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Messages - jarodea

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9
This is perhaps the most professional and well put together that I've heard this podcast sound in quite some time. I wonder what the difference is....

Lovely to have Syrenne back and bringing her much needed insights.

Yeah, three of the crew were basically missing.

Japan's bifurcated electrical system is due to Osaka and Tokyo choosing different suppliers in the late 19th Century, not due to the post-WW2 Occupation Authority.  Osaka bought from Europe causing Western Japan to build off of its 50 HZ, while Tokyo bought from America giving Eastern Japan 60 Hz.  It remains today due to the difficulty of changing electrical systems.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 859: Switch U Marketing
« on: January 30, 2024, 09:11:34 AM »
I view Endless Ocean 1 vs 2 like Luigi's Mansion.  Sure the second is more of a "game", has more of a story and so forth, but there is something about exploring one large area versus exploring several different and smaller areas per a story.

By "your" e-Shop hauls you apparently meant "Dave's" e-shop hauls.  Why do I bother.

I’m definitely one who had hoped Tears would have hewed back to the traditional Zelda line.  Weapon degradation made BotW a distinctly unpleasant experience for me.  I don’t mind it existing, but give a moderately powered weapon for those who don’t care for it.   Make it expensive and/or need special whetstones to recover until a worthless level that requires taking it to an armorer.  It’d be like Monster Hunter, there’d still be friction but not so much on a game already filled to the brim with it.  Those who like weapon degradation could just ignore it.  Zelda has been my favorite franchise since I first played the original game when it came out when I was 8.  This is the third new Zelda that doesn’t interest me (I thought rent-a-weapon was the worst new thing until I saw required weapon degradation), I probably just have to accept the franchise has moved on without me.
You know that… you can buy the weapons in A Link Between Worlds, right? Or does the non-linear structure not gel with you?

Either way, fuse is made for you. Allows you to revive weapon durability with new materials. I will never understand the dislike of weapon degradation but I do feel that this new game is attempting to cater to you.

I mentioned "rent-a-weapon" being my first break with the series so yes I am aware.  I want a return of dungeons, story, and not worrying about my weapon.  The problem with weapon degradation is that causes unnecessary friction, though for those who love it there are ways to do it while I can just have a sword to march through the world.  Part of it is also I am 41, I was 6 when the first game came out and loved it, I barely have time to write this much less learn and remember 9 different combos I'll use next January.

Paper Mario Origami King.  A game I liked a lot more than I thought I would.

General Gaming / Re: 3rd Annual NWR Four on Four
« on: April 03, 2023, 05:50:42 PM »
I struggle to play games these days but first on my goal is:

Luigi's Mansion 3

Next I hope to play through the Metal Games

I'm debating between Metroid Dread and Alien Isolation.

Like I said, I'm a bit delayed.

I’m definitely one who had hoped Tears would have hewed back to the traditional Zelda line.  Weapon degradation made BotW a distinctly unpleasant experience for me.  I don’t mind it existing, but give a moderately powered weapon for those who don’t care for it.   Make it expensive and/or need special whetstones to recover until a worthless level that requires taking it to an armorer.  It’d be like Monster Hunter, there’d still be friction but not so much on a game already filled to the brim with it.  Those who like weapon degradation could just ignore it.  Zelda has been my favorite franchise since I first played the original game when it came out when I was 8.  This is the third new Zelda that doesn’t interest me (I thought rent-a-weapon was the worst new thing until I saw required weapon degradation), I probably just have to accept the franchise has moved on without me.

TalkBack / Re: E3 2023 Officially Cancelled
« on: April 03, 2023, 01:42:17 PM »
I miss the days of skipping college classes or taking the day off work to watch Nintendo's E3, but time moves on.  I still miss the days of the developers not just speaking to only "favored outlets" and avoiding uncomfortable questions.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 358: The Star Fox 30th Anniversary Episode
« on: February 28, 2023, 12:54:23 PM »
Great episode, I really enjoy documentary-style Connectivity.  I figured I’d toss in my experience, despite being a bit long, since Star Fox is one of my favorite games and, largely because of it, a franchise I still hold in some regard.  I was 11 when Star Fox came out and had followed it as closely as kid could in the early 90s due to the Super FX chip and slick 3D graphics (I played Hard Drivin’ every chance I got in arcades and on the SNES, which meant I was well aware the system could not handle 3D itself). 

I’ve always preferred the original to 64 since it was the fast frenetic action and endearing weirdness that I loved about the original.  I probably would have liked 2 better, especially with the strategy aspect, had I played it at the time.  Playing it a couple years ago is too far removed for me to say with absolute certainty.  I didn’t care for Adventures and wouldn’t place it anywhere near Twilight Princess (though TP is my favorite 3D Zelda, I’ve played through it 6 times).  Assault is pretty good and underrated while Command is good but repetitive.  I hated Zero due to the controls, and no, not because they didn’t click.  I had no issue playing the game with them, I just really didn’t like them.  Anyhoo, I always get excited when a new Star Fox is announced and will when the next one is.

