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Topics - that Baby guy

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NWR Forums Discord / Nintendo Online Game Lists
« on: October 07, 2007, 12:42:31 PM »
The Nintendo games you own that have online versus functions.  List is for the NWRWFL

The Wii:
Mario Strikers Charged

The DS:
Pokemon DS
Sonic Rush Adventure
Super Mario Kart DS
Tetris DS
Puzzle League DS
Clubhouse Games
StarFox Command
Castlevania Portrait of Ruin
Metroid Prime: Hunters

And probably some more, I'll remember them later.  Populate your lists here.    

NWR Forums Discord / The NWRWFL team sign-ups!
« on: October 06, 2007, 06:40:16 PM »
Yes, I'm looking to form teams for the NewerWaffle NWR Wi-Fi League.  It needs to happen.

Now, we can do this two ways:  By picking the more athletic kids last for once, or by region.  Any other ideas?


General Chat / Stocks
« on: October 05, 2007, 09:23:01 AM »
So, I just added $1700 to my IRA, and I've been thinking about stocks lately.

At the current moment, I own 88 shares of NTDOY.PK, which is the ADR for Nintendo, and I own 39 shares of GE, which I bought yesterday.

I bought the Nintendo shares last May, anticipating a strong surge right after seeing the Wii at E3, which were around 22.50/share.  At this current point, they're at 69.00, netting me about $4000, at least if I were to sell to day.  I have a stop sell in, or whatever it's called at $50, just in case something terrible happens in the hardware or software sector, so I'll still have doubled my initial investment there.

With the GE stock I bought yesterday, obviously not much has happened yet, but it was hilarious.  My stock broker was a little weary of my purchase of the NTDOY stock last May, but yesterday, he called it a freak pick, and not to expect the same from GE.  I just thought it was nice to hear a professional call my investment a freak, it made me proud.

Anyways, I'm investing in GE for several reasons:  The first is the dividend.  It's pretty cool that I'll be earning  a little over a quarter every quarter for each share I own.  Basically, I won't have to do any work for it.  Of course, since this is an IRA, that money will probably go in until retirement, and GE is a very stable company that grows very steadily, so I can be pretty certain that my initial $1700 investment will eventually rocket there over the next thirty or forty years.
Additionally, on the short side, HD-DVD looks to be a more profitable medium than Blu-Ray, and is holding its own, despite Sony and the PS3.  They've kept up long enough to be the much cheaper alternative, and prices are beginning to look consumer-friendly for the players, as well.  GE is a major proponent of HD-DVD's, and I thought right now would be the time to jump on that.  Since GE owns Universal and NBC, I've looked a bit at what's coming up, and I think they've got a good future there, too.  Heroes is thriving, 30 Rock won an Emmy in the first season, and other things in that line.  I can see similar successes with some of their new shows, too.
As always, they do make electronic devices, too, and that's something I know very little about.  The cross promotion NBC pulls off with this channel can be incredible sometimes, too.  Watch last night's 30 Rock to see how well they do it.

Additionally, NBC is a big pusher of digital distribution, which I believed would win this generation of video format, but it looks like will just become a viable option, instead.  However, since I still think DD will do well this gen and win the next, I see this as NBC getting a head start.  Oh yeah, that 30 Rock?  You can watch it for free online at

So in that regard, I made this buy based on a consistent past and a healthy looking future, and it will probably be very long term, unless sudden shorter term benefit arises.

As far as the Nintendo ADR, I'm thinking I'll probably wind up selling in April or May, right after the fiscal announcements, unless I see something grand coming.  My logic is that Nintendo will have just used all their major franchises on their major platforms, and might run dry for awhile, which could really underwhelm other investors, but they'll be coming off of what is their best fiscal year ever, so the stock should be at an even higher all-time high when I decide to sell, then jump down afterwards, perhaps as much as 10-20%, though that's just my guess.  After it drops, I may decide to re-invest, and hopefully win out again, since all these game industry investors can't really understand how the industry works, and won't buy at their best opportunity, I think.  Like what happened last time.

