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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #25 on: September 18, 2009, 04:26:09 AM »
StarFox Command: 5/10

I'd actually rate this game under StarFox Assault..

Wow someone who agrees with me that StarFox Command was pretty average, I found it horrific to control, not to mention extremely bland and repetitive. The open worlds had promise but they had little variety.

Ditto here as well.  I did really like the Strategy portion of the game.  Pity the actual shooting action is such a chore to control and so painfully uninteresting as well as boasting a completely arbitrary time limit.

Yeah the strategy element was fun but everything did go down the drain pretty fast when you went into the battle arena.

Exactly. The strategy element held promise and made sense as an edition to the gameplay, considering the storyline, but the biggest problem is it took precedent over what makes StarFox games what they are; shooting down bogies and flying through space obstacle courses! Add that with the terribly uncomfortable control system* and the fact that all stages are "all-range" stages (oh and the fan-fic that they called a storyline) and this StarFox was just a dud.

I actually thought about making a new StarFox Wii discussion topic when I noticed the last one (rumoured NP thread) was locked, but I'd be afraid I'd just end up ranting about how bland this game was. It did some things right, but for every step forward there were two steps back until you ended up just kinda stuck in the middle.. hence the average score.

*One note about the controls; Using a Comfort Stylus (the bendable rubbery ones) makes the game a little more comfortable to control, but not much. With one of those wrapped around your thumb in a certain way, you can control it as if you were using an analog stick, but more importantly lets you distribute the weight of the DS evenly in your hands, as opposed to letting one hand hold it up to hit the fire button while the second hand hovers over the screen with a normal stylus. You'll cramp less this way, and it makes playing thru this EPICLY SHORT GAME just a little more bearable.

The only trade off the controls had was that because of the games hard-on for all-range levels, you didn't need to manauver all that much to avoid enemy fire/flying in to ****. The most manauvering you had to do was fly through those red gates two destroy missiles and motherships. Just imagine how much you'd have to slide your stylus around if the game played anything like the first 2 star fox titles? Again, this is something that took away a series staple.

Better luck next time, I hope.


Muramasa, 9.somthing outa 10. This game is real addicting beautiful and fun. Been marathoning it.

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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #26 on: September 21, 2009, 08:47:17 PM »
PS3 - Stuntman Ignition - 4/5

Despite average reviews.  This game if very unique and a blast to play.  On top of that, the presentation and different directors you work with are executed quite well.  I think the reason the reviews stunk it up is the reviewers played it all in one sitting.  Its not that type of game, as you have to restart or retry a LOT.  But, in short bursts, its tons o fun, to live the life of a stuntman on a wide variety of sets, vehicles, and tricks.  Sadly, I think the franchise is now dead.

Had they retroactively included trophies, the game would have been a 5.
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Offline KDR_11k

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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #27 on: September 23, 2009, 07:49:15 AM »
I came across some free MMO called Entropia Online and tried to use it but apparently all you can do without spending real money is stand around and get maimed by wildlife (yes I asked another player about that). I'm normally not one for scores but I can confidently award this a 0/10 and would like a refund on the time and bandwidth I wasted on it.

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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #28 on: September 26, 2009, 10:26:37 AM »
Armored Core For Answer:
10% "hey this is like a Gundam game", 10% "cool, customization!", 80% "WTF?"

It vomits enough stats at you to fill the whole screen and the manual doesn't even explain a fraction of them. Your only hope is to stick stuff together and hope that it flies and has enough dakka.

Also what idiot decided that the firing functions should go on the bumpers while the thrusters go on the trigger?
« Last Edit: September 26, 2009, 10:37:58 AM by KDR_11k »

Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #29 on: September 27, 2009, 07:34:45 PM »
Bioshock - 10/10 - I recently replayed this game twice on both Hard and Survivor Difficulty levels with the Vita-Chambers turned-off, and it really showed off just how incredible the game's design is.  Despite playing the same game twice back-to-back, I had two different experiences and ended up exploring new tactics using weapons and plasmids I never used before.  The game constantly asks you to improvise on the higher difficulty levels, and it's all satisfying.  Still an awesome game, and an awesome showcase for the positive value of an achievement system.  I'd never have played this game like this without it, and it really enhanced my experience.

