a different girl every single day, (word?)
trust me he's the master at get - in' play,
what-i'm-trying-to-say he's no muthaf*ckin geek,
slaying a different girl everyday of the week,
I remember him telling me he once f*cked a dyke (no way)
Now he smokes crack everyday thursday night
And you know why?
Cause the motherf*cker's cooool enough. (echoing)

I once had buddy named pip,
he'd visit a different country every single month, (word?)
taking with him -- a phat ass blunt, (that's whatsup)
trust me --  he's-no-muthaf*ckin-trooooll
(beat drops)
I remember him telling me he chilled with gorillas in the mist, (no sh!t!)
Now he smokes crack on Mount Everest
And you know why?
Cause the motherf*cker's cooool enough. (echoing)

(beat picks up)
I once had buddy named poo,
who'd make at least a billion dollars every single year, (word?)
she doesn't do sh!t anymore except drink a lot beer,
let me it make clear,
she's no f*ckin goof,
She has a different pool on every floor, including the roof,
I remember her telling me she had Donald Trump,
licking her cooter while she took a dump,
Now shes smokes crack cause she's f*cking no chump,
And you know why?
Cause the motherf*cker's cooool enough.

(talking in the background "hell ya she's cool enough"
"sh!t, I'm gonna smoke some crack right now."
"Hell ya, spark it up."
"this is the coolest sh!t I've ever did"
"Smoke - smoke - smoke - smoke - smoke - smoke - smoke - smoke"
"Take-to-da-head take-to-da-head take-to-da-head take-to-da-head"
"Smoke - smoke - smoke - smoke - smoke - smoke - smoke - smoke")

Don't smoke crack, you ain't cooool enough (*high voice* crack)
Don't smoke crack, you ain't cooool enough (crack-cocaine)
Don't smoke crack, you ain't cooool enough (crack)
You ain't cooool enough,
You AIN'T cooool enough,

(in the background during the rest of the chorus
"Smoke - smoke - smoke - smoke - smoke - smoke - smoke - smoke")

Don't smoke crack, you ain't cooool enough (*high voice* crack)
Don't smoke crack, you ain't cooool enough (crack-cocaine)
Don't smoke crack, you ain't cooool enough (crack)
You ain't cooool enough,
You AIN'T cooool enough,

The second verse has yet to be written. If you guys would like to add something, be my guest .  

I just thought I'd let you guys know I found a Wii!


I stopped by Wal-mart on my way home from work to refill my water jugs and also get some rotisserie chicken (mmm....rotisserie). I decided I might as well see if they got any Wii's in stock, even though they probably don't. To my surprise they had 1 left...........behind the counter, hiding. I barely spotted the damn thing.

The funny thing is I gave up looking for it the day before and would just check if I happened to be in a store that sold them.

I'll write a first impression/opinion of the Wii in a bit, but right now I am in the market for a game. I already bought Wii play, seeing how it comes with a controller. And I purchased a second nunchuck controller.

I want to know what games you might recommend I play. I would like something multi-player so I can play with my brother (who LOVES wiisports/play), but I won't turn down suggestions for a deep single-player games either (like trauma center).

Anyway, thanks for your help in advance.

P.S. I am not connected to the internet. I will be in the next couple of weeks, and I'll post my Wii code.

Nintendo Gaming / Custom Metriod Soundtrack
« on: July 24, 2007, 06:14:27 PM »
As much as I love Metriod Prime's soundtrack (I actually downloaded the entire album), I think this group could provide a phenomenal soundrack.

There called Skream. It's electronic/dub-step.

Check out the first song here

P.S. The song really kicks in about 1:45 in and it's nice and bass heavy.

NWR Forums Discord / TCET
« on: July 24, 2007, 09:51:16 AM »
The Crazy Experience Thread

This thread is made specifically to get to know one another. If you have a funny/crazy story that depicts a side of your personality, post it here so we may all laugh!


No seriously, I been talking to you guys for what seems like ages (back when Grey Ninja and the like roamed around) but I don't know anything about any of you guys (except that Bill has some crazy S&M fantasies of Link beating him with a sword).

I guess that'll do for an introduction. Normally I would post first, but I'll let someone else pop that cherry.

Nintendo Gaming / Free!
« on: July 23, 2007, 02:01:33 AM »
 2 games strong and still no fees!


Nintendo Gaming / Fighting Games: WTF happened?
« on: July 20, 2007, 08:01:45 PM »
I tell you WTF happened.

First games didn't have enough to do, now I can't tell WTF is going on or how the F this MF-er is doing a 70 hit combo while his little buddy in the corner is shooting a giant F-ing laser up my ass. Meanwhile, I'm tapping all buttons simultaneously yelling out the random obscenities that pass through my mind.

And I thought KI was the extreme!

Seriously, creators need to ease up on whatever their smoking, and stop masturbating to characters they draw. How is this giant tittied bitch suppose to stop this evil f@cking super badass? Oh right.....She shoots lasers........out......out of her boobs. Isn't that fantastic!

And what is so wrong with a slow fighting game? Why can't I clock someone in the ribs, then punch them in the gut, and finally, knee them in the face? Why do I need a 40-hit combo when a painful, small combo looks so much more brutal?

Where's the slow-mo? Where's the over-exaggerated hits? I want to see some characters fly through panes of glass. Where's the use of items? Why can't I pick up this plank of wood and beat this dude with it?

And for the love of God, I want 2-D!

Oh what the F ever.....  

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