I know my portfolio is only worth less than a measly $8,000 right now, but I like taking an interest in what's happening in business and in culture, and I think my picks really fit this, and will pay off.  Anyone else thinking about some stocks, have bought some stocks, are major investors, or just want to brag?  

General Chat / Halloween Costumes
« on: October 02, 2007, 05:27:44 PM »
Anyone ever done anything outrageous for a Halloween costume?  The best I've ever done was make my own, of a Pac-Man Ghost.  It was pretty awesome, but I don't even have any pictures.

Basically, I took some shiny blue fabric from a fabric store, about five times the length of my body, maybe a little more, and an old umbrella.  I did everything by way of tape, since I'm a man, BTW.  I cut the fabric in half and draped it over the umbrella, evenly, so that it made a cross when flattened on the ground.  I taped the edges together, did a little cutting at the bottom, and then inverted it, so it would have a smoother connection area thing where the fabric ends met.  On this side, using tape again, I made a W mouth and two L shaped eyes.  Then, for effect, I cut the the bottom with a /\/\/\/\/\/ shape and cut out some eye holes in the side, since the ghosts always walk sideways to where they are looking.

It wasn't too shabby and only took a few hours.  I'd guess this was about three years ago, to boot.

NWR Forums Discord / HELP!
« on: September 28, 2007, 09:14:25 AM »
So, I'm typing on this keyboard in the library and the keys went wonky

What do I do to fix it

the keys all have switched places

When I type the qwerty line I get


w/o symbols  


Square's looking for a North American publisher because the PS3 has terrible sales numbers.  They want to increase overseas revenue to 50% of overall sales within three years.

First off, Square did this once before.  EA published the NA versions of almost every major Playstation Square game.  I believe this deal was halted for the merge with Enix, though my timing may be mistaken.  Square required this, because The Spirits Within was a total bank-flopping floppy flop.

Now, Square used to commit a ton of games for Sony because of ownershippiness stuffs, but eventually, Nintendo used money funds and GBAs to lure them into "Neutrality" plus Enix loosened the Sony noose.  Now, Square does what it wants, apparently appetized by MMO and cell phone droners, too.

So what does SE do?  They say they're going to split up support for all three consoles.  Which might mean Dragon Quest to the biggest Japanese console, the Wii (which is bundled with money hat funded games, too), experimental action projects for the 360 - since Japan wouldn't buy these games, anyways, and what is considered the most significant series, Final Fantasy, to Square's favorite pimp.

Only the pimp is broke, and SE thought they were clever disguising the main support for Sony, clamoring things were equal and announcing eleventy-bajillion games for Sony products.  Now their stuck on the poop deck, apparently.  Seriously, though, it didn't take a genius to see the PS3 was really going to be poopy for at least a while, did it?  Am I that much smarter than these people?  Why don't I own more companies?  Why don't they just multi-platform a main-series game for once.  Everything I've seen shows that the 360 is actually more powerful than the PS3, anyways, and is easier to program for, too boot.

On a slightly related note, has anyone noticed how retarded devs are at handling spin-off games?  The best example is SE right now.
"Ooh, let's make games in the same universe all get released on different platforms, kids will love it!"
Doesn't that scream stupid?  I mean, now, should I want to play everything Kingdom Hearts, for example, I'll need a PS2, a DS, and a PSP.  Why use two handhelds?  Why not at least make the PSP game for the PS2, also?  You won't divide up your userbase that way.  What?  That takes a lick of business sense? OK, I guess it isn't ok, then.  Heck, they did it for Chain of Memories, at least in Japan, right?  But, still, that takes thinking.

And then there's the PSP Final Fantasy games.  It's like Square either hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates hates Nintendo or they hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate money and happy customers.

I'm not even a big SE fan.  The only main FF I own is VI (twice), but geez, they deserve financial troubles if they really are this stupid.

Konami is stupid, too.  They went and made several Nintendo handheld Castlevania titles, then announced the remake of a non-North America title on the PSP.  Also unavailable to Nintendo fans:  Symphony of the Night.  Instead, it goes to the PSP (part of the earlier PSP game) and Live Arcade.  I understand the whole Live Arcade thing, why not?  But to separate the fanbase after you've already been immensely successful on the opposing platform?  At list release the game on both, not just the opposite one.  Anyone else think this is stupid?

