Author Topic: The OFFICIAL Big N rumor thread *bring your own salt*  (Read 3316775 times)

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Offline 31 Flavas

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RE:The OFFICIAL Wii rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #50 on: July 11, 2006, 11:41:14 AM »

Originally posted by: Donutt007

Now what happens if for some reason your system goes bad. Although I've never had a nintendo system die on me before, say my buddy spills a beer on it, I punch him in the face and make him buy me a new I need to punch him some more and make him rebuy the games?
Granted we still know next to nothing about how the VC works both technically and from a market place stand point. That said though, its probably going to be a combination of encryption/DRM and online database connectivity. It would give increased flexability for the user and increased security for Nintendo/Sega/NEC and the individual game developer.

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Offline ruby_onix

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RE:The OFFICIAL Wii rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #51 on: July 11, 2006, 12:13:21 PM »

Originally posted by: Pale
Ruby, you really show some of your ignorance in calling Wii crippleware because it won't play your old discs.  You sound like you think Nintendo went out of their way to lock out such a possibility.  Don't you think booting to a disc and booting to what is essentially an OS loading what are most likely specially prepared ROMs into a specially prepared emulator are different things?

Do you think that it's any more difficult for the emulator to load from the DVD drive than something like say, a USB hard drive (which has been pretty much confirmed)?

The definition of crippleware is something that's not living up to it's potential, because they want to charge you for it. The "special preparations" on those ROMs (assuming there are any, as we're all just assuming here) are going to be there for piracy reasons, not to make the games work.

If all the pieces are in place (original games, CD drive, fully-licenced compatible hardware via emulation, a good controller), and it can't be a substitute for the original hardware, then it's either crippleware (if what they really want is for me to buy my games twice), or it's got self-crippling anti-piracy features.


Nintendo isn't going out of it's way to screw people over.  The amount of work required to add that capability is not a financially sound decision given how few people will have those discs.

All of your other examples point to reasons where it is financially smart.  Millions of people have GBA games, so a GBA slot in the DS makes sense.  Don't be so silly in your extreme negativity.  If you honestly think Nintendo is going out of its way to ruin your day, you need to wake up.

I don't know how much it would cost to add a Z80 chip to the GBA chip they already added to the DS. But even if it is a lot, they could've tried emulation. There are fan-made GBC emulators that run on the GBA.

And how many millions of people do you think will download VC versions of TG-16 games?

I spoke to a couple of older gamers when the VC news broke, and most are concerned about the life left in their old hardware. Most of them said that if the Rev/Wii qualified as new Sega CD/TGCD hardware, and that it had S-video/Component outputs, they'd buy one at launch, regardless of any revolutionary games. A hardware sale is a hardware sale, and I doubt that non-gaming grandmothers will do more for the Wii's attach rate than these people.

Yes, if the VC is a locked download-only system, that's something unheard of and it's better than nothing. But it'll be falling short of it's potential, and that will make me sad.
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Offline Kairon

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RE:The OFFICIAL Wii rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #52 on: July 11, 2006, 12:25:21 PM »
Regardless, this is still a huge niche issue. And catering to such a small niche would only be a distraction from all of the other things that Nintendo gets to do right. Not to mention it's a headache of a technical issue too, and probably a legal issue that Nintendo probably doesn't have time to work out before launch.


A hardware sale is a hardware sale

Tell that to the PSP.

~Carmine M. Red
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
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Than this of Sega and her Mashiro.

Offline Ceric

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RE: The OFFICIAL Wii rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #53 on: July 11, 2006, 05:48:20 PM »
You know what.  No one's moaned about this and it makes sense.  I want Virtual Boy games on my Virtual Console.  The Stand for my Virtual Boy broke and I liked a good amount of the games.  So I want to play them on the Wii.  Even if it's just on an ordinary screen.
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so, I don't have to edit as Much.

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RE: The OFFICIAL Wii rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #54 on: July 11, 2006, 06:44:59 PM »
ruby_onix: As I understand the GBC's hardware, it does not need to emulate the GB. It just has extra options for games to put it into color mode and use the IR port. I believe GBA did use separate hardware to cover GB/GBC support, although its processor is plenty powerful to do so in software and they could have done so on the DS and Micro. Actually, I am not sure exactly how the hardware is designed. It may be possible to create a DS card with a GBC emulator on it. (I do not know if the GBA and GBC cart reading hardware differs.) It certainly would have been quite possible for Nintendo to include a GBC emulator on the ROM chip on the Micro, although it would have required some extra work, which they (probably correctly) deemed unprofitable.

I know Nintendo is in no way bound to helping people run old games on new hardware, but trying to make it as difficult as possible (illegal under DMCA somehow?) to play those old discs which require no hardware modifications to be playable and then resell the exact same games sounds greedy to me.

