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Topics - SeaNet

Pages: [1]
Nintendo Gaming / Where can I find the value of my VC purchases?
« on: October 18, 2012, 10:32:52 PM »
I've gone to and printed all my registrations. It shows my systems, VC, Wii Ware, DSi Ware, and 3DS e-shop purchases, along with the date all rolled into one.

I'm looking for a-- program? website? that I'd be able to say-- "I have -this -this -this" and it would tell me how much I spent in Wii points ect..

It can be done by hand, I suppose, but I have 3 pages printed of MS Notepad.. doable, but tedious.

Any suggestions?

I was thinking about getting this game for my wife for Christmas. She has the first game and enjoyed it even more than me. She is hearing impaired, and I believe the first game had captions, but if the game does not caption the cutscenes there is no need to get it--
Also, does anyone know about the US release of the Movie, if that is captioned or not?
Thanks :)

Nintendo Gaming / Playing with just the tablet for display..
« on: June 06, 2012, 11:27:32 PM »
Has Nintendo shown off anything with this? I cant find any articles on this. This is a big thing for me, as my wife and now my daughter are vieing for tv space as well..

When played in that mode, you must has a sub menu or something to make up for lack of a second screen, but no one seems to have addressed this.

Any ideas?

General Gaming / If you have been to the Zelda concert..
« on: May 18, 2012, 03:11:20 AM »
approximately how long is the performance?
I'm going to the Austin concert. I'm taking a bus from San Antonio. The concert starts at 8, and the last bus is at 1050.  I will need to take a cab from the performance back to the bus station, and I'm thinking I will have about 45 minutes or so, assuming the concert is 2 hours.
Can anyone whose been to the other performaces confirm this?

Nintendo Gaming / 5 other NES games for 3DS VC confirmed by NOA
« on: August 31, 2011, 12:21:32 AM »
Here is the list of the games:
Open Tournament Golf
Wrecking Crew
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link!/NintendoAmerica/status/108590294957694977
confirmed by NOA on their Twitter Account
Also included, of course, will be:
Super Mario Bros.
The Legend of Zelda
Balloon Fight
Ice Climber
Donkey Kong Jr
Enjoy! :)

Nintendo Gaming / NES VC icons on 3DS
« on: August 27, 2011, 05:44:06 AM »
We all know what the Gameboy and GB Color icons look like. It shows the title screen in a chopped off Gamboy or GB Color, on the upper screen. It has a nice trundicated look, spinning in the middle of the screen, even encluding the buldge in the back of the GBC for the batteries.
However how will the NES games look? Will it have a tv with the title screen on it and an NES controller coming out? Personally, I think it would be neat if they had the cartridge itself, with the actual sticker and everything. Plus Zelda could be done on a gold cartridge :)
Your thoughts?

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo e-Shop is down
« on: August 25, 2011, 06:38:22 PM »
I got an error message when I tried to go onto the store today. The error message I got was :
   Error Code: 005-4800  Nintendo eShop
An error occurred while attempting to connect to the Nintendo eShop. Power off your system and try again.

If you continue to experience problems, please call 1-800-255-3700 for assistance. 
I called Nintendo. They say it would be back up 4pm PST. Apparently they are doing an update to the store.

Nintendo Gaming / Pokemon Heart Gold- wants to battle, trade
« on: March 13, 2011, 07:33:16 PM »
I've taken a year off from playing. I got Pokemon Heart Gold a couple weeks before my daughter was born, so I haven't played really at all in a year.
I was wanting to connect with other players for trades and battles. I have the third badge, working my way up :)
I will add the two people above me and check back sometime to see for responses.

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