At least Capcom had the sense to call out the low sales volume of Cubes.  Sure, we were angry, but Capcom made buckets of money on the PS2 Cube ports.  Capcom also doesn't need an American publisher.  I wonder if there's a reason why...

Edit:  Konami, not Namco.  Namco is stupid because Katamari sequels aren't around yet.  That's not really something they can help.

General Chat / Don't tase me, bro!
« on: September 19, 2007, 06:06:36 PM »
So stupid, it skips GC and goes straight in the funhouse.

As you may or may not know, I'm a student at the University of Florida.  The school where the tasing thing happened.  No, I didn't attend the assembly.  I don't like John Kerry too much.  I haven't talked to anyone I'm certain went either.  However, I've done some research, read about every article I've found, and watched the videos a couple times.

I'll pain the scene:  A student organization invited Senator John Kerry to speak, and Kerry accepted the invitation.  He wanted to have a "Town Hall"-type forum, speaking for about half an hour, then receiving and answering questions for an hour.  Originally, he was going to speak in May or April, but something congressy tied him up, and the date was postponed until this past Monday.

So the event began.  Kerry spoke, then answered the questions of students who had lined up.  I believe he took half an hour extra, beyond what was planned to answer questions, and he decided to wrap things up.  He announced he would answer the current student's question, and that would be the end of the session.  At this point, a student, Andrew Meyer, rushed down from the back of the line, holding a book, and interrupted the student due to ask the last question.  Immediately, the University Police present acted on the student, but John Kerry said he'd get to Meyer's question, provided Meyer allowed the kid who was supposed to ask the last question to finish.  In passing, it was Meyer's extended turn.

Meyer quickly began to ask a question about why Kerry quickly conceded the 2004 presidential collection, that there was evidence that led some to believe the votes had been mis-tallied.  Somewhere in this first question, a police officer interrupts, and looks to politely ask him to leave, though the cop's voice is not picked up in the videos.  Then, continuing on, before allowing Senator Kerry a chance to respond, he asked why the Senate had not yet impeached the president.  He states that they impeached the former president over a blow-job, and if that's a good enough reason to impeach the POTUS, then Bush should be impeached, as well.  Meyer continues, asking about the Skull and Bones society.

At this very point, the power to Meyer's microphone is cut, and Meyer immediately asks why, also saying that he practiced his questions.  Two or three police officers try to lift and carry Meyer out by his arms.  Here they aren't trying to arrest him, I believe, though, they are trying to remove him from the building.  Meyer begins to thrash about, screaming and shouting things like "Help!  Help!  What did I do wrong?  All I was doing was trying to ask a question!"  He's kicking and waving his arms wildly, and seems like he might have thrashed into some of the rows of seats, and comes very near accidentally hitting other students.

Eventually, the UPD get Meyer to the back of the room.  They are able to force him gently to the ground, and successfully put one of his hands into handcuffs.  At this point, Meyer is surrounded by 4-6 officers, and is mostly obscured from those around him, as well as cameras.  He's still shouting, only know, he includes "Don't tase me!" and "Don't tase me, bro!" in his screams, and the police can be overheard, warning Meyer to stop resisting.  Now, it's possible to hear Meyer scream at the same time a taser goes off, which lasts from about four to six seconds, and then it stops, though Meyer continues screaming.  It is presumed that the UPD are able to finish cuffing Meyer at this time.

Now, still on camera, Meyer is taken outside of the Auditorium, and into the lobby of this building.  The university police tell him to calm down and ask him who he is.  They ask for identification, and he replies that he didn't bring his ID with him, he didn't think he'd need it.  They move him downstairs, nearer to the exit, all while he is in handcuffs.  Meyer sees the camera person, looks at the camera, and says, "They're going to kill me."  He begins to put up a slight struggle, but doesn't try nearly as heartily as before.  His audience is three or so police officers, two or three girls, and our off screen camera-man.  The police ask him who he is again, he answers, and then looks at the camera and says, "You know me.  Tell them who I am.  You know me.  Ask my friends.  I have friends here."  Things to this extent.  The police, frustrated, begin to take him away.  The camera follows, and you hear Meyer say, "They're going to kill me." and  "Don't break my wrist." as he is being taken out.

