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Messages - Galford

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Yes I know eastern religion in games from Japan has to do a lot with their culture.

I'm surprised no has brought Deus Ex yet.
There is a reason why the main character is called "JC".

Here's another interesting point...

A lot of eastern RPGS have Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto, and other various eastern religions in them.
Also how many JRPGS have you played were God was the bad guy?

Religion and politcs have been in games for a long time, most people never paid attention.

TalkBack / RE:Virtual Console Mondays: January 7th, 2008
« on: January 08, 2008, 07:29:35 PM »
Good choice for Star Tropics.  
It is easily a game everyone can play.

I can't say the same for the other game this week.

PS... I know some might find what I say ironic considering my forum name.

I don't know what to say about this.

Wasn't Shatae suppose to be one of those games that did things the GBC wasn't capable of?
It's sorta sits next to Tyrannoursor Tex on the wtf scale...

TalkBack / RE:REVIEWS: Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles
« on: December 03, 2007, 04:54:06 PM »
I have mixed feelings towards this game.

While it's cool to see the fall of Umbrella it leaves a lot of questions unanswered.

It also skews heavily towards two player combat.  
You fight the same number of enemies one and two player mode.

I just can't shake the feeling this game could have been so much more, but Capcom futzed it up.

PS- This game was suppose to play like RE4, but was changed because the producers thought an RE4 style game would be too hard.

TalkBack / RE:Viviendi, Activision Merge to Form Activision Blizzard
« on: December 02, 2007, 09:40:26 AM »
This will not end well for the Industry.

TalkBack / RE:Unreal Engine 3 in Development for Wii
« on: November 26, 2007, 05:06:23 PM »
Why not make a customized version of Unreal Engine 2 for the Wii?
Call it something like UE 2W.
Epic did it for the XBox.

But what is the point of porting the UE3 to the Wii??
It's not going to make UE based games look any better on it...

Also Mark Rein likes money hats.  
He didn't take the PS3 seriously until Sony started dropping money hats on him.
Maybe Nintendo needs to do the same...

General Gaming / RE:Just Played God Of War
« on: October 26, 2007, 11:11:35 AM »
Maybe it just appeals to me in some ways because I work in tech support.

At the end of the day I need to play a game where I can rip someone in two while telling them their life is meaningless.

General Gaming / RE:Just Played God Of War
« on: October 24, 2007, 06:32:41 PM »
God of War was made for 18+ and every inch of that game shows it.
From the sex mini game to the various ways Kratos insults his opponents before he rips them in two, GoW does not screw around.

Too bad after that, David J. started sounding like an a$$hat and saying his game was high art, it's not.
While I feel GoW was over hyped it was nice having a game built for 18+ and above.

TalkBack / RE:Nintendo Makes Another Piracy Bust
« on: October 24, 2007, 06:18:39 PM »
I can understand Nintendo wanting to protect it's markets, but is a sick joke.
These illegal devices are the only way some PAL terrories can play certain Nintendo games.
Certain Nintendo games that are bought legally.

General Gaming / RE:Wow, Capcom fails again.
« on: October 22, 2007, 06:23:37 PM »
Darknight it's funny you bring up Sf:The Movie.
Go over to and look up the thread about it.  

It has the lead designer of that project posting a lot, it'a very interesting read.
Capcom Japan is equally responsible for the crap known as Street Fighter: The Movie.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Wii isn't hardcore enough
« on: October 22, 2007, 06:18:06 PM »
This holiday will be most interesting.

MS just announced the Arcade version of the 360.
It replaces the former Core pack.
Comes with a wireless controller, 5 casual games, and a 256 Meg memory card.

This will be interesting to see what happens.

To previous posters, yes a lot of developers are hardcore gamers.
Nintendo doesn't need to focus on them exclusively, but it could throw them a moneyhat of two.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Wii isn't hardcore enough
« on: October 20, 2007, 06:39:39 PM »

What AY said is reflected in a large portion of the market.
In the first video interview from Famitus, the producer who is working on RE:UC stated they were making UC play on rails because it might be too hard for players in Japan.

The game was suppose to be like RE4 but was changed to the current version.

RE4 is an exception, not the rule.  
A popular game based a on popular franchise using a semi-modified engine.
Capcom could've sole 10k copies and still made a buck.

General Gaming / RE:Wow, Capcom fails again.
« on: October 18, 2007, 06:52:32 PM »
Well at least this thread isn't saying SF4 will be crap without seeing a single screen shot like is...

If SF4 is done at 480i then expect a port.
If it's done at 720p then no.

It really comes done to that.