Fallout 3 - 7/10 - Unfortunately, I can't be so kind here.  With the acquisition of Broken Steel I could finally finish the game, and honestly aside from the story missions the game gets pretty boring when your character hits levels 20-30.  You're just too powerful, and if you've been doing the quests you have all the weapons and armor you'd ever need...and the game just keeps adding more.  There's no more point to exploring and adventuring, because you've seen all the game has of value to offer.  I enjoyed my time with this game, but I'm not playing the other 4 DLC expansions.
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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #30 on: September 29, 2009, 12:41:29 AM »
PS3 - Wet - 3/5

Rented this last week.  Its a classic case of controls ruining the fun.  You constantly feel like you're fighting them (as well as the camera).  Given the amount of energy that went into casting voice actors, creating a new IP, and some decent cut scenes, my guess is they ran out of funds and just rushed this one out.  In addition, shooting foes outside of slo mo is pointless.  Had the controls worked fluidily, it would have been a 4/5.  Damn shame.  We'll probably never see a sequel.  I really liked the main character.  I'll take her over Lara Croft any day.  Hot, mysterious, aggressive, and sassy.  She kind of reminded me of a hotter version of the girl from LA Ink.
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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #31 on: September 29, 2009, 07:55:53 AM »
Addendum to my AC for Answer review: With longer playtime the WTF wears off in some areas (but not all, there's still a ton of undocumented stuff), the controls become a bigger issue though. Stopping in order to take off is already extremely annoying (easy way to eat some heavy weapons) but you pretty much HAVE to hold the thruster button down when moving if you don't want to go at a snail's pace (and if you stop even once that makes you take off and fly away) while also working two weapon triggers and the quick dash button. Holding four trigger buttons simultaneously has a tendency to confuse me so I release the wrong button (e.g. the left fire button instead of the thruster button) at times. The control schemes sound like one of them includes auto-boosting when you just push the analog stick to the edge, maybe I'll try to get that working. There's also a quick turn maneuver that is pretty hard to get working and mostly works when you don't want it to (turning you away from your target). Even if I could get the specs of my machine to the levels of mobility enemies exhibit (good maneuverability is probably the hardest thing to get right in the game) there's no way I could control that, I'd lose my target on every second dash and with the way some AI mechs fly that's about two seconds. The only thing I found manageable was a four legged hover mech with dual gatlings where I can just hold down both fire buttons and thruster and only have to worry about hitting the dash at the right time. Anyway, I'm probably at the end boss of my second run-through and have about 20 hours on my save file after one weekend so the game is pretty damn addictive to me.

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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #32 on: October 02, 2009, 02:14:26 PM »
I'll make it a bit shorter since I have a batch (a store had a 20% off sale for a few days and over here I have to take what I can get):

Children of Mana (DS): Nice idle game for the commute, it's too easy to be overlevelled for an area though and kill everything with one attack. The strictly level limited equipment doesn't really make loot interesting there but the gem system is somewhat nice, many gems just tend to be too large to be usable though.

Assassin's Creed (360): Finished the first three assassinations so far, while the mechanics are nice it seems like there's a lack of variety in the information gathering activities and the information they yield is practically useless anyway because you'll see it when you approach the target anyway. Maybe it'd have worked better if the activities yielded more important information that's vital for a successful strike. Rescuing citizens all the time gets repetitive too.

Prince of Persia (360): The parcours sections feel pretty rigid since you pretty much just hit the matching button for whatever thing you touch, I haven't seen much timing stuff so far. It's annoying how some actions have the prince pause and wait for Elika to get into position, especially climbing. Combat feels extremely rigid, almost turn based. The prince should've dropped that sarcastic attitude after **** got serious, it just feels retarded to have him act like that while he's fighting for his life.