That covers the events leading from before and then immediately after the incident.  I've only watched the part where Andrew Meyer is outside of the auditorium once, so things there may be slightly out of order, but the entirety of my depiction is pretty accurate along the accounts and videos I have read and scene, respectively.  Immediately before, during, and after the tasing, a girl or two are screaming at the officers not to do "that," in reference to the tasing, and even before that, but after Meyer is removed from the microphone and had been thrashing, Senator Kerry said they should let him finish and that he'd answer his questions, once more.

Andrew Meyer is a Senior or Junior Broadcast Journalism major.  He is a former writer/editor for The Independent Florida Alligator, the school's independent paper, known for controversy and a staunch liberal stance.  He is billed by friends and acquaintances as a person who likes to stir up trouble and aggravate others as a way to get his message out.  Before the incident, it has been confirmed that he gave a camera to a random student and asked him to take pictures of him.  Meyer and this student apparently did not know each other.

Meyer's microphone had been cut off by a member of ACCENT, the organization who arranged for Kerry to speak, because of the use of the word "Blow-job."  On the drive to the station, Meyer apparently apologized and thanked the police officers who subdued him, telling them that they had just done their jobs.  John Kerry went on to make a public statement that he thought the police went overboard, and that he had proposed a milder solution of letting Meyer finish and answering his questions so that no one would have been hurt.  Meyer is uninjured, too.  The charges were attempting to incite a riot and resisting arrest.

This is the end of the unbiased facts.  The rest is my opinion on related activities and such.

Tuesday, a protest was held over the use of a taser on a student, with some of the main demands being that Meyer doesn't receive charges, that the taser regulations be reformed, and a third thing I can't remember, perhaps that the police who tasered him lose their jobs or something.  It was announced that the two cops mostly involved were on paid leave, and the protesting crowd booed, calling them pigs or worse, using profanities and such.  The issue has become one regarding taser use on campus and things like that.  Meyer is a white male, approximately six feet tall, so he's about the average college student.  He isn't a minority of any sort, and could blend in anywhere.  Several students around campus believe his freedom of speech was violated, and several think the tasing went to far.  The story has been picked up on the national news, and even made the Daily Show and the Colbert report tonight, Wednesday night.  Apparently most believe he should not have been tased, yet none show much of the clip at all, most just show the exact moment he is tased, and you can't even see but a small portion of his body in any available video.

To me, I think the police were wrong.  He should have been tased right when his thrashing led him into other seat aisles and nearby other students.  That's when he became a threat to most nearby.  I know that the kid planned the event out to the extent that he wanted friends there to see it, he wanted a nobody to at least photograph it, and that he loves publicity.  He was never fired by the Alligator, it's the Alligator's policy to only allow writers a certain amount of time on staff, so he remained with the paper for the full amount of time.  In the paper, he was loud-mouthed, bad-mouthing, abusive, among other things, so I already had disdain for him, though I didn't connect the name to the story until it was pointed out.  Anyways, I think it's ridiculous that people think the tasing was uncalled for, and it's ridiculous that something like tasing can cause so much uproar.  From what I collect, I believe that to attach the handcuff to his other hand, Meyer's arm/wrist might have been broken.

Personally, I feel safer knowing that tasers will be used on campus when the situation calls for it.  I'd much rather know that the police here have strong authority over the students for our protection.  I'm glad it happened.  Tasering is a non-lethal and barely harmful method to reach compliance in unruly situations.

As far as freedom of speech goes, Meyer interrupted another student at what was essentially the end of an open forum.  He attempted to deny this student free speech.  When said an obscenity, he was cut-off, as well.  If he truly wanted to ask a question, he would ask only one at a time, and he would have been certain to make his way to the front of the line before the questions began.

