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Messages - sweetiepiejonus

Pages: [1]
TalkBack / Re: Elliot Quest (Wii U) Review
« on: March 23, 2015, 11:06:56 PM »
Well broodwars I don't know this for sure but I bet a lot of developers have to actually think about how much hand holding they want to do. Not trying to be condescending here. I get where you are coming from but not everyone wants a guide and enjoys playing games themselves so I do wonder if that is actually part of the process.

You don't have to "get" the praise for the game. Even if you don't like crappy 80's games many do and this game sounds like it does it well.

TalkBack / Re: New Information on Xenoblade Chronicles X Revealed
« on: January 30, 2015, 05:01:32 PM »
Well it was a mess at first I'll admit that but to be fair I was talking specifically about the writing and charcters.

I hear you though. I'm not trying to convince you otherwise. Just puzzled by the common complaint that an open world game can't have a good story. But oh well I am stoked for this no matter but I still have hope they will provide enough entertainment story-wise.

TalkBack / Re: New Information on Xenoblade Chronicles X Revealed
« on: January 30, 2015, 12:19:23 PM »
broodwars you seem to think they are attempting to copy Bethesda's model to a T. I don't know where you are getting that from anything other than this article mentioning Skyrim in the way you can tackle quests.

My other point is this dichotomy you have created that open world = bad story. Weak writing makes a bad or forgettable story. That's a fact.  Now whether someone enjoys it is subjective, of course. Something can be masterfully written and not enjoyed by some.

My example of this is New Vegas. Probably one the the most well written stories I've read in quite some time. The interactions with the main plot characters was so good but I don't expect everyone to enjoy the storyline.

Evan_B got the right idea. I mean the first game writing was great so what's wrong with reserving judgement instead of saying well open world going to automatically be garbage?

TalkBack / Re: New Information on Xenoblade Chronicles X Revealed
« on: January 30, 2015, 12:59:45 AM »
I hate to say it since I was such a fan of the first Xenoblade, but if this new one's a Skyrim knock-off no thanks. I liked having a big open world with a linear story in the first game. I don't need another massively-open world game with a billion side quests to do and a main quest I don't care about.

I'm sorry this logic just boggles my mind. You're bagging on them for allowing more freedom? Why does this also mean that the story is nothing to "care about?" Especially since we don't know all that much yet. Correct me if I'm wrong here but I'm fairly certain that just because it is an open world with a "billion" side quests doesn't mean you have to complete them. If you want to run right through the story then do are allowed.

TalkBack / Re: Special Pokémon 3DS XLs Coming to NA and Europe
« on: September 07, 2013, 09:51:04 AM »
Call me greedy but I wish the software came with it. Its not like they aren't gonna sell 10 squillion copies of the titles.


"Gamestop regularly receives feedback from our PowerUp members regarding old titles they would like us to bring back, such as vintage games like Xenoblade Chronicles. We were recently able to source a limited number of copies of this title to carry in our stores and online."

Didn't read the joystiq article at first. Well right you are. That's kinda silly. Not really a big deal at all, nor was it intended to be the focal point of the argument. I understand people complaining about the price, not so much about what whoever made that statement's misunderstanding of the word vintage.

Blame Nintendo (the source), not Gamestop (the symptom).  Nintendo missed the opportunity, and Gamestop is simply capitalizing on unmet demand.

Plenty of blame to go around here. Gamestop doesn't get off free of blame. Saying Xenoblade is "vintage" when it was released in April 2012 is stupid.

I don't blame Gamestop at all. Do you not remember what it took just to get Xenoblade released in the states? Nintendo was completely to blame for that. It was also a Gamestop exclusive so it's not like they are getting people stealing from other businesses or getting cheap sale titles.

Also I don't see anywhere that Xenoblade was referred to as vintage. Seems to me that was in reference to the Metroid Prime Trilogy and whatever else they were referring to but I didn't get that Xenoblade was what was being referenced there.

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