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Topics - that Baby guy

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Round one match-ups

thatguy vs. vudu

Partybear has a bye this round.

Armak vs. Easycure

Dasmos vs. Pale

Caliban vs. DAaaman

Decoyman vs. Smash_Brother

Round two match-ups!

thatguy vs. Pale

Decoyman vs. Dasmos

Vudu vs. Easycure

Partybear vs. Armak

Caliban has a bye this round.

DAaman vs. Smash_Brother

Round 3 match-ups

thatguy vs. Smash_Brother

Armak vs. Shecky

Vudu vs. Pale

DAaman vs. Decoyman

Shecky vs. Partybear

Shecky vs. thatguy

Round IV Begins!

There are five players remaining, and I believe all of the remaining players have each played three battles, right?

First off, we need to eliminate someone:

Decoyman vs. Shecky

Then, we need to give one of the top two guys a loss:
Armak vs. Smash_Brother

Now then, we've got a little more to go!

Vudu vs. Armak

Shecky vs. Smash_Brother

The final round:

Armak vs. Smash_Brother

Read my most recent post for relevant info.


Yes, that's right, we need a make-shift tournament until NWR starts theirs up.  Sign up now, it'll be a double elimination, best-of-three, four stock, item-full, stage-full type of contest, and just for the bragging rights.

I'll post the rules, but sign-up, and on Saturday, I'll organize a bracket however Double Elimination brackets are made.

You'll have 2-3 days for each round, so it'll take some time, obviously, but you'll have to get with your opponent to schedule a time.  If only a few people sign-up, we'll try to make a round-robin style tournament instead.

Edit: Extended the deadline a little bit.

Sign-up list:

I think that concludes the list for now, let me know if I missed you.

General Chat / Err.. Go on with your lives...
« on: April 03, 2008, 10:20:04 PM »
Sorry, my mistake.

NWR Forums Discord / Chat?
« on: April 03, 2008, 12:29:40 AM »

Update!  Read the third post for my new question!

I know that some of you a little more knowledgeable of computers than I am, so I thought I'd ask:

I need to dump the data off of two laptop hard-drives, but the computer they're in is currently fried and will soon have a new mother-board.  Is there a device I can use to clone the drives without installing them first?  Should I just find a local computer-repair shop?  Should I just google for more info?  I was going to start calling stores tomorrow, but I've always heard bad stories about giving some shops a computer to fix.

NWR Forums Discord / The Real ESS-ESS-BEE-BEE Smack Talk Thread
« on: March 11, 2008, 01:48:03 PM »
Who wants to get thwacked by the Sprite Climbers?

NWR Forums Discord / The Real ESS-ESS-BEE-BEE HULA-HOOPS Thread
« on: March 10, 2008, 11:23:01 PM »
This is the real thread for SSBB friend codes.  Mine is 4941-2881-8199. The name's Jason

My roommate's is 0817-3403-5603, I'll be playing on it some of the time, so if you have extra space, add it, too.  His is Chris.

I should go by JER, JERK, or Jason online.

This is an application Mr. Jack worked up.  It's got just about everything on there.  Feel free to post and add your info to the thread.  Try to tell us your online name, so we won't be confused once you've logged on.

NWR Feedback / Friend code forum question.
« on: March 10, 2008, 09:24:51 AM »
Is there a way we could hide the friend code forum from people who don't have 50 posts?  Maybe just give all regular users a one point minumum and lock it to people who don't have that one point?  Something, anything, to keep out the new NWR riff-raff that posts for a day, waits around for a day, and never comes back?  If it actually attracted people here to post regularly, I wouldn't suggest this, but Pokemon did nothing to attract new regulars, except Mashiro, so I'm going to guess this will work about the same way.  I figure this way, we won't need those "absolutely only" friendcodes rule, and I won't feel bad suggesting ways to get online to work, which user has what nick-name in the game, and I won't have to hunt through pages of friend codes to find a regular's name.

I may be the only one that feels that way, but I doubt I'm not.

Also, Smash_Brother is a meanie. :p

Nintendo Gaming / 2v2 3-5 stock matches, anyone?
« on: March 09, 2008, 11:35:03 PM »
My roommate and I are looking for a match *Right NOW* so let me know if anyone is up to play against us, and we'll get your FC's right away.  We call Green team.

General Chat / Laptop help
« on: March 04, 2008, 01:55:38 PM »
I broke my laptop by accidentally shoving a power cord into a usb port.  Now, when I try to turn it on, the computer won't start up and the screen won't turn on.  I think the issue is the usb port, that its shorting out everything.  Let me know if you have any advice and please post HP's tech support number, anyone.

Home One, this is Gold Leader.  Since we won't get another shot at this, I thought I'd risk it all and make a thread before the day begins, but for after we receive our roles.  Khush will have the day out, but we've got to give him more time!

Edit:  I'll repost my offer:  I won't vote for whoever creates a Lando avatar that I use in the game, so long as that person isn't Pale.