When considering the riot charges, it becomes obvious that he truly intended that some of his friends would try to stop the police.  He made sure they were there and he gave his camera to someone else besides his friends, most likely because he thought they'd help his spectacle, should security intervene.  Meyer is in a major that requires that he receives notice in order to get anywhere.  He likely wanted to use the event to make his way into the spotlight.  It certainly isn't out of his character.

So, any questions?

Oh, and while I do consider myself a Republican, and while I am conservative, I am not biased about the school's paper.  Wiki it if you don't believe me.

NWR Feedback / Alright, someone's been changing up the front page!
« on: September 18, 2007, 05:40:22 PM »
Where's the chat room and all the other buttons at the top?  I miss them already

General Gaming / Why close the Nsider Forums?
« on: September 17, 2007, 05:23:04 PM »
I can't figure out exactly why.  Anyone else hear anything?  The best I can figure is that Nintendo doesn't want to be held responsible for what forums members post and say.  My guess is that it's probably a PR safety move or something.

Could it have something to do with the outsourcing of NP or the expanding to San Francisco/New York?  Any other ideas?

General Gaming / How do you consider ratings?
« on: September 14, 2007, 09:09:14 PM »
I was thinking a little bit about numerical ratings for video games.  I can't seem to figure out how it works, honestly.  There are so many different systems out there, as well as so many different games, and so many different methods used, that I think the industry needs some sort of shock to let people have a clearer understanding of what numerical or other ratings mean.

With movies, there's a similar problem, but since this industry has been around longer, people seem to have been able to earn an understanding.  You have Roger and Ebert, with their thumbs, star ratings, and online percentage ratings.  Roger and Ebert seem to actually be the least influential, IMO.  With a two point system, as well as hundreds or thousands of questionable calls, they just aren't very trustworthy.  Besides, one of them bad-mouthed games, too.  The next, probably better system currently used is online rankings.  Several sites like Yahoo, Fandango, and others gather up professional critic reviews, user reviews, and all the accompanied ratings to provide readers a look at what several think of the movie, as well as a consensus score in a few different categories.  To me, this seems like a nice way to go, and the percentages assigned often fall in the same category as school grades do.  The third is an older, more well-known system, which uses anywhere from one to four stars to rate a movie.  A one-star movie is deemed the worst, while a four-star movie is considered the best.  This system usually pairs the star-ranking with a mini-review or info-snippet, so movie-viewers can decide whether the movie and rating is appropriate to them.

Now, I have to ask how video games should be rated.  What would be the most efficient way?  What do you like?  What do you dislike?  What don't you understand?

For me, I hate that nearly every website and magazine out there uses a scale of ten or five, and very few have interpretations to what these numbers actually mean.  To further muck these up, the reviewers themselves do not have a consensus on what numbers mean.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm not griping about NWR here.  I find the entire industry is in this state.  With so many different reviewers under each publication, so many different genres, and so many different sources out there, it seems impossible to learn much about any specific title by its rating.  To add fuel to the fire, I've seen stories, heard rumors, and read speculation that sometimes, the reviewer is forced to alter their numbers by employer, without changing the content of the review.

I personally think that the best way to rate a video game might be to adopt something more similar to the star system.  A general rating as well as an information quip could be useful.  I second-guess that rating, though, because it seems to me that the industry is a little more competitive than what I suggest, and that people need to be able to learn more from the rating than even supplied there.  Then again, I think that the star rating would really help to identify where a game stands in its respective genre, and perhaps provoke the interested party to take stock in the written review.  It's hard to say, though.  The important thing is that this system wouldn't work with numbers, really.  It wouldn't fit in with what we see now, and it would take some getting used to.  On a side note, I find that this is somewhat similar to NWR's pros and cons section, coincidentally, my favorite part of the reviews here.