Viking: Battle for Asgard (360): Hard to say... It's lacking a bit in variety.

Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #33 on: October 10, 2009, 11:38:40 PM »
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 - Well, it took me nearly a year to finally beat this game (including having to play through most of it twice because I wasn't satisfied with my S-Links and started over), but I finally did with the "True Ending" and all S-Links maxed.  Overall, I'm quite happy with the game and it's by far my favorite Persona game.  I have a few minor issues with the game, such as how it devolves in the stereotypical "save the world!" RPG cliche towards the end (really, merely stopping the homicidal rampage of a deranged serial killer wasn't enough?); how many of the S-Links solve themselves without you really doing anything; and how much of the game feels like a secretarial simulator with all the scheduling.  The music's also all over the place in quality, ranging from mediocre to awesome.  That said, though, the battle system is awesome and the story's very well-written, as are the characters.  9/10.
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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #34 on: October 11, 2009, 02:59:37 PM »
Got Metal Drift (PC) on an impulse via Steam, was cheap enough. Technically it's not released yet but if you preorder it you get access to the beta which is pretty much the same thing as if they had released the game now (except with a 20% discount). It's pretty fun, especially against real players (which requires finding a server in your area and so far only the US has official servers, I had to play on a user server). It's pretty retarded that all the equipment and weapons are locked away at the beginning and you have to grind up levels to unlock them which is WAY easier in offline botmatches because scoring goals against bots is much easier than against real people and goals bring MAD points. In fact the scoring may be biased so much towards goal scorers that you'll encounter backstabbing from players who'd rather get those points for themselves and noone will play defense because one goal is more points than you'll make as defense in a whole match. That may get fixed though (remember, it's officially beta)

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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #35 on: October 11, 2009, 11:45:37 PM »
360/PS3 - DJ Hero - 2/5

Though the remixes are cool and everything on screen looks fine, the actual gameplay is a joke.  It makes Guitar Hero look like a guitar sim.  This game couldn't be further from what scratching/DJ'ing is.  That said, most musicians will scoff at it.  As far as non-musicians and Rock Band fans, I don't really think they'll like it either.  It just feels goofy.  At its core, its just not much fun, and they'll probably realize pretty quickly its a cheap novelty, as many of the notes you hit are during the beat, moving the turntable has nothing to do with a beat.  There's a reason why this genre died over five years ago.
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #36 on: October 14, 2009, 05:29:36 PM »
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - 9/10 - I thought the original Uncharted was rather mediocre, so I was pleasantly surprised by Uncharted 2.  For the most part, they removed the things I hated and made the game faster; more exciting; and much more awesome in general.  Highly recommended, and (for me) possibly Game of the Year material (though it has strong competition from Batman).
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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #37 on: October 16, 2009, 02:29:57 PM »
What about MW:2? Looks like that **** to me.
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #38 on: October 17, 2009, 09:49:37 PM »
What about MW:2? Looks like that **** to me.

I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in Modern Warfare 2, just as I had absolutely no interest in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.  So from my vantage point, my personal GoTY comes down to either Batman: Arkham Asylum or Uncharted 2...and after all these repeated playthroughs of Uncharted 2 I actually have to lean towards Batman on this one.  Just too many small issues that bug me about Uncharted 2, where Batman is practically flawless in its execution.
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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #39 on: October 17, 2009, 10:17:15 PM »
What about MW:2? Looks like that **** to me.

I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in Modern Warfare 2, just as I had absolutely no interest in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.  So from my vantage point, my personal GoTY comes down to either Batman: Arkham Asylum or Uncharted 2...and after all these repeated playthroughs of Uncharted 2 I actually have to lean towards Batman on this one.  Just too many small issues that bug me about Uncharted 2, where Batman is practically flawless in its execution.

Here's a question to anyone who's played Batman.  Its obviously a great game, but my question is, do you think it would it receive the same praise if 95% of all other super hero games didn't suck?

