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Messages - redfieldjames

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TalkBack / Re: 3DS Through the Ages
« on: August 21, 2017, 08:11:47 PM »
Agreed. I was enjoying this feature.

Too late for the retroactive show, but if anyone is still reading the thred I was curious if others felt disappointed at how Zelda took a huge back seat in this game after being fairly front-and-center in Wind Waker.

Other than Wind Waker, Zelda always takes a back seat in Zelda games. It's kind of frustrating. Personally, I would absolutely love if Nintendo played a Metal Gear Solid 2 on gamers with Zelda Wii U. You play as Link for about 5 or 6 hours, then Link gets captured, and Zelda picks up the master sword. Please note that this would only be fulfilled if Nintendo kept this secret until the game was released, much like MGS2.

I would revel in the massive online outrage, hate, anger and disappointment with a ravage glee...

I know that Cdi made at least one of their 3 Zelda games with Zelda as the protagonist, but much like Nintendo, I 'm happy to ignore their existence...

Try Skyward Sword, that game never lets jou go.

I played it when it came out... funny thing is I don't actually remember much about it. I think I enjoyed it more than TP, but honestly besides some of the boss battles and controls, nothing about that game stands out in my memory of being paticularly incredible. I may have to dust it off and give it another play through...

My favorite is probably Majora's Mask, if only because the idea of a living town where each person has a regular routine, a story of their own, and requires actual interaction is such a great change of pace...

Second favorite is Link to the Past, which strikes a nice balance between encouraging world exploration to find little secrets and treasures, and following the expected path. I suspect that ranking it second is colored by nostalgia... but still think it holds up well many years later.

Those are both great games. I don't think nostalgia is blinding you in regards to your ranking of LttP so highly. I have friends that rank it their #1 game of all time! Speaking about the thrill of exploration from LttP --- that's what I miss the most from the more recent Zelda games, especially Twilight Princess. The first few hours are horrible to get through, but the game never really feels like it lets go. It's kind of frustrating.

I don't really play Zelda games for their story, they're all pretty much the same (props to Majora's Mask for being the major exception)... What I love most about this series originally was the sense of exploration and mystery. Take this sword, and go off into the unknown.

Good picks!

... while the models were a lil' more expressive than I remember them being, this is the LoZ game that I feel is probably the most dated by it's art direction besides maybe the NES Zelda titles?

I honestly would say that the original LoZ holds up well... it's got a certain charm. Link's Adventure though...   even I wouldn't go as far to defend that one.

But preferences are preferences. Question for you and everyone else, what's your favorite Zelda, and why? Follow up, if it's not Twilight Princess, what is the one thing that keeps TP from being that game?

This is the first time I've actually played Twilight Princess. I missed out on it on release because, well... life. I coincidentally picked it up this winter and started playing through it before discovering RFN. Having just completed it, here are my thoughts. I should say that I've played through all other major Zelda titles, outside of 4 Swords and the two DS titles.

Graphics and art design;
 I absolutely loved the art style of this game. I continuously was reminded of Studio Ghibli and to me that's high praise. Honestly, this is my favorite art style in a Zelda game, ever. Despite being released almost a decade ago, the graphics have held up in my opinion, which is even more surprising to me when I realize that this was developed for the Gamecube.

World and Dungeon design;
This is tricky. I realize that Nintendo "flipped" the game on the Wii to match the Wii-mote (since most people are right handed... or something). Being a veteran of the series, this messed me up significantly. Things just aren't were they're supposed to be. The castle is in the right place, but other than that, everything else seems... wrong? Also, despite the over world being fairly massive, it just feels... empty. On the flip side, I found the dungeons to be excellent and clever... and that's more important to me.

I can not stress enough how much the controls for the Wii continuously frustrated and infuriated me. Moving and aiming items are fine... the waggle sword fighting is what killed me time and time again. Example;

Me: "Now would be a good time for a shield bash!"
[Moves the nunchuck  forward]
Game: "Spin attack!"


Me: "Keese! Hit it! Hit it!"
[Furiously shaking the Wii-mote wildly]
Game: "Hold on, I'm going to delay that attack for a second... gotta be sure you want to attack."
[Link gets hit, then swings, then falls off the ledge.]

It doesn't feel like a Zelda game, and certainly not a Nintendo game. Please don't get my started on the controls for horseback fighting. Very loose, very frustrating. Also, the Navi pointer thing is atroicious.

Other gripes or commendations;
This game is chocked full of fetch quests. Off the top of my head - Golden bugs, poe souls, tears of light, howling stones, golden wolves, owl statues... I mean, I know that Zelda is ultimately a game based upon "go find a key to open this door" or "get an item to pass this obstacle." But Twilight Princess just serves it all up unapologetically. I tend to be a completionist, but not this game.

I love Midna. Best Zelda sidekick ever.

I'm pretty conflicted about this game. I imagine that if I had the Gamecube version I would feel much more positive about this game. I cannot stress enough how frustrating the waggle controls were to me. I played through Skyward Sword previously and though I have issue with that game, the sword controls were actually enjoyable to me. It's just not implemented very well in this game.

The Internet is full of rumors regarding a possible port of this game to the 3DS. I'm not holding my breath, but I'd actually look forward to it. A standard control scheme would make this one of my favorite Zelda games off all time.

Thanks for reading!

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