I also thought that the percentage needs to be based on a more concrete and less abstract system when it comes to reviews.  Most websites are afraid to give games numbers in failing ranges.  Anywhere buy NWR, do you rarely see a four, and you never see a three.  Perhaps if we considered ratings as more of a ranking.  A 10 would place the game at 100%, which would mean that if you were to take every game released on current platforms (or comparative platforms, at least) that the game described would be in the very top percentile of all games.  A fifty percent would mean the game is better than half the comparative games out there.  A one percent would mean the game is worse than ninety-nine percent of everything that's been released comparably.  This would hopefully encourage raters to use the lower spectrums more, and allow consumers a better idea at what is being looked at.  The error in this system has to be a lack of subjectivity.  If someone loves sports games or football in general, Madden might be in the top five percent, even if it isn't much of a great game.  However, if our reviewer does not understand football rules, concept, strategy, or culture, Madden could wind up ranked below fifty percent.  Since reviewers are typically just names to the consumer, such a discrepancy could wind up being very confusing, perhaps even more confusing than the way things are now.  In essence, each individual's personal taste, as well as the genre of the game, could end up influencing the score, perhaps much more than the actual game's content could.  I think that this type of rating would be most effective when paired with a list of scores that other games received by the reviewer.  Given this, it could be a powerful concept, though it takes a considerably longer time to learn from this method of scoring.

Anyone else have their two cents?

NWR Forums Discord / New Month's Resolution!
« on: September 02, 2007, 02:57:44 PM »
My resolution:  I will PM any user currently online all month long that I haven't previously seen/messaged.  What should I send these users?  Any suggestions?

NWR Forums Discord / Post #1984
« on: August 30, 2007, 07:16:58 PM »
I'm low on razor blades and think little of the proletariats, comrade.

NWR Forums Discord / Flash Frozen
« on: August 30, 2007, 04:05:26 AM »
Yep!  The mafia is null and void!  It never happened, and besides, Nana died, not Popo.  She got shot.


General Gaming / Pretty soon, I'm going to call and email Nintendo.
« on: August 27, 2007, 07:12:47 PM »
I plan to make a list of several things I want to know about, then call and email them to see how many answers I get.

Wii general questions:
What new utilities are planned for the SD card?
Are games going to allow for easier access to saving directly to the card?
Why haven't I seen the option to listen to my own music in any more games?
What is being planned for the Wii's USB ports?
Does Nintendo plan to release rechargeable controllers?
Will third party games be allowed access to using the Wii's message system?
Can Nintendo send my Wii a weekly list of licensed games being released on Nintendo's platforms for the week?
Are there any Nintendo games that are in development that will allow simultaneous play for over four people on a single console?
Does voice chat seem a possibility for Wii games on the Nintendo WFC?
How come I haven't seen preview channels for other games, including those of third parties?
Are there more "Month of ______" being planned to commemorate franchise releases on the Wii?
Will we ever receive free points/downloads for purchase of a specific title, say the classic SNES Super Mario Kart for the purchase of the Wii version, or perhaps  the NES's Mega Man for the purchase of some future Mega Man title?  These are just examples, BTW.
Will there be different colors of Wii hardware made available?
Will the Wii I currently own eventually have DVD playback capabilities?  CD playback?  If not, is it possible?  Will future Wii's have these playback options?  (I know it's possible, but I'd like to get their response.)
Why haven't we seen any online capable third party titles?

Wii Virtual Console Questions
Can I expect to see any Virtual Console titles drop in cost?
Why can't I play a virtual console title from my SD card?
Will there be a future update that allows me to reduce the amount of channel space VC titles fill, I.E. a SNES channel for all SNES games, a Favorites channel for my custom list, or an Action channel for said specific genre?
How many Consoles does Nintendo hope to support for the VC?
When will we see the Neo Geo titles?
Previously, we've seen titles receive updates on the Virtual console, for reasons such as adding in optimal control, or increasing in-game performance.  What else can we expect through updates?
Is it possible for VC titles to contain online multiplayer?
Will any older titles have online multiplayer options added?  If so, how will the online system work?
Previously, before the Wii's launch, Nintendo had mentioned that they were working on getting the Wii to play DC titles as a part of the VC.  Has anything come of this?  Can we expect to see DC or Saturn titles on the VC one day?  When?
Does Nintendo plan to campaign and advertise the Virtual Console?
How much does Nintendo profit from a virtual console title sale?
Why was TMNT 100 points more expensive than any other NES title?  Can we expect to see this same pricing system for other licensed titles?  Can we expect any other licensed titles on the VC?
What previously foreign games can the USA expect to see on the VC?  Sin and Punishment?
Will Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game and Watch, and Game Boy Advance titles be added?
Why can't I play my VC titles on my friend's Wii?
Can Playstation titles be on the VC?