As far as Uncharted 2, I only have a few chapters left, but unless something ridiculous happens, I'm seeing this as my game of the generation.  Just don't foresee anything in the next year oh so that could give it a run for its money for what I'm looking for in a game.  God.  I love it.
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #40 on: October 17, 2009, 10:20:10 PM »
What about MW:2? Looks like that **** to me.

I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in Modern Warfare 2, just as I had absolutely no interest in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.  So from my vantage point, my personal GoTY comes down to either Batman: Arkham Asylum or Uncharted 2...and after all these repeated playthroughs of Uncharted 2 I actually have to lean towards Batman on this one.  Just too many small issues that bug me about Uncharted 2, where Batman is practically flawless in its execution.

Here's a question to anyone who's played Batman.  Its obviously a great game, but my question is, do you think it would it receive the same praise if 95% of all other super hero games didn't suck?

I'd like to say it wouldn't because I'm predisposed to be cynical, but I think the game can stand on its own merits.  I think we'd be seeing the same praise if weren't a rare case of a good licensed superhero game, but perhaps less enthusiastic?
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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #41 on: October 18, 2009, 04:05:53 PM »
What about MW:2? Looks like that **** to me.

I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in Modern Warfare 2, just as I had absolutely no interest in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.  So from my vantage point, my personal GoTY comes down to either Batman: Arkham Asylum or Uncharted 2...and after all these repeated playthroughs of Uncharted 2 I actually have to lean towards Batman on this one.  Just too many small issues that bug me about Uncharted 2, where Batman is practically flawless in its execution.

Here's a question to anyone who's played Batman.  Its obviously a great game, but my question is, do you think it would it receive the same praise if 95% of all other super hero games didn't suck?

I'd like to say it wouldn't because I'm predisposed to be cynical, but I think the game can stand on its own merits.  I think we'd be seeing the same praise if weren't a rare case of a good licensed superhero game, but perhaps less enthusiastic?

Yeah, thats what I'm thinking.  It'd still be great, but less enthusiasm and shock.
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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #42 on: November 04, 2009, 07:08:52 PM »
I haven't done one of these in a while, so I'll just throw a bunch of them up here:

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - 7/10.  Still don't like the game, though you can't argue with the technical polish.  The gunplay's just too tedious, especially after playing the sequel.

A Boy & His Blob - 8/10.  Fun game that needed more content.  Never did get the hang of the Cannon Blob, so I didn't complete 2 of the Challenge missions in World 4 that featured heavy use of that, but I did complete all the others.  Mecha-blob kicks ass.  Pity you get him so late in the game, because I'd have settled for getting a less over-powered blob form in exchange for good puzzle usage.  It's unabashedly a kid's game, but there's nothing wrong with that.  I wish the kid's games when I was growing up (outside of Capcom's efforts) were this good.

Borderlands - 5/10.  Lousy singleplayer game somewhat supported by a good multiplayer mode and addictive loot-hunting.  It's a shame a game this pretty was cursed with such a horrible color palette of brown; darker brown; and gray.

Trine - 9/10.  Awesome adventure-platformer with incredible music and gorgeous graphics.  Pity the framerate dips to sub 10 FPS when there's a lot going on on-screen (as happens frequently in the final levels).  One of the more enjoyable games to Platinum as well, especially with all the Experience bottles to find that are so cleverly hidden and allow for a wide range of strategies.

Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction - 8/10.  A decent platformer with good shooting mechanics that's really only hampered by a certain lack of both originality and an impetus to keep playing.  Features lousy Pikmin-esque Clank sections as well as absolutely horrible Sixaxis-controls that thankfully you can disable.  I'm still working on this one, but it's been pretty enjoyable (especially the light-hearted tone set by the humor).
« Last Edit: November 11, 2009, 03:10:05 AM by broodwars »
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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #43 on: November 05, 2009, 12:44:58 AM »
Wow.  That's the first non raving Borderlands review I've seen. I love the look but I think it's too much of an RPG for me.
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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #44 on: November 05, 2009, 12:57:41 AM »
Wow.  That's the first non raving Borderlands review I've seen. I love the look but I think it's too much of an RPG for me.

