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Messages - superhyperduck

Pages: [1]
TalkBack / Re: Wii Virtual Console Games Will Transfer to Wii U
« on: August 27, 2012, 02:58:31 AM »
I specifically haven't bought anything from wii ware as I have no rights to the game if I want to play it on another system. And I have most of the games I want already on my old consoles. Why can't Nintendo just do what apple does and allow you to register devices that belong to you. I can register 5 computers and as many iPod touches, iPhones, and iPads as I wan't (I only have an iPod Touch). And if I have to I can unregister all computers or just one. If my iPod is stolen or my computers fry I can re-download all the stuff I paid for from apple for free. I'll loose stuff that wasn't backed up to iCloud and/or other stuff I may have on there like pictures, videos, or stuff I ripped to the computer, but not stuff I actually bought from apple. I know the DRM on wiiware stuff is easy to crack with the home-brew channel, but I'd rather not out of ethical reasons. Just set it up like apple did with their store, you should be able to register your wii or wii's with your nintendo rewards account then connect that with your wii ware account keep track of their downloads and put a system in place that allows you to download or re-download any software you paid for to any systems you own that are compatible with that software.

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