Also, that 25 total games is a total lie. A bunch of those titles were just free trials I quickly downloaded to get the platinum points for doing so and then deleted them right after. The NES Online App, Uno, Cadence of Hyrule, Eastward, Star Wars Republic Commando, Katamari Damacy REROLL, Dragon Ball Fighterz, Cult of the Lamb and MLB The Show 23 were all just quick in and outs to get the 100 coin rewards. Well, except MLB. I think I needed to free up like 48GB in order to finish downloading it and I wasn't going through that hassle for the 100 platinum coin bonus. Thanks for nothing, Sony!
Of course, this doesn't show the time I've been playing some Wii U games like Color Splash or NintendoLand and other Wii stuff or GC and 3DS which got a bit of gameplay as well. (Maybe I should look into adding up all the hours in the Wii U calendar to see how much I was using that system this year. It might actually be equal or above my Switch time. I could still be a
True Nintendo Gaming Hero for heavily using my Wii U in 2023!) Oh, and there was also a month or so where I really got hooked back into Civilization 3 and replaying that for nostalgia. A rare accomplishment of computer gaming for me.