Borderlands is far more of an FPS than an RPG.  And as I noted, how much mileage you get out of the game depends entirely on how well you can put together a multiplayer game with 3 of your favorite suckers.  I only played enough multi to Platinum the thing, and during that time the game was passable (as opposed to utterly boring, which is what it's like on your own).
« Last Edit: November 05, 2009, 01:00:05 AM by broodwars »
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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #45 on: November 05, 2009, 04:50:21 PM »
Last game I played? Torchlight. It's a Diablo clone by the people who made Diablo (not Blizzard, the employees who left and formed their own company). Probably the best implementation of that concept lately, it's just a bit too liberal with "rare" items (you get one of these for every two enchanted items and magic to non-magic items are roughly 1:1...). Also make sure you pick one of the higher difficulties, normal is ridiculously easy.

Other than that, been a while so I can list a few more.

Borderlands: Yep, pretty boring. It's playable alright but lacks much interesting stuff. As a Diablo clone I'd rate it below Hellgate London which had much more extensive equipment options, let you tune the weapons you have instead of grabbing and ditching them and gave you tons of active and passive abilities instead of the pathetic excuse Borderlands gives you.

BrĂ¼tal Legend: It's a nice game but fell short of what could have been. The characterization and humor fades away as the game progresses, the demo really shows the high point of it, even the inventiveness of the units goes downhill (headbangers were probably the best idea of the bunch, stuff like the fire barons just seem more like generic war stuff instead of music-stuff-turned-weapon). Also it needs more Metal, in the overworld you only got music as long as you stayed near the car and if you died or left the car behind or got a briefing or whatnot the song status gets reset so it'll pick a new one the next time you enter the car, considering many Metal songs are 5+ minutes long that's not a way to enjoy them.

Eufloria: An RTS that lacks strategy, while there's some fun in the early stages when you have to make sure you build up properly the AI almost never punishes you for mistakes and once you get enough seedlings together it's just a boring game of mopping up. The authors hide behind the "ambient gaming" label but IMO they just made a flawed design.

Sacraboar Demo: It looks like a shoddy Arena Wars clone as far as I can tell, not easy though since all I got to see of it was overly condescending tutorials (that force you to "practice" stuff after any sane person should have gotten it, e.g. it doesn't just tell you to click on the minimap to move the view, it then tasks you with clicking on this, clicking on that, etc like the developers seriously expected the player to be so fucking retarded that he can't tell how that works after doing it 1-2 times). Even worse, I did the tutorials in the tutorial mode, the campaign mode duplicates them but unlike the tutorial mode doesn't let you skip any of them. At that point I deleted the demo and filed it under "total garbage".

Little Red Riding Hood's Zombie BBQ: A nice DSiWare title ( :P ) though at times I think it gets too fillery and it seems too easy so far. The tutorial was also pretty condescending, acting like humans are incapable of understanding that moving to the left is not the only direction the movement can take you without being explicitly told about it.

Wii Sports Resort: Worse for my arm than Wii Sports baseball. Seems fun so far but I can't play it much because of the pain it causes after prolonged use. I don't think human arms are suitable for constant rapid harsh movements.

Dynasty Warriors Gundam: It's really stupid... Most of the time you bash away at the health of fields by hitting mostly harmless enemies (they barely ever attack) for minutes at a time, then you get to fight a hero who can rape you in no time if you are unlucky and if you die at any point in the mission (and the really hard heroes tend to appear towards the end of 20-30 minute missions) you have to do the whole thing over again, especially the mind-numbing mob bashing.

That may or may not be a complete list, I honestly don't remember.

