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Messages - TOPHATANT123

Pages: 1 ... 52 53 [54] 55 56
TalkBack / Re: Devil's Third Video Confirms Japanese Release Date
« on: June 10, 2015, 12:13:49 PM »
August 28th sounds good to me, I have my eye on this and so long as it is completely and utterly trashed in reviews I will likely be getting it.

TalkBack / Re: Hyrule Warriors 3DS Announced In Japan
« on: June 10, 2015, 12:02:39 PM »
I absolutely love Hyrule Warriors although I was waiting until I finished the main adventure mode before I would get the dlc. If this game includes all the dlc it'll be day one for me.

TalkBack / Re: Nintendo Newsletter: Ours Is Not To Reason Why
« on: June 09, 2015, 09:04:38 PM »
The 3 game deal was so successful that we decided to extend the partnership to a 6 game deal!

My theory as to why Sonic Boom 2 exists is that it is made up of cut content from the first game that was pulled when they realised they couldn't hit the holiday 2014 release and was developed alongside the first one for a release later, which would explain the extremely quick turnaround.

Nintendo may be out of touch with the internet echo chamber but in terms of real life DKC was a good move considering it outsold Metroid Prime 1, Metroid Prime 2, Metroid Prime 3, Metroid Prime Trilogy and Metroid Other M combined.

I would like Retro to stop making sequels and move onto something new now that both Metroid and Donkey Kong have run their course. Maybe a game in the stealth genre? Apart from Twin Snakes with Silicon Knights I can't think of any other 1st party stealth games from Nintendo.

Retro are also getting a timely website redesign, coincidence? I think yes since they are notorious for putting nonsense on twitter/facebook, let's not forget how much they LOVE halloween!

The original Xenoblade honestly ruined Skyrim for me, the unique setting/story/battle system of Xenoblade made it feel like a "Fisher-Price Baby's First RPG" when I actually got round to playing it. For what it's worth I also own a copy Dragon Age but was so utterly disgusted by the controls I couldn't get through the first hour of the game and haven't gone back to it since. Xenoblade can hold it's own just fine at least in my opinion.

If you disliked Xenoblade 1 or if it just didn't click with you, then it stands to reason you won't like Xenoblade 2. I would be much more interested in the opinion of those who are aligned with my interests in games, or even someone with no preconceptions of the series in general.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 432: Tears of Joy/Rage
« on: June 09, 2015, 12:04:41 PM »
It just came out that SMTxFE is being co-directed by Mitsuru Hirata and Eiji Ishida, the minds behind SMT 3, SMT 4, Strange Journey and Radient Historia. I'd be surprised/disappointed if it doesn't show up in one form or another.

Oh and I agree with James that Harada is a crazy crazy man and it would really spice up the digital event if he was given a segment. Perhaps like last year we will get another fight scene directed by Sakurai, but instead of Reggie vs Iwata it would be Harada vs Itagaki.

Cutting room floor is a very reputable source and have leaked other unannounced features such as 8 player smash, master orders/crazy orders, the dlc shop and new remixes of Mario Paint & Nintendo Land.

TalkBack / Re: Mega Man Legacy Collection Announced For 3DS
« on: June 08, 2015, 03:18:48 PM »
If anyone's wondering why it's not on WiiU, it would cut into VC game sales.  MM1-6 are all out on VC, so it makes no sense for them to compete with themselves. 

Aside from that, who the hell wants to buy this anyway?  "HD" graphics?  Give me a break.  They could have EASILY done both - updated all 6 games into high color, HD tiles with identical gameplay AND give us the original versions.  They did it with Super Turbo, why couldn't Megaman have gotten the same treatment?
Mega man 1 - 6 are also on the 3DS virtual console, they have no excuses for not making a Wii U version. Nintendo gave Mega Man the honour of appearing in Smash Bros and Capcom returns the favour by spitting in their face. I'll probably still buy it to support the franchise though...

The thrill of new smash brothers characters is like no other.

TalkBack / Re: Star Fox Wii U: Managing My Expectations
« on: June 05, 2015, 04:52:00 PM »
All I want is some co-op and I'll be good.
Miyamoto said one player on the TV would pilot the vehicle, and then a player using the gamepad can act as a gunner.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 431: NOT TAKE MIRROR!
« on: June 05, 2015, 08:00:13 AM »
I also like marble zone, it isn't wasn't very good as a second stage.