MAJOR EDIT:  The mafia:  KashogiStogi, Dasmos, Bustin98, and NuclearSpeed.

How do I know?  I told Atrun Zala earlier today that the good players know everything before the game has started.  I count this as a victory for townies everywhere.  And ha!  I was right not to trust Dasmos, so take that, my secret ally!

Look at who he sent the message to.  At first, I thought he may be genuinely clueless about his role, and was PMing everyone who had sent him a message about it.  Of course, then I realized I was on when Dasmos was on far earlier and didn't mention PMing him, meaning that he either lied to me or didn't send him a message, NuclearSpeed had only just logged on since the roles went out when I got that message.  Bustin, however, was the only one he would have talked to prior to sending this message, so perhaps Bustin isn't mafia despite this evidence.

NWR Forums Discord / This thread loves you.
« on: February 26, 2008, 11:48:26 AM »
Make your avatar this one:

And you, too, can love this thread back.

I have two separate requests, please choose one:

1.  Continue to lower my score and place me deep in the negatives.


2. Stop and allow me to continue my reign as point overlord, at least until my title changes.

Either one is fine with me, Pale.

Who's Online is showing me the same people and the same actions as it did yesterday night.  Everyone's in the same order, as well, which is determined by the time the action they make is done.  For instance, whenever you normally look at the area, you're typically at the top of the list, because by clicking "Who's Online," you've likely made the most recent action.  However, right now, I'm about tenth down the list.  The odd thing about this is that the times listed are being updated as time passes.

General Chat / NWR Forum Trivia
« on: February 23, 2008, 10:22:53 AM »
Yes, I've decided to start posting trivia questions on NWR, maybe once a day or so.  Go ahead and give answering a try!  All you have to do is answer first.  Feel free to include your own trivia questions!  I'll be leaving some questions ambiguous to add to the difficulty, leaving out names of specific games or characters or other things, since this is the internet.

Please refrain from answering more than once per day.  I don't mean answering with 24 hours in-between each answer, but rather, I mean that the day of your post is different.  You're answer will be ignored if you're answer is within the same day in your timezone.  You may only answer one question at a time, but you may answer any question that is posted.

For the first question:

What happens when you hit the riverboat on D.K.'s Jungle Parkway? You crash, then land in the water.

Atrun Zala: 1
Smoke39: 1
DAaaMan64: 2

NWR Forums Discord / Disney and Nintendo presents!
« on: February 23, 2008, 08:21:04 AM »
Disney-Nintendo's Chozo Jungle Cruise.

The attraction is a hovercraft journey through the jungles of Brinstar, Norfair and Crateria. The hovercraft will later be revamped to a more authentic, weathered style. The guides will use the Charge Beam, missiles, and super missiles, and are upgraded at the end of each trip with the Wave Beam. The hovercraft's pilot provides humorous narration featuring puns relating to the various scenes viewed during the ride (the metroid are protecting the sleeping torizo, those are plastic etecoons, etc). The seemingly ad-libbed comments individual pilots often include during their recitations make each ride on the Chozo Jungle Cruise a substantially different experience. The test script, however, is legendary among Disney-Nintendo beta testers. Competitions in which they compete to say the seven-minute spiel the fastest have been held.

NWR Forums Discord / Boo ya!
« on: February 21, 2008, 12:18:37 AM »

NWR Forums Discord / Who do I ban?
« on: February 20, 2008, 12:00:45 PM »
...until I get to pick who I want to ban.  Anyone feel like encouraging me to pick a specific user?

Have avatars?

It's scary.  Will someone please think of the children?

NWR Forums Discord / This thread is about politics, please remain on topic.
« on: February 20, 2008, 08:01:20 AM »

OMG, w/ 8% of the vote counted in HA, Hill has 666 votes.  I'm scared.

NWR Forums Discord / You know what? Kotaku is a pretty good site.
« on: February 20, 2008, 08:00:55 AM »
I mean, I go there.  About five times a day.  I like the way they do things.  There's news and opinions, and it's all new and fast!  It's not like the editors are fanboys are anything, they're just bloggers, like you and me, if we had video-game blogs that are internationally known.  So what if about seven posts a day are about Halo?  People care about Halo, that's why they do it.  Cut them some slack.  NWR could learn something about Kotaku.

NWR Forums Discord / Gimme moar points
« on: February 19, 2008, 09:24:49 AM »
I want more points.  What do I do to get more points?

NWR Forums Discord / Core Theme Club
« on: February 18, 2008, 08:21:36 PM »
For those who have style and chose the Core Theme over the other junk, this club's for you!

NWR Forums Discord / I don't like to search. Question inside!
« on: February 18, 2008, 07:36:34 PM »
Has there been an Animal Crossing mafia?  I just thought I'd like to think about things.

NWR Forums Discord / Alright, I'm not standing for this.
« on: February 15, 2008, 08:01:08 AM »
It's pretty clear that Evan is attempting to take over the new forum, and that he's got Crimm on his side.  We've got to do something about this.  Does anyone have Windyman's phone number?

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