I assume that any encryption of Wii VC ROMs will be for making it difficult to get ROMs onto your Wii (or onto your friend's Wii) as opposed to making it difficult to get them off. Nintendo is well aware that the ROMs are in the wild and surely has no illusions that they can keep illegal ROMs off the internet.

Just a note on the DMCA: Technically, the DMCA has a clause allowing an except for interopability, so, no matter what it takes to get your Saturn ROMs onto your Wii, it is perfectly legal to do so. On the other hand, if you widely distribute how to do so, I hope you have deep pockets for the lawyer's fees.

Offline Strell

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RE: The OFFICIAL Wii rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #55 on: July 11, 2006, 08:08:22 PM »
People are bitching about BC?

I hope none of you own a 360 or a PS2 then.  You must be in shambles over them.
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Offline Mikintosh

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RE: The OFFICIAL Wii rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #56 on: July 11, 2006, 08:54:40 PM »
I think Nintendo doesn't feel a huge commitment to provide backwards capability to old platforms because the percentage of their current consumers who own any of them is a small fraction. They haven't even sold Game Boy Color games for almost 5 years (I got Pokemon Crystal right before they died out), and the used game market isn't that extensive.

I'd probably like the compilation disk personally, but I don't see them doing it as it's the exact opposite of the iTunes structure that Nintendo said it's trying to emulate. It's cheaper to distribute these things online without packaging, etc.

Offline couchmonkey

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RE: The OFFICIAL Wii rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #57 on: July 12, 2006, 05:32:49 AM »
Now Virtual Boy backwards compatability - I can see them ignoring it for the same reason as Saturn backwards compatability, in fact it might be even harder to do since the code was probably designed specifically for the Virtual Boy's unique display.  Having said all that, I'd love to see it.  I mean, VBs must be hard to come by nowdays, and since it's one of Nintendo's own systems I see it as a more important omission than Saturn.

So err, I would love to see it, heck I'd love to see Saturn too, but I don't expect either.
That's my opinion, not yours.
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Offline Kairon

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RE:The OFFICIAL Wii rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #58 on: July 12, 2006, 05:41:27 AM »
Personally, I'm hoping against hope for Sega CD and TG-FX CD virtual console support... but I know it's a futile effort... *sniff*

edit: I meant to say that I hope they sell Sega CD and TG-FX CD games on the virtual console so that I can download them and play them. I never owned a Sega Genesis, CD, or TG-FX, so I have no qualms whatsoever about paying for games I never owned before.

~Carmine M. Red  
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
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For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Sega and her Mashiro.

Offline stevey

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RE: The OFFICIAL Wii rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #59 on: July 12, 2006, 12:45:50 PM »
I would love to play all of my dreamcast games and all 2 sega cd games on the wii and much as next sega fanboy, but sega would make way more money making collection, ports, remakes and they would get next to nothing in money by adding support since it isn't their system.
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Offline Kairon

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RE:The OFFICIAL Wii rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #60 on: July 12, 2006, 12:55:37 PM »

Originally posted by: stevey
I would love to play all of my dreamcast games and all 2 sega cd games on the wii and much as next sega fanboy, but sega would make way more money making collection, ports, remakes and they would get next to nothing in money by adding support since it isn't their system.

A good reason not to blame Nintendo: blame Sega.

~Carmine M. Red
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Sega and her Mashiro.

Offline Mikintosh

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RE: The OFFICIAL Wii rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #61 on: July 12, 2006, 02:37:24 PM »
I think this was said earlier; Dreamcast and other bigger games probably won't be included because they'd take too much space for the Wii to save on whatever they save the games on. Genesis and prior games are comparatively smaller.

Offline Crimm

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RE:The OFFICIAL Wii rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #62 on: July 12, 2006, 03:30:26 PM »

Originally posted by: Mikintosh
I think this was said earlier; Dreamcast and other bigger games probably won't be included because they'd take too much space for the Wii to save on whatever they save the games on. Genesis and prior games are comparatively smaller.

The only real way Dreamcast, or heck Saturn games, would be Wii compatable would be disk-read emulation.

James Jones
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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RE:The OFFICIAL Wii rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« Reply #63 on: July 14, 2006, 07:55:02 AM »
NEW Rumors straight from the EGM rumor mill *more salt needed*

If DQ Wii and DQ DS sell well then Dragon Quest IX will be exclusive for Wii

& SquareEnix is working on a MMORPG in the Mana Universe

and one for the DS because I don't want to start another thread
Mother(Earthbound) Compilation for DS complete with Touchscreen capabilities.