TalkBack / Re: 5 Dream Nintendo Games for E3 2015
« on: June 05, 2015, 06:28:34 AM »
This seems like as good of a place as any to dump this.
There will not be any more Mario Kart dlc, the unspoken rule is that once you sell a season pass you cannot then go back and add more content and expect people to pay for it, that's just how it works. The Mario kart 8 dlc is very high in quality and I expect it has caused significant delay to Mario Kart 9, so the short term gain has harmed them in the long term.

The damning thing for me is that there will be a Wii U Exitetruck! Do you realise how much of a commercial failure Excite bots was? It's more likely we will see the next installment in the Disaster Day of Crisis franchise than another non-reboot Exite game.

TalkBack / Re: Why Pokken Might Be The Secret Weapon At E3
« on: June 03, 2015, 09:09:07 PM »
Prediction -> We won't see a mainline Pokemon on NX until 2018 at the earliest.

TalkBack / Re: Xenoblade Chronicles X - Doll Lover (Hands on Preview)
« on: June 03, 2015, 03:23:39 PM »
I hope there is a big special edition with soundtrack, art book and kotobukiya dolls, I plan to spend as much money as reasonably possible on this game.

I thought that the scene with Lucina (you know the one) was more impactful on my second playthrough where I married Chrom. I really liked it when the game threw at you an impossible dilemma where their was no clear choice between paragon or renegade but was just two shades of grey. Although the choices don't actually change anything, it's more it just asks you what you would do in the situation and then the story carries on telling the tale it wants to tell.

For IF I'm hoping there are more branches than just the one at chapter 6.

TalkBack / Re: Humble Nindie Bundle Adds New Games
« on: June 02, 2015, 03:10:30 PM »
Has anyone actually played Sportsball? The other 2 new ones are great, but I know nothing about sportsball
Someone on RFN liked it, I think it was Guillaume, although they complained it was very multiplayer focused.

TalkBack / Re: Harvest Moon Seeds Of Memories Announced For Wii U
« on: June 02, 2015, 01:19:33 PM »
Choice of platforms sound odd at first but it's not that strange considering PC and Wii U are the easiest systems to port IOS/Android games to.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Project Treasure* MEGA THREAD
« on: June 01, 2015, 01:27:47 PM »
It's made in unreal engine according to Bandai-Namco's YouTube channel.

TalkBack / Re: Nintendo Direct Micro Features Big 3DS Announcements
« on: June 01, 2015, 01:03:16 PM »
I imagine publishers are realising annoucing games at E3 can do more harm than good since things just get lost in the shuffle. XCOM 2 for instance was announced today even though we are two weeks out from E3.

Well, XCOM 2 is also a PC-only game (for now), and E3 is console-centric so the game really wouldn't have mattered if they hadn't announced it earlier.
Well there is the 3 hour (what are they thinking!?) PC conference on the 16th, but I agree that E3 should be reserved for the big guns and announcing something "niche" for the first time at E3 is a surefire way to make people forget about it.

TalkBack / Re: Nintendo Direct Micro Features Big 3DS Announcements
« on: June 01, 2015, 12:37:11 PM »
I imagine publishers are realising annoucing games at E3 can do more harm than good since things just get lost in the shuffle. XCOM 2 for instance was announced today even though we are two weeks out from E3.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 431: NOT TAKE MIRROR!
« on: June 01, 2015, 12:20:26 PM »
Passing question - 24 mins into the podcast, Jonny wonders if Sonic Boom's failure will make Sega pull back on the "bad" sonic games and reconsider releasing garbage.
....I distinctly remember articles a year or so back where Sega more or less exclaimed they would be working to no longer release "bad" Sonic games, taking such measures as even pulling retail copies of ones considered more offensive than others (Unleashed, Black Knight, Secret Rings).  The sonic cycle exists for a reason, but maybe if this one sold as badly as RFN says, this'll actually cause Sega to recoil.
I'd be more curious to hear how the Sonic Boom cartoon is going, that may dictate more than anything if there's another Sonic Boom game.
According to Sega's financials Sonic Boom for 3ds and Wii U (somehow) shipped 490,000 copies. For two games with zero redeeming qualities that's rather good considering it will most likely have outsold some 1st party games like The Wonderful 101 and Wii Fit U.

Touching is good.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Splatoon!! WELCOME - TO DYE!
« on: May 31, 2015, 01:57:15 PM »
Also, apparently walls don't factor into the overall percentage for...some reason, so only spray those if you need to climb a wall.
It would be impossible to see the ink on the walls using a 2d map, so they don't count but can still provide a strategic advantage.

The glorious tears of fanboys will flow like wine, bravo Intelligent Systems.

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