Stunt Race FX is a guilty pleasure of mine.  I was drawn to the quirky graphics and odd charm of the game (the Star Fox crew buzz you!).  Now I know how bad the frame rate is and, though I knew it was low at the time, it was an era when my friends and I thought a low frame rate or a game chugging was just the console choking of how awesomely amazing the game was.  I agree that the impact Star Fox had on Nintendo’s 3D evolution is understated.  Not just game development from what I understand, but also things like controls and what a controller needed to have.  Not saying they nailed it going from 2 control pads to the single-sticked trident and then to, well let’s just say it got them closer earlier than Sony or Sega.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 796: I'm a Tantric Man
« on: November 14, 2022, 03:49:59 PM »
Sweet, despite sending in my choices after the deadline (was moving out of state and fell behind listening to podcasts so I didn't know when it was) my top three were the first three mentioned.  Kirby would have been my pick as well.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Official Sales Thread
« on: November 14, 2022, 03:39:09 PM »
It's been years, since my NeoGAF days, since I've seen Japanese sales figures.  Pretty interesting, but looking over them it just reminds me how much that market has declined.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 788: Bullets Are for Demons, Not for Walls
« on: September 13, 2022, 02:26:42 PM »
I would want a more all-encompassing Koei collection than James.  I thought there was one series but there are several, the Rekoeition Series, the Historical Series, the World War Series.  I loved Aerobiz as a kid btw, nothing like buying the museum and the grand hotel in Rome and moving flights from the East through it to maximize profits.

TalkBack / Re: Nintendo Direct To Air September 13
« on: September 13, 2022, 02:15:07 PM »
I wonder if it's been long enough for them to finally release Advance Wars. It could be something easy to slot into late winter.

I hope so.

I fully agree with James about Origami King.  I delayed getting the game since I wanted a true RPG, don’t like the overuse of Toad, and the battle system looked meh.  I bought it when it was on sale and ended up loving the game.  The story and dialogue are what sucked me in, it’s one of the few games in the last 5 years that I made time to play.  The playhouse sequence is one of my favorite video game moments, and the death of one of the characters affected me more than almost any other.  Great game that should not be missed, but I still want a true RPG, still don’t like the overuse of Toad, and the battle system was indeed meh.  I guess that makes me a 100 Year Truther.  Maybe 10 year.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 770: I'm a Sam NeillTuber
« on: May 11, 2022, 04:19:25 PM »
Well in Japan it would be 22/5/5 so not quite accurate.  The last day that was the same everywhere was December 12th, 2012.  Coincidentally the last day Sega could launch a console.

Might not be too bad if Microsoft is more concerned with software than hardware.  I could see them building a massive developer base and then exiting the hardware side.  They could then put Game Pass on Nintendo and Sony hardware, PC, phones, whatever else.  Maybe sell a Roku or Firestick type device for those who want to stream Game Pass only.  Either that or I would think Activision will continue being Activision and Microsoft will collect the profits.  They don't make money with hardware and don't have much of a first-party library, so I can't see limiting Activision to Xbox being worthwhile even if it pushes Xbox sales.  I don't know what the last game I bought made by them is so doesn't much affect me anyway.

SP N64 idea, Mario Kart 64 with everything unlocked and a 200cc mode added.  100cc could be replaced with it or every class in the SP version could default to 200cc.

Great episode.  As a kid who loved Metroid I was very happy with Metroid II since I could play Metroid on the go or when the one TV was being used.  That being said, I bought it on 3DS VC and found I liked it a whole lot more as a kid.  I know the huge sprites are grating today, but I liked them since the other option was indistinct tiny sprites like Super Mario Land.  Also, the GB lasted over 10 hours, usually more like 20, on 4 AA batteries.  It was one of the main selling points against the Game Gear which only got 2-3 hours on 6 AAs.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 262: The Return of Jeopardy
« on: March 06, 2021, 08:31:26 AM »
Happy to hear the return of both Zach and the game show format! 

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 708: Can't Out-Edge Mario
« on: February 09, 2021, 02:18:22 PM »
My recommendation for the RetroActive is Ghost Recon:Shadow Wars.  It was an oddly great 3DS launch title, and a genre I don't recall hearing about much outside of Fire Emblem from the podcast.

TalkBack / Re: Radio Free Nintendo Episode 700 LIVE! Show has concluded
« on: November 24, 2020, 01:11:51 PM »
2x2x5x7 = 140.  I think the reason there is annoyance at Nintendo seemingly slacking off right now when they often do this is that, coronavirus aside (and I know that's a massive aside but one often poorly understood even when considered), there's no excuse with the bank they are making and reduction from 2 to 1 systems.  When they slacked off at the end of the N64, GCN, or Wii U it was obvious why, low resources and stocking up to blow out the start of the next round.  When they do it with the Wii/DS/Switch it reeks of laziness and getting high on their own "they'll buy our system with nothing new" supply.  Though, I suppose snorting copious amounts of powdered ¥10,000 notes will do that to someone.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 698: Everything's a Conspiracy Now
« on: November 09, 2020, 06:00:59 PM »
I'm vaguely familiar with the concept. But Nintendo is inconsistent about it. And they don't usually convert in English language release.
You're right, they used myriads in previous reports.  This both reinforces my surprise that you were unfamiliar with the concept and my concern that I missed it reading previous financial reports.  I must of just naturally converted it, its not like dealing with crore after all.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 698: Everything's a Conspiracy Now
« on: November 09, 2020, 01:23:38 PM »
Kind of surprised that James didn't know that East Asian countries use myriads or 10,000 to group numbers, which is why sales are reported as 46 10,000's not 460 1,000's.  I thought they converted to 1,000's in the English report though.

TalkBack / Re: Mario Kart Goes Live On Home Circuit October 16
« on: September 03, 2020, 09:01:58 PM »
This was by far the best part of the direct for... $99.99... well, Mario All-Stars for free is cool.

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