Author Topic: Where should Nintendo go from here?  (Read 35978 times)

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Offline NWR_insanolord

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Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« Reply #25 on: November 26, 2014, 03:35:00 PM »
To be fair with the 2D platformer thing, I don't think there's much of an opportunity cost for most of them. NSMBU and Yoshi are made by studios that pretty much only make 2D platformers, and I doubt Kirby's taking up that significant of an amount of resources. The exception to that, of course, is Retro with DKC, but Tropical Freeze is just so damn good that I can't complain about that. They'd damn well better be making something different now, though.
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Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« Reply #26 on: November 26, 2014, 05:01:03 PM »
To be fair with the 2D platformer thing, I don't think there's much of an opportunity cost for most of them. NSMBU and Yoshi are made by studios that pretty much only make 2D platformers, and I doubt Kirby's taking up that significant of an amount of resources. The exception to that, of course, is Retro with DKC, but Tropical Freeze is just so damn good that I can't complain about that. They'd damn well better be making something different now, though.

What's frustrating is that you can make a lot of 2D side scroller type games without every single one of them being similar to Mario.  Why couldn't one of these teams make something that plays more like Mega Man, Contra, Final Fight or Shinobi?  Those are all 2D side scrollers but they all play quite differently from Mario.  Or more importantly why not something that plays like Zelda II or a new 2D METROID!?  You're hung up on 2D games for some reason, haven't made a 2D Metroid in years, and you have the Metroid Prime guys working on a 2D game!  Come on this is easy stuff!

I'm assuming Nintendo was counting their chickens before they hatch.  The initial lineup of the Wii U seemed to focus a lot on 2D platformers and mini-game comps.  What are the Wii U launch games?  NSMB U and Nintendo Land.  Nintendo noticed that NSMB Wii and the various Wii Series games were big hits so they figured they'll just release a couple games like that and the system will sell like hotcakes and then they'll release more games in the same genres and those will sell like hotcakes with that same audience.  With the Wii U I really got the feeling that Nintendo didn't know why the Wii was successful and tried to recreate its success by copying some of its trademarks in a very superficial way.  We all rolled our eyes when DKC was revealed but that project probably started before the Wii U was even released and Nintendo had to keep going on with a strategy that no longer made sense but had already been invested in.

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Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« Reply #27 on: November 26, 2014, 06:10:50 PM »
I'd argue NSMBU and Tropical Freeze play quite differently from one another. The others aren't out yet, but based on Good Feel's previous games I think Yoshi's likely to be distinct as well, and if Kirby's true to its predecessor it will also be very different.

The thing here, though, is that I'm perfectly happy with a system being dominated by platformers. That's probably my favorite kind of game, so being about half the lineup, as well as things like Pikmin that I love, is fine by me. I understand why that's not true for most people, but I couldn't really be that much happier with the Wii U lineup at this point.
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Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« Reply #28 on: November 26, 2014, 09:02:13 PM »
Ian Sane tell us how you really feel. Don't hold back

Offline Nile Boogie Returns

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Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« Reply #29 on: November 26, 2014, 09:09:12 PM »
They should hold serve. Stay on the path they've been on since E3 AND TREEHOUSE LIVE. I would love a sprinkling of more 3rd party games maybe 5 next year(not lego or just dance). Like someone said before me, localize the Japanese games and get that Retro game a showing.


Fix the lack of basic streaming apps (WWE network, HBOGO, Simpsons World etc)

Sales not withstanding, this has been one of the best years to own Nintendo products.

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Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« Reply #30 on: November 26, 2014, 09:36:56 PM »
Nintendo needs a serios uptick in sales this holiday season just to get back to getting basic third party titles (COD,Madden,Fifa). They're only getting Lego, Dance and Skylanders because those games still outperform other platforms.
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Offline Evan_B

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Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« Reply #31 on: November 26, 2014, 11:11:46 PM »
I'd argue NSMBU and Tropical Freeze play quite differently from one another. The others aren't out yet, but based on Good Feel's previous games I think Yoshi's likely to be distinct as well, and if Kirby's true to its predecessor it will also be very different.

The thing here, though, is that I'm perfectly happy with a system being dominated by platformers. That's probably my favorite kind of game, so being about half the lineup, as well as things like Pikmin that I love, is fine by me. I understand why that's not true for most people, but I couldn't really be that much happier with the Wii U lineup at this point.
It's not the "feel" of the game we're talking about. Some of my favorite games of all time are side-scrolling, but they don't focus on the "jump on heads, get coins" style of play. I would be okay with a system dominated by 2D sidescrollers if they had a different vocabulary than the 2D platformer. Again, would people be much more excited for a new Metroid game instead of Yoshi's Wooly World? I would argue "yes". Hell, they could have made Samus' Stringy Stars and I would be more excited. I was happy with the announcement of Rainbow Curse because it's play function is different. Even with the multiplayer capabilities (that are extremely stupid), the Gamepad player is controlling a character that contributes to the gameplay in an engaging way. It honestly should have been a launch title, rather that the sterile, removed Gamepad usage of NSMBU.
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Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« Reply #32 on: November 28, 2014, 01:06:08 AM »
At this point in time  its better to pretend 3rd parties don't even exist and don't even bring them up, they are NEVER going to give Nintendo the support they deserve, and Nintendo didn't just lose them over night its been happening for TWENTY YEARS. There is a culture at Nintendo that they are right and they do not budge on that, never will. They said during the GameCube days Online was not important, and despite online being the standard, Nintendo still continues to half ass the online stuff as if they are still trying to prove that nobody cares. I get the impression that if it isn't their idea then to them its a bad idea period.