TalkBack / RE:North American Virtual Console Now With NEOGEO
« on: October 08, 2007, 03:44:51 PM »
Will the VC ever get Samurai Showdown V SE?

Well SNK has to start somewhere?
Question is when do we get King of Fighters?

I here what your saying thatguy, but making RS and RE level graphics on the Wii still cost a lot of money.
May not cost as much as the PS3 and 360 but it's still there.

RE4 was a port on a prebuilt engine.  
Very, very little risk for Capcom to bring it to the Wii.

Same sorta goes for MP3.  
Yes, I know the graphics engine was rebuilt for the Wii version but still MP3 had a built in audience.
Unless MP3 sucked(which it doesn't) the game was going make a buck.

Why as I game developer make a traditional new IP on the Wii when Nintendo is basically saying minigames, minigames, minigames?

Another thing, Nintendo is kinda stingy with money hats unlike Microsoft and Sony.
Someone else said it earlier but it' worth saying again.

Where to begin..

Thatguy I appreciate your well thought out response.
I still disgree with you on a few points.

Let me put this way.

If I wanted to make a game for the Wii I have two options, make a game from the ground up and take a big risk or do a quick and dirty mini-game collection.  The Wii is so behind in graphics I would have to build my art assests from the ground up and I couldn't really reuse them on another system.  My Wii game would have to sell a lot to turn a buck without the comfort of being able to port it to another system.

If make a game for the PS3 I can port it to the 360 and/or PC.  
While the Wii's numbers are huge are they bigger then the install base for the above systems.

This is the dilemma facing a lot of developers right now.
The way Nintendo is marketing the Wii most publishers have little reason to push the Wii.

I really don't think developers are giving the Wii the finger.
There are a number of factors involved, but much of it has to do with the course Nintendo has taken the Wii.

1.)The industry is in the middle of a transition.
In Japan next-gen HD equals PS3.  With the PS3 flopping few companines can afford a next gen title unless it's a million seller.
Even still with the PS3's obtuse design few companies will pay money to push it.
Licensing middleware is something the Japanese are not big on.

2.)Limited hardware.
The Wii will not age gracefully.  
Minus the controller the Wii hardware was outdated from day one and will continue to look worse against the competition.
With little internal memory the Wii is going to hit a wall fast.
I could say alot things but to boil it down the 360 and PS3 can grow as is, the Wii can not without a major hardware revision.

3.)Nintendo still ignores online.
The PS2 had better online support.
Nintendo only does online because competition shamed them into it.
Once again Xbox Live and PSN are raping the Wii in terms of online integration.

4.)Wii's misc/multimedia functions suck.
From homebrew programming to video/DVD playback there are many things to do on the 360/PS3 without buying a game.
With the Wii you can create a Mii, play a puzzle, and play back a movie in an obscure video format.
That's it.

I know I will take a lot of heat for this but think about it...

If this is true, then good news.
I would wait for a second confirmation before popping the champange.

I hope Grasshopper pushes the Wii to it's limit, otherwise it look like a port of FF2 for the Xbox.

TalkBack / RE:Nintendo NSider Forums Closing Down
« on: September 17, 2007, 05:51:46 PM »
10,000 strong???

Someone already beat me to the Grey Ninja reference, is that including all member names ever registered?

Including Dragona, Matt C, Denis Dyack, Fran Mirabella, Justin Nation, Billy B, you know the list goes on.
I don't think any of these people have posted in a looonngg time.

The only thing 128-bit about the Dreamcast was it's vector engine.
Maybe some part of the PowerVr chip???

Otherwise the SH4 cpu used was 32/64-bit like every other cpu from that generation.

LA is the second hardest Zelda game ever made.
For that reason it earns my respect.

I loved the fact by the time you reached the 7/8th dungeon you knew this story would not end happily.

I doubt we would see a remake as hard as the original.
Nintendo not the same company as it use to be.

MP3 does look like a high end GC came.  I'm glad I'm not the only one to see that.
MP3 has great art direction better then most games.

Julian is correct about developers being lazy on the Wii, but are publishers giving devs the budget to push the Wii?
Sad fact that no matter how good the team, the Wii will never push next-gen graphics.

Also the only thing 128-bit about the PS2 was the vector engines on the EE.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Guilty Gear Officially Announced For America
« on: September 09, 2007, 08:22:41 AM »
That's Sol Order on the front.  
Is this the first official apperance of that version of Sol in America?

TalkBack / RE:No NWR Metroid Review Today or Soon
« on: August 29, 2007, 06:18:38 PM »
I will admit this is kinda odd.

NWR is the target audience for MP3.
What gives?

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