DS/GBA Questions
Why has Nintendo decided to withhold the Starfy and Earthbound series from the USA?
What is Nintendo's stance on's unofficial Mother 3 translation?  (Yes, they already know about it.)
If Mother 3 is successfully translated, should I buy a Japanese cartridge, dump the rom on my computer, patch it, and then play it on a DS emulator?
Why have third parties been slower to create online-capable titles for the DS?
Is anything being planned for the use of the GBA expansion slot in the DS?  Any system upgrades, a la ram upgrade on the 64?  Any memory upgrades, a la controller pak/memory cards?  Will I eventually be able to use the slot to create a permanent friend list that I could use in the future online titles?
Does Nintendo plan to sponsor any Wifi competitions?
What DS colors/special editions can I expect?
Will the Wii ever act as a download station for DS titles?
What are the plans for DS-Wii interaction?
Are there any plans for a Four Swords sequel?
Is there a DS successor in planning?  If so, will it have backwards compatibility with DS titles? GBA titles? GB/GBC?
Will the DS ever be able to download a VC title for temporary play?  Could the expansion bay be used for memory for VC downloaded titles, somewhat similar to the program Nintendo used in Japan to sell the final SNES Fire Emblem title?

Will Nintendo sponsor any video game orchestral concerts, like Japan's Smashing Live!
What game soundtracks do Nintendo plan to release?
Does Nintendo plan to release sheet music for instrumental/band arrangements of some of their more memorable songs?
Does Nintendo endorse all of the Mario Bros. ringtones I see advertised on television?
Does Nintendo plan to expand their NY Nintendo World store?  Can I expect to see a Nintendo World a little closer to home one day?
How does Nintendo feel about the ESRB?
Why is it Nintendo's policy not to allow Ao rated games on their platforms?
Do they believe the ESRB can censor a game?
Do they believe the ESRB can kill a game?
Do they believe the ESRB is effective?
Does Nintendo agree with the ratings the ESRB assigns games on their platforms?
If Nintendo were allowed to replace the ESRB, what would Nintendo do/change?
Does Nintendo have any plans to make its stock more available to American investors?
Does Nintendo have any other trials planned to test for the Seattle Mariner's home games?

That's it for right now, there's more, but I'm tired of thinking.  Yes, I plan to ask all of these over the phone.  Yes, I am taking suggestions, though be warned that I may not use all suggestions.  Feel free to use the list one your own, too.

General Chat / College Football 2007: The Thread
« on: August 26, 2007, 07:27:03 AM »
Go Gators!
This thread is for the discussion of the 2007 NCAA Football season.  Duh.
Who's your team?  What do you want to happen. What do you think will happen?

For me, I have to say, I, of course, hope for a repeat, but from what I read, that isn't likely.  However, I do believe the Gators will wind up going to at least the SEC Championship, and possibly make it to a BCS bowl.  If they don't make it to the National Championship, I think that out of pure coincidence, they will wind up battling OSU in a bowl.  But that's just a fun guess.

Nintendo Gaming / The Diddy thread.
« on: August 24, 2007, 04:02:32 AM »
Diddy is definitely the game's drunken master.  Definitely.  Opinions/counter-statements?

Nintendo Gaming / Group Characters
« on: August 21, 2007, 04:22:20 PM »
You know who I'm talking about.  The Ice Climbers, the Pokemon Trainer, and perhaps others.  This is the topic for these types of characters.  Talk about wish-lists, ideas, and the announced characters, too.  Even Zelda/Shiek counts.  I suppose I mean characters that don't need an item to have multiple identities.