I love platformers, especially Mario, DK, Sonic, etc, but I don't care for Yoshi or Kirby much, never have. Here is the thing, Nintendo making games that are remeniscant of their glory days is not going to get their audience back, it is only going to keep them placating a shrinking loyal fanbase that hates change as much as they do.

Even if Nintendo did everything Ian says, they will still not get 3rd party support, those days are long gone. Some companies like Ubisoft and Activision are waiting for proof the sales are worth it, Capcom, EA, Konami, Square, even Sega, have all pretty much given up taking Nintendo seriously. Even with massive sales on Wii Nintendo failed to get solid 3rd party support, they got the token games that played similar to existing Nintendo games, and plenty of year late PS2 ports because they made such an underpowered piece of ****.

With Wii U they never stood a chance, even if it sold well enough to get the year late PS3/360 ports nobody wants to make games for a console that is not just underpowered but lacking in basic hard drive space also forces developers to gimp their product because unlike the competition whose base units come with more than enough storage to meet the needs of the developers, Wii U, like Wii before it, has just barely enough space to meet Nintendo's needs, game saves and a few eshop purchases, before a secondary drive becomes not optional but mandatory.

the basic model should have been the 32 Gb one and the Deluxe should have had at least 120 GB if not more.

The problem is Nintendo doesn't expect 3rd parties to support them so they don't give a damn they gave up chasing after companies that treat them like dirt anyways. With GameCube they went out of their way to vet 3rd parties and they still got stabbed in the back, they still struggled to maintain basic, token support. And Gamecube was doing much better than Wii U is right now. Wii U is going to be their Saturn, its going to get a quite and sudden death with no warning. I am betting that everything they have announced so far is literally all they have planned for next year. That is why they are launching New 3DS because they need something new on the market to tide them over while they decide what to do next, release a tablet, a sleep monitor, or endless barrage of keychains.
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Offline Ceric

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Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« Reply #33 on: November 28, 2014, 09:48:14 AM »
I will say I found it interesting that watching the Thanksgiving Parade out of the few games ads I saw a most of them where Just Dance and Skylanders Trap Team with no mention that those games came on anything but the Wii U (and Wii in Trap Team part.)
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so, I don't have to edit as Much.

Offline RedBlue

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Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« Reply #34 on: November 28, 2014, 04:02:50 PM »
Why do I need a 120 GB model, if I have 2 TB right now?

Offline Soren

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Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« Reply #35 on: November 28, 2014, 04:19:34 PM »
For the cost of a USB Y-cable I upgraded my 8GB Basic model to 250GB. The storage issue is silly given the relatively cheap cost of portable hard drives.
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Offline NWR_insanolord

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Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« Reply #36 on: November 28, 2014, 04:33:29 PM »
The only complaint I can see wit the system regarding storage is with Nintendo being too cheap to use USB 3.0 for the ports, necessitating the Y cable in a lot of cases.
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Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« Reply #37 on: November 28, 2014, 05:17:45 PM »
Yeah, the Y-cable is mainly my issue with it. I would either need to buy a Y-cable or cat-proof the AC adapter in addition to needing an extra outlet though I have a power strip for that. Still, if I really needed the extra storage space, neither is a major problem, just a mild inconvenience. Fortunately, right now I don't need additional storage space and if I really need it in a pinch, I'd start by deleting Trine 2 which is only fun multiplayer except no one wants to play it when they come over. Boo/hiss

Anyway, like Nile said, it'd be totally cool to have an HBO GO app. At the same time, if i'd stop being lazy, I'd just get Google Chromecast, stream from my Macbook Pro, and be done with it.

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Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« Reply #38 on: November 28, 2014, 09:22:20 PM »
See what Ubisoft's doing right now?

Do the complete opposite of that. And buy Rayman from them for Ra's sake.
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Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« Reply #39 on: November 29, 2014, 12:06:07 AM »
WRONG, you guys are not the target audience, like me we are the fringe, the massess that Nintendo fails to reach DON'T have USB hard drives attatched to their game consoles, at least not up front. If you have to upgrade right away that is a problem always has been. Defending it because you did so anyways isn't a good argument. Storage is an issue its just not an issue for tech savvy nerds like us, and the few die hard loyalists who learned to adapt to Nintendo's funky ways decades back.