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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #46 on: November 11, 2009, 02:35:48 AM »
Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time - 9/10 - I already gushed about this game enough in the official R&C thread, so I'll keep it brief here: unlike its predecessor Tools of Destruction, A Crack in Time has heart.  It's well-written and I actually cared about the characters (which is something of an achievement with me).  Throw in ingenious time puzzles; particularly funny dialogue; impressive visuals; and even a little Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, and you have a phenomenal game.  Newcomers to the series, this is the Ratchet & Clank game to play.
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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #47 on: November 11, 2009, 02:51:35 AM »
I loved Tools of Destruction though.  >:(
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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #48 on: November 11, 2009, 03:07:13 AM »
I loved Tools of Destruction though.  >:(

Then you should adore A Crack in Time.  ;)  I don't hate Tools of Destruction, and in fact think it's a pretty decent game.  I just constantly felt playing through it that it was missing "something" and after beating A Crack in Time I discovered that it was "heart" and "flow."  Sappy and cliche-ic, I know, but that's what I got out of the games.

BTW, I rated ToD before I had quite beaten it, so now that I have I'm going to revise that to a solid 8/10.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2009, 03:12:58 AM by broodwars »
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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #49 on: November 21, 2009, 02:23:22 AM »
StarFox Command: 5/10

I'd actually rate this game under StarFox Assault..

Wow someone who agrees with me that StarFox Command was pretty average, I found it horrific to control, not to mention extremely bland and repetitive. The open worlds had promise but they had little variety.

Ditto here as well.  I did really like the Strategy portion of the game.  Pity the actual shooting action is such a chore to control and so painfully uninteresting as well as boasting a completely arbitrary time limit.

Yeah the strategy element was fun but everything did go down the drain pretty fast when you went into the battle arena.

Exactly. The strategy element held promise and made sense as an edition to the gameplay, considering the storyline, but the biggest problem is it took precedent over what makes StarFox games what they are; shooting down bogies and flying through space obstacle courses! Add that with the terribly uncomfortable control system* and the fact that all stages are "all-range" stages (oh and the fan-fic that they called a storyline) and this StarFox was just a dud.

I actually thought about making a new StarFox Wii discussion topic when I noticed the last one (rumoured NP thread) was locked, but I'd be afraid I'd just end up ranting about how bland this game was. It did some things right, but for every step forward there were two steps back until you ended up just kinda stuck in the middle.. hence the average score.

*One note about the controls; Using a Comfort Stylus (the bendable rubbery ones) makes the game a little more comfortable to control, but not much. With one of those wrapped around your thumb in a certain way, you can control it as if you were using an analog stick, but more importantly lets you distribute the weight of the DS evenly in your hands, as opposed to letting one hand hold it up to hit the fire button while the second hand hovers over the screen with a normal stylus. You'll cramp less this way, and it makes playing thru this EPICLY SHORT GAME just a little more bearable.

The only trade off the controls had was that because of the games hard-on for all-range levels, you didn't need to manauver all that much to avoid enemy fire/flying in to ****. The most manauvering you had to do was fly through those red gates two destroy missiles and motherships. Just imagine how much you'd have to slide your stylus around if the game played anything like the first 2 star fox titles? Again, this is something that took away a series staple.

Better luck next time, I hope.


Muramasa, 9.somthing outa 10. This game is real addicting beautiful and fun. Been marathoning it.

meh, i don't listen to people with terrible usernames, OR rainbow bunchies :P

Guitar Hero: Van Halen buh?/meh

how the hell is this game lacking features introduced in GH5??? GH5 made some decent strides in updating the series formula, and they promte getting a free copy of GH:VH only to have you think "wow what a peice of ****, glad this was free".

there's no drop in/out play, the graphics don't seem on par with those in GH5 (yes, even on wii) etc etc. Why? If i had a couple of friends over and we all wanted to pretend we were Eddie, why can't we!? The series took two steps forward and FOUR steps back with this one.

Oh and having only the current, old and crusty band members being represented (minus wolfgang) was a baaaad move. I'm not really a huge fan of Van Halens music, and half of these songs I've probably never heard before, but even i know i'd rather see dave donning the spandex and teased hair than blue jeans and haiwan shirts.
February 07, 2003, 02:35:52 PM
EASYCURE: I remember thinking(don't ask me why) this was a blond haired, blue eyed, chiseled athlete. Like he looked like Seigfried before he became Nightmare.