Personally, I think Duos could be more prevalent in this game.  I could foresee a Diddy/Dixie duo, a Baby Mario/Luigi duo, and perhaps a few more.  The Diddy-Dixie combo would work a bit like Zelda would, but with a unique twist.  Both Diddy and Dixie would be quick, very lightweight characters.  I suppose a B attack would switch between the two, and whoever is not active goes into the background.  For balance issues, they probably would share the same damage counter, but the twist would be that both would need to be KO'ed in order for the player to lose a stock.  The A-button attacks would be the same between both characters, but the B-button attacks would vary.

For Baby Mario and Luigi, the character would function more as a team than any duo before.  You control Mario and the CPU follows, but a difference is that Luigi cannot attack on his own.  He whines when separated, and when thrown off the level, FlyGuys automatically bring him back from the point of where he would die.  Baby Mario's attacks greatly depend on Luigi, though, and if separated, he is weakened and all his attacks would be incomplete.  Up+B would be Yoshi-copter.  Final smash is all of the Yoshi transformations and all of the Baby Mario characters from Yoshi's Island 2 attack in pairs or something.  I think they'd be pretty fun to play as.

And of course, we'd need an in-battle summoning character.  I'd say Captain N would be awesome, but that's a little out there.  He fights, but all his specials summon Nintendo characters to attack quickly.  Perhaps they could be GB-exclusive characters, though I can't think of any right now.  He'd summon them with a Game Boy, of course.  I suppose one could be the Queen Metroid from Metroid 2.  Of course, everything would be 8-bit as summons.  Another could be a Rick, from Kirby's Dream Land 2.

I'm sorry, but Brawl can't be the last Smash Brothers.  There's just too much left they can do.

NWR Forums Discord / Tsk Tsk Funhouse
« on: August 19, 2007, 05:56:25 PM »

I am thoroughly disappointed.

NWR Forums Discord / Anti-Smash Bros. prediction thread.
« on: August 09, 2007, 08:40:41 PM »
Characters, places, and things eligible for Brawl, but probably won't make the cut.


Nintendo Gaming / Ice Climbers Ice Climbers Ice Climbers
« on: August 09, 2007, 05:04:50 PM »
So nice, they are there twice.

Yeah, so they're my character(s).  Green Popo FTW.  Discuss hopes and dreams here.  Let's pray they make it back in!

NWR Forums Discord / The ban GP thread
« on: August 07, 2007, 09:38:08 AM »

Originally posted by: WindyMan

Anyone who posts a reply in a Friend Codes thread that does not contain a friend code may be banned. We don't want to do that to new people, but for our system to be effective you must follow these directions.

However, in the Mario Strikers Friend Code thread, we see

Originally posted by: GoldenPhoenix

I'm not adding Alien Syndrome lovers!

along with a blank message that originally insulted me or someone else,  I can't remember, but when GP deleted it, she was trying to shield her sins against the NWR community.

As this makes multiple offenses, it is clear that GoldenPhoenix is a verifiable villain to all that NWR loves and stands for.  She seems not to be able to rest without ridiculing the wonderful people of NWR, such as Kairon, Mashiro, and myself.  I say to you, NWR staff (Pale and Ty) that she must be stopped, as she is a clear and present danger to our community!  I believe an IP ban is necessary!  

I have a friend who just lost her father, and she really wants to check out some incredible terrifying movies.  I've been trying to help her think of some, but we've had no luck.  Does anyone have any not-so-common suggestions?

NWR Forums Discord / You peoples need to RT
« on: August 03, 2007, 03:52:45 PM »
It's all your fault!  You didn't show up, and ruined the game!



NWR Forums Discord / The new food topic.
« on: July 25, 2007, 02:48:59 PM »
Well, today I had lunch and dinner.  But I'm sort of hungry.  I think I want a milkshake, but I don't know.

So I'm trying to figure out if I should get a milkshake or just have some water.  It's actually a tough decision.  I might end up playing tennis tonight, too, so I don't want to make the dairy churn into cheese or butter or whatever it does when you run around.  The end point is that it makes you throw up.

I pose to you:  Where is the best place for milkshakes, and what kind of milkshake do you go with?

I personally like Steak 'n' Shake's milkshakes, but Burger King's will do in a pinch.  Homemade milkshakes are also pretty good, but it depends on the brand of ice cream used, too.

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