The average customer still does not plug in a hard drive to their machine and like has been said, it isn't even friendly to do so on Wii u, it takes extra hardware to make something work that the other two can do out of the box, the PS3 is the most upgrade friendly so Wii U doesn't have to be that good but better than it is. And it is still an issue even with a 32 GB model and an abundance of Hard Drives, because it still adds to the cost of the machine, even if you have one lying around that is one taken away from an other potential use, and again why would you use a worn out hard drive you have replaced for whatever reason on your game console if you value your digital content?
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Offline Soren

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Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« Reply #40 on: November 29, 2014, 12:24:45 AM »
Meh, works for me.
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Offline RedBlue

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Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« Reply #41 on: November 29, 2014, 12:39:13 AM »
So Xbone is not user friendly? Ps4 requires a screw driver, USB flash drive to add more storage. My 32 GB Wii U took 2 years to fill up, then I bought a USB hard drive plugged it in then hit format. And that was it :-[ :P:
« Last Edit: November 29, 2014, 12:40:50 AM by RedBlue »

Offline broodwars

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Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« Reply #42 on: November 29, 2014, 01:03:12 AM »
Just on a side note, wile the PS4 & Xbone's 500 GB internal HDDs are nowhere near as bad as the Wii U's pathetic 8-32 GB HDD, speaking from experience they aren't all that spectacular, either. I installed a 1 TB HDD in my PS4 at launch, and I've had to fridge clean because I'm almost out of space. I barely have anything on my Xbone, and it's currently at 65% of storage remaining. When every game install, regardless of whether it's on a disc, requires 40-50 GB of storage, that 500 GB gets eaten up quickly.  Nintendo's cheapness with the Wii U's HDD is certainly worthy of condemnation, but the 250 GB external HDD I got for it is working for me just fine since only downloadable games are taking up storage.
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Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« Reply #43 on: November 29, 2014, 01:01:37 PM »
Any direction that involves new F-Zero is a good direction by me

Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« Reply #44 on: November 29, 2014, 03:45:16 PM »
So Xbone is not user friendly? Ps4 requires a screw driver, USB flash drive to add more storage. My 32 GB Wii U took 2 years to fill up, then I bought a USB hard drive plugged it in then hit format. And that was it :-[ :P: :

Um you start off with 500 GB, if that is not enough HOW THE HELL is 32 GB enough, DAMN. It took you 2 years to fill it up because there is nothing on it, but if it had been designed properly at the start it would have had more games, and the games it would have had more content. it is a problem its just not a problem for everyone.
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Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« Reply #45 on: November 29, 2014, 04:11:59 PM »
Game installations are mandatory on Xbox One and PS4 which is what takes up all that hard drive space. This isn't even an option on Wii U.

Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« Reply #46 on: November 29, 2014, 08:57:10 PM »
Game installations are mandatory on Xbox One and PS4 which is what takes up all that hard drive space. This isn't even an option on Wii U.

which is exactly the problem, those games can't be released on Wii U because of the lack of hard drive space. Why defend a stupid move why not just admit it is stupid and you can live with it but its still a problem? There are whole games that just can't be released on Wii U because publishers have no faith that their is a big enough audience because if a game requires an install because of the content either that content gets left out, Wii U owners will bitch and boycott the "gimped" version of the game and sales suffer. OR the smaller subset of the small install base who has hard drives is not large enough to justify the investment and those games or features get left off and Wii U owners bitch, boycott the game anyways, and 3rd party companies scale back support again. So clearly it is a problem. It isn't the ONLY problem it isn't even the biggest problem but it still is a problem and no Nintendo is not going to fix the problem in their next console if they were they would have done so with Wii U because Wii suffered from the same problem.
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Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« Reply #47 on: November 29, 2014, 09:13:06 PM »
You are just pulling **** out of your ass now.

Offline NWR_insanolord

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Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« Reply #48 on: November 29, 2014, 10:45:17 PM »
Unless you're buying retail games digitally or going completely nuts with download-only games, 32 GB is more than enough for most people. That's not having any effect on the software support for the system.
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Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« Reply #49 on: November 30, 2014, 02:40:40 PM »
As someone who's been playing Nintendo games since 1989 at the age of 3, I want to see more ambition from Nintendo. Especially in the last few years, their games have been extremely safe, being mostly same-thing sequels and rehashes of previous games, such as NSMBU, Super Mario 3D World, Zelda: Link Between Worlds, Mario Kart 8, etc. Even the overhyped new Smash Bros is lackluster, being mostly Brawl with little changes and few new things. I want to see more new things for these series and franchises, and I want to see them be expanded.

I think the reality of the situation is that all of the key people at Nintendo are growing old. Ambition is typically a youthful quality, whereas Nintendo seem nostalgic for the past, trying to recapture their old magic by making the same things over again, playing it safe and familiar. The future of Nintendo seems rocky, not for any financial reason, but because they don't seem to be training replacements for when the old guard retires. For better or worse, I want to see what some fresh, young talent could do for Nintendo.

That said, I s'pose that just covers my hopes, not my predictions. I really have no idea what Nintendo are going to do, but my only prediction is that they won't line up with my preferences. But either way, I respect that they have some tough decisions to make, and I can say that I would not want to be someone who has to make those decisions.