If either of the first two have any truth to them, such as DQ is also coming to Wii or a NEW Mana game is coming to Wii, it is definately very very good news, especially if exclusive and/or MMO

as for the DS rumor, I would guess that this is great news as I've never played the game and I have no idea how much Japan or the U.S loves Mother/Eathbound.    

Offline couchmonkey

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The DQ rumour is kind of silly.  If the two games sell 10 million copies each, then of course Square Enix would consider putting DQ IX on the Wii exclusively.  How well is "'well"?

Still, those are all fun rumours, even if I don't believe them.  I'd LOVE to see a DS complication of the Earthbound games, I'm even willing to bet they'd release it here.
That's my opinion, not yours.
Now Playing: The Adventures of Link, Super Street Fighter 4, Dragon Quest IX

Offline Kairon

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Well... we know what we have to do then don't we?


~Carmine M. Red
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Sega and her Mashiro.

Offline Luigi Dude

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Even though the Dragon Quest rumor doesn't sound right, the Wii probobly will get Dragon Quest IX in the future.  The Dragon Quest series is the most popular series in Japan and Enix now SquareEnix will only put it on the most popular system in Japan.  From everything we've seen the Wii is looking to easily win the Japanese market.  If the Wii becomes like the DS and just dominates sales in Japan over the PS3 over the next year then Dragon Quest IX will be announced for the Wii.
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Offline Spak-Spang

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If I was Nintendo after sales of the Wii break records in Japan...I would negotiate for exclusive rights to Dragon Quest IX.  I would offer a buttload of money, and perhaps give SquareEnix the funding and right to create a new Zelda traditional RPG or something like that.  

Offline Bill Aurion

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Zelda RPG = NO NO NO!

If anything I'd like to see another Mario RPG from them, but please spare Zelda from the genre...
~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

Offline EasyCure

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RE:The OFFICIAL Wii rumor thread *bring your own salt*(updated 7/14/2006)
« Reply #69 on: July 14, 2006, 02:56:30 PM »
i would pee myself if the earthbound rumor was true (well, if true and 100% confirmed that it was coming to the US)
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Offline Kairon

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RE:The OFFICIAL Wii rumor thread *bring your own salt*(updated 7/14/2006)
« Reply #70 on: July 14, 2006, 03:21:23 PM »

Originally posted by: Bill Aurion
Zelda RPG = NO NO NO!

If anything I'd like to see another Mario RPG from them, but please spare Zelda from the genre...


Keep Zelda pure. Only Nintendo and...uh...Capcom...

~Carmine M. Red
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Sega and her Mashiro.

Offline Smash_Brother

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RE:The OFFICIAL Wii rumor thread *bring your own salt*(updated 7/14/2006)
« Reply #71 on: July 14, 2006, 05:22:39 PM »

Originally posted by: Spak-Spang
If I was Nintendo after sales of the Wii break records in Japan...I would negotiate for exclusive rights to Dragon Quest IX.  I would offer a buttload of money, and perhaps give SquareEnix the funding and right to create a new Zelda traditional RPG or something like that.

They're already having them make 3 on 3.

I wouldn't be surprised to see more collaborations in the future.
"OK, first we need someone to complain about something trivial. Golden or S_B should do. Then we get someone to defend the game, like Bill or Mashiro. Finally add some Unclebob or Pro666 randomness and the thread should go to hell right away." -Pap64

Offline Bill Aurion

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Nintendo isn't making them make anything...It was SE's idea in the first place...
~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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RE:The OFFICIAL Wii rumor thread *bring your own salt*(updated 7/14/2006)
« Reply #73 on: July 14, 2006, 06:29:59 PM »

Originally posted by: EasyCure
i would pee myself if the earthbound rumor was true (well, if true and 100% confirmed that it was coming to the US)
I think the main point of the Earthbound bundle was to localize it and release it in the U.S.. I remember hearing that that is why NOA was hesitant to release EB3 here in the states for GBA, they want to kill off the GBA and push sales of the DS Lite instead. So here comes a rumor of a compilation...

& no one has anything to say about a Secret of Mana MMO?
I've never played an MMO but I have very fond memories of SoM & I would buy it just to try it out.

Offline Bill Aurion

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RE:The OFFICIAL Wii rumor thread *bring your own salt*(updated 7/14/2006)
« Reply #74 on: July 14, 2006, 06:45:33 PM »

Originally posted by: BlackNMild2k1
I remember hearing that that is why NOA was hesitant to release EB3 here in the states for GBA, they want to kill off the GBA and push sales of the DS Lite instead.

Earthbound 3 doesn't exist...

Oh, and I hate MMORPGs with a passion so I doubt the Mana series will change my mind on the matter...I'd just like a traditional Mana game, thanks!
~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~